> */ protected static $public_namespace_constants = []; public function __construct(Namespace_ $namespace, FileAnalyzer $source) { $this->source = $source; $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->namespace_name = $this->namespace->name ? implode('\\', $this->namespace->name->parts) : ''; } public function collectAnalyzableInformation(): void { $leftover_stmts = []; if (!isset(self::$public_namespace_constants[$this->namespace_name])) { self::$public_namespace_constants[$this->namespace_name] = []; } $codebase = $this->getCodebase(); foreach ($this->namespace->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { $this->collectAnalyzableClassLike($stmt); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Use_) { $this->visitUse($stmt); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\GroupUse) { $this->visitGroupUse($stmt); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_) { foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { self::$public_namespace_constants[$this->namespace_name][$const->name->name] = Type::getMixed(); } $leftover_stmts[] = $stmt; } else { $leftover_stmts[] = $stmt; } } if ($leftover_stmts) { $statements_analyzer = new StatementsAnalyzer($this, new NodeDataProvider()); $context = new Context(); $context->is_global = true; $context->defineGlobals(); $context->collect_exceptions = $codebase->config->check_for_throws_in_global_scope; $statements_analyzer->analyze($leftover_stmts, $context, null, true); $file_context = $this->source->context; if ($file_context) { $file_context->mergeExceptions($context); } } } public function collectAnalyzableClassLike(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike $stmt): void { if (!$stmt->name) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Did not expect anonymous class here'); } $fq_class_name = Type::getFQCLNFromString($stmt->name->name, $this->getAliases()); if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_ || $stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Enum_) { $this->source->addNamespacedClassAnalyzer( $fq_class_name, new ClassAnalyzer($stmt, $this, $fq_class_name) ); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_) { $this->source->addNamespacedInterfaceAnalyzer( $fq_class_name, new InterfaceAnalyzer($stmt, $this, $fq_class_name) ); } } public function getNamespace(): string { return $this->namespace_name; } public function setConstType(string $const_name, Union $const_type): void { self::$public_namespace_constants[$this->namespace_name][$const_name] = $const_type; } /** * @return array */ public static function getConstantsForNamespace(string $namespace_name, int $visibility): array { // @todo this does not allow for loading in namespace constants not already defined in the current sweep if (!isset(self::$public_namespace_constants[$namespace_name])) { self::$public_namespace_constants[$namespace_name] = []; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) { return self::$public_namespace_constants[$namespace_name]; } throw new InvalidArgumentException('Given $visibility not supported'); } public function getFileAnalyzer(): FileAnalyzer { return $this->source; } /** * Returns true if $calling_identifier is the same as, or is within with $identifier, in a * case-insensitive comparison. Identifiers can be namespaces, classlikes, functions, or methods. * * @psalm-pure * * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $identifier is not a valid identifier */ public static function isWithin(string $calling_identifier, string $identifier): bool { $normalized_calling_ident = self::normalizeIdentifier($calling_identifier); $normalized_ident = self::normalizeIdentifier($identifier); if ($normalized_calling_ident === $normalized_ident) { return true; } $normalized_calling_ident_parts = self::getIdentifierParts($normalized_calling_ident); $normalized_ident_parts = self::getIdentifierParts($normalized_ident); if (count($normalized_calling_ident_parts) < count($normalized_ident_parts)) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($normalized_ident_parts); ++$i) { if ($normalized_ident_parts[$i] !== $normalized_calling_ident_parts[$i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if $calling_identifier is the same as or is within any identifier * in $identifiers in a case-insensitive comparison, or if $identifiers is empty. * Identifiers can be namespaces, classlikes, functions, or methods. * * @psalm-pure * * @psalm-assert-if-false !empty $identifiers * * @param list $identifiers */ public static function isWithinAny(string $calling_identifier, array $identifiers): bool { if (count($identifiers) === 0) { return true; } foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) { if (self::isWithin($calling_identifier, $identifier)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param non-empty-string $fullyQualifiedClassName, e.g. '\Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\NamespaceAnalyzer' * * @return non-empty-string , e.g. 'Psalm' * * @psalm-pure */ public static function getNameSpaceRoot(string $fullyQualifiedClassName): string { $root_namespace = preg_replace('/^([^\\\]+).*/', '$1', $fullyQualifiedClassName, 1); if ($root_namespace === "") { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid classname \"$fullyQualifiedClassName\""); } return $root_namespace; } /** * @return ($lowercase is true ? lowercase-string : string) * * @psalm-pure */ public static function normalizeIdentifier(string $identifier, bool $lowercase = true): string { if ($identifier === "") { return ""; } $identifier = $identifier[0] === "\\" ? substr($identifier, 1) : $identifier; return $lowercase ? strtolower($identifier) : $identifier; } /** * Splits an identifier into parts, eg `Foo\Bar::baz` becomes ["Foo", "\\", "Bar", "::", "baz"]. * * @return list * * @psalm-pure */ public static function getIdentifierParts(string $identifier): array { $parts = []; while (($pos = strpos($identifier, "\\")) !== false) { if ($pos > 0) { $part = substr($identifier, 0, $pos); assert($part !== ""); $parts[] = $part; } $parts[] = "\\"; $identifier = substr($identifier, $pos + 1); } if (($pos = strpos($identifier, "::")) !== false) { if ($pos > 0) { $part = substr($identifier, 0, $pos); assert($part !== ""); $parts[] = $part; } $parts[] = "::"; $identifier = substr($identifier, $pos + 2); } if ($identifier !== "") { $parts[] = $identifier; } return $parts; } }