Feature: Collection types Illuminate\Support\Collection has type support Background: Given I have the following config """ """ Scenario: Given I have the following code """ */ public function getCollection(): Collection { return new Collection(['hi']); } public function popTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->pop(); } public function firstTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->first(function (string $item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); } /** * @return Collection */ public function testFlip(): Collection { return $this->getCollection()->flip(); } public function lastTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->last(function (string $item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); } public function getTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->get(function (string $item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); } public function pullTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->pull(function (string $item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); } /** * @return int|false */ public function searchTest() { return $this->getCollection()->search(function (string $item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); } public function shiftTest(): ?string { return $this->getCollection()->shift(); } /** * @return array */ public function allTest(): array { return $this->getCollection()->all(); } /** * @return Collection */ public function putTest(): Collection { return $this->getCollection()->put(5, 'five'); } } """ When I run Psalm Then I see no errors