*/ private $existing_classlikes_ci = []; /** * @var array */ private $existing_classlikes = []; /** * @var array */ private $existing_classes_ci = []; /** * @var array */ public $existing_classes = []; /** * @var array */ private $existing_interfaces_ci = []; /** * @var array */ public $existing_interfaces = []; /** * @var array */ private $existing_traits_ci = []; /** * @var array */ public $existing_traits = []; /** * @var array */ private $classlike_files = []; /** * @var array */ private $files_to_visit = []; /** * @var array */ private $files_to_analyze = []; /** * @var array */ private $visited_files = []; /** * @var array */ private $visited_classes = []; /** * @var array */ private $file_checkers = []; /** * @var array */ public $method_checkers = []; /** * @var array */ public $classlike_references = []; /** * A map of fully-qualified use declarations to the files * that reference them (keyed by filename) * @var array>> */ public $use_referencing_locations = []; /** * @var array */ public $fake_files = []; /** * @var boolean */ public $server_mode = false; /** * Whether to log functions just at the file level or globally (for stubs) * * @var boolean */ public $register_global_functions = false; const TYPE_CONSOLE = 'console'; const TYPE_JSON = 'json'; const TYPE_EMACS = 'emacs'; /** * @param boolean $use_color * @param boolean $show_info * @param boolean $debug_output * @param string $output_format * @param bool $update_docblocks * @param bool $collect_references * @param string $find_references_to */ public function __construct( $use_color = true, $show_info = true, $output_format = self::TYPE_CONSOLE, $debug_output = false, $update_docblocks = false, $collect_references = false, $find_references_to = null ) { $this->use_color = $use_color; $this->show_info = $show_info; $this->debug_output = $debug_output; $this->update_docblocks = $update_docblocks; $this->collect_references = $collect_references; $this->find_references_to = $find_references_to; if (!in_array($output_format, [self::TYPE_CONSOLE, self::TYPE_JSON, self::TYPE_EMACS])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unrecognised output format ' . $output_format); } $this->output_format = $output_format; self::$instance = $this; } /** * @return self */ public static function getInstance() { return self::$instance; } /** * @param boolean $is_diff * @return void */ public function check($is_diff = false) { $cwd = getcwd(); $start_checks = (int)microtime(true); if (!$cwd) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot work with empty cwd'); } if (!$this->config) { $this->config = $this->getConfigForPath($cwd); } $diff_files = null; $deleted_files = null; if ($is_diff && FileReferenceProvider::loadReferenceCache() && CacheProvider::canDiffFiles()) { $deleted_files = FileReferenceProvider::getDeletedReferencedFiles(); $diff_files = $deleted_files; foreach ($this->config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $diff_files = array_merge($diff_files, self::getDiffFilesInDir($dir_name, $this->config)); } } if ($diff_files === null || $deleted_files === null || count($diff_files) > 200) { foreach ($this->config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $this->checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, $this->config); } $this->visitFiles(); if (!$this->server_mode) { $this->analyzeFiles(); } } else { if ($this->debug_output) { echo count($diff_files) . ' changed files' . PHP_EOL; } $file_list = self::getReferencedFilesFromDiff($diff_files); // strip out deleted files $file_list = array_diff($file_list, $deleted_files); $this->checkDiffFilesWithConfig($this->config, $file_list); $this->visitFiles(); if (!$this->server_mode) { $this->analyzeFiles(); } } $removed_parser_files = CacheProvider::deleteOldParserCaches( $is_diff ? CacheProvider::getLastGoodRun() : $start_checks ); if ($this->debug_output && $removed_parser_files) { echo 'Removed ' . $removed_parser_files . ' old parser caches' . PHP_EOL; } if ($is_diff) { CacheProvider::touchParserCaches($this->getAllFiles($this->config), $start_checks); } if ($this->collect_references) { if ($this->find_references_to) { if (strpos($this->find_references_to, '::') !== false) { $locations_by_files = $this->findReferencesToMethod($this->find_references_to); } else { $locations_by_files = $this->findReferencesToClassLike($this->find_references_to); } foreach ($locations_by_files as $locations) { $snippet_starts = []; foreach ($locations as $location) { $snippet = $location->getSnippet(); $snippet_bounds = $location->getSnippetBounds(); $selection_bounds = $location->getSelectionBounds(); if (isset($snippet_starts[$snippet_bounds[0]])) { continue; } $snippet_starts[$snippet_bounds[0]] = true; $selection_start = $selection_bounds[0] - $snippet_bounds[0]; $selection_length = $selection_bounds[1] - $selection_bounds[0]; echo $location->file_name . ':' . $location->getLineNumber() . PHP_EOL . ($this->use_color ? substr($snippet, 0, $selection_start) . "\e[97;42m" . substr($snippet, $selection_start, $selection_length) . "\e[0m" . substr($snippet, $selection_length + $selection_start) : $snippet ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } } } IssueBuffer::finish(true, (int)$start_checks, $this->visited_files); } /** * @return void */ private function visitFiles() { if (!$this->config) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$this->config cannot be null'); } $filetype_handlers = $this->config->getFiletypeHandlers(); foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path => $_) { if (!isset($this->visited_files[$file_path])) { $this->visitFile($file_path, $filetype_handlers); } } } /** * @return void */ private function analyzeFiles() { if (!$this->config) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$this->config cannot be null'); } $filetype_handlers = $this->config->getFiletypeHandlers(); foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path => $_) { $file_checker = $this->visitFile($file_path, $filetype_handlers, true); if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Analyzing ' . $file_checker->getFilePath() . PHP_EOL; } $file_checker->analyze($this->update_docblocks); } } /** * @param string $method_id * @return array */ public function findReferencesToMethod($method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)])) { die('Class ' . $fq_class_name . ' cannot be found' . PHP_EOL); } $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]; if (!isset($class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)])) { die('Method ' . $method_id . ' cannot be found' . PHP_EOL); } $method_storage = $class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)]; if ($method_storage->referencing_locations === null) { die('No references found for ' . $method_id . PHP_EOL); } return $method_storage->referencing_locations; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return array */ public function findReferencesToClassLike($fq_class_name) { if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)])) { die('Class ' . $fq_class_name . ' cannot be found' . PHP_EOL); } $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]; if ($class_storage->referencing_locations === null) { die('No references found for ' . $fq_class_name . PHP_EOL); } $classlike_references_by_file = $class_storage->referencing_locations; if (isset($this->use_referencing_locations[strtolower($fq_class_name)])) { foreach ($this->use_referencing_locations[strtolower($fq_class_name)] as $file_path => $locations) { if (!isset($classlike_references_by_file[$file_path])) { $classlike_references_by_file[$file_path] = $locations; } else { $classlike_references_by_file[$file_path] = array_merge( $locations, $classlike_references_by_file[$file_path] ); } } } return $classlike_references_by_file; } /** * @return void */ public function checkClassReferences() { foreach ($this->existing_classlikes_ci as $fq_class_name_ci => $_) { if (isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $classlike_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_ci]; if ($classlike_storage->location && $this->config && $this->config->isInProjectDirs($classlike_storage->location->file_path) ) { if (!isset($this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci])) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnusedClass( 'Class ' . $classlike_storage->name . ' is never used', $classlike_storage->location ) )) { // fall through } } else { self::checkMethodReferences($classlike_storage); } } } } } /** * @param \Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage $classlike_storage * @return void */ protected static function checkMethodReferences($classlike_storage) { foreach ($classlike_storage->methods as $method_name => $method_storage) { if (count($method_storage->referencing_locations) === 0 && !$classlike_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name] && (substr($method_name, 0, 2) !== '__' || $method_name === '__construct') && $method_storage->location ) { $method_id = $classlike_storage->name . '::' . $method_storage->cased_name; if ($method_storage->visibility === ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyUnusedMethod( 'Cannot find public calls to method ' . $method_id, $method_storage->location ) )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnusedMethod( 'Method ' . $method_id . ' is never used', $method_storage->location ) )) { // fall through } } } } } /** * @param string $dir_name * @return void */ public function checkDir($dir_name) { if (!$this->config) { $this->config = $this->getConfigForPath($dir_name); $this->config->hide_external_errors = $this->config->isInProjectDirs($dir_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } FileReferenceProvider::loadReferenceCache(); $start_checks = (int)microtime(true); $this->checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, $this->config, true); $this->visitFiles(); $this->analyzeFiles(); IssueBuffer::finish(false, $start_checks, $this->visited_files); } /** * @param string $dir_name * @param Config $config * @param bool $allow_non_project_files * @return void */ private function checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, Config $config, $allow_non_project_files = false) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator */ $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir_name)); $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { if (!$iterator->isDot()) { $extension = $iterator->getExtension(); if (in_array($extension, $file_extensions)) { $file_path = (string)$iterator->getRealPath(); if ($allow_non_project_files || $config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { $this->files_to_analyze[$file_path] = $file_path; } } } $iterator->next(); } } /** * @param Config $config * @return array */ private function getAllFiles(Config $config) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); $file_names = []; foreach ($config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator */ $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir_name)); $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { if (!$iterator->isDot()) { $extension = $iterator->getExtension(); if (in_array($extension, $file_extensions)) { $file_names[] = (string)$iterator->getRealPath(); } } $iterator->next(); } } return $file_names; } /** * @param string $dir_name * @param Config $config * @return array */ protected static function getDiffFilesInDir($dir_name, Config $config) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); $filetype_handlers = $config->getFiletypeHandlers(); /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator */ $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir_name)); $iterator->rewind(); $diff_files = []; while ($iterator->valid()) { if (!$iterator->isDot()) { $extension = $iterator->getExtension(); if (in_array($extension, $file_extensions)) { $file_name = (string)$iterator->getRealPath(); if ($config->isInProjectDirs($file_name)) { if (FileProvider::hasFileChanged($file_name)) { $diff_files[] = $file_name; } } } } $iterator->next(); } return $diff_files; } /** * @param Config $config * @param array $file_list * @return void */ private function checkDiffFilesWithConfig(Config $config, array $file_list = []) { foreach ($file_list as $file_path) { if (!file_exists($file_path)) { continue; } if (!$config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { if ($this->debug_output) { echo('skipping ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL); } continue; } $this->files_to_analyze[$file_path] = $file_path; } } /** * @param string $file_name * @return void */ public function checkFile($file_name) { if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Checking ' . $file_name . PHP_EOL; } if (!$this->config) { $this->config = $this->getConfigForPath($file_name); } $start_checks = (int)microtime(true); $this->config->hide_external_errors = $this->config->isInProjectDirs($file_name); $filetype_handlers = $this->config->getFiletypeHandlers(); FileReferenceProvider::loadReferenceCache(); $file_checker = $this->visitFile($file_name, $filetype_handlers, true); if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Analyzing ' . $file_checker->getFilePath() . PHP_EOL; } $file_checker->analyze($this->update_docblocks); IssueBuffer::finish(false, $start_checks, $this->visited_files); } /** * @param string $file_path * @param array $filetype_handlers * @param bool $will_analyze * @return FileChecker */ private function visitFile($file_path, array $filetype_handlers, $will_analyze = false) { $extension = (string)pathinfo($file_path)['extension']; if (isset($filetype_handlers[$extension])) { /** @var FileChecker */ $file_checker = new $filetype_handlers[$extension]($file_path, $this); } else { $file_checker = new FileChecker($file_path, $this, null, $will_analyze); } if ($this->debug_output) { echo (isset($this->visited_files[$file_path]) ? 'Rev' : 'V') . 'isiting ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL; } $this->visited_files[$file_path] = true; $file_checker->visit(); return $file_checker; } /** * Checks whether a class exists, and if it does then records what file it's in * for later checking * * @param string $fq_class_name * @return boolean * @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall due to Reflection class weirdness */ public function fileExistsForClassLike($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (isset($this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci])) { return $this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci]; } if (!$this->config) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Config should not be null here'); } $predefined_classlikes = $this->config->getPredefinedClassLikes(); if (isset($predefined_classlikes[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $this->visited_classes[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $reflected_class = new \ReflectionClass($fq_class_name); ClassLikeChecker::registerReflectedClass($reflected_class->name, $reflected_class, $this); return true; } $old_level = error_reporting(); error_reporting(0); try { $reflected_class = new \ReflectionClass($fq_class_name); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { error_reporting($old_level); $this->visited_classes[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; return false; } error_reporting($old_level); $fq_class_name = $reflected_class->getName(); $this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_classlikes[$fq_class_name] = true; if ($reflected_class->isInterface()) { $this->addFullyQualifiedInterfaceName($fq_class_name, (string)$reflected_class->getFileName()); } elseif ($reflected_class->isTrait()) { $this->addFullyQualifiedTraitName($fq_class_name, (string)$reflected_class->getFileName()); } else { $this->addFullyQualifiedClassName($fq_class_name, (string)$reflected_class->getFileName()); } return true; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return boolean * @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall due to Reflection class weirdness */ public function visitFileForClassLike($fq_class_name) { if (!$fq_class_name || strpos($fq_class_name, '::') !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid class name ' . $fq_class_name); } $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (isset($this->visited_classes[$fq_class_name_ci])) { return $this->visited_classes[$fq_class_name_ci]; } $this->visited_classes[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; // this registers the class if it's not user defined if (!$this->fileExistsForClassLike($fq_class_name)) { return false; } if (isset($this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $file_path = $this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci]; if (isset($this->visited_files[$file_path])) { return true; } $this->visited_files[$file_path] = true; $file_checker = new FileChecker( $file_path, $this, null, false ); ClassLikeChecker::$file_classes[$file_path][] = $fq_class_name; $fq_class_name_lower = strtolower($fq_class_name); if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Visiting ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL; } $file_checker->visit(); $storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_lower]; if (ClassLikeChecker::inPropertyMap($fq_class_name)) { $public_mapped_properties = ClassLikeChecker::getPropertyMap()[strtolower($fq_class_name)]; foreach ($public_mapped_properties as $property_name => $public_mapped_property) { $property_type = Type::parseString($public_mapped_property); $storage->properties[$property_name] = new PropertyStorage(); $storage->properties[$property_name]->type = $property_type; $storage->properties[$property_name]->visibility = ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; $property_id = $fq_class_name . '::$' . $property_name; $storage->declaring_property_ids[$property_name] = $property_id; $storage->appearing_property_ids[$property_name] = $property_id; } } } return true; } /** * @return void */ public function enableCache() { $this->cache = true; } /** * @return void */ public function disableCache() { $this->cache = false; } /** * @return bool */ public function canCache() { return $this->cache; } /** * @param string $original_method_id * @param Context $this_context * @return void */ public function getMethodMutations($original_method_id, Context $this_context) { list($fq_class_name) = explode('::', $original_method_id); $file_checker = $this->getVisitedFileCheckerForClassLike($fq_class_name); $declaring_method_id = (string)MethodChecker::getDeclaringMethodId($original_method_id); list($declaring_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); if (strtolower($declaring_fq_class_name) !== strtolower($fq_class_name)) { $file_checker = $this->getVisitedFileCheckerForClassLike($declaring_fq_class_name); } $file_checker->analyze(false, true); if (!$this_context->self) { $this_context->self = $fq_class_name; $this_context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = Type::parseString($fq_class_name); } $file_checker->getMethodMutations($declaring_method_id, $this_context); } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return FileChecker */ private function getVisitedFileCheckerForClassLike($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!$this->fake_files) { // this registers the class if it's not user defined if (!$this->fileExistsForClassLike($fq_class_name)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('File does not exist for ' . $fq_class_name); } if (!isset($this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Class ' . $fq_class_name . ' is not user-defined'); } $file_path = $this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci]; } else { $file_path = array_keys($this->fake_files)[0]; } if ($this->cache && isset($this->file_checkers[$file_path])) { return $this->file_checkers[$file_path]; } $file_checker = new FileChecker($file_path, $this, null, true); $file_checker->visit(); if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Visiting ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL; } if ($this->cache) { $this->file_checkers[$file_path] = $file_checker; } return $file_checker; } /** * Gets a Config object from an XML file. * * Searches up a folder hierarchy for the most immediate config. * * @param string $path * @return Config * @throws Exception\ConfigException If a config path is not found. */ private function getConfigForPath($path) { $dir_path = realpath($path); if (!is_dir($dir_path)) { $dir_path = dirname($dir_path); } $config = null; do { $maybe_path = $dir_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Config::DEFAULT_FILE_NAME; if (file_exists($maybe_path)) { $config = Config::loadFromXMLFile($maybe_path); break; } $dir_path = dirname($dir_path); } while (dirname($dir_path) !== $dir_path); if (!$config) { if ($this->output_format === self::TYPE_CONSOLE) { exit('Could not locate a config XML file in path ' . $path . '. Have you run \'psalm --init\' ?' . PHP_EOL); } throw new Exception\ConfigException('Config not found for path ' . $path); } $this->config = $config; $config->visitStubFiles($this); $config->initializePlugins($this); return $config; } /** * @param Config $config * @return void */ public function setConfig(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->visitStubFiles($this); $config->initializePlugins($this); } /** * @param string $path_to_config * @return void * @throws Exception\ConfigException If a config file is not found in the given location. */ public function setConfigXML($path_to_config) { if (!file_exists($path_to_config)) { throw new Exception\ConfigException('Config not found at location ' . $path_to_config); } $this->config = Config::loadFromXMLFile($path_to_config); $this->config->visitStubFiles($this); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); } /** * @param array $diff_files * @return array */ public static function getReferencedFilesFromDiff(array $diff_files) { $all_inherited_files_to_check = $diff_files; while ($diff_files) { $diff_file = array_shift($diff_files); $dependent_files = FileReferenceProvider::getFilesInheritingFromFile($diff_file); $new_dependent_files = array_diff($dependent_files, $all_inherited_files_to_check); $all_inherited_files_to_check += $new_dependent_files; $diff_files += $new_dependent_files; } $all_files_to_check = $all_inherited_files_to_check; foreach ($all_inherited_files_to_check as $file_name) { $dependent_files = FileReferenceProvider::getFilesReferencingFile($file_name); $all_files_to_check = array_merge($dependent_files, $all_files_to_check); } return array_unique($all_files_to_check); } /** * @param string $file_path * @param string $file_contents * @return void */ public function registerFile($file_path, $file_contents) { $this->fake_files[$file_path] = $file_contents; } /** * @param string $file_path * @return void */ public function registerVisitedFile($file_path) { $this->visited_files[$file_path] = true; } /** * @param string $file_path * @return string */ public function getFileContents($file_path) { if (isset($this->fake_files[$file_path])) { return $this->fake_files[$file_path]; } return (string)file_get_contents($file_path); } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param string|null $file_path * @return void */ public function addFullyQualifiedClassName($fq_class_name, $file_path = null) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); $this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_classes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_traits_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_interfaces_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_classes[$fq_class_name] = true; if ($file_path) { $this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci] = $file_path; } } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param string|null $file_path * @return void */ public function addFullyQualifiedInterfaceName($fq_class_name, $file_path = null) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); $this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_interfaces_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_classes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_traits_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_interfaces[$fq_class_name] = true; if ($file_path) { $this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci] = $file_path; } } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param string|null $file_path * @return void */ public function addFullyQualifiedTraitName($fq_class_name, $file_path = null) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); $this->existing_classlikes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_traits_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = true; $this->existing_classes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_interfaces_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] = false; $this->existing_traits[$fq_class_name] = true; if ($file_path) { $this->classlike_files[$fq_class_name_ci] = $file_path; } } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return bool */ public function hasFullyQualifiedClassName($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset($this->existing_classes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci]) || !$this->existing_classes_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] ) { return false; } if ($this->collect_references) { if (!isset($this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci] = 0; } $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci]++; } return true; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return bool */ public function hasFullyQualifiedInterfaceName($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset($this->existing_interfaces_ci[$fq_class_name_ci]) || !$this->existing_interfaces_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] ) { return false; } if ($this->collect_references) { if (!isset($this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci] = 0; } $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci]++; } return true; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return bool */ public function hasFullyQualifiedTraitName($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_ci = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset($this->existing_traits_ci[$fq_class_name_ci]) || !$this->existing_traits_ci[$fq_class_name_ci] ) { return false; } if ($this->collect_references) { if (!isset($this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci])) { $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci] = 0; } $this->classlike_references[$fq_class_name_ci]++; } return true; } }