$argv */ public static function install(array $argv = array()): void { self::$args = implode(' ', $argv); self::setErrorReporting(); self::installErrorHandler(); self::installExceptionHandler(); } /** * @template T * @param callable():T $f * @return T */ public static function runWithExceptionsSuppressed(callable $f) { try { self::$exceptions_enabled = false; return $f(); } finally { self::$exceptions_enabled = true; } } /** @psalm-suppress UnusedConstructor added to prevent instantiations */ private function __construct() { } private static function setErrorReporting(): void { error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); } private static function installErrorHandler(): void { set_error_handler(static function ( int $error_code, string $error_message, string $error_filename = 'unknown', int $error_line = -1 ): bool { if (ErrorHandler::$exceptions_enabled && ($error_code & error_reporting())) { throw new RuntimeException( 'PHP Error: ' . $error_message . ' in ' . $error_filename . ':' . $error_line . ' for command with CLI args "' . ErrorHandler::$args . '"', $error_code ); } // let PHP handle suppressed errors how it sees fit return false; }); } private static function installExceptionHandler(): void { /** * If there is an uncaught exception, * then print more of the backtrace than is done by default to stderr, * then exit with a non-zero exit code to indicate failure. */ set_exception_handler(static function (Throwable $throwable): void { fwrite(STDERR, "Uncaught $throwable\n"); $version = defined('PSALM_VERSION') ? PSALM_VERSION : '(unknown version)'; fwrite(STDERR, "(Psalm $version crashed due to an uncaught Throwable)\n"); exit(1); }); } }