classlike_storage_provider->getAll() as $name => $storage) { $meta = (array) ($storage->custom_metadata[__NAMESPACE__] ?? []); if ($codebase->classExtends($name, TestCase::class) && ($meta['hasInitializers'] ?? false)) { $storage->suppressed_issues[] = 'MissingConstructor'; foreach (self::getDescendants($codebase, $name) as $dependent_name) { $dependent_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($dependent_name); $dependent_storage->suppressed_issues[] = 'MissingConstructor'; } } } } /** @return string[] */ private static function getDescendants(Codebase $codebase, string $name): array { if (!$codebase->classlike_storage_provider->has($name)) { return []; } $storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($name); $ret = []; foreach ($storage->dependent_classlikes as $dependent => $_) { if ($codebase->classExtends($dependent, $name)) { $ret[] = $dependent; $ret = array_merge($ret, self::getDescendants($codebase, $dependent)); } } return $ret; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public static function afterClassLikeVisit( ClassLike $class_node, ClassLikeStorage $class_storage, FileSource $statements_source, Codebase $codebase, array &$file_replacements = [] ) { if (self::hasInitializers($class_storage, $class_node)) { if (!isset($class_storage->custom_metadata)) { /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedPropertyAssignment */ $class_storage->custom_metadata = []; } $class_storage->custom_metadata[__NAMESPACE__] = ['hasInitializers' => true]; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public static function afterStatementAnalysis( ClassLike $class_node, ClassLikeStorage $class_storage, StatementsSource $statements_source, Codebase $codebase, array &$file_replacements = [] ) { if (!$codebase->classExtends($class_storage->name, TestCase::class)) { return null; } // add a fake reference to test class to prevent it from being marked as unused // it would have been easier to add a suppression, but that's only possible // since 3.0.17 (vimeo/psalm#1353) // // This should always pass, we're calling it for the side-effect // of adding self-reference if (!$codebase->classOrInterfaceExists($class_storage->name, $class_storage->location)) { return null; } foreach ($class_storage->declaring_method_ids as $method_name_lc => $declaring_method_id) { $method_name = $codebase->getCasedMethodId($class_storage->name . '::' . $method_name_lc); $method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); list($declaring_method_class, $declaring_method_name) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); $declaring_class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($declaring_method_class); $declaring_class_node = $class_node; if ($declaring_class_storage->is_trait) { $declaring_class_node = $codebase->classlikes->getTraitNode($declaring_class_storage->name); } if (!$method_storage->location) { continue; } $stmt_method = $declaring_class_node->getMethod($declaring_method_name); if (!$stmt_method) { continue; } $specials = self::getSpecials($stmt_method); if (0 !== strpos($method_name_lc, 'test') && !isset($specials['test'])) { continue; // skip non-test methods } $method_storage->suppressed_issues[] = 'PossiblyUnusedMethod'; if (!isset($specials['dataProvider'])) { continue; } foreach ($specials['dataProvider'] as $line => $provider) { $provider_docblock_location = clone $method_storage->location; $provider_docblock_location->setCommentLine($line); $apparent_provider_method_name = $class_storage->name . '::' . (string) $provider; $provider_method_id = $codebase->getDeclaringMethodId($apparent_provider_method_name); // methodExists also can mark methods as used (weird, but handy) if (null === $provider_method_id || !$codebase->methodExists($provider_method_id, $provider_docblock_location, $declaring_method_id) ) { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\UndefinedMethod( 'Provider method ' . $apparent_provider_method_name . ' is not defined', $provider_docblock_location, $apparent_provider_method_name )); continue; } $provider_return_type = $codebase->getMethodReturnType($provider_method_id, $_); if (!$provider_return_type) { continue; } $provider_return_type_string = $provider_return_type->getId(); $provider_return_type_location = $codebase->getMethodReturnTypeLocation($provider_method_id); assert(null !== $provider_return_type_location); $expected_provider_return_type = new Type\Atomic\TIterable([ Type::combineUnionTypes(Type::getInt(), Type::getString()), Type::getArray(), ]); foreach ($provider_return_type->getTypes() as $type) { if (!$type->isIterable($codebase)) { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\InvalidReturnType( 'Providers must return ' . $expected_provider_return_type->getId() . ', ' . $provider_return_type_string . ' provided', $provider_return_type_location )); continue; } } // unionize iterable so that instead of array|Traversable // we get iterable // // TODO: this may get implemented in a future Psalm version, remove it then $provider_return_type = self::unionizeIterables($codebase, $provider_return_type); if (!self::isTypeContainedByType( $codebase, $provider_return_type->type_params[0], $expected_provider_return_type->type_params[0] ) || !self::isTypeContainedByType( $codebase, $provider_return_type->type_params[1], $expected_provider_return_type->type_params[1] )) { if ($provider_return_type->type_params[0]->hasMixed() || $provider_return_type->type_params[1]->hasMixed()) { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\InvalidReturnType( 'Providers must return ' . $expected_provider_return_type->getId() . ', possibly different ' . $provider_return_type_string . ' provided', $provider_return_type_location )); } else { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\InvalidReturnType( 'Providers must return ' . $expected_provider_return_type->getId() . ', ' . $provider_return_type_string . ' provided', $provider_return_type_location )); } continue; } $checkParam = /** * @return void */ function ( Type\Union $potential_argument_type, Type\Union $param_type, bool $is_optional, int $param_offset ) use ( $codebase, $method_name, $provider_method_id, $provider_return_type_string, $provider_docblock_location ) { $param_type = clone $param_type; if ($is_optional) { $param_type->possibly_undefined = true; } if (self::isTypeContainedByType($codebase, $potential_argument_type, $param_type)) { // ok } elseif (self::canTypeBeContainedByType($codebase, $potential_argument_type, $param_type)) { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\PossiblyInvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($param_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $method_name . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', ' . $potential_argument_type->getId() . ' provided' . ' by ' . $provider_method_id . '():(' . $provider_return_type_string . ')', $provider_docblock_location )); } elseif ($potential_argument_type->possibly_undefined && !$is_optional) { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\InvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($param_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $method_name . ' has no default value, but possibly undefined ' . $potential_argument_type->getId() . ' provided' . ' by ' . $provider_method_id . '():(' . $provider_return_type_string . ')', $provider_docblock_location )); } else { IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\InvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($param_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $method_name . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', ' . $potential_argument_type->getId() . ' provided' . ' by ' . $provider_method_id . '():(' . $provider_return_type_string . ')', $provider_docblock_location )); } }; /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray|Type\Atomic\ObjectLike $dataset_type */ $dataset_type = $provider_return_type->type_params[1]->getTypes()['array']; if ($dataset_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { // check that all of the required (?) params accept value type $potential_argument_type = $dataset_type->type_params[1]; foreach ($method_storage->params as $param_offset => $param) { assert(null !== $param->type); $checkParam($potential_argument_type, $param->type, $param->is_optional, $param_offset); } } else { // iterate over all params checking if corresponding value type is acceptable // let's hope properties are sorted in array order $potential_argument_types = array_values($dataset_type->properties); foreach ($method_storage->params as $param_offset => $param) { if (!isset($potential_argument_types[$param_offset])) { // variadics are never required // and they always come last if ($param->is_variadic) { break; } // reached default params, so it's fine, but let's continue // because MisplacedRequiredParam could be suppressed if ($param->is_optional) { continue; } IssueBuffer::accepts(new Issue\TooFewArguments( 'Too few arguments for ' . $method_name . ' - expecting at least ' . ($param_offset + 1) . ', but saw ' . count($potential_argument_types) . ' provided by ' . $provider_method_id . '()' . ':(' . $provider_return_type_string . ')', $provider_docblock_location, $method_name )); break; } $potential_argument_type = $potential_argument_types[$param_offset]; assert(null !== $param->type); if ($param->is_variadic) { /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray $variadic_type */ $variadic_type = $param->type->getTypes()['array']; $variadic_param_type = $variadic_type->type_params[1] ?? Type::getMixed(); // check remaining argument types for (; $param_offset < count($potential_argument_types); $param_offset++) { $potential_argument_type = $potential_argument_types[$param_offset]; $checkParam( $potential_argument_type, $variadic_param_type, true, $param_offset ); } break; } $checkParam($potential_argument_type, $param->type, $param->is_optional, $param_offset); } } } } } private static function isTypeContainedByType( Codebase $codebase, Type\Union $input_type, Type\Union $container_type ): bool { if (method_exists($codebase, 'isTypeContainedByType')) { return (bool) $codebase->isTypeContainedByType($input_type, $container_type); } /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ if (class_exists(\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::class, true) && method_exists(\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::class, 'isContainedBy')) { return \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy($codebase, $input_type, $container_type); } throw new UnsupportedPsalmVersion(); } private static function canTypeBeContainedByType( Codebase $codebase, Type\Union $input_type, Type\Union $container_type ): bool { if (method_exists($codebase, 'canTypeBeContainedByType')) { return (bool) $codebase->canTypeBeContainedByType($input_type, $container_type); } /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ if (class_exists(\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::class, true) && method_exists(\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::class, 'canBeContainedBy')) { return \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeAnalyzer::canBeContainedBy($codebase, $input_type, $container_type); } throw new UnsupportedPsalmVersion(); } /** * @param Type\Atomic\TNamedObject|Type\Atomic\TIterable $type * @return array{0:Type\Union,1:Type\Union} */ private static function getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject(Codebase $codebase, $type): array { if (method_exists($codebase, 'getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject')) { $ret = (array) $codebase->getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject($type); assert($ret[0] instanceof Type\Union); assert($ret[1] instanceof Type\Union); return [$ret[0], $ret[1]]; } /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ if (class_exists(\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\Statements\Block\ForeachAnalyzer::class, true) && method_exists( \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\Statements\Block\ForeachAnalyzer::class, 'getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject' ) ) { $iterable_key_type = null; $iterable_value_type = null; \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\Statements\Block\ForeachAnalyzer::getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject( $type, $codebase, $iterable_key_type, $iterable_value_type ); return [ $iterable_key_type ?? Type::getMixed(), $iterable_value_type ?? Type::getMixed(), ]; } throw new UnsupportedPsalmVersion(); } private static function unionizeIterables(Codebase $codebase, Type\Union $iterables): Type\Atomic\TIterable { /** @var Type\Union[] $key_types */ $key_types = []; /** @var Type\Union[] $value_types */ $value_types = []; foreach ($iterables->getTypes() as $type) { if (!$type->isIterable($codebase)) { throw new \RuntimeException('should be iterable'); } if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { $key_types[] = $type->type_params[0] ?? Type::getMixed(); $value_types[] = $type->type_params[1] ?? Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $key_types[] = $type->getGenericKeyType(); $value_types[] = $type->getGenericValueType(); } elseif ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TNamedObject || $type instanceof Type\Atomic\TIterable) { list($key_types[], $value_types[]) = self::getKeyValueParamsForTraversableObject($codebase, $type); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('unexpected type'); } } if (empty($key_types) || empty($value_types)) { return new Type\Atomic\TIterable([ Type::getMixed(), Type::getMixed(), ]); } $combine = /** @param null|Type\Union $a */ function ($a, Type\Union $b) use ($codebase): Type\Union { return $a ? Type::combineUnionTypes($a, $b, $codebase) : $b; }; return new Type\Atomic\TIterable([ array_reduce($key_types, $combine), array_reduce($value_types, $combine), ]); } private static function hasInitializers(ClassLikeStorage $storage, ClassLike $stmt): bool { if (isset($storage->methods['setup'])) { return true; } foreach ($storage->methods as $method => $_) { $stmt_method = $stmt->getMethod($method); if (!$stmt_method) { continue; } if (self::isBeforeInitializer($stmt_method)) { return true; } } return false; } private static function isBeforeInitializer(ClassMethod $method): bool { $specials = self::getSpecials($method); return isset($specials['before']); } /** @return array> */ private static function getSpecials(ClassMethod $method): array { $docblock = $method->getDocComment(); if ($docblock) { $parsed_comment = DocComment::parse((string)$docblock->getReformattedText(), $docblock->getLine()); if (isset($parsed_comment['specials'])) { return $parsed_comment['specials']; } } return []; } }