*/ private $files_to_analyze = []; /** * @param bool $debug_output */ public function __construct(Config $config, FileProvider $file_provider, $debug_output) { $this->config = $config; $this->file_provider = $file_provider; $this->debug_output = $debug_output; } /** * @param array $files_to_analyze * * @return void */ public function addFiles(array $files_to_analyze) { $this->files_to_analyze += $files_to_analyze; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return bool */ public function canReportIssues($file_path) { return isset($this->files_to_analyze[$file_path]); } /** * @param string $file_path * @param array $filetype_checkers * * @return FileChecker * * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ private function getFileChecker(ProjectChecker $project_checker, $file_path, array $filetype_checkers) { $extension = (string)pathinfo($file_path)['extension']; $file_name = $this->config->shortenFileName($file_path); if (isset($filetype_checkers[$extension])) { /** @var FileChecker */ $file_checker = new $filetype_checkers[$extension]($project_checker, $file_path, $file_name); } else { $file_checker = new FileChecker($project_checker, $file_path, $file_name); } if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Getting ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL; } return $file_checker; } /** * @param ProjectChecker $project_checker * @param int $pool_size * @param bool $alter_code * * @return void */ public function analyzeFiles(ProjectChecker $project_checker, $pool_size, $alter_code) { $filetype_checkers = $this->config->getFiletypeCheckers(); $analysis_worker = /** * @param int $i * @param string $file_path * * @return void * * @psalm-suppress UnusedParam */ function ($i, $file_path) use ($project_checker, $filetype_checkers) { $file_checker = $this->getFileChecker($project_checker, $file_path, $filetype_checkers); if ($this->debug_output) { echo 'Analyzing ' . $file_checker->getFilePath() . PHP_EOL; } $file_checker->analyze(null); }; if ($pool_size > 1 && count($this->files_to_analyze) > $pool_size) { $process_file_paths = []; $i = 0; foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path) { $process_file_paths[$i % $pool_size][] = $file_path; ++$i; } // Run analysis one file at a time, splitting the set of // files up among a given number of child processes. $pool = new \Psalm\Fork\Pool( $process_file_paths, /** @return void */ function () { }, $analysis_worker, /** @return array */ function () { return [ 'issues' => IssueBuffer::getIssuesData(), 'file_references' => FileReferenceProvider::getAllFileReferences(), 'mixed_counts' => ProjectChecker::getInstance()->codebase->analyzer->getMixedCounts(), ]; } ); // Wait for all tasks to complete and collect the results. /** * @var array, file_references: array>, mixed_counts: array}> */ $forked_pool_data = $pool->wait(); foreach ($forked_pool_data as $pool_data) { IssueBuffer::addIssues($pool_data['issues']); FileReferenceProvider::addFileReferences($pool_data['file_references']); foreach ($pool_data['mixed_counts'] as $file_path => list($mixed_count, $nonmixed_count)) { if (!isset($this->mixed_counts[$file_path])) { $this->mixed_counts[$file_path] = [$mixed_count, $nonmixed_count]; } else { $this->mixed_counts[$file_path][0] += $mixed_count; $this->mixed_counts[$file_path][1] += $nonmixed_count; } } } // TODO: Tell the caller that the fork pool encountered an error in another PR? // $did_fork_pool_have_error = $pool->didHaveError(); } else { $i = 0; foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path => $_) { $analysis_worker($i, $file_path); ++$i; } } if ($alter_code) { foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path) { $this->updateFile($file_path, $project_checker->dry_run, true); } } } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return void */ public function incrementMixedCount($file_path) { if (!$this->count_mixed) { return; } if (!isset($this->mixed_counts[$file_path])) { $this->mixed_counts[$file_path] = [0, 0]; } ++$this->mixed_counts[$file_path][0]; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return void */ public function incrementNonMixedCount($file_path) { if (!$this->count_mixed) { return; } if (!isset($this->mixed_counts[$file_path])) { $this->mixed_counts[$file_path] = [0, 0]; } ++$this->mixed_counts[$file_path][1]; } /** * @return array */ public function getMixedCounts() { return $this->mixed_counts; } /** * @return float */ public function getNonMixedPercentage() { $mixed_count = 0; $nonmixed_count = 0; foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path => $_) { if (isset($this->mixed_counts[$file_path])) { list($path_mixed_count, $path_nonmixed_count) = $this->mixed_counts[$file_path]; $mixed_count += $path_mixed_count; $nonmixed_count += $path_nonmixed_count; } } $total = $mixed_count + $nonmixed_count; if (!$total) { return 0; } return 100 * $nonmixed_count / $total; } /** * @return string */ public function getNonMixedStats() { $stats = ''; foreach ($this->files_to_analyze as $file_path => $_) { if (isset($this->mixed_counts[$file_path])) { list($path_mixed_count, $path_nonmixed_count) = $this->mixed_counts[$file_path]; $stats .= number_format(100 * $path_nonmixed_count / ($path_mixed_count + $path_nonmixed_count), 0) . '% ' . $this->config->shortenFileName($file_path) . ' (' . $path_mixed_count . ' mixed)' . PHP_EOL; } } return $stats; } /** * @return void */ public function disableMixedCounts() { $this->count_mixed = false; } /** * @return void */ public function enableMixedCounts() { $this->count_mixed = true; } /** * @param string $file_path * @param bool $dry_run * @param bool $output_changes to console * * @return void */ public function updateFile($file_path, $dry_run, $output_changes = false) { $new_return_type_manipulations = FunctionDocblockManipulator::getManipulationsForFile($file_path); $other_manipulations = FileManipulationBuffer::getForFile($file_path); $file_manipulations = array_merge($new_return_type_manipulations, $other_manipulations); usort( $file_manipulations, /** * @return int */ function (FileManipulation $a, FileManipulation $b) { if ($a->start === $b->start) { if ($b->end === $a->end) { return $b->insertion_text > $a->insertion_text ? 1 : -1; } return $b->end > $a->end ? 1 : -1; } return $b->start > $a->start ? 1 : -1; } ); $docblock_update_count = count($file_manipulations); $existing_contents = $this->file_provider->getContents($file_path); foreach ($file_manipulations as $manipulation) { $existing_contents = substr($existing_contents, 0, $manipulation->start) . $manipulation->insertion_text . substr($existing_contents, $manipulation->end); } if ($docblock_update_count) { if ($dry_run) { echo $file_path . ':' . PHP_EOL; $differ = new \PhpCsFixer\Diff\v2_0\Differ( new \PhpCsFixer\Diff\GeckoPackages\DiffOutputBuilder\UnifiedDiffOutputBuilder([ 'fromFile' => 'Original', 'toFile' => 'New', ]) ); echo (string) $differ->diff($this->file_provider->getContents($file_path), $existing_contents); return; } if ($output_changes) { echo 'Altering ' . $file_path . PHP_EOL; } $this->file_provider->setContents($file_path, $existing_contents); } } }