createContext(function () { usleep(100); }); $this->assertFalse($context->isRunning()); $context->start(); $this->assertTrue($context->isRunning()); yield $context->join(); $this->assertFalse($context->isRunning()); }); } public function testKill() { $context = $this->createContext(function () { usleep(1e6); }); $context->start(); $this->assertRunTimeLessThan([$context, 'kill'], 1000); $this->assertFalse($context->isRunning()); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError */ public function testStartWhileRunningThrowsError() { $context = $this->createContext(function () { usleep(100); }); $context->start(); $context->start(); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError */ public function testStartMultipleTimesThrowsError() { $this->assertRunTimeGreaterThan(function () { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { sleep(1); }); $context->start(); yield $context->join(); $context->start(); yield $context->join(); }); }, 2000); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\PanicError */ public function testExceptionInContextPanics() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { throw new \Exception('Exception in fork.'); }); $context->start(); yield $context->join(); }); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\PanicError */ public function testReturnUnserializableDataPanics() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { return yield function () {}; }); $context->start(); yield $context->join(); }); } public function testJoinWaitsForChild() { $this->assertRunTimeGreaterThan(function () { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { sleep(1); }); $context->start(); yield $context->join(); }); }, 1000); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError */ public function testJoinWithoutStartThrowsError() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { usleep(100); }); yield $context->join(); }); } public function testJoinResolvesWithContextReturn() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { return 42; }); $context->start(); $this->assertSame(42, yield $context->join()); }); } public function testSendAndReceive() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { yield $channel->send(1); $value = yield $channel->receive(); return $value; }); $value = 42; $context->start(); $this->assertSame(1, yield $context->receive()); yield $context->send($value); $this->assertSame($value, yield $context->join()); }); } /** * @depends testSendAndReceive * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SynchronizationError */ public function testJoinWhenContextSendingData() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { yield $channel->send(0); return 42; }); $context->start(); $value = yield $context->join(); }); } /** * @depends testSendAndReceive * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError */ public function testReceiveBeforeContextHasStarted() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { yield $channel->send(0); return 42; }); $value = yield $context->receive(); }); } /** * @depends testSendAndReceive * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError */ public function testSendBeforeContextHasStarted() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { yield $channel->send(0); return 42; }); yield $context->send(0); }); } /** * @depends testSendAndReceive * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SynchronizationError */ public function testReceiveWhenContextHasReturned() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { yield $channel->send(0); return 42; }); $context->start(); $value = yield $context->receive(); $value = yield $context->receive(); $value = yield $context->join(); }); } /** * @depends testSendAndReceive * @expectedException \Error */ public function testSendExitResult() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function (Channel $channel) { $value = yield $channel->receive(); return 42; }); $context->start(); yield $context->send(new ExitSuccess(0)); $value = yield $context->join(); }); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException * @expectedExceptionMessage The context stopped responding */ public function testExitingContextOnJoin() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { exit; }); $context->start(); $value = yield $context->join(); }); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\ChannelException * @expectedExceptionMessage The channel closed unexpectedly */ public function testExitingContextOnReceive() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { exit; }); $context->start(); $value = yield $context->receive(); }); } /** * @expectedException \Amp\Parallel\Sync\ChannelException * @expectedExceptionMessage Sending on the channel failed */ public function testExitingContextOnSend() { Loop::run(function () { $context = $this->createContext(function () { exit; }); $context->start(); yield $context->send(\str_pad("", 1024 * 1024, "-")); }); } }