If you have a bunch of errors and you don't want to fix them all at once, Psalm can grandfather-in errors in existing code, while ensuring that new code doesn't have those same sorts of errors.
will generate a file containing the current errors. You can commit that generated file so that Psalm running in other places (e.g. CI) won't complain about those errors either, and you can update that baseline file (to remove references to things that have been fixed) with
Baseline files are a great way to gradually improve a codebase.
## Using a plugin
If you want something more custom, like suppressing a certain type of error on classes that implement a particular interface, you can use a plugin that implements `AfterClassLikeVisitInterface`
namespace Foo\Bar;
use PhpParser\Node;
use Psalm\Codebase;
use Psalm\FileSource;
use Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterClassLikeVisitInterface;
use Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage;
use ReflectionClass;
* Suppress issues dynamically based on interface implementation
class DynamicallySuppressClassIssueBasedOnInterface implements AfterClassLikeVisitInterface
public static function afterClassLikeVisit(
Node\Stmt\ClassLike $stmt,
ClassLikeStorage $storage,
FileSource $statements_source,
Codebase $codebase,
array &$file_replacements = []
if ($storage->user_defined
&& !$storage->is_interface
&& \class_exists($storage->name)
&& (new ReflectionClass($storage->name))->implementsInterface(\Your\Interface::class)