Feature: TestCase
In order to have typed TestCases
As a Psalm user
I need Psalm to typecheck my test cases
Given I have the following config
And I have the following code preamble
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::expectException expects class-string, NS\MyTestCase::class provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: TestCase::expectException() accepts throwables
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Stateful test case with setUp produces no MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
private $i;
/** @return void */
public function setUp(): void {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Stateful test case with @before produces no MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
private $i;
* @before
* @return void
public function myInit() {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Stateful test case without @before or setUp produces MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
private $i;
/** @return void */
public function myInit() {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| MissingConstructor | /NS\\MyTestCase has an uninitialized (variable\|property) (\$this->\|NS\\MyTestCase::\$)i, but no constructor/ |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Missing data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
* @param mixed $int
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress UnusedMethod
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething($int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| UndefinedMethod | Provider method NS\MyTestCase::provide is not defined |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Invalid iterable data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield 1;
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, iterable provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Valid iterable data provider is allowed
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide() {
yield [1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Invalid generator data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return \Generator */
public function provide() {
yield 1;
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, Generator provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Valid generator data provider is allowed
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return \Generator,mixed,void> */
public function provide() {
yield [1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Invalid array data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return array */
public function provide() {
return [1 => 1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, array provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Underspecified array data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return array */
public function provide() {
return [1 => [1]];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, possibly different array provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Underspecified iterable data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
return [1 => [1]];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, possibly different iterable provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Underspecified generator data provider is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return \Generator */
public function provide() {
yield 1 => [1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Providers must return iterable>, possibly different Generator provided |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Valid array data provider is allowed
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return array> */
public function provide() {
return [
"data set name" => [1],
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Valid object data provider is allowed
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return \ArrayObject> */
public function provide() {
/** @var \ArrayObject> */
return new \ArrayObject([
"data set name" => [1],
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Invalid dataset shape is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => ["str"];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | /Argument 1 of NS\\MyTestCase::testSomething expects int, string provided by NS\\MyTestCase::provide\(\):\(iterable\)/ |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Invalid dataset array is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => ["str"];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| PossiblyInvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects int, int\|string provided by NS\MyTestCase::provide():(iterable>) |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Shape dataset with missing params is reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => [1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int, int $i) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| TooFewArguments | /Too few arguments for NS\\MyTestCase::testSomething - expecting at least 2, but saw 1 provided by NS\\MyTestCase::provide\(\):\(iterable\)/ |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Referenced providers are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => [1];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Unreferenced providers are marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => [1];
* @return void
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| PossiblyUnusedMethod | Cannot find any calls to method NS\MyTestCase::provide |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Test method are never marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
* @return void
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
* @return void
* @test
public function somethingElse(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Unreferenced non-test methods are marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
* @return void
public function somethingElse(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| PossiblyUnusedMethod | Cannot find any calls to method NS\MyTestCase::somethingElse |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Unreferenced TestCase descendants are never marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Unreferenced non-test classes are marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class UtilityClass
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| UnusedClass | Class NS\UtilityClass is never used |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Provider returning optional offsets is fine when test method has defaults for those params (specified as constants)
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @var string */
const S = "s";
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => rand(0,1) ? [1] : [1, "ss"];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int, string $_str = self::S) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Provider omitting offsets is fine when test method has defaults for those params (specified as constants)
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @var string */
const S = "s";
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => rand(0,1) ? [1] : [1, "ss"];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int, string $_str = self::S) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Provider returning possibly undefined offset is fine when test method has default for that param
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => rand(0,1) ? [1] : [];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int = 2) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Provider returning possibly undefined offset with mismatching type is reported even when test method has default for that param
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => rand(0,1) ? ["1"] : [];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int = 2) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects int, string provided by NS\MyTestCase::provide():(iterable) |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Provider returning possibly undefined offset is marked when test method has no default for that param
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set name" => rand(0,1) ? [1] : [];
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $int) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $int);
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething has no default value, but possibly undefined int provided by NS\MyTestCase::provide():(iterable) |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Stateful grandchild test case with setUp produces no MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {}
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class MyTestCase extends BaseTestCase
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
private $i;
/** @return void */
public function setUp(): void {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Descendant of a test that has setUp produces no MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
protected $i;
/** @return void */
public function setUp(): void {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
class Intermediate extends BaseTestCase {}
class MyTestCase extends Intermediate
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Descendant of a test that has @before produces no MissingConstructor
Given I have the following code
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
interface I { public function work(): int; }
class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @var ObjectProphecy */
protected $i;
* @before
* @return void
public function myInit() {
$this->i = $this->prophesize(I::class);
class Intermediate extends BaseTestCase {}
class MyTestCase extends Intermediate
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {
$i = $this->i->reveal();
$this->assertEquals(1, $i->work());
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Test methods in traits are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
trait MyTestTrait {
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {}
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
use MyTestTrait;
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Inherited test methods are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
abstract class IntermediateTest extends TestCase {
/** @return void */
public function testSomething() {}
class MyTestCase extends IntermediateTest {
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Data providers in traits are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
trait MyTestTrait {
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() { return [[1]]; }
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
use MyTestTrait;
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $_i) {}
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Data providers in test case when test methods are in trait are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
trait MyTestTrait {
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(int $_i) {}
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
use MyTestTrait;
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() { return [[1]]; }
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Renamed imported test methods are validated
Given I have the following code
trait MyTestTrait {
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function foo(int $_i) {}
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
use MyTestTrait { foo as testAnything; }
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| UndefinedMethod | Provider method NS\MyTestCase::provide is not defined |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Test methods and providers in trait used by a test case are validated
Given I have the following code
trait MyTestTrait {
* @return void
* @dataProvider provide
public function testSomething(string $_p) {}
* @return iterable
public function provide() { return [[1]]; }
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
use MyTestTrait;
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects string, int provided by NS\MyTestTrait::provide():(iterable>) |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Providers may omit variadic part for variadic tests
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set" => [1];
* @dataProvider provide
* @param int ...$rest
* @return void
public function testSomething(int $i, ...$rest) {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Providers may omit non-variadic params with default for variadic tests
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set" => [1];
* @dataProvider provide
* @param int ...$rest
* @return void
public function testSomething(int $i, string $s = "", ...$rest) {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Providers may not omit non-variadic params with no default for variadic tests
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set" => [1];
* @dataProvider provide
* @param int ...$rest
* @return void
public function testSomething(int $i, string $s, ...$rest) {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| TooFewArguments | /Too few arguments for NS\\MyTestCase::testSomething - expecting at least 2, but saw 1 provided by NS\\MyTestCase::provide\(\):\(iterable\)/ |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Providers generating incompatible datasets for variadic tests are reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable */
public function provide() {
yield "data set" => [1., "a"];
* @dataProvider provide
* @return void
public function testSomething(float ...$rest) {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 2 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects float, string provided by NS\MyTestCase::provide():(iterable) |
And I see no other errors
Scenario: Untyped providers returns are not checked against test method signatures
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @psalm-suppress MissingReturnType */
public function provide() {
yield "data set" => ["a"];
* @dataProvider provide
* @return void
public function testSomething(string $_s) {}
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Invalid psalm annotation on a class does not crash psalm
Given I have the following code
/** @psalm-ignore Everything */
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidDocblock | %@psalm-ignore% |
Scenario: Invalid psalm annotation on an before initializer does not crash psalm
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
* @before
* @psalm-rm-Rf-slash
* @return void
public function preparation() {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidDocblock | %@psalm-rm-Rf-slash% |
Scenario: Invalid psalm annotation on a test does not crash psalm
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
* @test
* @psalm-force-push-master
* @return void
public function doThings() {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidDocblock | %@psalm-force-push-master% |
Scenario: Missing param type on a test with tuple data provider does not crash psalm
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
* @dataProvider provide
* @psalm-suppress MissingParamType
public function testSomething($data): void {}
/** @return iterable */
public function provide(): iterable {
return ['case 1' => [1]];
When I run Psalm
Then I see exit code 0
And I see no errors
Scenario: Providers referenced in shorthand docblocks are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
/** @dataProvider provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: External providers are allowed
Given I have the following code
class External {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider External::provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: External providers with parens are allowed
Given I have the following code
class External {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider External::provide() */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: External fully qualified providers are allowed
Given I have the following code
class External {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider \NS\External::provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Missing external provider classes are reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider External::provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| UndefinedClass | Class NS\External does not exist |
Scenario: External providers are not marked as unused
Given I have the following code
class External {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider External::provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm with dead code detection
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Mismatched external providers are reported
Given I have the following code
class External {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => ["1"];
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @dataProvider External::provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects int, string provided by NS\External::provide():(iterable>) |
Scenario: External providers are available even when Psalm is asked to analyze single test case
Given I have the following code in "test.php"
> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
And I have the following classmap
| Class | File |
| NS\MyTestCase | test.php |
| NS\External | ext.php |
When I run Psalm on "test.php"
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Providers returning list are ok
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => [1];
/** @dataProvider provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see no errors
Scenario: Providers returning mismatching list are reported
Given I have the following code
class MyTestCase extends TestCase {
/** @return iterable> */
public function provide(): iterable {
yield "dataset name" => ["1"];
/** @dataProvider provide */
public function testSomething(int $_p): void {}
When I run Psalm
Then I see these errors
| Type | Message |
| InvalidArgument | Argument 1 of NS\MyTestCase::testSomething expects int, string provided by NS\MyTestCase::provide():(iterable>) |