\[\]\-\{\}:|?\\\\]*|\$[a-zA-Z_0-9_]+)'; /** * @param array>|null $template_type_map * @param array> $type_aliases * * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock * * @return VarDocblockComment[] */ public static function getTypeFromComment( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, FileSource $source, Aliases $aliases, array $template_type_map = null, ?array $type_aliases = null ) { $parsed_docblock = DocComment::parsePreservingLength($comment); return self::arrayToDocblocks( $comment, $parsed_docblock, $source, $aliases, $template_type_map, $type_aliases ); } /** * @param array>|null $template_type_map * @param array> $type_aliases * @param array{description:string, specials:array>} $parsed_docblock * * @return VarDocblockComment[] * * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock */ public static function arrayToDocblocks( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, array $parsed_docblock, FileSource $source, Aliases $aliases, array $template_type_map = null, ?array $type_aliases = null ) : array { $var_id = null; $var_type_tokens = null; $original_type = null; $var_comments = []; $comment_text = $comment->getText(); $var_line_number = $comment->getLine(); if ($parsed_docblock) { $all_vars = ($parsed_docblock['specials']['var'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-var'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-var'] ?? []); foreach ($all_vars as $offset => $var_line) { $var_line = trim($var_line); if (!$var_line) { continue; } $type_start = null; $type_end = null; $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($var_line); $line_number = $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment_text, "\n", 0, $offset); if ($line_parts && $line_parts[0]) { $type_start = $offset + $comment->getFilePos(); $type_end = $type_start + strlen($line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = preg_replace('/,\n\s+\}/', '}', $line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = str_replace("\n", '', $line_parts[0]); if ($line_parts[0] === '' || ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) ) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } try { $var_type_tokens = Type::fixUpLocalType( $line_parts[0], $aliases, $template_type_map, $type_aliases ); } catch (TypeParseTreeException $e) { throw new DocblockParseException($line_parts[0] . ' is not a valid type'); } $original_type = $line_parts[0]; $var_line_number = $line_number; if (count($line_parts) > 1 && $line_parts[1][0] === '$') { $var_id = $line_parts[1]; } } if (!$var_type_tokens || !$original_type) { continue; } try { $defined_type = Type::parseTokens($var_type_tokens, null, $template_type_map ?: []); } catch (TypeParseTreeException $e) { throw new DocblockParseException( $line_parts[0] . ' is not a valid type' . ' (from ' . $source->getFilePath() . ':' . $comment->getLine() . ')' ); } $defined_type->setFromDocblock(); $var_comment = new VarDocblockComment(); $var_comment->type = $defined_type; $var_comment->original_type = $original_type; $var_comment->var_id = $var_id; $var_comment->line_number = $var_line_number; $var_comment->type_start = $type_start; $var_comment->type_end = $type_end; $var_comment->deprecated = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['deprecated']); $var_comment->internal = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['internal']); $var_comment->readonly = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation']); $var_comment->allow_private_mutation = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-allow-private-mutation']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation']); $var_comment->remove_taint = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-remove-taint']); if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal'])) { $psalm_internal = reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal']); if ($psalm_internal) { $var_comment->psalm_internal = $psalm_internal; } else { throw new DocblockParseException('psalm-internal annotation used without specifying namespace'); } $var_comment->psalm_internal = reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal']); if (!$var_comment->internal) { throw new DocblockParseException('@psalm-internal annotation used without @internal'); } } $var_comments[] = $var_comment; } } if (!$var_comments && (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['deprecated']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['internal']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-remove-taint'])) ) { $var_comment = new VarDocblockComment(); $var_comment->deprecated = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['deprecated']); $var_comment->internal = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['internal']); $var_comment->readonly = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation']); $var_comment->allow_private_mutation = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-allow-private-mutation']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation']); $var_comment->remove_taint = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-remove-taint']); $var_comments[] = $var_comment; } return $var_comments; } /** * @param Aliases $aliases * @param array> $type_aliases * * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock * * @return array> */ public static function getTypeAliasesFromComment( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, Aliases $aliases, array $type_aliases = null ) { $parsed_docblock = DocComment::parsePreservingLength($comment); if (!isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-type'])) { return []; } return self::getTypeAliasesFromCommentLines( $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-type'], $aliases, $type_aliases ); } /** * @param array $type_alias_comment_lines * @param Aliases $aliases * @param array> $type_aliases * * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock * * @return array> */ private static function getTypeAliasesFromCommentLines( array $type_alias_comment_lines, Aliases $aliases, array $type_aliases = null ) { $type_alias_tokens = []; foreach ($type_alias_comment_lines as $var_line) { $var_line = trim($var_line); if (!$var_line) { continue; } $var_line = preg_replace('/[ \t]+/', ' ', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $var_line)); $var_line_parts = preg_split('/( |=)/', $var_line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (!$var_line_parts) { continue; } $type_alias = array_shift($var_line_parts); if (!isset($var_line_parts[0])) { continue; } if ($var_line_parts[0] === ' ') { array_shift($var_line_parts); } if ($var_line_parts[0] === '=') { array_shift($var_line_parts); } if (!isset($var_line_parts[0])) { continue; } if ($var_line_parts[0] === ' ') { array_shift($var_line_parts); } $type_string = str_replace("\n", '', implode('', $var_line_parts)); $type_string = preg_replace('/>[^>^\}]*$/', '>', $type_string); $type_string = preg_replace('/\}[^>^\}]*$/', '}', $type_string); try { $type_tokens = Type::fixUpLocalType( $type_string, $aliases, null, $type_alias_tokens + $type_aliases ); } catch (TypeParseTreeException $e) { throw new DocblockParseException($type_string . ' is not a valid type'); } $type_alias_tokens[$type_alias] = $type_tokens; } return $type_alias_tokens; } /** * @param int $line_number * * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock * * @return FunctionDocblockComment */ public static function extractFunctionDocblockInfo(PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment) { $parsed_docblock = DocComment::parsePreservingLength($comment); $comment_text = $comment->getText(); $info = new FunctionDocblockComment(); if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['return']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-return']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-return']) ) { if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-return'])) { $return_specials = $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-return']; } elseif (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-return'])) { $return_specials = $parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-return']; } else { $return_specials = $parsed_docblock['specials']['return']; } self::extractReturnType( $comment, $return_specials, $info ); } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['param']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-param']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-param']) ) { $all_params = (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['param']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['param'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-param']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-param'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-param']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-param'] : []); foreach ($all_params as $offset => $param) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($param); if (count($line_parts) === 1 && isset($line_parts[0][0]) && $line_parts[0][0] === '$') { continue; } if (count($line_parts) > 1) { if (preg_match('/^&?(\.\.\.)?&?\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+,?$/', $line_parts[1]) && $line_parts[0][0] !== '{' ) { $line_parts[1] = str_replace('&', '', $line_parts[1]); $line_parts[1] = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $line_parts[1]); $start = $offset + $comment->getFilePos(); $end = $start + strlen($line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = preg_replace('/,\n\s+\}/', '}', $line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = str_replace("\n", '', $line_parts[0]); if ($line_parts[0] === '' || ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) ) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->params[] = [ 'name' => trim($line_parts[1]), 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'line_number' => $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment_text, "\n", 0, $offset), 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, ]; } } else { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @param'); } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['param-out'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['param-out'] as $offset => $param) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($param); if (count($line_parts) === 1 && isset($line_parts[0][0]) && $line_parts[0][0] === '$') { continue; } if (count($line_parts) > 1) { if (!preg_match('/\[[^\]]+\]/', $line_parts[0]) && preg_match('/^(\.\.\.)?&?\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+,?$/', $line_parts[1]) && $line_parts[0][0] !== '{' ) { if ($line_parts[1][0] === '&') { $line_parts[1] = substr($line_parts[1], 1); } $line_parts[0] = str_replace("\n", '', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $line_parts[0])); if ($line_parts[0] === '' || ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) ) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $line_parts[1] = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $line_parts[1]); $info->params_out[] = [ 'name' => trim($line_parts[1]), 'type' => str_replace("\n", '', $line_parts[0]), 'line_number' => $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment_text, "\n", 0, $offset), ]; } } else { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @param'); } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-taint-sink'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-taint-sink'] as $param) { $param = trim($param); $info->taint_sink_params[] = ['name' => $param]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-untainted'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-untainted'] as $param) { $param = trim($param); $info->assert_untainted_params[] = ['name' => $param]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['global'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['global'] as $offset => $global) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($global); if (count($line_parts) === 1 && isset($line_parts[0][0]) && $line_parts[0][0] === '$') { continue; } if (count($line_parts) > 1) { if (!preg_match('/\[[^\]]+\]/', $line_parts[0]) && preg_match('/^(\.\.\.)?&?\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+,?$/', $line_parts[1]) && $line_parts[0][0] !== '{' ) { if ($line_parts[1][0] === '&') { $line_parts[1] = substr($line_parts[1], 1); } if ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $line_parts[1] = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $line_parts[1]); $info->globals[] = [ 'name' => $line_parts[1], 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'line_number' => $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment_text, "\n", 0, $offset), ]; } } else { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @param'); } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['deprecated'])) { $info->deprecated = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['internal'])) { $info->internal = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal'])) { $psalm_internal = reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal']); if ($psalm_internal) { $info->psalm_internal = $psalm_internal; } else { throw new DocblockParseException('@psalm-internal annotation used without specifying namespace'); } $info->psalm_internal = reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal']); if (! $info->internal) { throw new DocblockParseException('@psalm-internal annotation used without @internal'); } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-remove-taint'])) { $info->remove_taint = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-suppress'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-suppress'] as $offset => $suppress_entry) { $info->suppressed_issues[$offset + $comment->getFilePos()] = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $suppress_entry)[0]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['throws'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['throws'] as $offset => $throws_entry) { $throws_class = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $throws_entry)[0]; if (!$throws_class) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Unexpectedly empty @throws'); } $info->throws[] = [ $throws_class, $offset + $comment->getFilePos(), $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment->getText(), "\n", 0, $offset) ]; } } if (strpos(strtolower($parsed_docblock['description']), '@inheritdoc') !== false || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['inheritdoc']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['inheritDoc'])) { $info->inheritdoc = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template']) ) { $all_templates = (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['template'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template'] : []); foreach ($all_templates as $template_line) { $template_type = preg_split('/[\s]+/', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_line)); $template_name = array_shift($template_type); if (!$template_name) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Empty @template tag'); } if (count($template_type) > 1 && in_array(strtolower($template_type[0]), ['as', 'super', 'of'], true) ) { $template_modifier = strtolower(array_shift($template_type)); $info->templates[] = [ $template_name, $template_modifier, implode(' ', $template_type), false ]; } else { $info->templates[] = [$template_name, null, null, false]; } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-typeof'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-typeof'] as $template_typeof) { $typeof_parts = preg_split('/[\s]+/', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_typeof)); if (count($typeof_parts) < 2 || $typeof_parts[1][0] !== '$') { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->template_typeofs[] = [ 'template_type' => $typeof_parts[0], 'param_name' => substr($typeof_parts[1], 1), ]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert'] as $assertion) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($assertion); if (count($line_parts) < 2 || $line_parts[1][0] !== '$') { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->assertions[] = [ 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'param_name' => substr($line_parts[1], 1), ]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-if-true'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-if-true'] as $assertion) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($assertion); if (count($line_parts) < 2 || $line_parts[1][0] !== '$') { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->if_true_assertions[] = [ 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'param_name' => substr($line_parts[1], 1), ]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-if-false'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-assert-if-false'] as $assertion) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($assertion); if (count($line_parts) < 2 || $line_parts[1][0] !== '$') { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->if_false_assertions[] = [ 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'param_name' => substr($line_parts[1], 1), ]; } } $info->variadic = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-variadic']); $info->pure = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-pure']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['pure']); if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-mutation-free'])) { $info->mutation_free = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-external-mutation-free'])) { $info->external_mutation_free = true; } $info->ignore_nullable_return = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-ignore-nullable-return']); $info->ignore_falsable_return = isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-ignore-falsable-return']); return $info; } /** * @param array $return_specials * @return void */ private static function extractReturnType( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, array $return_specials, FunctionDocblockComment $info ) { foreach ($return_specials as $offset => $return_block) { $return_lines = explode("\n", $return_block); if (!trim($return_lines[0])) { return; } $return_block = trim($return_block); if (!$return_block) { return; } $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($return_block); if ($line_parts[0][0] !== '{') { if ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $start = $offset + $comment->getFilePos(); $end = $start + strlen($line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = str_replace("\n", '', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $line_parts[0])); $info->return_type = str_replace("\n", '', array_shift($line_parts)); $info->return_type_description = $line_parts ? implode(' ', $line_parts) : null; $info->return_type_line_number = $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment->getText(), "\n", 0, $offset); $info->return_type_start = $start; $info->return_type_end = $end; } else { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @return type'); } break; } } /** * @throws DocblockParseException if there was a problem parsing the docblock * * @return ClassLikeDocblockComment * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess */ public static function extractClassLikeDocblockInfo( \PhpParser\Node $node, PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, Aliases $aliases ) { $parsed_docblock = DocComment::parsePreservingLength($comment); $info = new ClassLikeDocblockComment(); if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template']) ) { $all_templates = (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['template'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template'] : []); foreach ($all_templates as $offset => $template_line) { $template_type = preg_split('/[\s]+/', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_line)); $template_name = array_shift($template_type); if (!$template_name) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Empty @template tag'); } if (count($template_type) > 1 && in_array(strtolower($template_type[0]), ['as', 'super', 'of'], true) ) { $template_modifier = strtolower(array_shift($template_type)); $info->templates[] = [ $template_name, $template_modifier, implode(' ', $template_type), false, $offset ]; } else { $info->templates[] = [$template_name, null, null, false, $offset]; } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-covariant']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template-covariant']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template-covariant']) ) { $all_templates = (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-covariant']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['template-covariant'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template-covariant']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-template-covariant'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template-covariant']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-template-covariant'] : []); foreach ($all_templates as $offset => $template_line) { $template_type = preg_split('/[\s]+/', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_line)); $template_name = array_shift($template_type); if (!$template_name) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Empty @template-covariant tag'); } if (count($template_type) > 1 && in_array(strtolower($template_type[0]), ['as', 'super', 'of'], true) ) { $template_modifier = strtolower(array_shift($template_type)); $info->templates[] = [ $template_name, $template_modifier, implode(' ', $template_type), true, $offset ]; } else { $info->templates[] = [$template_name, null, null, true, $offset]; } } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-extends']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['inherits']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['extends']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-extends']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-extends']) ) { $all_inheritance = ($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-extends'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['inherits'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['extends'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-extends'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-extends'] ?? []); foreach ($all_inheritance as $template_line) { $info->template_extends[] = trim(preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_line)); } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-implements']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['implements']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-implements']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-implements']) ) { $all_inheritance = ($parsed_docblock['specials']['template-implements'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['implements'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['phpstan-implements'] ?? []) + ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-implements'] ?? []); foreach ($all_inheritance as $template_line) { $info->template_implements[] = trim(preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $template_line)); } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['deprecated'])) { $info->deprecated = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['internal'])) { $info->internal = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal'])) { $psalm_internal = reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-internal']); if ($psalm_internal) { $info->psalm_internal = $psalm_internal; } else { throw new DocblockParseException('psalm-internal annotation used without specifying namespace'); } if (! $info->internal) { throw new DocblockParseException('@psalm-internal annotation used without @internal'); } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['mixin'])) { $mixin = trim(reset($parsed_docblock['specials']['mixin'])); $mixin = explode(' ', $mixin)[0]; if ($mixin) { $info->mixin = $mixin; } else { throw new DocblockParseException('@mixin annotation used without specifying class'); } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-seal-properties'])) { $info->sealed_properties = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-seal-methods'])) { $info->sealed_methods = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-immutable']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-mutation-free']) ) { $info->mutation_free = true; $info->external_mutation_free = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-external-mutation-free'])) { $info->external_mutation_free = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-override-property-visibility'])) { $info->override_property_visibility = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-override-method-visibility'])) { $info->override_method_visibility = true; } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-suppress'])) { foreach ($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-suppress'] as $offset => $suppress_entry) { $info->suppressed_issues[$offset + $comment->getFilePos()] = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $suppress_entry)[0]; } } if (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['method']) || isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-method'])) { $all_methods = (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['method']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['method'] : []) + (isset($parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-method']) ? $parsed_docblock['specials']['psalm-method'] : []); foreach ($all_methods as $offset => $method_entry) { $method_entry = preg_replace('/[ \t]+/', ' ', trim($method_entry)); $docblock_lines = []; $is_static = false; if (!preg_match('/^([a-z_A-Z][a-z_0-9A-Z]+) *\(/', $method_entry, $matches)) { $doc_line_parts = self::splitDocLine($method_entry); if ($doc_line_parts[0] === 'static' && !strpos($doc_line_parts[1], '(')) { $is_static = true; array_shift($doc_line_parts); } if (count($doc_line_parts) > 1) { $docblock_lines[] = '@return ' . array_shift($doc_line_parts); $method_entry = implode(' ', $doc_line_parts); } } $method_entry = trim(preg_replace('/\/\/.*/', '', $method_entry)); $method_entry = preg_replace( '/array\(([0-9a-zA-Z_\'\" ]+,)*([0-9a-zA-Z_\'\" ]+)\)/', '[]', $method_entry ); $end_of_method_regex = '/(?children[1]); $method_tree = $method_tree->children[0]; } if (!$method_tree instanceof ParseTree\MethodTree) { throw new DocblockParseException($method_entry . ' is not a valid method'); } $args = []; foreach ($method_tree->children as $method_tree_child) { if (!$method_tree_child instanceof ParseTree\MethodParamTree) { throw new DocblockParseException($method_entry . ' is not a valid method'); } $args[] = ($method_tree_child->byref ? '&' : '') . ($method_tree_child->variadic ? '...' : '') . $method_tree_child->name . ($method_tree_child->default != '' ? ' = ' . $method_tree_child->default : ''); if ($method_tree_child->children) { $param_type = Type::getTypeFromTree($method_tree_child->children[0]); $docblock_lines[] = '@param \\' . $param_type . ' ' . ($method_tree_child->variadic ? '...' : '') . $method_tree_child->name; } } $function_string = 'function ' . $method_tree->value . '(' . implode(', ', $args) . ')'; if ($is_static) { $function_string = 'static ' . $function_string; } $function_docblock = $docblock_lines ? "/**\n * " . implode("\n * ", $docblock_lines) . "\n*/\n" : ""; $php_string = 'stmts[0]) || !$statements[0]->stmts[0] instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod ) { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @method string ' . $method_entry); } /** @var \PhpParser\Comment\Doc */ $node_doc_comment = $node->getDocComment(); $statements[0]->stmts[0]->setAttribute('startLine', $node_doc_comment->getLine()); $statements[0]->stmts[0]->setAttribute('startFilePos', $node_doc_comment->getFilePos()); $statements[0]->stmts[0]->setAttribute('endFilePos', $node->getAttribute('startFilePos')); if ($doc_comment = $statements[0]->stmts[0]->getDocComment()) { $statements[0]->stmts[0]->setDocComment( new \PhpParser\Comment\Doc( $doc_comment->getText(), $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment->getText(), "\n", 0, $offset), $node_doc_comment->getFilePos() ) ); } $info->methods[] = $statements[0]->stmts[0]; } } self::addMagicPropertyToInfo($comment, $info, $parsed_docblock['specials'], 'property'); self::addMagicPropertyToInfo($comment, $info, $parsed_docblock['specials'], 'psalm-property'); self::addMagicPropertyToInfo($comment, $info, $parsed_docblock['specials'], 'property-read'); self::addMagicPropertyToInfo($comment, $info, $parsed_docblock['specials'], 'property-write'); return $info; } /** * @param ClassLikeDocblockComment $info * @param array> $specials * @param 'property'|'psalm-property'|'property-read'|'property-write' $property_tag * * @throws DocblockParseException * * @return void */ protected static function addMagicPropertyToInfo( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment, ClassLikeDocblockComment $info, array $specials, string $property_tag ) : void { $magic_property_comments = isset($specials[$property_tag]) ? $specials[$property_tag] : []; foreach ($magic_property_comments as $offset => $property) { $line_parts = self::splitDocLine($property); if (count($line_parts) === 1 && isset($line_parts[0][0]) && $line_parts[0][0] === '$') { continue; } if (count($line_parts) > 1) { if (preg_match('/^&?\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+,?$/', $line_parts[1]) && $line_parts[0][0] !== '{' ) { $line_parts[1] = str_replace('&', '', $line_parts[1]); $line_parts[1] = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $line_parts[1]); $start = $offset + $comment->getFilePos(); $end = $start + strlen($line_parts[0]); $line_parts[0] = str_replace("\n", '', preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\*@m', '', $line_parts[0])); if ($line_parts[0] === '' || ($line_parts[0][0] === '$' && !preg_match('/^\$this(\||$)/', $line_parts[0])) ) { throw new IncorrectDocblockException('Misplaced variable'); } $info->properties[] = [ 'name' => trim($line_parts[1]), 'type' => $line_parts[0], 'line_number' => $comment->getLine() + substr_count($comment->getText(), "\n", 0, $offset), 'tag' => $property_tag, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, ]; } } else { throw new DocblockParseException('Badly-formatted @property'); } } } /** * @param string $return_block * * @throws DocblockParseException if an invalid string is found * * @return array */ public static function splitDocLine($return_block) { $brackets = ''; $type = ''; $expects_callable_return = false; $return_block = str_replace("\t", ' ', $return_block); $quote_char = null; $escaped = false; for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($return_block); $i < $l; ++$i) { $char = $return_block[$i]; $next_char = $i < $l - 1 ? $return_block[$i + 1] : null; $last_char = $i > 0 ? $return_block[$i - 1] : null; if ($quote_char) { if ($char === $quote_char && $i > 1 && !$escaped) { $quote_char = null; $type .= $char; continue; } if ($char === '\\' && !$escaped && ($next_char === $quote_char || $next_char === '\\')) { $escaped = true; $type .= $char; continue; } $escaped = false; $type .= $char; continue; } if ($char === '"' || $char === '\'') { $quote_char = $char; $type .= $char; continue; } if ($char === ':' && $last_char === ')') { $expects_callable_return = true; $type .= $char; continue; } if ($char === '[' || $char === '{' || $char === '(' || $char === '<') { $brackets .= $char; } elseif ($char === ']' || $char === '}' || $char === ')' || $char === '>') { $last_bracket = substr($brackets, -1); $brackets = substr($brackets, 0, -1); if (($char === ']' && $last_bracket !== '[') || ($char === '}' && $last_bracket !== '{') || ($char === ')' && $last_bracket !== '(') || ($char === '>' && $last_bracket !== '<') ) { throw new DocblockParseException('Invalid string ' . $return_block); } } elseif ($char === ' ') { if ($brackets) { $expects_callable_return = false; $type .= ' '; continue; } if ($next_char === '|' || $next_char === '&') { $nexter_char = $i < $l - 2 ? $return_block[$i + 2] : null; if ($nexter_char === ' ') { ++$i; $type .= $next_char . ' '; continue; } } if ($last_char === '|' || $last_char === '&') { $type .= ' '; continue; } if ($next_char === ':') { ++$i; $type .= ' :'; $expects_callable_return = true; continue; } if ($expects_callable_return) { $type .= ' '; $expects_callable_return = false; continue; } $remaining = trim(preg_replace('@^[ \t]*\* *@m', ' ', substr($return_block, $i + 1))); if ($remaining) { /** @var array */ return array_merge([rtrim($type)], preg_split('/[ \s]+/', $remaining)); } return [$type]; } $expects_callable_return = false; $type .= $char; } return [$type]; } }