getCodebase(); $file_storage_provider = $codebase->file_storage_provider; $file_storage = $file_storage_provider->get($source->getFilePath()); $namespace = $source->getNamespace(); $function_id = ($namespace ? strtolower($namespace) . '\\' : '') . strtolower($function->name->name); if (!isset($file_storage->functions[$function_id])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'Function ' . $function_id . ' should be defined in ' . $source->getFilePath() ); } $storage = $file_storage->functions[$function_id]; parent::__construct($function, $source, $storage); } /** * @param string $function_id * @param array $call_args * * @return Type\Union */ public static function getReturnTypeFromCallMapWithArgs( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, $function_id, array $call_args, Context $context ) { $call_map_key = strtolower($function_id); $call_map = InternalCallMapHandler::getCallMap(); $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!isset($call_map[$call_map_key])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Function ' . $function_id . ' was not found in callmap'); } if (!$call_args) { switch ($call_map_key) { case 'hrtime': return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike([ Type::getInt(), Type::getInt() ]) ]); case 'get_called_class': return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TClassString( $context->self ?: 'object', $context->self ? new Type\Atomic\TNamedObject($context->self, true) : null ) ]); case 'get_parent_class': if ($context->self && $codebase->classExists($context->self)) { $classlike_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($context->self); if ($classlike_storage->parent_classes) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TClassString( array_values($classlike_storage->parent_classes)[0] ) ]); } } } } else { switch ($call_map_key) { case 'count': if (($first_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($call_args[0]->value))) { $atomic_types = $first_arg_type->getAtomicTypes(); if (count($atomic_types) === 1) { if (isset($atomic_types['array'])) { if ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TCallableArray || $atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TCallableList || $atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TCallableObjectLikeArray ) { return Type::getInt(false, 2); } if ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyArray) { return new Type\Union([ $atomic_types['array']->count !== null ? new Type\Atomic\TLiteralInt($atomic_types['array']->count) : new Type\Atomic\TInt ]); } if ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyList) { return new Type\Union([ $atomic_types['array']->count !== null ? new Type\Atomic\TLiteralInt($atomic_types['array']->count) : new Type\Atomic\TInt ]); } if ($atomic_types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike && $atomic_types['array']->sealed ) { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TLiteralInt(count($atomic_types['array']->properties)) ]); } } } } break; case 'hrtime': if (($first_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($call_args[0]->value))) { if ((string) $first_arg_type === 'true') { $int = Type::getInt(); $int->from_calculation = true; return $int; } if ((string) $first_arg_type === 'false') { return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike([ Type::getInt(), Type::getInt() ]) ]); } return new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike([ Type::getInt(), Type::getInt() ]), new Type\Atomic\TInt() ]); } $int = Type::getInt(); $int->from_calculation = true; return $int; case 'get_parent_class': // this is unreliable, as it's hard to know exactly what's wanted - attempted this in // // but caused problems where it didn’t know exactly what level of child we // were receiving. // // Really this should only work on instances we've created with new Foo(), // but that requires more work break; } } if (!$call_map[$call_map_key][0]) { return Type::getMixed(); } $call_map_return_type = Type::parseString($call_map[$call_map_key][0]); switch ($call_map_key) { case 'mb_strpos': case 'mb_strrpos': case 'mb_stripos': case 'mb_strripos': case 'strpos': case 'strrpos': case 'stripos': case 'strripos': case 'strstr': case 'stristr': case 'strrchr': case 'strpbrk': case 'array_search': break; default: if ($call_map_return_type->isFalsable() && $codebase->config->ignore_internal_falsable_issues ) { $call_map_return_type->ignore_falsable_issues = true; } } switch ($call_map_key) { case 'array_replace': case 'array_replace_recursive': if ($codebase->config->ignore_internal_nullable_issues) { $call_map_return_type->ignore_nullable_issues = true; } break; } return $call_map_return_type; } /** * @return non-empty-lowercase-string */ public function getFunctionId() { $namespace = $this->source->getNamespace(); /** @var non-empty-lowercase-string */ return ($namespace ? strtolower($namespace) . '\\' : '') . strtolower($this->function->name->name); } public static function analyzeStatement( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_ $stmt, Context $context ) : void { foreach ($stmt->stmts as $function_stmt) { if ($function_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Global_) { foreach ($function_stmt->vars as $var) { if ($var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable) { if (is_string($var->name)) { $var_id = '$' . $var->name; // registers variable in global context $context->hasVariable($var_id, $statements_analyzer); } } } } elseif (!$function_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) { break; } } $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!$codebase->register_stub_files && !$codebase->register_autoload_files ) { $function_name = strtolower($stmt->name->name); if ($ns = $statements_analyzer->getNamespace()) { $fq_function_name = strtolower($ns) . '\\' . $function_name; } else { $fq_function_name = $function_name; } $function_context = new Context($context->self); $function_context->strict_types = $context->strict_types; $config = \Psalm\Config::getInstance(); $function_context->collect_exceptions = $config->check_for_throws_docblock; if ($function_analyzer = $statements_analyzer->getFunctionAnalyzer($fq_function_name)) { $function_analyzer->analyze( $function_context, $statements_analyzer->node_data, $context ); if ($config->reportIssueInFile('InvalidReturnType', $statements_analyzer->getFilePath())) { $method_id = $function_analyzer->getId(); $function_storage = $codebase->functions->getStorage( $statements_analyzer, strtolower($method_id) ); $return_type = $function_storage->return_type; $return_type_location = $function_storage->return_type_location; $function_analyzer->verifyReturnType( $stmt->getStmts(), $statements_analyzer, $return_type, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $return_type_location, $function_context->has_returned ); } } } } }