Resolved problem:
Psalm\Exception\CodeException: LessSpecificReturnStatement
The type 'string' is more general than the declared return type 'non-empty-string' for returnNonEmpty
Even though `Generator::current()` can return `null` once generator is
exhausted, `foreach()` never iterates after iterator ends, so we can
safely remove `null` (unless, of course, generator can yield `null`).
Check if this type was defined via a dockblock or type hint otherwise the inferred type should always match the assigned type, and we don't even need to do additional checks
There is an issue with constants over a certain length where additional values are added to fallback_params in the assigned_type but not in const_storage_type which causes a false flag for this error to appear. Usually happens with arrays/lists.
Added two separate tests to cover both lists, and arrays to ensure this issue is fixed.
Apply suggestions from code review.
Resolved problems:
1) MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testValidCode with data set "magicStaticMethodInheritanceWithoutCallStatic"
Psalm\Exception\CodeException: UnusedPsalmSuppress - src/somefile.php:9:58 - This suppression is never used
2) MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testValidCode with data set "magicStaticMethodInheritanceWithoutCallStatic_WithReturnAndManyArgs"
Psalm\Exception\CodeException: TooManyArguments - src/somefile.php:9:6 - Too many arguments for B::bar - expecting 0 but saw 2
The code has been moved from down to up.
Resolved problems:
1) MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testInvalidCode with data set "staticInvocationWithInstanceMethodFoo"
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
2) MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testInvalidCode with data set "nonStaticSelfCallWithInstanceMethodFoo"
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
Resolved error:
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
Appended problem:
MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testValidCode with data set "magicStaticMethodInheritanceWithoutCallStatic"
Psalm\Exception\CodeException: UndefinedMethod - src/somefile.php:9:32 - Method B::bar does not exist
The main task for deleting:
$method_id = new MethodIdentifier(
List of resolved problems:
1) Psalm\Tests\MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testNoSealAllMethodsWithStatic
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
2) Psalm\Tests\MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testSealAllMethodsWithoutFooWithStatic
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
3) Psalm\Tests\MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testInvalidCode with data set "inheritSealedMethodsWithStatic"
Failed asserting that exception of type "Psalm\Exception\CodeException" is thrown.
Appended problem by that fix:
1) MagicMethodAnnotationTest::testSealAllMethodsSetToFalseWithStatic
Psalm\Exception\CodeException: UndefinedMagicMethod - somefile.php:8:15 - Magic method B::foo does not exist