
Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications. Version 0.3.x supports checking PHP 5.4 - 7.1 code, and requires PHP 5.5 and higher to run. Version 0.2.x supports checking PHP 5.4 - 7.0 code and requires PHP 5.4 and higher to run. Check out the [wiki](https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/wiki)! ## Quickstart Guide Install via [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/): ```bash composer require --dev "vimeo/psalm:dev-master" composer install ``` Add a `psalm.xml` config: ```bash cat > psalm.xml << EOF EOF ``` Then run Psalm with: ```bash ./vendor/bin/psalm ``` The above config is spartan, and will show you *all* possible errors, including many that are likely irrelevant to you. A more lenient config is provided [here](examples/psalm.default.xml).