use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::thread; use php_parser_rs::lexer::Lexer; enum TestResult { Success, Error(String), } #[test] fn third_party_1_php_standard_library() { test_repository( "php-standard-library", "", "2.2.x", &["src", "tests", "examples"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_2_laravel_framework() { test_repository( "laravel-framework", "", "9.x", &["src", "tests"], &[ // file contains syntax error for testing. "tests/Foundation/fixtures/bad-syntax-strategy.php", ], ); } #[test] fn third_party_3_symfony_framework() { test_repository( "symfony-framework", "", "6.3", &["src/Symfony/"], &[ // stub "src/Symfony/Bridge/ProxyManager/Tests/LazyProxy/PhpDumper/Fixtures/proxy-implem.php", // file contains syntax error used for testing. "src/Symfony/Component/Config/Tests/Fixtures/ParseError.php", // file contains unintentional error upstream, waiting for fix. "src/Symfony/Component/VarExporter/LazyProxyTrait.php", ], ); } #[test] fn third_party_4_nikic_php_parser() { test_repository( "nikic/PHP-Parser", "", "4.x", &["lib/PhpParser", "grammar", "test"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_5_yii_framework() { test_repository( "yii-framework", "", "master", &["framework", "tests"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_6_spiral_framework() { test_repository( "spiral-framework", "", "master", &["src", "tests"], &[ // file contains syntax error used for testing. "src/Core/tests/Fixtures/CorruptedClass.php", "src/Tokenizer/tests/Classes/BrokenClass.php", ], ); } #[test] fn third_party_7_mezzio_framework() { test_repository( "mezzio-framework", "", "3.15.x", &["src", "test"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_8_symfony_polyfill() { test_repository( "symfony-polyfill", "", "main", &["src", "tests"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_9_composer() { test_repository( "composer", "", "main", &["src", "tests"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_10_wordpress() { test_repository( "wordpress", "", "master", &["wp-admin", "wp-content", "wp-includes"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_11_chubbyphp_framework() { test_repository( "chubbyphp-framework", "", "master", &["src", "tests"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_12_silverstripe_framework_core() { test_repository( "silverstripe-framework", "", "4", &["src", "tests"], &[], ); } #[test] fn third_party_12_silverstripe_framework_cms() { test_repository( "silverstripe-cms", "", "4", &["code", "tests"], &[], ); } fn test_repository( name: &str, repository: &str, branch: &str, directories: &[&str], ignore: &[&str], ) { let manifest = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); let out_dir = manifest.join("target").join("third-party"); if !out_dir.exists() { std::fs::create_dir(&out_dir).unwrap(); } let out_path = out_dir.join(name); if !out_path.exists() { let output = Command::new("git") .arg("clone") .arg("--depth") .arg("1") .arg("-b") .arg(branch) .arg(repository) .arg(&out_path) .output() .expect("failed to run git."); if !output.status.success() { panic!("failed to clone repository: {:#?}", output) } } let mut entries = vec![]; for dir in directories { entries.append(&mut read_directory( out_path.clone(), out_path.join(dir), ignore, )); } let mut threads = vec![]; for (index, chunk) in entries.chunks(entries.len() / 4).enumerate() { let chunk = chunk.to_vec(); let thread = thread::Builder::new() .stack_size(16 * 1024 * 1024) .name(format!("{name}:{index}")) .spawn(move || { let thread = thread::current(); let thread_name =; let mut results = vec![]; for (name, filename) in chunk { let code = std::fs::read(&filename).unwrap(); match Lexer::new().tokenize(&code) { Ok(tokens) => match php_parser_rs::parse(tokens) { Ok(ast) => { println!("✅ [{thread_name}][{name}]: {} statement(s).", ast.len()); results.push(TestResult::Success); } Err(error) => { results.push(TestResult::Error(format!( "❌ [{thread_name}][{name}]: {error:?}" ))); } }, Err(error) => { results.push(TestResult::Error(format!( "❌ [{thread_name}][{name}]: {error:?}" ))); } } } results }); threads.push(thread); } let mut results = vec![]; for thread in threads { let mut result = thread .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to spawn thread: {:#?}", e)) .join() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to join thread: {:#?}", e)); results.append(&mut result); } let mut fail = false; results .iter() .map(|result| match result { TestResult::Error(message) => { fail = true; println!("{}", message); } TestResult::Success => {} }) .for_each(drop); if fail { panic!(); } } fn read_directory(root: PathBuf, directory: PathBuf, ignore: &[&str]) -> Vec<(String, PathBuf)> { let mut results = vec![]; let mut entries = fs::read_dir(&directory) .unwrap() .flatten() .map(|entry| entry.path()) .collect::>(); entries.sort(); for entry in entries { if entry.is_dir() { results.append(&mut read_directory(root.clone(), entry, ignore)); continue; } if entry.is_file() && entry.extension().unwrap_or_default() == "php" && !ignore.contains( &entry .as_path() .strip_prefix(&root) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), ) { let name_entry = entry.clone(); let fullanme_string = name_entry.to_string_lossy(); let name = fullanme_string .strip_prefix(root.to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap(); results.push((name.to_string(), entry)); } } results }