For `null` and `false`, we already allowed them even as standalone
types, even though PHP before 8.2 only allowed them as part of a union.
While `visitPreloadedStubFiles` seemed to work at first, it led to overriding symbols declared by
PHP itself too eagerly.
By only loading PHP-version-specific stubs in `visitStubFiles`, we ensure that the reflection-declared
symbols take priority, and that our stubs overlay on top of that, without actually replacing the
symbol entirely, but rather merging with its definition.
This fixes current test failures too, and works with the code examples
Before this change, preloaded stubs would only be loaded when running on a PHP version lower than
the one that is in the stubs.
With this change, the analysis PHP version (defined via config, input parameter, or inferred from
the runtime) becomes authoritative.
Since the PHP-version-specific stubs are not just polyfills, but actually type refinements on top
of the PHP core symbols at hand, this change always loads them, so that it is possible to get more
precise type inference downstream.
This will likely lead to downstream breakages, because the stubs do indeed provide better type
resolution, but indeed formalizes the idea that these stubs will provide better value for finding
problems in analyzed code.
* in PHP 8.0, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed on `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.1, `ReflectionIntersectionType` is composed of `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.2, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed of `ReflectionIntersectionType|ReflectionNamedType`s
Slight variations for each PHP version.
As per local testing, this doesn't work yet.
## Local testing setup:
I did some digging to make sure that the stubs work as expected.
Here's what I did to validate this patch locally (since I don't think it can really be fully automated)
## Create a dummy file to verify used symbols
namespace Testing;
/** @return \ReflectionClass<\stdClass> */
function getAClass(): \ReflectionClass { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnUnionType(): \ReflectionUnionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnIntersectionType(): \ReflectionIntersectionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
// verifying that `getName()` is stubbed in all versions: this should always be a `class-string<\stdClass>`
$name = getAClass()->getName();
// union types should appear starting with PHP 8.0. Starting with PHP 8.2, they allow for intersections.
$unionTypes = getAnUnionType()->getTypes();
// intersection types should appear starting with PHP 8.1
$intersectionTypes = getAnIntersectionType()->getTypes();
$results = [$name, $unionTypes, $intersectionTypes];
/** @psalm-trace $results */ // tracing this will show us the differences between versions
return $results;
## Run the script against various `vimeo/psalm` versions
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
## Evaluate output
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, mixed, mixed} (see
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, mixed} (see
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see
psalm on feature/#8720-improve-types-and-purity-for-reflection-symbols [!?] via 🐘 v8.1.13 via ❄️ impure (nix-shell) took 4s
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see