socketConnector->address, $this->socketConnector->port, SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE ); if ($workingDirectory !== '') { $result .= ' ' . \escapeshellarg('--cwd=' . \rtrim($workingDirectory, '\\')); } return $result; } public function __construct() { $this->socketConnector = new SocketConnector; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function start(string $command, string $cwd = null, array $env = [], array $options = []): ProcessHandle { if (\strpos($command, "\0") !== false) { throw new ProcessException("Can't execute commands that contain null bytes."); } $options['bypass_shell'] = true; $handle = new Handle; $handle->proc = @\proc_open($this->makeCommand($cwd ?? ''), self::FD_SPEC, $pipes, $cwd ?: null, $env ?: null, $options); if (!\is_resource($handle->proc)) { $message = "Could not start process"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } throw new ProcessException($message); } $status = \proc_get_status($handle->proc); if (!$status) { \proc_close($handle->proc); throw new ProcessException("Could not get process status"); } $securityTokens = \random_bytes(SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE * 6); $written = \fwrite($pipes[0], $securityTokens . "\0" . $command . "\0"); \fclose($pipes[0]); \fclose($pipes[1]); if ($written !== SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE * 6 + \strlen($command) + 2) { \fclose($pipes[2]); \proc_close($handle->proc); throw new ProcessException("Could not send security tokens / command to process wrapper"); } $handle->securityTokens = \str_split($securityTokens, SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE); $handle->wrapperPid = $status['pid']; $handle->wrapperStderrPipe = $pipes[2]; $stdinDeferred = new Deferred; $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stdinDeferred; $handle->stdin = new ProcessOutputStream($stdinDeferred->promise()); $stdoutDeferred = new Deferred; $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stdoutDeferred; $handle->stdout = new ProcessInputStream($stdoutDeferred->promise()); $stderrDeferred = new Deferred; $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stderrDeferred; $handle->stderr = new ProcessInputStream($stderrDeferred->promise()); $this->socketConnector->registerPendingProcess($handle); return $handle; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function join(ProcessHandle $handle): Promise { /** @var Handle $handle */ $handle->exitCodeRequested = true; if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::reference($handle->exitCodeWatcher); } return $handle->joinDeferred->promise(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function kill(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ // todo: send a signal to the wrapper to kill the child instead? if (!\proc_terminate($handle->proc)) { throw new ProcessException("Terminating process failed"); } $failStart = false; if ($handle->childPidWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->childPidWatcher); $handle->childPidWatcher = null; $handle->pidDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("The process was killed")); $failStart = true; } if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->exitCodeWatcher); $handle->exitCodeWatcher = null; $handle->joinDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("The process was killed")); } $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; if ($failStart || $handle->stdioDeferreds) { $this->socketConnector->failHandleStart($handle, "The process was killed"); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function signal(ProcessHandle $handle, int $signo) { throw new ProcessException('Signals are not supported on Windows'); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function destroy(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->status < ProcessStatus::ENDED && \is_resource($handle->proc)) { try { $this->kill($handle); } catch (ProcessException $e) { // ignore } } if ($handle->childPidWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->childPidWatcher); $handle->childPidWatcher = null; } if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->exitCodeWatcher); $handle->exitCodeWatcher = null; } $handle->stdin->close(); $handle->stdout->close(); $handle->stderr->close(); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if (\is_resource($handle->sockets[$i] ?? null)) { \fclose($handle->sockets[$i]); } } @\stream_get_contents($handle->wrapperStderrPipe); @\fclose($handle->wrapperStderrPipe); if (\is_resource($handle->proc)) { \proc_close($handle->proc); } } }