# Upgrading from Psalm 5 to Psalm 6 ## Changed - The minimum PHP version was raised to PHP 8.1.17. - [BC] The configuration settings `ignoreInternalFunctionFalseReturn` and `ignoreInternalFunctionNullReturn` are now defaulted to `false` - [BC] Switched the internal representation of `list` and `non-empty-list` from the TList and TNonEmptyList classes to an unsealed list shape: the TList, TNonEmptyList and TCallableList classes were removed. Nothing will change for users: the `list` and `non-empty-list` syntax will remain supported and its semantics unchanged. Psalm 5 already deprecates the `TList`, `TNonEmptyList` and `TCallableList` classes: use `\Psalm\Type::getListAtomic`, `\Psalm\Type::getNonEmptyListAtomic` and `\Psalm\Type::getCallableListAtomic` to instantiate list atomics, or directly instantiate TKeyedArray objects with `is_list=true` where appropriate. - [BC] The only optional boolean parameter of `TKeyedArray::getGenericArrayType` was removed, and was replaced with a string parameter with a different meaning. - [BC] The `TDependentListKey` type was removed and replaced with an optional property of the `TIntRange` type. - [BC] `TCallableArray` and `TCallableList` removed and replaced with `TCallableKeyedArray`. - [BC] Value of constant `Psalm\Type\TaintKindGroup::ALL_INPUT` changed to reflect new `TaintKind::INPUT_SLEEP` and `TaintKind::INPUT_XPATH` have been added. Accordingly, default values for `$taint` parameters of `Psalm\Codebase::addTaintSource()` and `Psalm\Codebase::addTaintSink()` have been changed as well. - [BC] Property `Config::$shepherd_host` was replaced with `Config::$shepherd_endpoint` - [BC] Methods `Codebase::getSymbolLocation()` and `Codebase::getSymbolInformation()` were replaced with `Codebase::getSymbolLocationByReference()` - [BC] Method `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyedArray::getList()` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\Storage\FunctionLikeStorage::getSignature()` was replaced with `FunctionLikeStorage::getCompletionSignature()` - [BC] Property `Psalm\Storage\FunctionLikeStorage::$unused_docblock_params` was replaced with `FunctionLikeStorage::$unused_docblock_parameters` - [BC] Method `Plugin\Shepherd::getCurlErrorMessage()` was removed - [BC] Property `Config::$find_unused_code` changed default value from false to true - [BC] Property `Config::$find_unused_baseline_entry` changed default value from false to true - [BC] The return type of `Psalm\Internal\LanguageServer\ProtocolWriter#write() changed from `Amp\Promise` to `void` due to the switch to Amp v3 - [BC] All parameters, properties and return typehints are now strictly typed. - [BC] `strict_types` is now applied to all files of the Psalm codebase. - [BC] Properties `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralFloat::$value` and `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralInt::$value` became typed (`float` and `int` respectively) - [BC] Property `Psalm\Storage\EnumCaseStorage::$value` changed from `int|string|null` to `TLiteralInt|TLiteralString|null` - [BC] `Psalm\CodeLocation\Raw`, `Psalm\CodeLocation\ParseErrorLocation`, `Psalm\CodeLocation\DocblockTypeLocation`, `Psalm\Report\CountReport`, `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyArray` are now all final. # Upgrading from Psalm 4 to Psalm 5 ## Changed - [BC] Shaped arrays can now be sealed: this brings many assertion improvements and bugfixes, see [the docs for more info](https://psalm.dev/docs/annotating_code/type_syntax/array_types/#sealed-object-like-arrays). - [BC] All atomic types, `Psalm\Type\Union`, `Psalm\CodeLocation` and storages are fully immutable, use the new setter methods or the new constructors to change properties: these setter methods will return new instances without altering the original instance. Full immutability fixes a whole class of bugs that occurred in multithreaded mode, you can now feel free to use `--threads=$(nproc)` ;) Full immutability also makes Psalm run faster, even in single-threaded mode, by removing all superfluous `clone`s! For this purpose, `__clone` was also made private, forbidding the cloning of atomics, unions and storages (an old and brittle pattern used to avoid side-effects caused by mutability). - [BC] `Psalm\Type\Union`s are now fully immutable, pre-existing in-place mutator methods were removed and moved into `Psalm\Type\MutableUnion`. To modify a union type, usage of the new setter methods in `Psalm\Type\Union` is strongly recommended. When many consecutive property sets are required, use `Psalm\Type\Union::setProperties` method to avoid creating a new instance for each set. All setter methods will return a new instance of the type without altering the original instance. If many property sets are required throughout multiple methods on a single Union instance, use `Psalm\Type\Union::getBuilder` to turn a `Psalm\Type\Union` into a `Psalm\Type\MutableUnion`: once you're done, use `Psalm\Type\MutableUnion::freeze` to get a new `Psalm\Type\Union`. Methods removed from `Psalm\Type\Union` and moved into `Psalm\Type\MutableUnion`: - `replaceTypes` - `addType` - `removeType` - `substitute` - `replaceClassLike` - [BC] `Psalm\Type\TypeNode::getChildNodes()` was removed, use `Psalm\Type\Union::getAtomicTypes()` to get the types of a union, and use `Psalm\Type\TypeVisitor` with the new `Psalm\Type\MutableTypeVisitor` class to iterate over a type tree. - [BC] `Psalm\Type\TypeVisitor` is now fully immutable, implementors MUST NOT alter type nodes during iteration: use `Psalm\Type\MutableTypeVisitor` if type node mutation is desired. - [BC] TPositiveInt has been removed and replaced by TIntRange - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$cache_directory` is now internal. Use `Psalm\Config::getCacheDirectory()` instead. - [BC] The parameter `$php_version` of `Psalm\Type\Atomic::create()` renamed to `$analysis_php_version_id` and changed from `array|null` to `int|null`. Previously it accepted PHP version as `array{major_version, minor_version}` while now it accepts version ID, similar to how [`PHP_VERSION_ID` is calculated](https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.constants.php#constant.php-version-id). - [BC] The parameter `$php_version` of `Psalm\Type::parseString()` renamed to `$analysis_php_version_id` and changed from `array|null` to `int|null`. Previously it accepted PHP version as `array{major_version, minor_version}` while now it accepts version ID. - [BC] Parameter 0 of `canBeFullyExpressedInPhp()` of the classes listed below changed name from `php_major_version` to `analysis_php_version_id`. Previously it accepted major PHP version as int (e.g. `7`), while now it accepts version ID. Classes affected: - `Psalm\Type\Atomic` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\Scalar` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TArray` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TArrayKey` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallable` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassConstant` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassStringMap` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClosedResource` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClosure` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TConditional` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetClass` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetDebugType` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetType` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentListKey` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEnumCase` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TFalse` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TGenericObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntMask` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntMaskOf` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntRange` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIterable` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyedArray` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyOf` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TList` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralClassString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLowercaseString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TMixed` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNamedObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNever` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyLowercaseString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonspecificLiteralInt` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonspecificLiteralString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNull` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNumeric` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNumericString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TObjectWithProperties` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TResource` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TScalar` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateIndexedAccess` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTraitString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTrue` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTypeAlias` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TValueOf` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TVoid` - `Psalm\Type\Union` - [BC] Parameter 3 of `toPhpString()` of methods listed below changed name from `php_major_version` to `analysis_php_version_id`. Previously it accepted major PHP version as int (e.g. `7`), while now it accepts version ID. Classes affected: - `Psalm\Type\Atomic` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\CallableTrait` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TAnonymousClassInstance` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TArray` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TArrayKey` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TBool` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallable` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassConstant` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassStringMap` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClosedResource` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TConditional` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEmpty` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEnumCase` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TFloat` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TGenericObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TInt` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIterable` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyedArray` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyOf` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TList` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralClassString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TMixed` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNamedObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNever` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNull` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNumeric` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TObject` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TObjectWithProperties` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TResource` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TScalar` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateIndexedAccess` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTraitString` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTypeAlias` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TValueOf` - `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TVoid` - `Psalm\Type\Union` - While not a BC break per se, all classes / interfaces / traits / enums under `Psalm\Internal` namespace are now marked `@internal`. - [BC] Parameter 1 of `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNamedObject::__construct()` changed name from `was_static` to `is_static` - [BC] Parameter 1 of `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TAnonymousClassInstance::__construct()` changed name from `was_static` to `is_static` - [BC] Parameter 5 of `Psalm\Type::getStringFromFQCLN()` changed name from `was_static` to `is_static` - [BC] Property `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNamedObject::$was_static` was renamed to `$is_static` - [BC] Method `Psalm\Type\Union::isFormerStaticObject()` was renamed to `isStaticObject()` - [BC] Method `Psalm\Type\Union::hasFormerStaticObject()` was renamed to `hasStaticObject()` - [BC] Function assertions (from `@psalm-assert Foo $bar`) have been converted from strings to specific `Assertion` objects. - [BC] Property `Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage::$invalid_dependencies` changed from `array` to `array`. - [BC] Property `Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage::$template_extended_count` was renamed to `$template_type_extends_count`, its type was changed from `int|null` to `array|null`. - [BC] Event classes became final and their constructors were marked `@internal`: - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AddRemoveTaintsEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterClassLikeAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterClassLikeExistenceCheckEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterClassLikeVisitEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterCodebasePopulatedEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterEveryFunctionCallAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterExpressionAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterFileAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterFunctionCallAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterFunctionLikeAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterMethodCallAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterStatementAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\BeforeFileAnalysisEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\FunctionExistenceProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\FunctionParamsProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\FunctionReturnTypeProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\MethodExistenceProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\MethodParamsProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\MethodReturnTypeProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\MethodVisibilityProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\PropertyExistenceProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\PropertyTypeProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\PropertyVisibilityProviderEvent` - `Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\StringInterpreterEvent` - [BC] `Atomic::__toString()` used to return a string representation of the type that was using double quotes (`"`) to quote literals. This is now using single quotes (`'`) to be more aligned with the rest of the codebase. - [BC] `Atomic::__toString()` is now final - [BC] `Atomic::__toString()` now returns a more detailed version of the type (it calls `getId()` under the hood) - [BC] Atomic::getId() has now a first param $exact. Calling the method with false will return a less detailed version of the type in some cases (similarly to what `__toString` used to return) - [BC] To remove a variable from the context, use `Context::remove()`. Calling `unset($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])` can cause problems when using references. - [BC] `TKeyOfClassConstant` has been renamed to `TKeyOf`. - [BC] `TValueOfClassConstant` has been renamed to `TValueOf`. - [BC] `TKeyOfTemplate` base class has been changed from `Scalar` to `Atomic`. - [BC] Class `Psalm\FileManipulation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Context` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Context#__construct()` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\PluginFileExtensionsSocket` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Config\IssueHandler` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config\IssueHandler` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Config\ProjectFileFilter` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config\ProjectFileFilter` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Config\Creator` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config\Creator` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Config\TaintAnalysisFileFilter` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config\TaintAnalysisFileFilter` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Config\ErrorLevelFileFilter` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config\ErrorLevelFileFilter` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\FileBasedPluginAdapter` became final - [BC] `Psalm\FileBasedPluginAdapter` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\InvalidMethodOverrideException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\UnpopulatedClasslikeException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\ConfigNotFoundException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\TypeParseTreeException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\ComplicatedExpressionException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\ScopeAnalysisException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\InvalidClasslikeOverrideException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\CircularReferenceException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\UnsupportedIssueToFixException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\CodeException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\RefactorException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\UnpreparedAnalysisException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\IncorrectDocblockException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\UnanalyzedFileException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\UnresolvableConstantException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\FileIncludeException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Exception\ConfigCreationException` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Aliases` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Aliases#__construct()` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Codebase` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Codebase#__construct()` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\Progress\VoidProgress` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Progress\DebugProgress` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\JsonReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\SonarqubeReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\CodeClimateReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\CheckstyleReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\JsonSummaryReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\XmlReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\EmacsReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\ConsoleReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\ReportOptions` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\PylintReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\JunitReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\CompactReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\GithubActionsReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\TextReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\SarifReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Report\PhpStormReport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Plugin\Shepherd` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\IssueBuffer` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\SourceControl\Git\RemoteInfo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\SourceControl\Git\CommitInfo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\SourceControl\Git\GitInfo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\ErrorBaseline` became final - [BC] `Psalm\Config#__construct()` was marked `@internal` - [BC] Class `Psalm\DocComment` became final - All non-abstract issues are now final: - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InaccessibleProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedShell` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidIterator` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MethodSignatureMustOmitReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedHtml` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingConstructor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyFalseIterator` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\FalseOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArrayAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedUnserialize` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedConstructor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidEnumCaseValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingClosureReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\LessSpecificClassConstantType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingPropertyType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedCallable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedHeader` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidArrayAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidCast` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpurePropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedPropertyTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnresolvableConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\LoopInvalidation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TooManyTemplateParams` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidCatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MismatchingDocblockReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedIntArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NoEnumProperties` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureByReferenceAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedReturnTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidGlobal` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ForbiddenCode` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantCast` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateArrayKey` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingImmutableAnnotation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MutableDependency` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedTrait` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\LessSpecificReturnStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\AssignmentToVoid` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidFalsableReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\IfThisIsMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedMagicPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUnusedReturnValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedClone` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InaccessibleClassConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedGlobalVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImplicitToStringCast` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidDocblockTag` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ReservedWord` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnevaluatedCode` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ParamNameMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\CircularReference` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedThisPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NonStaticSelfCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidTypeImport` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedReturnValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantFunctionCallGivenDocblockType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidPropertyAssignmentValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ArgumentTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\OverriddenPropertyAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedForeachValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImplementedParamTypeMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidConstantAssignmentValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateEnumCaseValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RawObjectIteration` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingDocblockType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PropertyNotSetInConstructor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullPropertyAssignmentValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnsafeInstantiation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnimplementedAbstractMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedClosureParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedAttributeClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullableReturnStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TooFewArguments` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullReference` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImplementedReturnTypeMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidEnumBackingType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidNullableReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TypeDoesNotContainNull` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ConstructorSignatureMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpurePropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantCastGivenDocblockType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PropertyTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidDocblockParamName` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnsafeGenericInstantiation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingClosureParamType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TraitMethodSignatureMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureStaticProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidThrow` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ParentNotFound` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureStaticVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyFalseReference` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ComplexMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullArrayAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\AbstractInstantiation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UncaughtThrowInGlobalScope` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MismatchingDocblockPropertyType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnresolvableInclude` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DocblockTypeContradiction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedEval` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedSystemSecret` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\EmptyArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedInterface` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedInferredReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedCookie` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedMagicPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NamedArgumentNotAllowed` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MethodSignatureMustProvideReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingParamType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidArrayAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnimplementedInterfaceMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidPassByReference` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingDependency` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ReferenceConstraintViolation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedLdap` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullIterator` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidScalarArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidExtendClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ReferenceReusedFromConfusingScope` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\LessSpecificImplementedReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullIterator` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedInclude` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidIterator` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PsalmInternalError` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidParent` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\AmbiguousConstantInheritance` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidLiteralArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedReturnStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\AbstractMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidClone` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateEnumCase` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidDocblock` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantIdentityWithTrue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantCondition` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnnecessaryVarAnnotation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ConfigIssue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InternalClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedDocblockClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MismatchingDocblockParamType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\LessSpecificReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUnusedProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullReference` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingFile` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedThisPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ConflictingReferenceConstraint` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidCast` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MoreSpecificReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImpureMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnrecognizedExpression` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NoValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedInterface` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidStringClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedMagicMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingThrowsDocblock` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedTextWithQuotes` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidReturnStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InterfaceInstantiation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TooManyArguments` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossibleRawObjectIteration` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyFalsePropertyAssignmentValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\FalsableReturnStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ImplementationRequirementViolation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InternalMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\OverriddenMethodAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArgumentTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidAttribute` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedInterfaceMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUnusedMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedTrace` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NullArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedUserSecret` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedTrait` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\StringIncrement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InaccessibleMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUnusedParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\Trace` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnhandledMatchCondition` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DuplicateClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TypeDoesNotContainType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidScope` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedCustom` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedSSRF` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidNamedArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ContinueOutsideLoop` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedSql` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InternalProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidParamDefault` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\RedundantPropertyInitializationCheck` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidTraversableImplementation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidTemplateParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidStaticInvocation` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyInvalidClone` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidFunctionCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ComplexFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedPsalmSuppress` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedStringOffsetAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnrecognizedStatement` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\TaintedFile` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UnusedMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyFalseArgument` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\DeprecatedProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyNullPropertyAssignment` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\NoInterfaceProperties` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidReturnType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MixedArrayTypeCoercion` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ParadoxicalCondition` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidToString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MethodSignatureMismatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyFalseOperand` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UndefinedClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\OverriddenInterfaceConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MissingTemplateParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\InvalidArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\MoreSpecificImplementedParamType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\UninitializedProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ParseError` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Issue\ExtensionRequirementViolation` became final - Storage classes became final: - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\MethodStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\AttributeStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\FileStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\PropertyStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\FunctionStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasArrayKey` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\Truthy` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsAClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasAtLeastCount` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasIntOrStringArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\DoesNotHaveMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsLessThanOrEqualTo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotAClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\ArrayKeyDoesNotExist` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotIdentical` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsClassEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NotNonEmptyCountable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\Any` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsLooselyEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NonEmpty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasStringArrayAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsClassNotEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\HasExactCount` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotCountable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsIdentical` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NotNestedAssertions` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsGreaterThan` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsIsset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\Empty_` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\ArrayKeyExists` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\DoesNotHaveAtLeastCount` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotIsset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NonEmptyCountable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NestedAssertions` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\Falsy` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsNotLooselyEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsEqualIsset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsLessThan` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\DoesNotHaveExactCount` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\IsCountable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\NotInArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Assertion\InArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\FunctionLikeParameter` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\Possibilities` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\ClassConstantStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\AttributeArg` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Storage\EnumCaseStorage` became final - VirtualNode classes became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualClassConst` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualTraitUse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualElseIf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualDeclare` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualHaltCompiler` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualThrow` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\VirtualAlias` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\VirtualPrecedence` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualNamespace` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualIf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualStatic` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualInlineHTML` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualUseUse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualCatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualDeclareDeclare` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualEcho` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualFinally` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualInterface` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualGlobal` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualGroupUse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualLabel` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualTrait` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualUse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualUnset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualPropertyProperty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualExpression` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualSwitch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualStaticVar` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualClassMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualNop` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualReturn` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualDo` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualBreak` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualElse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualContinue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualForeach` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualGoto` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualWhile` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualFor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualCase` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualTryCatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Stmt\VirtualConst` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualAttribute` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualArg` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualUnaryPlus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualMatch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualNullsafeMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualTernary` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualThrow` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualNew` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualEmpty` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualStaticPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualUnaryMinus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualStaticCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPostInc` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPreDec` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualAssign` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualErrorSuppress` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPreInc` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualArrayItem` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualIsset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualClone` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualConstFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualEval` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPrint` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualError` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualClosure` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualNullsafePropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualArrowFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualBooleanNot` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPropertyFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualInt` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualObject` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualDouble` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualUnset` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualBool` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\Cast\VirtualString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualMethodCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualBitwiseAnd` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualCoalesce` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualDiv` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualNotIdentical` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualLogicalAnd` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualSpaceship` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualGreater` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualShiftRight` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualIdentical` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualMul` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualLogicalOr` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualBitwiseXor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualSmallerOrEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualNotEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualGreaterOrEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualMinus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualEqual` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualSmaller` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualLogicalXor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualMod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualBooleanAnd` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualPlus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualShiftLeft` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualBooleanOr` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualBitwiseOr` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualConcat` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\VirtualPow` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualVariable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualBitwiseNot` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualShellExec` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualFuncCall` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualInclude` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualAssignRef` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualClassConstFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualExit` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualArrayDimFetch` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualList` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualYield` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualYieldFrom` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualClosureUse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualPostDec` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualBitwiseAnd` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualCoalesce` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualDiv` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualShiftRight` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualMul` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualBitwiseXor` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualMinus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualMod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualPlus` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualShiftLeft` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualBitwiseOr` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualConcat` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\AssignOp\VirtualPow` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Expr\VirtualInstanceof` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualNullableType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualMatchArm` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualIdentifier` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualName` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualAttributeGroup` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualVarLikeIdentifier` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Name\VirtualRelative` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Name\VirtualFullyQualified` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualUnionType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\VirtualLNumber` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\VirtualDNumber` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualFunction` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualNamespace` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualMethod` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualLine` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualTrait` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualDir` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\VirtualFile` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\VirtualEncapsedStringPart` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\VirtualString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\Scalar\VirtualEncapsed` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Node\VirtualConst` became final - Type nodes became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\TaintKindGroup` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNumericString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassStringMap` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEmptyNumeric` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableObject` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TSingleLetter` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClosedResource` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntMaskOf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyScalar` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLowercaseString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TFalse` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIterable` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTraitString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyNonspecificLiteralString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralInt` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTrue` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TValueOf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TGenericObject` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyLowercaseString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEnumCase` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableKeyedArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetDebugType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TKeyOf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonspecificLiteralInt` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TObjectWithProperties` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateValueOf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentListKey` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TConditional` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntRange` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClosure` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTypeAlias` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TAnonymousClassInstance` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TIntMask` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateKeyOf` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TDependentGetType` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralFloat` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableArray` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNonEmptyMixed` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateParamClass` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateIndexedAccess` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEmptyScalar` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNever` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TNull` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TLiteralClassString` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TResource` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TVoid` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TCallableList` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEmptyMixed` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TClassConstant` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\TaintKind` became final - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Union` became final - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$universal_object_crates` changed default value from `array{'stdClass','SimpleXMLElement','SimpleXMLIterator'}` to `null` ## Removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Codebase::$php_major_version` was removed, use `Psalm\Codebase::$analysis_php_version_id`. - [BC] Property `Psalm\Codebase::$php_minor_version` was removed, use `Psalm\Codebase::$analysis_php_version_id`. - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\TEmpty` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\Type\Union::isEmpty()` was removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$allow_phpstorm_generics` was removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$exit_functions` was removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$forbid_echo` was removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Config::$load_xdebug_stub` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\Type::getEmpty()` was removed - [BC] Legacy hook interfaces have been removed: - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\MethodReturnTypeProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\BeforeFileAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterFileAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterMethodCallAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterClassLikeVisitInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\StringInterpreterInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterExpressionAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterEveryFunctionCallAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\PropertyExistenceProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterFunctionLikeAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\FunctionParamsProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\FunctionReturnTypeProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\FunctionExistenceProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\MethodVisibilityProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\MethodParamsProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterClassLikeExistenceCheckInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\PropertyTypeProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterFunctionCallAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\MethodExistenceProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterCodebasePopulatedInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterClassLikeAnalysisInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\PropertyVisibilityProviderInterface` - `Psalm\Plugin\Hook\AfterStatementAnalysisInterface` - [BC] Method `Psalm\Issue\CodeIssue::getLocation()` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\Issue\CodeIssue::getFileName()` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\Issue\CodeIssue::getMessage()` was removed - [BC] Method `Psalm\DocComment::parse()` was removed - [BC] Class `Psalm\Type\Atomic\THtmlEscapedString` has been removed - [BC] Property `Psalm\Context::$vars_from_global` has been renamed to `$referenced_globals` - [BC] Self-registration of file type scanners and file type analyzers has been changed - `Psalm\Plugin\RegistrationInterface::addFileTypeScanner` was removed - `Psalm\Plugin\RegistrationInterface::addFileTypeAnalyzer` was removed - :information_source: migration possible using `Psalm\Plugin\FileExtensionsInterface` - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::addFileTypeScanner` was removed - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::getAdditionalFileTypeScanners` was removed - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::addFileTypeAnalyzer` was removed - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::getAdditionalFileTypeAnalyzers` was removed - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::getAdditionalFileExtensions` was removed - `Psalm\PluginRegistrationSocket::addFileExtension` was removed - :information_source: migration possible using `Psalm\PluginFileExtensionsSocket` - [BC] Method `\Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterFunctionLikeAnalysisEvent::getClasslikeStorage()` was removed, use correct `\Psalm\Plugin\EventHandler\Event\AfterFunctionLikeAnalysisEvent::getFunctionlikeStorage()` instead