*/ private $sources = []; /** @var array */ private $nodes = []; /** @var array */ private $sinks = []; /** @var array> */ private $specialized_calls = []; /** @var array> */ private $specializations = []; public function addNode(DataFlowNode $node): void { $this->nodes[$node->id] = $node; if ($node->unspecialized_id && $node->specialization_key) { $this->specialized_calls[$node->specialization_key][$node->unspecialized_id] = true; $this->specializations[$node->unspecialized_id][$node->specialization_key] = true; } } public function addSource(TaintSource $node): void { $this->sources[$node->id] = $node; } public function addSink(TaintSink $node): void { $this->sinks[$node->id] = $node; // in the rare case the sink is the _next_ node, this is necessary $this->nodes[$node->id] = $node; } public function addGraph(self $taint): void { $this->sources += $taint->sources; $this->sinks += $taint->sinks; $this->nodes += $taint->nodes; $this->specialized_calls += $taint->specialized_calls; foreach ($taint->forward_edges as $key => $map) { if (!isset($this->forward_edges[$key])) { $this->forward_edges[$key] = $map; } else { $this->forward_edges[$key] += $map; } } foreach ($taint->specializations as $key => $map) { if (!isset($this->specializations[$key])) { $this->specializations[$key] = $map; } else { $this->specializations[$key] += $map; } } } public function getPredecessorPath(DataFlowNode $source): string { $location_summary = ''; if ($source->code_location) { $location_summary = $source->code_location->getShortSummary(); } $source_descriptor = $source->label . ($location_summary ? ' (' . $location_summary . ')' : ''); $previous_source = $source->previous; if ($previous_source) { if ($previous_source === $source) { return ''; } if ($source->code_location && $previous_source->code_location && $previous_source->code_location->getHash() === $source->code_location->getHash() && $previous_source->previous ) { return $this->getPredecessorPath($previous_source->previous) . ' -> ' . $source_descriptor; } return $this->getPredecessorPath($previous_source) . ' -> ' . $source_descriptor; } return $source_descriptor; } public function getSuccessorPath(DataFlowNode $sink): string { $location_summary = ''; if ($sink->code_location) { $location_summary = $sink->code_location->getShortSummary(); } $sink_descriptor = $sink->label . ($location_summary ? ' (' . $location_summary . ')' : ''); $next_sink = $sink->previous; if ($next_sink) { if ($next_sink === $sink) { return ''; } if ($sink->code_location && $next_sink->code_location && $next_sink->code_location->getHash() === $sink->code_location->getHash() && $next_sink->previous ) { return $sink_descriptor . ' -> ' . $this->getSuccessorPath($next_sink->previous); } return $sink_descriptor . ' -> ' . $this->getSuccessorPath($next_sink); } return $sink_descriptor; } /** * @return list */ public function getIssueTrace(DataFlowNode $source): array { $previous_source = $source->previous; $node = [ 'location' => $source->code_location, 'label' => $source->label, 'entry_path_type' => end($source->path_types) ?: '' ]; if ($previous_source) { if ($previous_source === $source) { return []; } return array_merge($this->getIssueTrace($previous_source), [$node]); } return [$node]; } public function connectSinksAndSources(): void { $visited_source_ids = []; $sources = $this->sources; $sinks = $this->sinks; ksort($this->specializations); ksort($this->forward_edges); // reprocess resolved descendants up to a maximum nesting level of 40 for ($i = 0; count($sinks) && count($sources) && $i < 40; $i++) { $new_sources = []; ksort($sources); foreach ($sources as $source) { $source_taints = $source->taints; sort($source_taints); $visited_source_ids[$source->id][implode(',', $source_taints)] = true; $generated_sources = $this->getSpecializedSources($source); foreach ($generated_sources as $generated_source) { $new_sources = array_merge( $new_sources, $this->getChildNodes( $generated_source, $source_taints, $sinks, $visited_source_ids ) ); } } $sources = $new_sources; } } /** * @param array $source_taints * @param array $sinks * @return array */ private function getChildNodes( DataFlowNode $generated_source, array $source_taints, array $sinks, array $visited_source_ids ): array { $new_sources = []; $config = Config::getInstance(); $project_analyzer = ProjectAnalyzer::getInstance(); foreach ($this->forward_edges[$generated_source->id] as $to_id => $path) { $path_type = $path->type; $added_taints = $path->unescaped_taints ?: []; $removed_taints = $path->escaped_taints ?: []; if (!isset($this->nodes[$to_id])) { continue; } $destination_node = $this->nodes[$to_id]; $new_taints = array_unique( array_diff( array_merge($source_taints, $added_taints), $removed_taints ) ); sort($new_taints); if (isset($visited_source_ids[$to_id][implode(',', $new_taints)])) { continue; } if (self::shouldIgnoreFetch($path_type, 'arraykey', $generated_source->path_types)) { continue; } if (self::shouldIgnoreFetch($path_type, 'arrayvalue', $generated_source->path_types)) { continue; } if (self::shouldIgnoreFetch($path_type, 'property', $generated_source->path_types)) { continue; } if ($generated_source->code_location && $project_analyzer->canReportIssues($generated_source->code_location->file_path) && !$config->reportIssueInFile('TaintedInput', $generated_source->code_location->file_path) ) { continue; } if (isset($sinks[$to_id])) { $matching_taints = array_intersect($sinks[$to_id]->taints, $new_taints); if ($matching_taints && $generated_source->code_location) { if ($sinks[$to_id]->code_location && $config->reportIssueInFile('TaintedInput', $sinks[$to_id]->code_location->file_path) ) { $issue_location = $sinks[$to_id]->code_location; } else { $issue_location = $generated_source->code_location; } $issue_trace = $this->getIssueTrace($generated_source); $path = $this->getPredecessorPath($generated_source) . ' -> ' . $this->getSuccessorPath($sinks[$to_id]); foreach ($matching_taints as $matching_taint) { switch ($matching_taint) { case TaintKind::INPUT_CALLABLE: $issue = new TaintedCallable( 'Detected tainted text', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_UNSERIALIZE: $issue = new TaintedUnserialize( 'Detected tainted code passed to unserialize or similar', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_INCLUDE: $issue = new TaintedInclude( 'Detected tainted code passed to include or similar', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_EVAL: $issue = new TaintedEval( 'Detected tainted code passed to eval or similar', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_SQL: $issue = new TaintedSql( 'Detected tainted SQL', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_HTML: $issue = new TaintedHtml( 'Detected tainted HTML', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_HAS_QUOTES: $issue = new TaintedTextWithQuotes( 'Detected tainted text with possible quotes', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_SHELL: $issue = new TaintedShell( 'Detected tainted shell code', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::USER_SECRET: $issue = new TaintedUserSecret( 'Detected tainted user secret leaking', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::SYSTEM_SECRET: $issue = new TaintedSystemSecret( 'Detected tainted system secret leaking', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_SSRF: $issue = new TaintedSSRF( 'Detected tainted network request', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_LDAP: $issue = new TaintedLdap( 'Detected tainted LDAP request', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_COOKIE: $issue = new TaintedCookie( 'Detected tainted cookie', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_FILE: $issue = new TaintedFile( 'Detected tainted file handling', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; case TaintKind::INPUT_HEADER: $issue = new TaintedHeader( 'Detected tainted header', $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); break; default: $issue = new TaintedCustom( 'Detected tainted ' . $matching_taint, $issue_location, $issue_trace, $path ); } IssueBuffer::maybeAdd($issue); } } } $new_destination = clone $destination_node; $new_destination->previous = $generated_source; $new_destination->taints = $new_taints; $new_destination->specialized_calls = $generated_source->specialized_calls; $new_destination->path_types = array_merge($generated_source->path_types, [$path_type]); $key = $to_id . ' ' . json_encode($new_destination->specialized_calls) . ' ' . json_encode($new_destination->taints); $new_sources[$key] = $new_destination; } return $new_sources; } /** @return array */ private function getSpecializedSources(DataFlowNode $source): array { $generated_sources = []; if (isset($this->forward_edges[$source->id])) { return [$source]; } if ($source->specialization_key && isset($this->specialized_calls[$source->specialization_key])) { $generated_source = clone $source; $generated_source->id = substr($source->id, 0, -strlen($source->specialization_key) - 1); $generated_source->specialized_calls[$source->specialization_key][$generated_source->id] = true; $generated_sources[] = $generated_source; } elseif (isset($this->specializations[$source->id])) { foreach ($this->specializations[$source->id] as $specialization => $_) { if (!$source->specialized_calls || isset($source->specialized_calls[$specialization])) { $new_source = clone $source; $new_source->id = $source->id . '-' . $specialization; unset($new_source->specialized_calls[$specialization]); $generated_sources[] = $new_source; } } } else { foreach ($source->specialized_calls as $key => $map) { if (isset($map[$source->id]) && isset($this->forward_edges[$source->id . '-' . $key])) { $new_source = clone $source; $new_source->id = $source->id . '-' . $key; $generated_sources[] = $new_source; } } } return array_filter( $generated_sources, function ($new_source): bool { return isset($this->forward_edges[$new_source->id]); } ); } }