#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")" versions=( "$@" ) if [ ${#versions[@]} -eq 0 ]; then versions=( */ ) json='{}' else json="$(< versions.json)" fi versions=( "${versions[@]%/}" ) for version in "${versions[@]}"; do rcVersion="${version%-rc}" export version rcVersion # scrape the relevant API based on whether we're looking for pre-releases if [ "$rcVersion" = "$version" ]; then apiUrl="https://www.php.net/releases/index.php?json&max=100&version=${rcVersion%%.*}" apiJqExpr=' (keys[] | select(startswith(env.rcVersion))) as $version | [ $version, ( .[$version].source[] | select(.filename | endswith(".xz")) | "https://www.php.net/distributions/" + .filename, "https://www.php.net/distributions/" + .filename + ".asc", .sha256 // "" ) ] ' else apiUrl='https://qa.php.net/api.php?type=qa-releases&format=json' apiJqExpr=' (.releases // [])[] | select(.version | startswith(env.rcVersion)) | [ .version, .files.xz.path // "", "", .files.xz.sha256 // "" ] ' fi IFS=$'\n' possibles=( $( curl -fsSL "$apiUrl" \ | jq --raw-output "$apiJqExpr | @sh" \ | sort -rV ) ) unset IFS if [ "${#possibles[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$rcVersion" = "$version" ]; then echo >&2 echo >&2 "error: unable to determine available releases of $version" echo >&2 exit 1 else echo >&2 "warning: skipping/removing '$version' (does not appear to exist upstream)" json="$(jq <<<"$json" -c '.[env.version] = null')" continue fi fi # format of "possibles" array entries is "VERSION URL.TAR.XZ URL.TAR.XZ.ASC SHA256" (each value shell quoted) # see the "apiJqExpr" values above for more details eval "possi=( ${possibles[0]} )" fullVersion="${possi[0]}" url="${possi[1]}" ascUrl="${possi[2]}" sha256="${possi[3]}" if ! wget -q --spider "$url"; then echo >&2 "error: '$url' appears to be missing" exit 1 fi # if we don't have a .asc URL, let's see if we can figure one out :) if [ -z "$ascUrl" ] && wget -q --spider "$url.asc"; then ascUrl="$url.asc" fi variants='[]' # order here controls the order of the library/ file for suite in \ bullseye \ buster \ alpine3.16 \ alpine3.15 \ ; do for variant in cli apache fpm zts; do if [[ "$suite" = alpine* ]]; then if [ "$variant" = 'apache' ]; then continue fi fi export suite variant variants="$(jq <<<"$variants" -c '. + [ env.suite + "/" + env.variant ]')" done done echo "$version: $fullVersion" export fullVersion url ascUrl sha256 json="$( jq <<<"$json" -c --argjson variants "$variants" ' .[env.version] = { version: env.fullVersion, url: env.url, ascUrl: env.ascUrl, sha256: env.sha256, variants: $variants, } ' )" if [ "$version" = "$rcVersion" ]; then json="$(jq <<<"$json" -c ' .[env.version + "-rc"] //= null ')" fi done jq <<<"$json" -S . > versions.json