file_start = (int)$stmt->getAttribute('startFilePos'); $this->file_end = (int)$stmt->getAttribute('endFilePos'); $this->file_path = $statements_source->getCheckedFilePath(); $this->file_name = $statements_source->getCheckedFileName(); $this->single_line = $single_line; $this->regex = $regex; $doc_comment = $stmt->getDocComment(); $this->preview_start = $doc_comment ? $doc_comment->getFilePos() : $this->file_start; $this->line_number = $doc_comment ? $doc_comment->getLine() : $stmt->getLine(); } /** * @param int $line * @return void */ public function setCommentLine($line) { $this->docblock_line_number = $this->line_number; $this->line_number = $line; } /** * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess * @return void */ private function calculateRealLocation() { if ($this->have_recalculated) { return; } $this->have_recalculated = true; $this->selection_start = $this->file_start; $this->selection_end = $this->file_end + 1; $project_checker = Checker\ProjectChecker::getInstance(); $file_contents = $project_checker->getFileContents($this->file_path); $preview_end = strpos( $file_contents, "\n", $this->single_line ? $this->selection_start : $this->selection_end ); // if the string didn't contain a newline if ($preview_end === false) { $preview_end = $this->selection_end; } $this->preview_end = $preview_end; if ($this->docblock_line_number && $this->preview_start < $this->selection_start) { $preview_lines = explode( "\n", substr( $file_contents, $this->preview_start, $this->selection_start - $this->preview_start - 1 ) ); $preview_offset = 0; $i = 0; $comment_line_offset = $this->line_number - $this->docblock_line_number; for ($i = 0; $i < $comment_line_offset; $i++) { $preview_offset += strlen($preview_lines[$i]) + 1; } $key_line = $preview_lines[$i]; $indentation = (int)strpos($key_line, '@'); $key_line = trim(preg_replace('@\**/\s*@', '', substr($key_line, $indentation))); $this->selection_start = $preview_offset + $indentation + $this->preview_start; $this->selection_end = $this->selection_start + strlen($key_line); } elseif ($this->regex) { $preview_snippet = substr( $file_contents, $this->selection_start, $this->selection_end - $this->selection_start ); if (preg_match($this->regex, $preview_snippet, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $this->selection_start = $this->selection_start + (int)$matches[1][1]; $this->selection_end = $this->selection_start + strlen((string)$matches[1][0]); } } // reset preview start to beginning of line $this->preview_start = (int)strrpos( $file_contents, "\n", min($this->preview_start, $this->selection_start) - strlen($file_contents) ) + 1; $this->selection_start = max($this->preview_start, $this->selection_start); $this->selection_end = min($this->preview_end, $this->selection_end); $this->snippet = substr($file_contents, $this->preview_start, $this->preview_end - $this->preview_start); } /** * @return int */ public function getLineNumber() { return $this->line_number; } /** * @return string */ public function getSnippet() { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return $this->snippet; } /** * @return array */ public function getSelectionBounds() { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return [$this->selection_start, $this->selection_end]; } /** * @return array */ public function getSnippetBounds() { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return [$this->preview_start, $this->preview_end]; } }