onResolve(function ($error, $resourceStream) { if ($error) { $this->error = new StreamException("Failed to launch process", 0, $error); if ($this->initialRead) { $this->initialRead->fail($this->error); } return; } $this->resourceStream = $resourceStream; if (!$this->referenced) { $this->resourceStream->unreference(); } if ($this->shouldClose) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } if ($this->initialRead) { $initialRead = $this->initialRead; $this->initialRead = null; $initialRead->resolve($this->shouldClose ? null : ""); } }); } /** * Reads data from the stream. * * @return Promise Resolves with a string when new data is available or `null` if the stream has closed. * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. */ public function read(): Promise { if ($this->initialRead) { throw new PendingReadError; } if ($this->error) { return new Failure($this->error); } if ($this->resourceStream) { return $this->resourceStream->read(); } $this->initialRead = new Deferred; return $this->initialRead->promise(); } public function reference() { $this->referenced = true; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->reference(); } } public function unreference() { $this->referenced = false; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->unreference(); } } public function close() { $this->shouldClose = true; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } } }