*/ private $all_vars = []; /** * @var array> */ public static $user_constants = []; /** * @param StatementsSource $source */ public function __construct(StatementsSource $source) { $this->source = $source; $this->file_checker = $source->getFileChecker(); } /** * Checks an array of statements for validity * * @param array $stmts * @param Context $context * @param Context|null $loop_context * @param Context|null $global_context * * @return null|false */ public function analyze( array $stmts, Context $context, Context $loop_context = null, Context $global_context = null ) { $has_returned = false; $function_checkers = []; // hoist functions to the top foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) { $function_checker = new FunctionChecker($stmt, $this->source); $function_checkers[$stmt->name] = $function_checker; } } foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { $plugins = Config::getInstance()->getPlugins(); if ($plugins) { $code_location = new CodeLocation($this->source, $stmt); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->checkStatement( $this, $stmt, $context, $code_location, $this->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } } } if ($has_returned && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML) ) { if ($context->collect_references) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnevaluatedCode( 'Expressions after return/throw/continue', new CodeLocation($this->source, $stmt) ), $this->source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } break; } /* if (isset($context->vars_in_scope['$failed_reconciliation']) && !$stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) { var_dump($stmt->getLine() . ' ' . $context->vars_in_scope['$failed_reconciliation']); } */ if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_) { IfChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context, $loop_context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TryCatch) { TryChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context, $loop_context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\For_) { ForChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Foreach_) { ForeachChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\While_) { WhileChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_) { $this->analyzeDo($stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_) { $this->analyzeConstAssignment($stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Unset_) { foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $var, $context); $var_id = ExpressionChecker::getArrayVarId( $var, $this->getFQCLN(), $this ); if ($var_id) { $context->remove($var_id); } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_) { $has_returned = true; $this->analyzeReturn($stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Throw_) { $has_returned = true; $this->analyzeThrow($stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Switch_) { SwitchChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context, $loop_context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Break_) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Continue_) { if ($loop_context === null) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ContinueOutsideLoop( 'Continue call outside loop context', new CodeLocation($this->source, $stmt) ), $this->source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } $has_returned = true; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_) { $this->analyzeStatic($stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_) { foreach ($stmt->exprs as $i => $expr) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $expr, $context); if (isset($expr->inferredType)) { if (CallChecker::checkFunctionArgumentType( $this, $expr->inferredType, Type::getString(), 'echo', (int)$i, new CodeLocation($this->getSource(), $expr) ) === false) { return false; } } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) { $project_checker = $this->getFileChecker()->project_checker; if (!$project_checker->register_global_functions) { $function_context = new Context($context->self); $function_context->collect_references = $project_checker->collect_references; $function_checkers[$stmt->name]->analyze($function_context, $context); $config = Config::getInstance(); if ($config->reportIssueInFile('InvalidReturnType', $this->getFilePath())) { /** @var string */ $method_id = $function_checkers[$stmt->name]->getMethodId(); $function_storage = FunctionChecker::getStorage($method_id, $this->getFilePath()); $return_type = $function_storage->return_type; $return_type_location = $function_storage->return_type_location; $function_checkers[$stmt->name]->verifyReturnType( false, $return_type, $this->getFQCLN(), $return_type_location ); } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Global_) { if (!$context->collect_initializations && !$global_context) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidGlobal( 'Cannot use global scope here', new CodeLocation($this->source, $stmt) ), $this->source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { if ($var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable) { if (is_string($var->name)) { $var_id = '$' . $var->name; $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $global_context && $global_context->hasVariable($var_id) ? clone $global_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] : Type::getMixed(); $context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var_id] = true; } else { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $var, $context); } } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property) { foreach ($stmt->props as $prop) { if ($prop->default) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $prop->default, $context); if (isset($prop->default->inferredType)) { if (!$stmt->isStatic()) { if (AssignmentChecker::analyzePropertyAssignment( $this, $prop, $prop->name, $prop->default, $prop->default->inferredType, $context ) === false) { // fall through } } } } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst) { $const_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC; if ($stmt->isProtected()) { $const_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED; } if ($stmt->isPrivate()) { $const_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE; } foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $const->value, $context); if (isset($const->value->inferredType) && !$const->value->inferredType->isMixed()) { ClassLikeChecker::setConstantType( (string)$this->getFQCLN(), $const->name, $const->value->inferredType, $const_visibility ); } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) { $class_checker = (new ClassChecker($stmt, $this->source, $stmt->name)); $class_checker->visit(); $class_checker->analyze(null, $global_context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) { if ((string)$stmt->getDocComment()) { $var_comment = CommentChecker::getTypeFromComment( (string)$stmt->getDocComment(), $context, $this->getSource() ); if ($var_comment && $var_comment->var_id) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_comment->var_id] = $var_comment->type; } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Goto_) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Label) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Declare_) { // do nothing } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnrecognizedStatement( 'Psalm does not understand ' . get_class($stmt), new CodeLocation($this->source, $stmt) ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } return null; } /** * Checks an array of statements in a loop * * @param array $stmts * @param array $asserted_vars * @param Context $loop_context * @param Context $outer_context * * @return void */ public function analyzeLoop( array $stmts, array $asserted_vars, Context $loop_context, Context $outer_context ) { $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser; $assignment_mapper = new \Psalm\Visitor\AssignmentMapVisitor($loop_context->self); $traverser->addVisitor($assignment_mapper); $traverser->traverse($stmts); $assignment_map = $assignment_mapper->getAssignmentMap(); $assignment_depth = 0; if ($assignment_map) { $first_var_id = array_keys($assignment_map)[0]; $assignment_depth = self::getAssignmentMapDepth($first_var_id, $assignment_map); } if ($assignment_depth === 0) { $this->analyze($stmts, $loop_context, $outer_context); } else { // record all the vars that existed before we did the first pass through the loop $pre_loop_context = clone $loop_context; $pre_outer_context = clone $outer_context; IssueBuffer::startRecording(); $this->analyze($stmts, $loop_context, $outer_context); $recorded_issues = IssueBuffer::clearRecordingLevel(); IssueBuffer::stopRecording(); for ($i = 0; $i < $assignment_depth; ++$i) { $vars_to_remove = []; $has_changes = false; foreach ($loop_context->vars_in_scope as $var_id => $type) { if (in_array($var_id, $asserted_vars, true)) { // set the vars to whatever the while/foreach loop expects them to be if ((string)$type !== (string)$pre_loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]) { $loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $pre_loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; $has_changes = true; } } elseif (isset($pre_outer_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) { $pre_outer = (string)$pre_outer_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; if ((string)$type !== $pre_outer || (string)$outer_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] !== $pre_outer ) { $has_changes = true; // widen the foreach context type with the initial context type $loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = Type::combineUnionTypes( $loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id], $outer_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] ); } } else { $vars_to_remove[] = $var_id; } } foreach ($asserted_vars as $var_id) { if (!isset($loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) { $loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $pre_loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; } } // if there are no changes to the types, no need to re-examine if (!$has_changes) { break; } // remove vars that were defined in the foreach foreach ($vars_to_remove as $var_id) { unset($loop_context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]); } $loop_context->clauses = $pre_loop_context->clauses; IssueBuffer::startRecording(); $this->analyze($stmts, $loop_context, $outer_context); $recorded_issues = IssueBuffer::clearRecordingLevel(); IssueBuffer::stopRecording(); } if ($recorded_issues) { foreach ($recorded_issues as $recorded_issue) { // if we're not in any loops then this will just result in the issue being emitted IssueBuffer::bubbleUp($recorded_issue); } } } } /** * @param string $first_var_id * @param array> $assignment_map * * @return int */ private static function getAssignmentMapDepth($first_var_id, array $assignment_map) { $max_depth = 0; $assignment_var_ids = $assignment_map[$first_var_id]; unset($assignment_map[$first_var_id]); foreach ($assignment_var_ids as $assignment_var_id => $_) { $depth = 1; if (isset($assignment_map[$assignment_var_id])) { $depth = 1 + self::getAssignmentMapDepth($assignment_var_id, $assignment_map); } if ($depth > $max_depth) { $max_depth = $depth; } } return $max_depth; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private function analyzeStatic(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_ $stmt, Context $context) { foreach ($stmt->vars as $var) { if ($var->default) { if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $var->default, $context) === false) { return false; } } if ($context->check_variables) { $context->vars_in_scope['$' . $var->name] = Type::getMixed(); $context->vars_possibly_in_scope['$' . $var->name] = true; $this->registerVariable('$' . $var->name, new CodeLocation($this, $stmt)); } } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr $stmt * * @return Type\Union|null */ public static function getSimpleType(PhpParser\Node\Expr $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch) { if (strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'false') { return Type::getFalse(); } elseif (strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'true') { return Type::getBool(); } elseif (strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'null') { return Type::getNull(); } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch) { // @todo support this as well } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { return Type::getString(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber) { return Type::getInt(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\DNumber) { return Type::getFloat(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_) { if (count($stmt->items) === 0) { return Type::getEmptyArray(); } return Type::getArray(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Int_) { return Type::getInt(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Double) { return Type::getFloat(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Bool_) { return Type::getBool(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\String_) { return Type::getString(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Object_) { return Type::getObject(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Array_) { return Type::getArray(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryMinus || $stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryPlus) { return self::getSimpleType($stmt->expr); } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private function analyzeDo(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_ $stmt, Context $context) { $do_context = clone $context; $this->analyzeLoop($stmt->stmts, [], $do_context, $context); foreach ($context->vars_in_scope as $var => $type) { if ($type->isMixed()) { continue; } if ($do_context->hasVariable($var)) { if ($do_context->vars_in_scope[$var]->isMixed()) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var] = $do_context->vars_in_scope[$var]; } if ((string)$do_context->vars_in_scope[$var] !== (string)$type) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var] = Type::combineUnionTypes($do_context->vars_in_scope[$var], $type); } } } foreach ($do_context->vars_in_scope as $var_id => $type) { if (!isset($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $type; } } $context->vars_possibly_in_scope = array_merge( $context->vars_possibly_in_scope, $do_context->vars_possibly_in_scope ); if ($context->collect_references) { $context->referenced_vars = array_merge( $context->referenced_vars, $do_context->referenced_vars ); } return ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $stmt->cond, $context); } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return void */ private function analyzeConstAssignment(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_ $stmt, Context $context) { foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $const->value, $context); $this->setConstType( $const->name, isset($const->value->inferredType) ? $const->value->inferredType : Type::getMixed(), $context ); } } /** * @param string $const_name * @param bool $is_fully_qualified * @param Context $context * * @return Type\Union|null */ public function getConstType($const_name, $is_fully_qualified, Context $context) { $fq_const_name = null; $aliased_constants = $this->getAliasedConstants(); if (isset($aliased_constants[$const_name])) { $fq_const_name = $aliased_constants[$const_name]; } elseif ($is_fully_qualified) { $fq_const_name = $const_name; } elseif (strpos($const_name, '\\')) { $fq_const_name = ClassLikeChecker::getFQCLNFromString($const_name, $this); } if ($fq_const_name) { $const_name_parts = explode('\\', $fq_const_name); $const_name = array_pop($const_name_parts); $namespace_name = implode('\\', $const_name_parts); $namespace_constants = NamespaceChecker::getConstantsForNamespace( $namespace_name, \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC ); if (isset($namespace_constants[$const_name])) { return $namespace_constants[$const_name]; } } if ($context->hasVariable($const_name)) { return $context->vars_in_scope[$const_name]; } $predefined_constants = Config::getInstance()->getPredefinedConstants(); if (isset($predefined_constants[$fq_const_name ?: $const_name])) { return ClassLikeChecker::getTypeFromValue($predefined_constants[$fq_const_name ?: $const_name]); } return null; } /** * @param string $const_name * @param Type\Union $const_type * @param Context $context * * @return void */ public function setConstType($const_name, Type\Union $const_type, Context $context) { $context->vars_in_scope[$const_name] = $const_type; $context->constants[$const_name] = $const_type; if ($this->source instanceof NamespaceChecker) { $this->source->setConstType($const_name, $const_type); } else { self::$user_constants[$this->getFilePath()][$const_name] = $const_type; } } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private function analyzeReturn(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_ $stmt, Context $context) { $doc_comment_text = (string)$stmt->getDocComment(); $var_comment = null; if ($doc_comment_text) { $var_comment = CommentChecker::getTypeFromComment( $doc_comment_text, $context, $this->source ); if ($var_comment && $var_comment->var_id) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_comment->var_id] = $var_comment->type; } } if ($stmt->expr) { if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $stmt->expr, $context) === false) { return false; } if ($var_comment && !$var_comment->var_id) { $stmt->inferredType = $var_comment->type; } elseif (isset($stmt->expr->inferredType)) { $stmt->inferredType = $stmt->expr->inferredType; } else { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); } } else { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getVoid(); } if ($this->source instanceof FunctionLikeChecker) { $this->source->addReturnTypes($stmt->expr ? (string) $stmt->inferredType : '', $context); } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Throw_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private function analyzeThrow(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Throw_ $stmt, Context $context) { return ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $stmt->expr, $context); } /** * @param string $var_name * * @return bool */ public function hasVariable($var_name) { return isset($this->all_vars[$var_name]); } /** * @param string $var_name * @param CodeLocation $location * * @return void */ public function registerVariable($var_name, CodeLocation $location) { $this->all_vars[$var_name] = $location; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\Include_ $stmt * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ public function analyzeInclude(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Include_ $stmt, Context $context) { $config = Config::getInstance(); if (!$config->allow_includes) { throw new FileIncludeException( 'File includes are not allowed per your Psalm config - check the allowFileIncludes flag.' ); } if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($this, $stmt->expr, $context) === false) { return false; } $path_to_file = null; if ($stmt->expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $path_to_file = $stmt->expr->value; // attempts to resolve using get_include_path dirs $include_path = self::resolveIncludePath($path_to_file, dirname($this->getCheckedFileName())); $path_to_file = $include_path ? $include_path : $path_to_file; if ($path_to_file[0] !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $path_to_file = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path_to_file; } } else { $path_to_file = self::getPathTo($stmt->expr, $this->getCheckedFileName()); } if ($path_to_file) { $reduce_pattern = '/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//'; while (preg_match($reduce_pattern, $path_to_file)) { $path_to_file = preg_replace($reduce_pattern, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_to_file); } // if the file is already included, we can't check much more if (in_array($path_to_file, get_included_files(), true)) { return null; } if ($this->getFilePath() === $path_to_file) { return null; } $current_file_checker = $this->getFileChecker(); if ($this->getFileChecker()->fileExists($path_to_file)) { $include_stmts = \Psalm\Provider\FileProvider::getStatementsForFile( $current_file_checker->project_checker, $path_to_file ); if (is_subclass_of($current_file_checker, 'Psalm\\Checker\\FileChecker')) { $this->analyze($include_stmts, $context); } else { $include_file_checker = new FileChecker( $path_to_file, $current_file_checker->project_checker, $include_stmts ); $include_file_checker->setFileName($this->getFileName(), $this->getFilePath()); $include_file_checker->visit($context); $include_file_checker->analyze(); } return null; } } $context->check_classes = false; $context->check_variables = false; $context->check_functions = false; return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr $stmt * @param string $file_name * * @return string|null * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ protected static function getPathTo(PhpParser\Node\Expr $stmt, $file_name) { if ($file_name[0] !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $file_name = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name; } if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { return $stmt->value; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat) { $left_string = self::getPathTo($stmt->left, $file_name); $right_string = self::getPathTo($stmt->right, $file_name); if ($left_string && $right_string) { return $left_string . $right_string; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['dirname'] ) { if ($stmt->args) { $evaled_path = self::getPathTo($stmt->args[0]->value, $file_name); if (!$evaled_path) { return null; } return dirname($evaled_path); } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name) { $const_name = implode('', $stmt->name->parts); if (defined($const_name)) { $constant_value = constant($const_name); if (is_string($constant_value)) { return $constant_value; } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Dir) { return dirname($file_name); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\File) { return $file_name; } return null; } /** * @param string $file_name * @param string $current_directory * * @return string|null */ protected static function resolveIncludePath($file_name, $current_directory) { if (!$current_directory) { return $file_name; } $paths = PATH_SEPARATOR == ':' ? preg_split('#(?all_vars[$var_name]) ? $this->all_vars[$var_name] : null; } /** * @return void */ public static function clearCache() { self::$user_constants = []; ExpressionChecker::clearCache(); } }