getCodebase(); $real_method_id = $source->getFQCLN() . '::' . strtolower((string) $function->name); if (!$storage) { try { $storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($real_method_id); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get((string) $source->getFQCLN()); if (!$class_storage->parent_classes) { throw $e; } $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($real_method_id); if (!$declaring_method_id) { throw $e; } // happens for fake constructors $storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); } } parent::__construct($function, $source, $storage); } /** * Determines whether a given method is static or not * * @param string $method_id * @param bool $self_call * @param bool $is_context_dynamic * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @param bool $is_dynamic_this_method * * @return bool */ public static function checkStatic( $method_id, $self_call, $is_context_dynamic, Codebase $codebase, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues, &$is_dynamic_this_method = false ) { $codebase_methods = $codebase->methods; if ($method_id === 'Closure::fromcallable') { return true; } $original_method_id = $method_id; $method_id = $codebase_methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (!$method_id) { throw new \LogicException('Declaring method for ' . $original_method_id . ' should not be null'); } $storage = $codebase_methods->getStorage($method_id); if (!$storage->is_static) { if ($self_call) { if (!$is_context_dynamic) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NonStaticSelfCall( 'Method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' is not static, but is called ' . 'using self::', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { $is_dynamic_this_method = true; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidStaticInvocation( 'Method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' is not static, but is called ' . 'statically', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @param string|null $calling_method_id * * @return bool|null */ public static function checkMethodExists( Codebase $codebase, $method_id, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues, $calling_method_id = null ) { if ($codebase->methods->methodExists( $method_id, $calling_method_id, $calling_method_id !== $method_id ? $code_location : null, null, $code_location->file_path )) { return true; } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedMethod('Method ' . $method_id . ' does not exist', $code_location, $method_id), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return false|null */ public static function checkMethodNotDeprecatedOrInternal( Codebase $codebase, Context $context, $method_id, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $codebase_methods = $codebase->methods; $method_id = (string) $codebase_methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); $storage = $codebase_methods->getStorage($method_id); if ($storage->deprecated) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DeprecatedMethod( 'The method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' has been marked as deprecated', $code_location, $method_id ), $suppressed_issues )) { // continue } } if ($storage->psalm_internal && $context->self && !$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations ) { if (! NamespaceAnalyzer::isWithin($context->self, $storage->psalm_internal) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InternalMethod( 'The method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' has been marked as internal to ' . $storage->psalm_internal, $code_location, $method_id ), $suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } } } if ($storage->internal && $context->self && !$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations ) { $declaring_class = explode('::', $method_id)[0]; $self_root = preg_replace('/^([^\\\]+).*/', '$1', $context->self); $declaring_root = preg_replace('/^([^\\\]+).*/', '$1', $declaring_class); if (strtolower($self_root) !== strtolower($declaring_root)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InternalMethod( 'The method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' has been marked as internal', $code_location, $method_id ), $suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } } } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param Context $context * @param StatementsSource $source * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return false|null */ public static function checkMethodVisibility( $method_id, Context $context, StatementsSource $source, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $codebase_methods = $codebase->methods; $codebase_classlikes = $codebase->classlikes; list($fq_classlike_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if ($codebase_methods->visibility_provider->has($fq_classlike_name)) { $method_visible = $codebase_methods->visibility_provider->isMethodVisible( $source, $fq_classlike_name, $method_name, $context, $code_location ); if ($method_visible === false) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' from context ' . $context->self, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } elseif ($method_visible === true) { return false; } } $declaring_method_id = $codebase_methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (!$declaring_method_id) { $method_name = explode('::', $method_id)[1]; if ($method_name === '__construct' || $method_id === 'Closure::__invoke' || $method_id === 'Closure::fromcallable' ) { return null; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$declaring_method_id not expected to be null here'); } $appearing_method_id = $codebase_methods->getAppearingMethodId($method_id); $appearing_method_class = null; $appearing_class_storage = null; $appearing_method_name = null; if ($appearing_method_id) { list($appearing_method_class, $appearing_method_name) = explode('::', $appearing_method_id); // if the calling class is the same, we know the method exists, so it must be visible if ($appearing_method_class === $context->self) { return null; } $appearing_class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($appearing_method_class); } list($declaring_method_class) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); if ($source->getSource() instanceof TraitAnalyzer && $declaring_method_class === $source->getFQCLN()) { return null; } $storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); $visibility = $storage->visibility; if ($appearing_method_name && isset($appearing_class_storage->trait_visibility_map[$appearing_method_name]) ) { $visibility = $appearing_class_storage->trait_visibility_map[$appearing_method_name]; } switch ($visibility) { case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: return null; case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE: if (!$context->self || $appearing_method_class !== $context->self) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access private method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' from context ' . $context->self, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } return null; case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED: if (!$context->self) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access protected method ' . $method_id, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } if ($appearing_method_class && $codebase_classlikes->classExtends($appearing_method_class, $context->self) ) { return null; } if ($appearing_method_class && !$codebase_classlikes->classExtends($context->self, $appearing_method_class) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access protected method ' . $codebase_methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' from context ' . $context->self, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param Context $context * @param StatementsSource $source * * @return bool */ public static function isMethodVisible( $method_id, Context $context, StatementsSource $source ) { $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); list($fq_classlike_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if ($codebase->methods->visibility_provider->has($fq_classlike_name)) { $method_visible = $codebase->methods->visibility_provider->isMethodVisible( $source, $fq_classlike_name, $method_name, $context, null ); if ($method_visible !== null) { return $method_visible; } } $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (!$declaring_method_id) { // this can happen for methods in the callmap that were not reflected return true; } $appearing_method_id = $codebase->methods->getAppearingMethodId($method_id); $appearing_method_class = null; if ($appearing_method_id) { list($appearing_method_class) = explode('::', $appearing_method_id); // if the calling class is the same, we know the method exists, so it must be visible if ($appearing_method_class === $context->self) { return true; } } list($declaring_method_class) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); if ($source->getSource() instanceof TraitAnalyzer && $declaring_method_class === $source->getFQCLN()) { return true; } $storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); switch ($storage->visibility) { case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: return true; case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE: return $context->self && $appearing_method_class === $context->self; case ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED: if (!$context->self) { return false; } if ($appearing_method_class && $codebase->classExtends($appearing_method_class, $context->self) ) { return true; } if ($appearing_method_class && !$codebase->classExtends($context->self, $appearing_method_class) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param ClassLikeStorage $implementer_classlike_storage * @param ClassLikeStorage $guide_classlike_storage * @param MethodStorage $implementer_method_storage * @param MethodStorage $guide_method_storage * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @param bool $prevent_abstract_override * @param bool $prevent_method_signature_mismatch * * @return false|null */ public static function compareMethods( Codebase $codebase, ClassLikeStorage $implementer_classlike_storage, ClassLikeStorage $guide_classlike_storage, MethodStorage $implementer_method_storage, MethodStorage $guide_method_storage, string $implementer_called_class_name, int $implementer_visibility, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues, $prevent_abstract_override = true, $prevent_method_signature_mismatch = true ) { $implementer_method_id = $implementer_classlike_storage->name . '::' . strtolower($guide_method_storage->cased_name); $implementer_declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($implementer_method_id); $cased_implementer_method_id = $implementer_classlike_storage->name . '::' . $implementer_method_storage->cased_name; $cased_guide_method_id = $guide_classlike_storage->name . '::' . $guide_method_storage->cased_name; if ($implementer_visibility > $guide_method_storage->visibility) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new OverriddenMethodAccess( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has different access level than ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } if ($prevent_abstract_override && !$guide_method_storage->abstract && $implementer_method_storage->abstract && !$guide_classlike_storage->abstract && !$guide_classlike_storage->is_interface ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' cannot be abstract when inherited method ' . $cased_guide_method_id . ' is non-abstract', $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } if ($guide_method_storage->signature_return_type && $prevent_method_signature_mismatch) { $guide_signature_return_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $guide_method_storage->signature_return_type, $guide_classlike_storage->name, $guide_classlike_storage->name ); $implementer_signature_return_type = $implementer_method_storage->signature_return_type ? ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $implementer_method_storage->signature_return_type, $implementer_classlike_storage->name, $implementer_classlike_storage->name ) : null; if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedByInPhp($implementer_signature_return_type, $guide_signature_return_type)) { if ($guide_classlike_storage->is_trait === $implementer_classlike_storage->is_trait) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' with return type \'' . $implementer_signature_return_type . '\' is different to return type \'' . $guide_signature_return_type . '\' of inherited method ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TraitMethodSignatureMismatch( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' with return type \'' . $implementer_signature_return_type . '\' is different to return type \'' . $guide_signature_return_type . '\' of inherited method ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } return null; } } if ($guide_method_storage->return_type && $implementer_method_storage->return_type && ($guide_method_storage->signature_return_type !== $guide_method_storage->return_type || $implementer_method_storage->signature_return_type !== $implementer_method_storage->return_type) && $implementer_classlike_storage->user_defined && (!$guide_classlike_storage->stubbed || $guide_classlike_storage->template_types) ) { $implementer_method_storage_return_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $implementer_method_storage->return_type, $implementer_classlike_storage->name, $implementer_called_class_name ); $guide_method_storage_return_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $guide_method_storage->return_type, $guide_classlike_storage->name, $guide_classlike_storage->name ); $guide_class_name_lc = strtolower($guide_classlike_storage->name); if (isset($implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_class_name_lc])) { $map = $implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_class_name_lc]; $template_types = []; foreach ($map as $key => $type) { if (is_string($key)) { $template_types[$key][$guide_classlike_storage->name] = [$type]; } } $guide_method_storage_return_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $template_types, $codebase ); } $guide_trait_name_lc = null; if ($guide_classlike_storage === $implementer_classlike_storage) { $guide_trait_name_lc = strtolower($implementer_method_storage->defining_fqcln); } if ($guide_trait_name_lc && isset($implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_trait_name_lc]) ) { $map = $implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_trait_name_lc]; $template_types = []; foreach ($map as $key => $type) { if (is_string($key)) { $template_types[$key][$implementer_method_storage->defining_fqcln] = [ $type, ]; } } $implementer_method_storage_return_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $template_types, $codebase ); $guide_method_storage_return_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $template_types, $codebase ); } // treat void as null when comparing against docblock implementer if ($implementer_method_storage_return_type->isVoid()) { $implementer_method_storage_return_type = Type::getNull(); } if ($guide_method_storage_return_type->isVoid()) { $guide_method_storage_return_type = Type::getNull(); } if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $implementer_method_storage_return_type, $guide_method_storage_return_type, false, false, $has_scalar_match, $type_coerced, $type_coerced_from_mixed )) { // is the declared return type more specific than the inferred one? if ($type_coerced) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new LessSpecificImplementedReturnType( 'The return type \'' . $guide_method_storage_return_type->getId() . '\' for ' . $cased_guide_method_id . ' is more specific than the implemented ' . 'return type for ' . $implementer_declaring_method_id . ' \'' . $implementer_method_storage_return_type->getId() . '\'', $implementer_method_storage->return_type_location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ImplementedReturnTypeMismatch( 'The return type \'' . $guide_method_storage_return_type->getId() . '\' for ' . $cased_guide_method_id . ' is different to the implemented ' . 'return type for ' . $implementer_declaring_method_id . ' \'' . $implementer_method_storage_return_type->getId() . '\'', $implementer_method_storage->return_type_location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } } foreach ($guide_method_storage->params as $i => $guide_param) { if (!isset($implementer_method_storage->params[$i])) { if (!$prevent_abstract_override && $i >= $guide_method_storage->required_param_count) { continue; } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has fewer parameters than parent method ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } $implementer_param = $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]; if ($prevent_method_signature_mismatch && !$guide_classlike_storage->user_defined && $guide_param->type ) { $implementer_param_type = $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->signature_type; $guide_param_signature_type = $guide_param->type; $or_null_guide_param_signature_type = $guide_param->signature_type ? clone $guide_param->signature_type : null; if ($or_null_guide_param_signature_type) { $or_null_guide_param_signature_type->addType(new Type\Atomic\TNull); } if ($cased_guide_method_id === 'Serializable::unserialize') { $guide_param_signature_type = null; $or_null_guide_param_signature_type = null; } if (!$guide_param->type->hasMixed() && !$guide_param->type->from_docblock && ($implementer_param_type || $guide_param_signature_type) ) { if ($implementer_param_type && (!$guide_param_signature_type || strtolower($implementer_param_type->getId()) !== strtolower($guide_param_signature_type->getId())) && (!$or_null_guide_param_signature_type || strtolower($implementer_param_type->getId()) !== strtolower($or_null_guide_param_signature_type->getId())) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has wrong type \'' . $implementer_param_type . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_param_signature_type . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } } } if ($prevent_method_signature_mismatch && $guide_classlike_storage->user_defined && $implementer_param->signature_type ) { $guide_param_signature_type = $guide_param->signature_type ? ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $guide_param->signature_type, $guide_classlike_storage->name, $guide_classlike_storage->name ) : null; $implementer_param_signature_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $implementer_param->signature_type, $implementer_classlike_storage->name, $implementer_classlike_storage->name ); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedByInPhp( $guide_param_signature_type, $implementer_param_signature_type )) { if ($guide_classlike_storage->is_trait === $implementer_classlike_storage->is_trait) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has wrong type \'' . $implementer_param_signature_type . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_param_signature_type . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ) )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TraitMethodSignatureMismatch( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has wrong type \'' . $implementer_param_signature_type . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_param_signature_type . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } return null; } } if ($implementer_param->type && $guide_param->type && $implementer_param->type->getId() !== $guide_param->type->getId() ) { $implementer_method_storage_param_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $implementer_param->type, $implementer_classlike_storage->name, $implementer_called_class_name ); $guide_method_storage_param_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $guide_param->type, $guide_classlike_storage->name, $guide_classlike_storage->name ); $guide_class_name_lc = strtolower($guide_classlike_storage->name); if (isset($implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_class_name_lc])) { $map = $implementer_classlike_storage->template_type_extends[$guide_class_name_lc]; $template_types = []; foreach ($map as $key => $type) { if (is_string($key)) { $template_types[$key][$guide_classlike_storage->name] = [$type, 0]; } } $guide_method_storage_param_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $template_types, $codebase ); } if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $guide_method_storage_param_type, $implementer_method_storage_param_type, !$guide_classlike_storage->user_defined, !$guide_classlike_storage->user_defined, $has_scalar_match, $type_coerced, $type_coerced_from_mixed )) { // is the declared return type more specific than the inferred one? if ($type_coerced) { if ($guide_classlike_storage->user_defined) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MoreSpecificImplementedParamType( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has the more specific type \'' . $implementer_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } else { if (TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $implementer_method_storage_param_type, $guide_method_storage_param_type, !$guide_classlike_storage->user_defined, !$guide_classlike_storage->user_defined )) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MoreSpecificImplementedParamType( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has the more specific type \'' . $implementer_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ImplementedParamTypeMismatch( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has wrong type \'' . $implementer_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\', expecting \'' . $guide_method_storage_param_type->getId() . '\' as defined by ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } } } if ($guide_classlike_storage->user_defined && $implementer_param->by_ref !== $guide_param->by_ref) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' is' . ($implementer_param->by_ref ? '' : ' not') . ' passed by reference, but argument ' . ($i + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_guide_method_id . ' is' . ($guide_param->by_ref ? '' : ' not'), $implementer_method_storage->params[$i]->location ?: $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } } if ($guide_classlike_storage->user_defined && ($guide_classlike_storage->is_interface || $implementer_method_storage->cased_name !== '__construct') && $implementer_method_storage->required_param_count > $guide_method_storage->required_param_count ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMismatch( 'Method ' . $cased_implementer_method_id . ' has more required parameters than parent method ' . $cased_guide_method_id, $code_location ) )) { return false; } return null; } } /** * Check that __clone, __construct, and __destruct do not have a return type * hint in their signature. * * @param MethodStorage $method_storage * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @return false|null */ public static function checkMethodSignatureMustOmitReturnType( MethodStorage $method_storage, CodeLocation $code_location ) { if ($method_storage->signature_return_type === null) { return null; } $cased_method_name = $method_storage->cased_name; $methodsOfInterest = ['__clone', '__construct', '__destruct']; if (in_array($cased_method_name, $methodsOfInterest)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MethodSignatureMustOmitReturnType( 'Method ' . $cased_method_name . ' must not declare a return type', $code_location ) )) { return false; } } return null; } }