config = $config; $storage_dir = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Storage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dependent_files = [ $storage_dir . 'ClassLikeStorage.php', $storage_dir . 'FunctionLikeStorage.php', $storage_dir . 'MethodStorage.php', ]; foreach ($dependent_files as $dependent_file_path) { if (!file_exists($dependent_file_path)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException($dependent_file_path . ' must exist'); } $this->modified_timestamps .= ' ' . filemtime($dependent_file_path); } } /** * @param string|null $file_path * @param string|null $file_contents * * @return void */ public function writeToCache(ClassLikeStorage $storage, $file_path, $file_contents) { $fq_classlike_name_lc = strtolower($storage->name); $cache_location = $this->getCacheLocationForClass($fq_classlike_name_lc, true); $storage->hash = $this->getCacheHash($file_path, $file_contents); if ($this->config->use_igbinary) { file_put_contents($cache_location, igbinary_serialize($storage)); } else { file_put_contents($cache_location, serialize($storage)); } } /** * @param string $fq_classlike_name_lc * @param string|null $file_path * @param string|null $file_contents * * @return ClassLikeStorage */ public function getLatestFromCache($fq_classlike_name_lc, $file_path, $file_contents) { $cached_value = $this->loadFromCache($fq_classlike_name_lc); if (!$cached_value) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should be in cache'); } $cache_hash = $this->getCacheHash($file_path, $file_contents); if ($cache_hash !== $cached_value->hash) { unlink($this->getCacheLocationForClass($fq_classlike_name_lc)); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should not be outdated'); } return $cached_value; } /** * @param string|null $file_path * @param string|null $file_contents * * @return string */ private function getCacheHash($file_path, $file_contents) { return sha1(($file_path ? strtolower($file_path) . ' ' . $file_contents : '') . $this->modified_timestamps); } /** * @param string $fq_classlike_name_lc * * @return ClassLikeStorage|null */ private function loadFromCache($fq_classlike_name_lc) { $cache_location = $this->getCacheLocationForClass($fq_classlike_name_lc); if (file_exists($cache_location)) { if ($this->config->use_igbinary) { /** @var ClassLikeStorage */ return igbinary_unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)) ?: null; } /** @var ClassLikeStorage */ return unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)) ?: null; } return null; } /** * @param string $fq_classlike_name_lc * @param bool $create_directory * * @return string */ private function getCacheLocationForClass($fq_classlike_name_lc, $create_directory = false) { $root_cache_directory = $this->config->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('No cache directory defined'); } $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::CLASS_CACHE_DIRECTORY; if ($create_directory && !is_dir($parser_cache_directory)) { mkdir($parser_cache_directory, 0777, true); } return $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sha1($fq_classlike_name_lc) . ($this->config->use_igbinary ? '-igbinary' : ''); } }