* in PHP 8.0, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed on `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.1, `ReflectionIntersectionType` is composed of `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.2, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed of `ReflectionIntersectionType|ReflectionNamedType`s
Slight variations for each PHP version.
As per local testing, this doesn't work yet.
## Local testing setup:
I did some digging to make sure that the stubs work as expected.
Here's what I did to validate this patch locally (since I don't think it can really be fully automated)
## Create a dummy file to verify used symbols
namespace Testing;
/** @return \ReflectionClass<\stdClass> */
function getAClass(): \ReflectionClass { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnUnionType(): \ReflectionUnionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnIntersectionType(): \ReflectionIntersectionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
// verifying that `getName()` is stubbed in all versions: this should always be a `class-string<\stdClass>`
$name = getAClass()->getName();
// union types should appear starting with PHP 8.0. Starting with PHP 8.2, they allow for intersections.
$unionTypes = getAnUnionType()->getTypes();
// intersection types should appear starting with PHP 8.1
$intersectionTypes = getAnIntersectionType()->getTypes();
$results = [$name, $unionTypes, $intersectionTypes];
/** @psalm-trace $results */ // tracing this will show us the differences between versions
return $results;
## Run the script against various `vimeo/psalm` versions
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
## Evaluate output
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, mixed, mixed} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, mixed} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
psalm on feature/#8720-improve-types-and-purity-for-reflection-symbols [!?] via 🐘 v8.1.13 via ❄️ impure (nix-shell) took 4s
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
These templates were leading to false positives: assuming
an `object` is given as input, the inferred return
type would always have been `true`, which is obviously
not valid.
Removing them is the healthier alternative, for now.
Ref: https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/pull/8722#discussion_r1027102713
As per @weirdan's feedback, we can prevent
the usage of `object` instances that
implement `__invoke()`, as well as `array`
callables, by declaring the ctor argument of
`ReflectionFunction` to be either a real `Closure`,
or a `callable-string`.
While this may not be 100% of scenarios, it is a
healthy way to identify errors in userland.
Ref: https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/pull/8722#discussion_r1027151421
* added PHP 8.2 stubs
* refined types to make impossible scenarios more clear (like `ReflectionIntersectionType#allowsNull()`)
This is a first attempt at refining these types: the structure of these stubs is quite confusing to me,
so I don't know if this approach is correct, and if the stubs are merged together, or if entire symbols
need to be completely re-declared for each PHP version.
all of them returns boolean and can be ignored.
This prevents UnusedFunctionCall.
Note, socket errors can be fetched by:
- socket_strerror
- socket_last_error
I think it makes more sense to have the errors that almost always appear
(level 7 errors) next to the errors that always appear, instead of
the level 1, least likely to appear errors being next to the ones that
always appear.
This also makes the order more similar to that output by the new
--by-issue-level format report.
Some time it might be nice to see if there's a way to auto generate most
of this docs page from the actual issue class definitions, or have
a test that checks the list of issues for each level is accurate and