#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail declare -A aliases=( [7.4]='7' [8.1]='8 latest' ) self="$(basename "$BASH_SOURCE")" cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then versions="$(jq -r 'to_entries | map(if .value then .key | @sh else empty end) | join(" ")' versions.json)" eval "set -- $versions" fi # sort version numbers with highest first IFS=$'\n'; set -- $(sort -rV <<<"$*"); unset IFS # get the most recent commit which modified any of "$@" fileCommit() { git log -1 --format='format:%H' HEAD -- "$@" } # get the most recent commit which modified "$1/Dockerfile" or any file COPY'd from "$1/Dockerfile" dirCommit() { local dir="$1"; shift ( cd "$dir" fileCommit \ Dockerfile \ $(git show HEAD:./Dockerfile | awk ' toupper($1) == "COPY" { for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) { print $i } } ') ) } getArches() { local repo="$1"; shift local officialImagesUrl='https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/raw/master/library/' eval "declare -g -A parentRepoToArches=( $( find -name 'Dockerfile' -exec awk ' toupper($1) == "FROM" && $2 !~ /^('"$repo"'|scratch|.*\/.*)(:|$)/ { print "'"$officialImagesUrl"'" $2 } ' '{}' + \ | sort -u \ | xargs bashbrew cat --format '[{{ .RepoName }}:{{ .TagName }}]="{{ join " " .TagEntry.Architectures }}"' ) )" } getArches 'php' cat <<-EOH # this file is generated via https://github.com/docker-library/php/blob/$(fileCommit "$self")/$self Maintainers: Tianon Gravi (@tianon), Joseph Ferguson (@yosifkit) GitRepo: https://github.com/docker-library/php.git EOH # prints "$2$1$3$1...$N" join() { local sep="$1"; shift local out; printf -v out "${sep//%/%%}%s" "$@" echo "${out#$sep}" } for version; do rcVersion="${version%-rc}" export version rcVersion if ! fullVersion="$(jq -er '.[env.version] | if . then .version else empty end' versions.json)"; then continue fi if [ "$rcVersion" != "$version" ] && rcFullVersion="$(jq -er '.[env.rcVersion] | if . then .version else empty end' versions.json)"; then # if this is a "-rc" release, let's make sure the release it contains isn't already GA (and thus something we should not publish anymore) latestVersion="$({ echo "$fullVersion"; echo "$rcFullVersion"; } | sort -V | tail -1)" if [[ "$fullVersion" == "$rcFullVersion"* ]] || [ "$latestVersion" = "$rcFullVersion" ]; then # "x.y.z-rc1" == x.y.z* continue fi fi variants="$(jq -r '.[env.version].variants | map(@sh) | join(" ")' versions.json)" eval "variants=( $variants )" versionAliases=( $fullVersion $version ${aliases[$version]:-} ) defaultDebianVariant="$(jq -r ' .[env.version].variants | map( split("/")[0] | select( startswith("alpine") | not ) ) | .[0] ' versions.json)" defaultAlpineVariant="$(jq -r ' .[env.version].variants | map( split("/")[0] | select( startswith("alpine") ) ) | .[0] ' versions.json)" for dir in "${variants[@]}"; do suite="$(dirname "$dir")" # "buster", etc variant="$(basename "$dir")" # "cli", etc dir="$version/$dir" [ -f "$dir/Dockerfile" ] || continue variantAliases=( "${versionAliases[@]/%/-$variant}" ) variantAliases=( "${variantAliases[@]//latest-/}" ) if [ "$variant" = 'cli' ]; then variantAliases+=( "${versionAliases[@]}" ) fi suiteVariantAliases=( "${variantAliases[@]/%/-$suite}" ) if [ "$suite" = "$defaultAlpineVariant" ] ; then variantAliases=( "${variantAliases[@]/%/-alpine}" ) elif [ "$suite" != "$defaultDebianVariant" ]; then variantAliases=() fi variantAliases=( "${suiteVariantAliases[@]}" ${variantAliases[@]+"${variantAliases[@]}"} ) variantAliases=( "${variantAliases[@]//latest-/}" ) variantParent="$(awk 'toupper($1) == "FROM" { print $2 }' "$dir/Dockerfile")" variantArches="${parentRepoToArches[$variantParent]}" commit="$(dirCommit "$dir")" echo cat <<-EOE Tags: $(join ', ' "${variantAliases[@]}") Architectures: $(join ', ' $variantArches) GitCommit: $commit Directory: $dir EOE done done