$call_args * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return Type\Union */ public static function getReturnTypeFromCallMapWithArgs( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, $function_id, array $call_args, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $call_map_key = strtolower($function_id); $call_map = CallMap::getCallMap(); if (!isset($call_map[$call_map_key])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Function ' . $function_id . ' was not found in callmap'); } if ($call_map_key === 'getenv') { if (!empty($call_args)) { return new Type\Union([new Type\Atomic\TString, new Type\Atomic\TFalse]); } return new Type\Union([new Type\Atomic\TArray([Type::getMixed(), Type::getString()])]); } if ($call_args) { if (in_array($call_map_key, ['str_replace', 'preg_replace', 'preg_replace_callback'], true)) { if (isset($call_args[2]->value->inferredType)) { $subject_type = $call_args[2]->value->inferredType; if (!$subject_type->hasString() && $subject_type->hasArray()) { return Type::getArray(); } $return_type = Type::getString(); if (in_array($call_map_key, ['preg_replace', 'preg_replace_callback'], true)) { $return_type->addType(new Type\Atomic\TNull()); $return_type->ignore_nullable_issues = true; } return $return_type; } else { return Type::getMixed(); } } if ($call_map_key === 'pathinfo') { if (isset($call_args[1])) { return Type::getString(); } return Type::getArray(); } if ($call_map_key === 'count' && isset($call_args[0]->value->inferredType)) { $atomic_types = $call_args[0]->value->inferredType->getTypes(); if (count($atomic_types) === 1 && isset($atomic_types['array'])) { if ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { return new Type\Union([ $atomic_types['array']->count ? clone $atomic_types['array']->count : new Type\Atomic\TInt ]); } elseif ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike && $atomic_types['array']->sealed ) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TInt([count($atomic_types['array']->properties) => true]) ]); } } } if ($call_map_key === 'var_export' || $call_map_key === 'highlight_string' || $call_map_key === 'highlight_file' ) { if (isset($call_args[1]->value->inferredType)) { $subject_type = $call_args[1]->value->inferredType; if ((string) $subject_type === 'true') { return Type::getString(); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TString, $call_map_key === 'var_export' ? new Type\Atomic\TNull : new Type\Atomic\TBool ]); } return $call_map_key === 'var_export' ? Type::getVoid() : Type::getBool(); } if (substr($call_map_key, 0, 6) === 'array_') { $array_return_type = self::getArrayReturnType( $statements_checker, $call_map_key, $call_args, $code_location, $suppressed_issues ); if ($array_return_type) { return $array_return_type; } } if ($call_map_key === 'explode' && $call_args[0]->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ ) { if ($call_args[0]->value->value === '') { return Type::getFalse(); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getInt(), Type::getString() ]) ]); } if ($call_map_key === 'abs' && isset($call_args[0]->value) ) { $first_arg = $call_args[0]->value; if (isset($first_arg->inferredType)) { $numeric_types = []; foreach ($first_arg->inferredType->getTypes() as $inner_type) { if ($inner_type->isNumericType()) { $numeric_types[] = $inner_type; } } if ($numeric_types) { return new Type\Union($numeric_types); } } } if ($call_map_key === 'min' || $call_map_key === 'max') { if (isset($call_args[0])) { $first_arg = $call_args[0]->value; if (isset($first_arg->inferredType)) { if ($first_arg->inferredType->hasArray()) { $array_type = $first_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { return $array_type->getGenericValueType(); } if ($array_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { return clone $array_type->type_params[1]; } } elseif ($first_arg->inferredType->hasScalarType() && ($second_arg = $call_args[1]->value) && isset($second_arg->inferredType) && $second_arg->inferredType->hasScalarType() ) { return Type::combineUnionTypes($first_arg->inferredType, $second_arg->inferredType); } } } } } if (!$call_map[$call_map_key][0]) { return Type::getMixed(); } $call_map_return_type = Type::parseString($call_map[$call_map_key][0]); if (!in_array( $call_map_key, ['mb_strpos', 'mb_strrpos', 'mb_stripos', 'mb_strripos', 'strpos', 'strrpos', 'stripos', 'strripos'], true ) && $call_map_return_type->isFalsable() ) { $call_map_return_type->ignore_falsable_issues = true; } return $call_map_return_type; } /** * @param string $call_map_key * @param array $call_args * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return Type\Union|null */ protected static function getArrayReturnType( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, $call_map_key, $call_args, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { if ($call_map_key === 'array_map') { return self::getArrayMapReturnType( $statements_checker, $call_args, $code_location, $suppressed_issues ); } if ($call_map_key === 'array_filter') { return self::getArrayFilterReturnType( $statements_checker, $call_args, $code_location, $suppressed_issues ); } $first_arg = isset($call_args[0]->value) ? $call_args[0]->value : null; $second_arg = isset($call_args[1]->value) ? $call_args[1]->value : null; if ($call_map_key === 'array_merge') { $inner_value_types = []; $inner_key_types = []; $generic_properties = []; foreach ($call_args as $call_arg) { if (!isset($call_arg->value->inferredType)) { return Type::getArray(); } foreach ($call_arg->value->inferredType->getTypes() as $type_part) { if ($call_arg->unpack) { if (!$type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { if ($type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $type_part_value_type = $type_part->getGenericValueType(); } else { return Type::getArray(); } } else { $type_part_value_type = $type_part->type_params[1]; } $unpacked_type_parts = []; foreach ($type_part_value_type->getTypes() as $value_type_part) { $unpacked_type_parts[] = $value_type_part; } } else { $unpacked_type_parts = [$type_part]; } foreach ($unpacked_type_parts as $unpacked_type_part) { if (!$unpacked_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { if ($unpacked_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { if ($generic_properties !== null) { $generic_properties = array_merge( $generic_properties, $unpacked_type_part->properties ); } $unpacked_type_part = $unpacked_type_part->getGenericArrayType(); } else { if ($unpacked_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TMixed && $unpacked_type_part->from_isset ) { $unpacked_type_part = new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getMixed(), Type::getMixed(true) ]); } else { return Type::getArray(); } } } elseif (!$unpacked_type_part->type_params[0]->isEmpty()) { $generic_properties = null; } if ($unpacked_type_part->type_params[1]->isEmpty()) { continue; } $inner_key_types = array_merge( $inner_key_types, array_values($unpacked_type_part->type_params[0]->getTypes()) ); $inner_value_types = array_merge( $inner_value_types, array_values($unpacked_type_part->type_params[1]->getTypes()) ); } } } if ($generic_properties) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike($generic_properties), ]); } if ($inner_value_types) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::combineTypes($inner_key_types), Type::combineTypes($inner_value_types), ]), ]); } return Type::getArray(); } if ($call_map_key === 'array_rand') { $first_arg_array = $first_arg && isset($first_arg->inferredType) && $first_arg->inferredType->hasType('array') && ($array_atomic_type = $first_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']) && ($array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) ? $array_atomic_type : null; if (!$first_arg_array) { return Type::getMixed(); } if ($first_arg_array instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { $key_type = clone $first_arg_array->type_params[0]; } else { $key_type = $first_arg_array->getGenericKeyType(); } if (!$second_arg || ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $second_arg->value === 1) ) { return $key_type; } $arr_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getInt(), $key_type, ]), ]); if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber) { return $arr_type; } return Type::combineUnionTypes($key_type, $arr_type); } return null; } /** * @param array $call_args * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return Type\Union */ protected static function getArrayMapReturnType( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, $call_args, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $array_arg = isset($call_args[1]->value) ? $call_args[1]->value : null; $array_arg_type = null; if ($array_arg && isset($array_arg->inferredType)) { $arg_types = $array_arg->inferredType->getTypes(); if (isset($arg_types['array']) && ($arg_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $arg_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) ) { $array_arg_type = $arg_types['array']; } } if (isset($call_args[0])) { $function_call_arg = $call_args[0]; if (count($call_args) === 2) { if ($array_arg_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $generic_key_type = $array_arg_type->getGenericKeyType(); } else { $generic_key_type = $array_arg_type ? clone $array_arg_type->type_params[0] : Type::getMixed(); } } else { $generic_key_type = Type::getInt(); } if ($function_call_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure && isset($function_call_arg->value->inferredType) && ($closure_atomic_type = $function_call_arg->value->inferredType->getTypes()['Closure']) && $closure_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\Fn ) { $closure_return_type = $closure_atomic_type->return_type ?: Type::getMixed(); if ($closure_return_type->isVoid()) { IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidReturnType( 'No return type could be found in the closure passed to array_map', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues ); return Type::getArray(); } $inner_type = clone $closure_return_type; if ($array_arg_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike && count($call_args) === 2) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike( array_map( /** * @return Type\Union */ function (Type\Union $_) use ($inner_type) { return clone $inner_type; }, $array_arg_type->properties ) ), ]); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ $generic_key_type, $inner_type, ]), ]); } elseif ($function_call_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ || $function_call_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ ) { $mapping_function_ids = Statements\Expression\CallChecker::getFunctionIdsFromCallableArg( $statements_checker, $function_call_arg->value ); $call_map = CallMap::getCallMap(); $mapping_return_type = null; $project_checker = $statements_checker->getFileChecker()->project_checker; $codebase = $project_checker->codebase; foreach ($mapping_function_ids as $mapping_function_id) { $mapping_function_id = strtolower($mapping_function_id); $mapping_function_id_parts = explode('&', $mapping_function_id); $part_match_found = false; foreach ($mapping_function_id_parts as $mapping_function_id_part) { if (isset($call_map[$mapping_function_id_part][0])) { if ($call_map[$mapping_function_id_part][0]) { $mapped_function_return = Type::parseString($call_map[$mapping_function_id_part][0]); if ($mapping_return_type) { $mapping_return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $mapping_return_type, $mapped_function_return ); } else { $mapping_return_type = $mapped_function_return; } $part_match_found = true; } } else { if (strpos($mapping_function_id_part, '::') !== false) { list($callable_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $mapping_function_id_part); if (in_array($callable_fq_class_name, ['self', 'static', 'parent'], true)) { continue; } if (!$codebase->methodExists($mapping_function_id_part)) { continue; } $part_match_found = true; $self_class = 'self'; $return_type = $codebase->methods->getMethodReturnType( $mapping_function_id_part, $self_class ) ?: Type::getMixed(); if ($mapping_return_type) { $mapping_return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $mapping_return_type, $return_type ); } else { $mapping_return_type = $return_type; } } else { if (!$codebase->functions->functionExists( $statements_checker, $mapping_function_id_part )) { $mapping_return_type = Type::getMixed(); continue; } $part_match_found = true; $function_storage = $codebase->functions->getStorage( $statements_checker, $mapping_function_id_part ); $return_type = $function_storage->return_type ?: Type::getMixed(); if ($mapping_return_type) { $mapping_return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $mapping_return_type, $return_type ); } else { $mapping_return_type = $return_type; } } } } if ($part_match_found === false) { $mapping_return_type = Type::getMixed(); } } if ($mapping_return_type) { if ($array_arg_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike && count($call_args) === 2) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike( array_map( /** * @return Type\Union */ function (Type\Union $_) use ($mapping_return_type) { return clone $mapping_return_type; }, $array_arg_type->properties ) ), ]); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ $generic_key_type, $mapping_return_type, ]), ]); } } } return Type::getArray(); } /** * @param array $call_args * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return Type\Union */ protected static function getArrayFilterReturnType( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, $call_args, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $array_arg = isset($call_args[0]->value) ? $call_args[0]->value : null; $first_arg_array = $array_arg && isset($array_arg->inferredType) && $array_arg->inferredType->hasType('array') && ($array_atomic_type = $array_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']) && ($array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) ? $array_atomic_type : null; if (!$first_arg_array) { return Type::getArray(); } if ($first_arg_array instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { $inner_type = $first_arg_array->type_params[1]; $key_type = clone $first_arg_array->type_params[0]; } else { $inner_type = $first_arg_array->getGenericValueType(); $key_type = $first_arg_array->getGenericKeyType(); } if (!isset($call_args[1])) { $inner_type->removeType('null'); $inner_type->removeType('false'); } elseif (!isset($call_args[2])) { $function_call_arg = $call_args[1]; if ($function_call_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure && isset($function_call_arg->value->inferredType) && ($closure_atomic_type = $function_call_arg->value->inferredType->getTypes()['Closure']) && $closure_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\Fn ) { $closure_return_type = $closure_atomic_type->return_type ?: Type::getMixed(); if ($closure_return_type->isVoid()) { IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidReturnType( 'No return type could be found in the closure passed to array_filter', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues ); return Type::getArray(); } if (count($function_call_arg->value->stmts) === 1 && count($function_call_arg->value->params)) { $first_param = $function_call_arg->value->params[0]; $stmt = $function_call_arg->value->stmts[0]; if ($first_param->variadic === false && is_string($first_param->var->name) && $stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_ && $stmt->expr ) { $assertions = AssertionFinder::getAssertions($stmt->expr, null, $statements_checker); if (isset($assertions['$' . $first_param->var->name])) { $changed_var_ids = []; $reconciled_types = Reconciler::reconcileKeyedTypes( ['$inner_type' => $assertions['$' . $first_param->var->name]], ['$inner_type' => $inner_type], $changed_var_ids, ['$inner_type' => true], $statements_checker, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ); if (isset($reconciled_types['$inner_type'])) { $inner_type = $reconciled_types['$inner_type']; } } } } } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ $key_type, $inner_type, ]), ]); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ $key_type, $inner_type, ]), ]); } }