getFQCLN(); $project_analyzer = $source->getFileAnalyzer()->project_analyzer; $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); if ($context->collect_mutations && $context->self && ( $context->self === $fq_class_name || $codebase->classExtends( $context->self, $fq_class_name ) ) ) { $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($method_name); if ($method_id !== $source->getMethodId()) { if ($context->collect_initializations) { if (isset($context->initialized_methods[$method_id])) { return; } if ($context->initialized_methods === null) { $context->initialized_methods = []; } $context->initialized_methods[$method_id] = true; } $project_analyzer->getMethodMutations( $method_id, $context, $source->getRootFilePath(), $source->getRootFileName() ); } } elseif ($context->collect_initializations && $context->self && ( $context->self === $fq_class_name || $codebase->classlikes->classExtends( $context->self, $fq_class_name ) ) && $source->getMethodName() !== $method_name ) { $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($method_name); $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (isset($context->vars_in_scope['$this'])) { foreach ($context->vars_in_scope['$this']->getTypes() as $atomic_type) { if ($atomic_type instanceof TNamedObject) { if ($fq_class_name === $atomic_type->value) { $alt_declaring_method_id = $declaring_method_id; } else { $fq_class_name = $atomic_type->value; $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($method_name); $alt_declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); } if ($alt_declaring_method_id) { $declaring_method_id = $alt_declaring_method_id; break; } if (!$atomic_type->extra_types) { continue; } foreach ($atomic_type->extra_types as $intersection_type) { if ($intersection_type instanceof TNamedObject) { $fq_class_name = $intersection_type->value; $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($method_name); $alt_declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if ($alt_declaring_method_id) { $declaring_method_id = $alt_declaring_method_id; break 2; } } } } } } if (!$declaring_method_id) { // can happen for __call return; } if (isset($context->initialized_methods[$declaring_method_id])) { return; } if ($context->initialized_methods === null) { $context->initialized_methods = []; } $context->initialized_methods[$declaring_method_id] = true; $method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); $class_analyzer = $source->getSource(); if ($class_analyzer instanceof ClassLikeAnalyzer && !$method_storage->is_static) { $local_vars_in_scope = []; $local_vars_possibly_in_scope = []; foreach ($context->vars_in_scope as $var => $_) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') !== 0 && $var !== '$this') { $local_vars_in_scope[$var] = $context->vars_in_scope[$var]; } } foreach ($context->vars_possibly_in_scope as $var => $_) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') !== 0 && $var !== '$this') { $local_vars_possibly_in_scope[$var] = $context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var]; } } if ($fq_class_name === $source->getFQCLN()) { $class_analyzer->getMethodMutations(strtolower($method_name), $context); } else { list($declaring_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); $old_self = $context->self; $context->self = $declaring_fq_class_name; $project_analyzer->getMethodMutations( $declaring_method_id, $context, $source->getRootFilePath(), $source->getRootFileName() ); $context->self = $old_self; } foreach ($local_vars_in_scope as $var => $type) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var] = $type; } foreach ($local_vars_possibly_in_scope as $var => $_) { $context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var] = true; } } } } /** * @param string|null $method_id * @param array $args * @param array>|null &$generic_params * @param Context $context * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * * @return false|null */ protected static function checkMethodArgs( $method_id, array $args, &$generic_params, Context $context, CodeLocation $code_location, StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer ) { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); $method_params = $method_id ? $codebase->methods->getMethodParams($method_id, $statements_analyzer, $args, $context) : null; if (self::checkFunctionArguments( $statements_analyzer, $args, $method_params, $method_id, $context, $generic_params ) === false) { return false; } if (!$method_id || $method_params === null) { return; } list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $fq_class_name = $codebase->classlikes->getUnAliasedName($fq_class_name); $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); $method_storage = null; if (isset($class_storage->declaring_method_ids[strtolower($method_name)])) { $declaring_method_id = $class_storage->declaring_method_ids[strtolower($method_name)]; list($declaring_fq_class_name, $declaring_method_name) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); if ($declaring_fq_class_name !== $fq_class_name) { $declaring_class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($declaring_fq_class_name); } else { $declaring_class_storage = $class_storage; } if (!isset($declaring_class_storage->methods[strtolower($declaring_method_name)])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Storage should not be empty here'); } $method_storage = $declaring_class_storage->methods[strtolower($declaring_method_name)]; if ($declaring_class_storage->user_defined && !$method_storage->has_docblock_param_types && isset($declaring_class_storage->documenting_method_ids[$method_name]) ) { $documenting_method_id = $declaring_class_storage->documenting_method_ids[$method_name]; $documenting_method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($documenting_method_id); if ($documenting_method_storage->template_types) { $method_storage = $documenting_method_storage; } } if (!$context->isSuppressingExceptions($statements_analyzer)) { $context->mergeFunctionExceptions($method_storage, $code_location); } } if (self::checkFunctionLikeArgumentsMatch( $statements_analyzer, $args, $method_id, $method_params, $method_storage, $class_storage, $generic_params, $code_location, $context ) === false) { return false; } return null; } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param array $args * @param array|null $function_params * @param array>|null $generic_params * @param string|null $method_id * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ protected static function checkFunctionArguments( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, ?array $function_params, ?string $method_id, Context $context, ?array $generic_params = null ) { $last_param = $function_params ? $function_params[count($function_params) - 1] : null; // if this modifies the array type based on further args if ($method_id && in_array($method_id, ['array_push', 'array_unshift'], true) && $function_params) { if (self::handleArrayAddition($statements_analyzer, $args, $context) === false) { return false; } return; } if ($method_id && $method_id === 'array_splice' && $function_params && count($args) > 1) { if (self::handleArraySplice($statements_analyzer, $args, $context) === false) { return false; } return; } if ($method_id === 'array_map' && count($args) === 2) { $args = array_reverse($args, true); } foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { if ($function_params !== null) { $param = $argument_offset < count($function_params) ? $function_params[$argument_offset] : ($last_param && $last_param->is_variadic ? $last_param : null); $by_ref = $param && $param->by_ref; $by_ref_type = null; if ($by_ref && $param) { $by_ref_type = $param->type ? clone $param->type : Type::getMixed(); } if ($by_ref && $by_ref_type && !($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ ) ) { if (self::handleByRefFunctionArg( $statements_analyzer, $method_id, $argument_offset, $arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } continue; } $toggled_class_exists = false; if ($method_id === 'class_exists' && $argument_offset === 0 && !$context->inside_class_exists ) { $context->inside_class_exists = true; $toggled_class_exists = true; } $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if ($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure && $generic_params && $param && $param->type && !$arg->value->getDocComment() && !array_filter( $arg->value->params, function (PhpParser\Node\Param $closure_param) : bool { return !!$closure_param->type; } ) ) { if (count($args) === 2 && (($argument_offset === 1 && $method_id === 'array_filter') || ($argument_offset === 0 && $method_id === 'array_map')) ) { $replaced_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TCallable( 'callable', [ new \Psalm\Storage\FunctionLikeParameter( 'function', false, new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam( 'ArrayValue', Type::getMixed() ) ]) ) ] ) ]); } else { $replaced_type = clone $param->type; } $empty_generic_params = []; $replaced_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $generic_params, $empty_generic_params, $codebase, null ); $replaced_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $generic_params ); $closure_id = $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() . ':' . $arg->value->getLine() . ':' . (int)$arg->value->getAttribute('startFilePos') . ':-:closure'; $closure_storage = $codebase->getClosureStorage($statements_analyzer->getFilePath(), $closure_id); foreach ($replaced_type->getTypes() as $replaced_type_part) { if ($replaced_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TCallable || $replaced_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TFn ) { foreach ($closure_storage->params as $closure_param_offset => $param_storage) { if (isset($replaced_type_part->params[$closure_param_offset]->type) && !$replaced_type_part->params[$closure_param_offset]->type->hasTemplate() ) { $param_storage->type = $replaced_type_part->params[$closure_param_offset]->type; } } } } } $was_inside_call = $context->inside_call; $context->inside_call = true; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context) === false) { return false; } if (!$was_inside_call) { $context->inside_call = false; } if (count($args) === 2 && (($argument_offset === 0 && $method_id === 'array_filter') || ($argument_offset === 1 || $method_id === 'array_map')) ) { $generic_param_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getArrayKey(), new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam( 'ArrayValue', Type::getMixed() ) ]) ]) ]); $template_types = ['ArrayValue' => ['' => [Type::getMixed()]]]; if ($generic_params === null) { $generic_params = []; } $generic_param_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $template_types, $generic_params, $codebase, isset($arg->value->inferredType) ? $arg->value->inferredType : null ); } if ($context->collect_references && ($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PreInc || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PreDec) ) { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getVarId( $arg->value->var, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); if ($var_id) { $context->hasVariable($var_id, $statements_analyzer); } } if ($toggled_class_exists) { $context->inside_class_exists = false; } continue; } if (self::evaluateAribitraryParam( $statements_analyzer, $arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } } } /** * @return false|null */ private static function evaluateAribitraryParam( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context ) { // there are a bunch of things we want to evaluate even when we don't // know what function/method is being called if ($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Encapsed ) { $was_inside_call = $context->inside_call; $context->inside_call = true; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context) === false) { return false; } if (!$was_inside_call) { $context->inside_call = false; } } if ($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch && $arg->value->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier ) { $var_id = '$' . $arg->value->name->name; } else { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getVarId( $arg->value, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); } if ($var_id) { if (!$context->hasVariable($var_id, $statements_analyzer) || $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]->isNull() ) { // we don't know if it exists, assume it's passed by reference $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = Type::getMixed(); $context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var_id] = true; if (strpos($var_id, '-') === false && strpos($var_id, '[') === false && !$statements_analyzer->hasVariable($var_id) ) { $location = new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer, $arg->value); $statements_analyzer->registerVariable( $var_id, $location, null ); $statements_analyzer->registerVariableUses([$location->getHash() => $location]); } } else { $context->removeVarFromConflictingClauses( $var_id, $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id], $statements_analyzer ); foreach ($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]->getTypes() as $type) { if ($type instanceof TArray && $type->type_params[1]->isEmpty()) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]->removeType('array'); $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]->addType( new TArray( [Type::getArrayKey(), Type::getMixed()] ) ); } } } } } /** * @param string|null $method_id * @return false|null */ private static function handleByRefFunctionArg( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, $method_id, int $argument_offset, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context ) { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getVarId( $arg->value, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); $builtin_array_functions = [ 'shuffle', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort', 'ksort', 'asort', 'krsort', 'arsort', 'natcasesort', 'natsort', 'reset', 'end', 'next', 'prev', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', ]; if (($var_id && isset($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) || ($method_id && in_array( $method_id, $builtin_array_functions, true )) ) { // if the variable is in scope, get or we're in a special array function, // figure out its type before proceeding if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } } // special handling for array sort if ($argument_offset === 0 && $method_id && in_array( $method_id, $builtin_array_functions, true ) ) { if (in_array($method_id, ['array_pop', 'array_shift'], true)) { self::handleByRefArrayAdjustment($statements_analyzer, $arg, $context); return; } // noops if (in_array($method_id, ['reset', 'end', 'next', 'prev', 'ksort'], true)) { return; } if (isset($arg->value->inferredType) && $arg->value->inferredType->hasArray() ) { /** @var TArray|ObjectLike */ $array_type = $arg->value->inferredType->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $array_type = $array_type->getGenericArrayType(); } if (in_array($method_id, ['shuffle', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort'], true)) { $tvalue = $array_type->type_params[1]; $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([new TArray([Type::getInt(), clone $tvalue])]); } else { $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([clone $array_type]); } ExpressionAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_type, $context, false ); return; } } if ($method_id === 'socket_select') { if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } } } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param array $args * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private static function handleArrayAddition( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, Context $context ) { $array_arg = $args[0]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } $context->inside_call = true; if (isset($array_arg->inferredType) && $array_arg->inferredType->hasArray()) { /** @var TArray|ObjectLike */ $array_type = $array_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $array_type = $array_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([clone $array_type]); foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { if ($argument_offset === 0) { continue; } if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!isset($arg->value->inferredType) || $arg->value->inferredType->hasMixed()) { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, new Type\Union([new TArray([Type::getInt(), Type::getMixed()])]) ); } elseif ($arg->unpack) { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, clone $arg->value->inferredType ); } else { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, new Type\Union( [ new TArray( [ Type::getInt(), clone $arg->value->inferredType ] ), ] ) ); } } ExpressionAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_type, $context, false ); } $context->inside_call = false; return; } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param array $args * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ private static function handleArraySplice( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, Context $context ) { $context->inside_call = true; $array_arg = $args[0]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } $offset_arg = $args[1]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $offset_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!isset($args[2])) { return; } $length_arg = $args[2]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $length_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!isset($args[3])) { return; } $replacement_arg = $args[3]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $replacement_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } $context->inside_call = false; if (isset($replacement_arg->inferredType) && !$replacement_arg->inferredType->hasArray() && $replacement_arg->inferredType->hasString() && $replacement_arg->inferredType->isSingle() ) { $replacement_arg->inferredType = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([Type::getInt(), $replacement_arg->inferredType]) ]); } if (isset($array_arg->inferredType) && $array_arg->inferredType->hasArray() && isset($replacement_arg->inferredType) && $replacement_arg->inferredType->hasArray() ) { /** @var TArray|ObjectLike */ $array_type = $array_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $array_type = $array_type->getGenericArrayType(); } /** @var TArray|ObjectLike */ $replacement_array_type = $replacement_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']; if ($replacement_array_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $replacement_array_type = $replacement_array_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $by_ref_type = TypeCombination::combineTypes([$array_type, $replacement_array_type]); ExpressionAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_type, $context, false ); return; } $array_type = Type::getArray(); ExpressionAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $array_type, $array_type, $context, false ); } /** * @return void */ private static function handleByRefArrayAdjustment( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context ) { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getVarId( $arg->value, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); if ($var_id) { $context->removeVarFromConflictingClauses($var_id, null, $statements_analyzer); if (isset($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) { $array_type = clone $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; $array_atomic_types = $array_type->getTypes(); foreach ($array_atomic_types as $array_atomic_type) { if ($array_atomic_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $generic_array_type = $array_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); if ($generic_array_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { if (!$context->inside_loop && $generic_array_type->count !== null) { if ($generic_array_type->count === 0) { $generic_array_type = new TArray( [ new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), ] ); } else { $generic_array_type->count--; } } else { $generic_array_type = new TArray($generic_array_type->type_params); } } $array_type->addType($generic_array_type); } elseif ($array_atomic_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { if (!$context->inside_loop && $array_atomic_type->count !== null) { if ($array_atomic_type->count === 0) { $array_atomic_type = new TArray( [ new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), ] ); } else { $array_atomic_type->count--; } } else { $array_atomic_type = new TArray($array_atomic_type->type_params); } $array_type->addType($array_atomic_type); } } $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $array_type; } } } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param array $args * @param string|null $method_id * @param array $function_params * @param FunctionLikeStorage|null $function_storage * @param ClassLikeStorage|null $class_storage * @param array>|null $generic_params * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param Context $context * * @return false|null */ protected static function checkFunctionLikeArgumentsMatch( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, $method_id, array $function_params, $function_storage, $class_storage, &$generic_params, CodeLocation $code_location, Context $context ) { $in_call_map = $method_id ? CallMap::inCallMap($method_id) : false; $cased_method_id = $method_id; $is_variadic = false; $fq_class_name = null; $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if ($method_id) { if ($in_call_map || !strpos($method_id, '::')) { $is_variadic = $codebase->functions->isVariadic( $codebase, strtolower($method_id), $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath() ); } else { $fq_class_name = explode('::', $method_id)[0]; $is_variadic = $codebase->methods->isVariadic($method_id); } } if ($method_id && strpos($method_id, '::')) { $codebase->methods->getCasedMethodId($method_id); } elseif ($function_storage) { $cased_method_id = $function_storage->cased_name; } $calling_class_storage = $class_storage; $static_fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; $self_fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; if ($method_id && strpos($method_id, '::')) { $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if ($declaring_method_id && $declaring_method_id !== $method_id) { list($self_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($self_fq_class_name); } $appearing_method_id = $codebase->methods->getAppearingMethodId($method_id); if ($appearing_method_id && $declaring_method_id !== $appearing_method_id) { list($self_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $appearing_method_id); } } if ($function_params) { foreach ($function_params as $function_param) { $is_variadic = $is_variadic || $function_param->is_variadic; } } $has_packed_var = false; foreach ($args as $arg) { $has_packed_var = $has_packed_var || $arg->unpack; } $last_param = $function_params ? $function_params[count($function_params) - 1] : null; $template_types = null; if ($function_storage) { $template_types = self::getTemplateTypesForFunction( $function_storage, $class_storage, $calling_class_storage ); if ($template_types) { foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { $function_param = count($function_params) > $argument_offset ? $function_params[$argument_offset] : ($last_param && $last_param->is_variadic ? $last_param : null); if (!$function_param || !$function_param->type || !isset($arg->value->inferredType) ) { continue; } $empty_generic_params = []; $function_param->type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $template_types, $empty_generic_params, $codebase, $arg->value->inferredType, false ); } } } $existing_generic_params = $generic_params ?: []; foreach ($existing_generic_params as $template_name => $type_map) { foreach ($type_map as $class => $type) { $existing_generic_params[$template_name][$class][0] = clone $type[0]; } } $function_param_count = count($function_params); foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { $function_param = $function_param_count > $argument_offset ? $function_params[$argument_offset] : ($last_param && $last_param->is_variadic ? $last_param : null); if ($function_param && $function_param->by_ref && $method_id !== 'extract' ) { if (self::handlePossiblyMatchingByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $codebase, $method_id, $cased_method_id, $last_param, $function_params, $function_storage, $argument_offset, $arg, $context, $generic_params, $template_types ) === false) { return; } } if ($method_id === 'compact' && isset($arg->value->inferredType) && $arg->value->inferredType->isSingleStringLiteral() ) { $literal = $arg->value->inferredType->getSingleStringLiteral(); if (!$context->hasVariable('$' . $literal->value, $statements_analyzer)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedVariable( 'Cannot find referenced variable $' . $literal->value, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value) ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } if (self::checkFunctionLikeArgumentMatches( $statements_analyzer, $cased_method_id, $self_fq_class_name, $static_fq_class_name, $code_location, $function_param, $argument_offset, $arg, $context, $existing_generic_params, $generic_params, $template_types, $function_storage ? $function_storage->pure : false ) === false) { return false; } } if ($method_id === 'array_map' || $method_id === 'array_filter') { if ($method_id === 'array_map' && count($args) < 2) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooFewArguments( 'Too few arguments for ' . $method_id, $code_location, $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } elseif ($method_id === 'array_filter' && count($args) < 1) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooFewArguments( 'Too few arguments for ' . $method_id, $code_location, $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } if (self::checkArrayFunctionArgumentsMatch( $statements_analyzer, $args, $method_id, $context->check_functions ) === false ) { return false; } return null; } if (!$is_variadic && count($args) > count($function_params) && (!count($function_params) || $function_params[count($function_params) - 1]->name !== '...=') ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooManyArguments( 'Too many arguments for method ' . ($cased_method_id ?: $method_id) . ' - expecting ' . count($function_params) . ' but saw ' . count($args), $code_location, $method_id ?: '' ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return null; } if (!$has_packed_var && count($args) < count($function_params)) { if ($function_storage) { $expected_param_count = $function_storage->required_param_count; } else { for ($i = 0, $j = count($function_params); $i < $j; ++$i) { $param = $function_params[$i]; if ($param->is_optional || $param->is_variadic) { break; } } $expected_param_count = $i; } for ($i = count($args), $j = count($function_params); $i < $j; ++$i) { $param = $function_params[$i]; if (!$param->is_optional && !$param->is_variadic) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooFewArguments( 'Too few arguments for method ' . $cased_method_id . ' - expecting ' . $expected_param_count . ' but saw ' . count($args), $code_location, $method_id ?: '' ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } break; } if ($param->is_optional && $param->type && $param->default_type && !$param->is_variadic && $template_types ) { if ($generic_params === null) { $generic_params = []; } $param_type = clone $param->type; $param_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $template_types, $generic_params, $codebase, clone $param->default_type, true ); } } } } /** * @param array> $existing_generic_params * @param array> $generic_params * @param array> $template_types * @return false|null */ private static function checkFunctionLikeArgumentMatches( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, ?string $cased_method_id, ?string $self_fq_class_name, ?string $static_fq_class_name, CodeLocation $function_location, ?FunctionLikeParameter $function_param, int $argument_offset, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context, array $existing_generic_params, array &$generic_params = null, array $template_types = null, bool $function_is_pure ) { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!isset($arg->value->inferredType)) { if ($function_param && !$function_param->by_ref) { if (!$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() === $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath() && (!(($parent_source = $statements_analyzer->getSource()) instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FunctionLikeAnalyzer) || !$parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer) ) { $codebase->analyzer->incrementMixedCount($statements_analyzer->getFilePath()); } $param_type = $function_param->type; if ($function_param->is_variadic && $param_type && $param_type->hasArray() ) { /** @var TArray */ $array_type = $param_type->getTypes()['array']; $param_type = $array_type->type_params[1]; } if ($param_type && !$param_type->hasMixed()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_method_id . ' cannot be mixed, expecting ' . $param_type, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value), $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } return; } if (!$function_param) { return; } if (self::checkFunctionLikeTypeMatches( $statements_analyzer, $codebase, $cased_method_id, $self_fq_class_name, $static_fq_class_name, $function_location, $function_param, $arg->value->inferredType, $argument_offset, $arg, $context, $existing_generic_params, $generic_params, $template_types, $function_is_pure ) === false) { return false; } } /** * @param string|null $method_id * @param string|null $cased_method_id * @param FunctionLikeParameter|null $last_param * @param array $function_params * @param array> $generic_params * @param array> $template_types * @param FunctionLikeStorage|null $function_storage * @return false|null */ private static function handlePossiblyMatchingByRefParam( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Codebase $codebase, $method_id, $cased_method_id, $last_param, $function_params, $function_storage, int $argument_offset, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context, array &$generic_params = null, array $template_types = null ) { if ($arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch || ( ( $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall || $arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall ) && ( !isset($arg->value->inferredType) || !$arg->value->inferredType->by_ref ) ) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidPassByReference( 'Parameter ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_method_id . ' expects a variable', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value) ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return false; } if (!in_array( $method_id, [ 'shuffle', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort', 'ksort', 'asort', 'krsort', 'arsort', 'natcasesort', 'natsort', 'reset', 'end', 'next', 'prev', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', 'array_push', 'array_unshift', 'socket_select', 'array_splice', ], true )) { $by_ref_type = null; $by_ref_out_type = null; $check_null_ref = true; if ($last_param) { if ($argument_offset < count($function_params)) { $function_param = $function_params[$argument_offset]; } else { $function_param = $last_param; } $by_ref_type = $function_param->type; if (isset($function_storage->param_out_types[$argument_offset])) { $by_ref_out_type = $function_storage->param_out_types[$argument_offset]; } if ($by_ref_type && $by_ref_type->isNullable()) { $check_null_ref = false; } if ($template_types && $by_ref_type) { if ($generic_params === null) { $generic_params = []; } $original_by_ref_type = clone $by_ref_type; $by_ref_type = clone $by_ref_type; $by_ref_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $template_types, $generic_params, $codebase, isset($arg->value->inferredType) ? $arg->value->inferredType : null ); if ($generic_params) { $original_by_ref_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $generic_params ); $by_ref_type = $original_by_ref_type; } } if ($by_ref_type && $function_param->is_variadic && $arg->unpack) { $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getInt(), $by_ref_type, ]), ]); } } $by_ref_type = $by_ref_type ?: Type::getMixed(); ExpressionAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_out_type ?: $by_ref_type, $context, $method_id && (strpos($method_id, '::') !== false || !CallMap::inCallMap($method_id)), $check_null_ref ); } } /** * @param array> $existing_generic_params * @param array> $generic_params * @param array> $template_types * @return false|null */ private static function checkFunctionLikeTypeMatches( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Codebase $codebase, ?string $cased_method_id, ?string $self_fq_class_name, ?string $static_fq_class_name, CodeLocation $function_location, FunctionLikeParameter $function_param, Type\Union $arg_type, int $argument_offset, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context, ?array $existing_generic_params, ?array &$generic_params, ?array $template_types, bool $function_is_pure ) { if (!$function_param->type) { if (!$codebase->infer_types_from_usage) { return; } $param_type = Type::getMixed(); } else { $param_type = clone $function_param->type; } if ($existing_generic_params) { $empty_generic_params = []; $param_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $existing_generic_params, $empty_generic_params, $codebase, $arg->value->inferredType ); $arg_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $existing_generic_params, $empty_generic_params, $codebase, $arg->value->inferredType ); } if ($template_types) { if ($generic_params === null) { $generic_params = []; } $arg_type_param = $arg_type; if ($arg->unpack) { if ($arg_type->hasArray()) { /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray|Type\Atomic\ObjectLike */ $array_atomic_type = $arg_type->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $array_atomic_type = $array_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $arg_type_param = $array_atomic_type->type_params[1]; } else { $arg_type_param = Type::getMixed(); } } $param_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $template_types, $generic_params, $codebase, $arg_type_param ); } if (!$context->check_variables) { return; } $parent_class = null; if ($self_fq_class_name) { $classlike_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($self_fq_class_name); $parent_class = $classlike_storage->parent_class; } $fleshed_out_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $param_type, $self_fq_class_name, $static_fq_class_name, $parent_class ); $fleshed_out_signature_type = $function_param->signature_type ? ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $function_param->signature_type, $self_fq_class_name, $static_fq_class_name, $parent_class ) : null; if ($arg->unpack) { if ($arg_type->hasMixed()) { if (!$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() === $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath() && (!(($parent_source = $statements_analyzer->getSource()) instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FunctionLikeAnalyzer) || !$parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer) ) { $codebase->analyzer->incrementMixedCount($statements_analyzer->getFilePath()); } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_method_id . ' cannot be mixed, expecting array', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value), $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return; } if ($arg_type->hasArray()) { /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray|Type\Atomic\ObjectLike */ $array_atomic_type = $arg_type->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $array_atomic_type = $array_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $arg_type = $array_atomic_type->type_params[1]; } else { foreach ($arg_type->getTypes() as $atomic_type) { if (!$atomic_type->isIterable($codebase)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . ' of ' . $cased_method_id . ' expects array, ' . $atomic_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value), $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } continue; } } return; } } if (self::checkFunctionArgumentType( $statements_analyzer, $arg_type, $fleshed_out_type, $fleshed_out_signature_type, $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $arg->value), $arg->value, $context, $function_param, $arg->unpack, $function_is_pure, $function_location ) === false) { return false; } } /** * @return array> */ private static function getTemplateTypesForFunction( FunctionLikeStorage $function_storage, ClassLikeStorage $class_storage = null, ClassLikeStorage $calling_class_storage = null ) : array { $template_types = []; if ($function_storage->template_types) { $template_types = $function_storage->template_types; } if ($class_storage) { if ($calling_class_storage && $class_storage !== $calling_class_storage && $calling_class_storage->template_type_extends ) { foreach ($calling_class_storage->template_type_extends as $class_name => $type_map) { foreach ($type_map as $template_name => $type) { if (is_string($template_name) && $class_name === $class_storage->name) { $output_type = null; foreach ($type->getTypes() as $atomic_type) { if ($atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam && $atomic_type->defining_class && isset( $calling_class_storage ->template_type_extends [$atomic_type->defining_class] [$atomic_type->param_name] ) ) { $output_type_candidate = $calling_class_storage ->template_type_extends[$atomic_type->defining_class][$atomic_type->param_name]; } else { $output_type_candidate = new Type\Union([$atomic_type]); } if (!$output_type) { $output_type = $output_type_candidate; } else { $output_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $output_type_candidate, $output_type ); } } $template_types[$template_name][$class_storage->name] = [$output_type ?: Type::getMixed()]; } } } } elseif ($class_storage->template_types) { foreach ($class_storage->template_types as $template_name => $type) { $template_types[$template_name] = $type; } } } foreach ($template_types as $key => $type_map) { foreach ($type_map as $class => $type) { $template_types[$key][$class][0] = clone $type[0]; } } return $template_types; } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param array $args * @param string $method_id * * @return false|null */ protected static function checkArrayFunctionArgumentsMatch( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, $method_id, bool $check_functions ) { $closure_index = $method_id === 'array_map' ? 0 : 1; $array_arg_types = []; foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { if ($i === 0 && $method_id === 'array_map') { continue; } if ($i === 1 && $method_id === 'array_filter') { break; } $array_arg = isset($arg->value) ? $arg->value : null; /** @var ObjectLike|TArray|null */ $array_arg_type = $array_arg && isset($array_arg->inferredType) && isset($array_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array']) ? $array_arg->inferredType->getTypes()['array'] : null; if ($array_arg_type instanceof ObjectLike) { $array_arg_type = $array_arg_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $array_arg_types[] = $array_arg_type; } /** @var null|PhpParser\Node\Arg */ $closure_arg = isset($args[$closure_index]) ? $args[$closure_index] : null; /** @var Type\Union|null */ $closure_arg_type = $closure_arg && isset($closure_arg->value->inferredType) ? $closure_arg->value->inferredType : null; if ($closure_arg && $closure_arg_type) { $min_closure_param_count = $max_closure_param_count = count($array_arg_types); if ($method_id === 'array_filter') { $max_closure_param_count = count($args) > 2 ? 2 : 1; } foreach ($closure_arg_type->getTypes() as $closure_type) { self::checkArrayFunctionClosureType( $statements_analyzer, $method_id, $closure_type, $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, $array_arg_types, $check_functions ); } } } /** * @param string $method_id * @param int $min_closure_param_count * @param int $max_closure_param_count [description] * @param (TArray|null)[] $array_arg_types * * @return void */ private static function checkArrayFunctionClosureType( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, $method_id, Type\Atomic $closure_type, PhpParser\Node\Arg $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, array $array_arg_types, bool $check_functions ) { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!$closure_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TFn) { if (!$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ && !$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ && !$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat ) { return; } $function_ids = self::getFunctionIdsFromCallableArg( $statements_analyzer, $closure_arg->value ); $closure_types = []; foreach ($function_ids as $function_id) { $function_id = strtolower($function_id); if (strpos($function_id, '::') !== false) { $function_id_parts = explode('&', $function_id); foreach ($function_id_parts as $function_id_part) { list($callable_fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $function_id_part); switch ($callable_fq_class_name) { case 'self': case 'static': case 'parent': $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(); if ($callable_fq_class_name === 'parent') { $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getParentFQCLN(); } if (!$container_class) { continue 2; } $callable_fq_class_name = $container_class; } if (!$codebase->classOrInterfaceExists($callable_fq_class_name)) { return; } $function_id_part = $callable_fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name; try { $method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($function_id_part); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { // the method may not exist, but we're suppressing that issue continue; } $closure_types[] = new Type\Atomic\TFn( 'Closure', $method_storage->params, $method_storage->return_type ?: Type::getMixed() ); } } else { if (!$check_functions) { continue; } if (!$codebase->functions->functionExists($statements_analyzer, $function_id)) { continue; } $function_storage = $codebase->functions->getStorage( $statements_analyzer, $function_id ); if (CallMap::inCallMap($function_id)) { $callmap_callables = CallMap::getCallablesFromCallMap($function_id); if ($callmap_callables === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('This should not happen'); } $passing_callmap_callables = []; foreach ($callmap_callables as $callmap_callable) { $required_param_count = 0; assert($callmap_callable->params !== null); foreach ($callmap_callable->params as $i => $param) { if (!$param->is_optional && !$param->is_variadic) { $required_param_count = $i + 1; } } if ($required_param_count <= $max_closure_param_count) { $passing_callmap_callables[] = $callmap_callable; } } if ($passing_callmap_callables) { foreach ($passing_callmap_callables as $passing_callmap_callable) { $closure_types[] = $passing_callmap_callable; } } else { $closure_types[] = $callmap_callables[0]; } } else { $closure_types[] = new Type\Atomic\TFn( 'Closure', $function_storage->params, $function_storage->return_type ?: Type::getMixed() ); } } } } else { $closure_types = [$closure_type]; } foreach ($closure_types as $closure_type) { if ($closure_type->params === null) { continue; } self::checkArrayFunctionClosureTypeArgs( $statements_analyzer, $method_id, $closure_type, $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, $array_arg_types ); } } /** * @param Type\Atomic\TFn|Type\Atomic\TCallable $closure_type * @param string $method_id * @param int $min_closure_param_count * @param int $max_closure_param_count * @param (TArray|null)[] $array_arg_types * * @return void */ private static function checkArrayFunctionClosureTypeArgs( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, $method_id, Type\Atomic $closure_type, PhpParser\Node\Arg $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, array $array_arg_types ) { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); $closure_params = $closure_type->params; if ($closure_params === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Closure params should not be null here'); } $required_param_count = 0; foreach ($closure_params as $i => $param) { if (!$param->is_optional && !$param->is_variadic) { $required_param_count = $i + 1; } } if (count($closure_params) < $min_closure_param_count) { $argument_text = $min_closure_param_count === 1 ? 'one argument' : $min_closure_param_count . ' arguments'; if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooManyArguments( 'The callable passed to ' . $method_id . ' will be called with ' . $argument_text . ', expecting ' . $required_param_count, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return; } elseif ($required_param_count > $max_closure_param_count) { $argument_text = $max_closure_param_count === 1 ? 'one argument' : $max_closure_param_count . ' arguments'; if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooFewArguments( 'The callable passed to ' . $method_id . ' will be called with ' . $argument_text . ', expecting ' . $required_param_count, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return; } // abandon attempt to validate closure params if we have an extra arg for ARRAY_FILTER if ($method_id === 'array_filter' && $max_closure_param_count > 1) { return; } $i = 0; foreach ($closure_params as $closure_param) { if (!isset($array_arg_types[$i])) { ++$i; continue; } /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray */ $array_arg_type = $array_arg_types[$i]; $input_type = $array_arg_type->type_params[1]; if ($input_type->hasMixed()) { ++$i; continue; } $closure_param_type = $closure_param->type; if (!$closure_param_type) { ++$i; continue; } $union_comparison_results = new \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeComparisonResult(); $type_match_found = TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $input_type, $closure_param_type, false, false, $union_comparison_results ); if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced) { if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced_from_mixed) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgumentTypeCoercion( 'First parameter of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ArgumentTypeCoercion( 'First parameter of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } } if (!$union_comparison_results->type_coerced && !$type_match_found) { $types_can_be_identical = TypeAnalyzer::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical( $codebase, $input_type, $closure_param_type ); if ($union_comparison_results->scalar_type_match_found) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidScalarArgument( 'First parameter of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } elseif ($types_can_be_identical) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyInvalidArgument( 'First parameter of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', possibly different type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } elseif (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArgument( 'First parameter of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } ++$i; } } /** * @return null|false */ public static function checkFunctionArgumentType( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Type\Union $input_type, Type\Union $param_type, ?Type\Union $signature_param_type, ?string $cased_method_id, int $argument_offset, CodeLocation $code_location, PhpParser\Node\Expr $input_expr, Context $context, FunctionLikeParameter $function_param, bool $unpack, bool $function_is_pure, CodeLocation $function_location ) { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if ($param_type->hasMixed()) { if ($codebase->infer_types_from_usage && !$input_type->hasMixed() && !$param_type->from_docblock && $cased_method_id && strpos($cased_method_id, '::') && !strpos($cased_method_id, '__') ) { $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($cased_method_id); if ($declaring_method_id) { $id_lc = strtolower($declaring_method_id); if (!isset($codebase->analyzer->possible_method_param_types[$id_lc][$argument_offset])) { $codebase->analyzer->possible_method_param_types[$id_lc][$argument_offset] = clone $input_type; } else { $codebase->analyzer->possible_method_param_types[$id_lc][$argument_offset] = Type::combineUnionTypes( $codebase->analyzer->possible_method_param_types[$id_lc][$argument_offset], clone $input_type, $codebase ); } } } if ($cased_method_id) { self::processTaintedness( $statements_analyzer, $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location, $function_location, $function_param, $input_type, $function_is_pure ); } return null; } $method_identifier = $cased_method_id ? ' of ' . $cased_method_id : ''; if ($input_type->hasMixed()) { if (!$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() === $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath() && (!(($parent_source = $statements_analyzer->getSource()) instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FunctionLikeAnalyzer) || !$parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer) ) { $codebase->analyzer->incrementMixedCount($statements_analyzer->getFilePath()); } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' cannot be mixed, expecting ' . $param_type, $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } if ($input_type->isMixed()) { if (!$function_param->by_ref && !($function_param->is_variadic xor $unpack) && $cased_method_id !== 'echo' ) { self::coerceValueAfterGatekeeperArgument( $statements_analyzer, $input_type, false, $input_expr, $param_type, $signature_param_type, $context, $unpack ); } } if ($cased_method_id) { self::processTaintedness( $statements_analyzer, $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location, $function_location, $function_param, $input_type, $function_is_pure ); } if ($input_type->isMixed()) { return null; } } if ($input_type->isNever()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NoValue( 'This function or method call never returns output', $code_location ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return null; } if (!$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() === $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath() && (!(($parent_source = $statements_analyzer->getSource()) instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FunctionLikeAnalyzer) || !$parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer) ) { $codebase->analyzer->incrementNonMixedCount($statements_analyzer->getFilePath()); } $param_type = TypeAnalyzer::simplifyUnionType( $codebase, $param_type ); $union_comparison_results = new \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TypeComparisonResult(); $type_match_found = TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $input_type, $param_type, true, true, $union_comparison_results ); $replace_input_type = false; if ($union_comparison_results->replacement_union_type) { $replace_input_type = true; $input_type = $union_comparison_results->replacement_union_type; } if ($cased_method_id) { $old_input_type = $input_type; self::processTaintedness( $statements_analyzer, $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location, $function_location, $function_param, $input_type, $function_is_pure ); if ($old_input_type !== $input_type) { $replace_input_type = true; } } if ($type_match_found && $param_type->hasCallableType() ) { $potential_method_ids = []; foreach ($input_type->getTypes() as $input_type_part) { if ($input_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $potential_method_id = TypeAnalyzer::getCallableMethodIdFromObjectLike( $input_type_part, $codebase, $context->calling_method_id, $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() ); if ($potential_method_id) { $potential_method_ids[] = $potential_method_id; } } elseif ($input_type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TLiteralString) { $potential_method_ids[] = $input_type_part->value; } } foreach ($potential_method_ids as $potential_method_id) { if (strpos($potential_method_id, '::')) { $codebase->methods->methodExists( $potential_method_id, $context->calling_method_id, null, $statements_analyzer, $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() ); } } } if ($context->strict_types && !$input_type->hasArray() && !$param_type->from_docblock && $cased_method_id !== 'echo' && $cased_method_id !== 'sprintf' ) { $union_comparison_results->scalar_type_match_found = false; if ($union_comparison_results->to_string_cast) { $union_comparison_results->to_string_cast = false; $type_match_found = false; } } if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced && !$input_type->hasMixed()) { if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced_from_mixed) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgumentTypeCoercion( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ArgumentTypeCoercion( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } } if ($union_comparison_results->to_string_cast && $cased_method_id !== 'echo') { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ImplicitToStringCast( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided with a __toString method', $code_location ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } if (!$type_match_found && !$union_comparison_results->type_coerced) { $types_can_be_identical = TypeAnalyzer::canBeContainedBy( $codebase, $input_type, $param_type, true, true ); if ($union_comparison_results->scalar_type_match_found) { if ($cased_method_id !== 'echo') { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidScalarArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } elseif ($types_can_be_identical) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyInvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', possibly different type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' expects ' . $param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } return; } if ($input_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ || $input_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ || $input_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat ) { foreach ($param_type->getTypes() as $param_type_part) { if ($param_type_part instanceof TClassString && $input_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ ) { if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $statements_analyzer, $input_expr->value, $code_location, $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false ) { return; } } elseif ($param_type_part instanceof TArray && $input_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ ) { foreach ($param_type_part->type_params[1]->getTypes() as $param_array_type_part) { if ($param_array_type_part instanceof TClassString) { foreach ($input_expr->items as $item) { if ($item && $item->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $statements_analyzer, $item->value->value, $code_location, $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false ) { return; } } } } } } elseif ($param_type_part instanceof TCallable) { $function_ids = self::getFunctionIdsFromCallableArg( $statements_analyzer, $input_expr ); foreach ($function_ids as $function_id) { if (strpos($function_id, '::') !== false) { $function_id_parts = explode('&', $function_id); $non_existent_method_ids = []; $has_valid_method = false; foreach ($function_id_parts as $function_id_part) { list($callable_fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $function_id_part); switch ($callable_fq_class_name) { case 'self': case 'static': case 'parent': $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(); if ($callable_fq_class_name === 'parent') { $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getParentFQCLN(); } if (!$container_class) { continue 2; } $callable_fq_class_name = $container_class; } $function_id_part = $callable_fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name; if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $statements_analyzer, $callable_fq_class_name, $code_location, $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false ) { return; } if (!$codebase->classOrInterfaceExists($callable_fq_class_name)) { return; } if (!$codebase->methodExists($function_id_part) && !$codebase->methodExists($callable_fq_class_name . '::__call') ) { $non_existent_method_ids[] = $function_id_part; } else { $has_valid_method = true; } } if (!$has_valid_method && !$param_type->hasString() && !$param_type->hasArray()) { if (MethodAnalyzer::checkMethodExists( $codebase, $non_existent_method_ids[0], $code_location, $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false ) { return; } } } else { if (!$param_type->hasString() && !$param_type->hasArray() && self::checkFunctionExists( $statements_analyzer, $function_id, $code_location, false ) === false ) { return; } } } } } } if (!$param_type->isNullable() && $cased_method_id !== 'echo') { if ($input_type->isNull()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' cannot be null, ' . 'null value provided to parameter with type ' . $param_type->getId(), $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return null; } if ($input_type->isNullable() && !$input_type->ignore_nullable_issues) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyNullArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' cannot be null, possibly ' . 'null value provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } if ($input_type->isFalsable() && !$param_type->hasBool() && !$param_type->hasScalar() && !$input_type->ignore_falsable_issues ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyFalseArgument( 'Argument ' . ($argument_offset + 1) . $method_identifier . ' cannot be false, possibly ' . 'false value provided', $code_location, $cased_method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } if (($type_match_found || $input_type->hasMixed()) && !$function_param->by_ref && !($function_param->is_variadic xor $unpack) && $cased_method_id !== 'echo' ) { self::coerceValueAfterGatekeeperArgument( $statements_analyzer, $input_type, $replace_input_type, $input_expr, $param_type, $signature_param_type, $context, $unpack ); } return null; } private static function processTaintedness( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, string $cased_method_id, int $argument_offset, CodeLocation $code_location, CodeLocation $function_location, FunctionLikeParameter $function_param, Type\Union &$input_type, bool $function_is_pure ) : void { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!$codebase->taint) { return; } $method_sink = Sink::getForMethodArgument( $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location ); $child_sink = null; if (($function_param->sink || ($child_sink = $codebase->taint->hasPreviousSink($method_sink))) && $input_type->sources ) { $all_possible_sinks = []; foreach ($input_type->sources as $source) { if ($codebase->taint->hasExistingSink($source)) { continue; } $base_sink = new Sink( $source->id, $source->code_location ); $base_sink->children = [$child_sink ?: $method_sink]; $all_possible_sinks[] = $base_sink; if (strpos($source->id, '::') && strpos($source->id, '#')) { list($fq_classlike_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $source->id); $method_name_parts = explode('#', $method_name); $method_name = strtolower($method_name_parts[0]); $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_classlike_name); foreach ($class_storage->dependent_classlikes as $dependent_classlike => $_) { $new_sink = Sink::getForMethodArgument( $dependent_classlike . '::' . $method_name, (int) $method_name_parts[1] - 1, $code_location, null ); $new_sink->children = [$child_sink ?: $method_sink]; $new_sink->taint = $child_sink ? $child_sink->taint : $function_param->sink; $all_possible_sinks[] = $new_sink; } if (isset($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name])) { foreach ($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name] as $parent_method_id) { $new_sink = Sink::getForMethodArgument( $parent_method_id, (int) $method_name_parts[1] - 1, $code_location, null ); $new_sink->taint = $child_sink ? $child_sink->taint : $function_param->sink; $new_sink->children = [$child_sink ?: $method_sink]; $all_possible_sinks[] = $new_sink; } } } } $codebase->taint->addSinks( $statements_analyzer, $all_possible_sinks ); } if ($function_param->sink && $input_type->tainted && ($function_param->sink & $input_type->tainted) && $input_type->sources ) { $method_sink = Sink::getForMethodArgument( $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location ); $existing_sink = $codebase->taint->hasExistingSink($method_sink); foreach ($input_type->sources as $input_source) { $existing_source = $codebase->taint->hasExistingSource($input_source); if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TaintedInput( 'in path ' . $codebase->taint->getPredecessorPath($existing_source ?: $input_source) . ' out path ' . $codebase->taint->getSuccessorPath($existing_sink ?: $method_sink), $code_location ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } elseif ($input_type->sources) { if ($function_is_pure) { $codebase->taint->addSpecialization( strtolower($cased_method_id . '#' . ($argument_offset + 1)), $function_location->file_name . ':' . $function_location->raw_file_start ); } foreach ($input_type->sources as $type_source) { if (($previous_source = $codebase->taint->hasPreviousSource($type_source)) || $input_type->tainted) { if ($function_is_pure) { $method_source = Source::getForMethodArgument( $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location, $function_location ); } else { $method_source = Source::getForMethodArgument( $cased_method_id, $argument_offset, $code_location ); } $method_source->parents = [$previous_source ?: $type_source]; $codebase->taint->addSources( $statements_analyzer, [$method_source] ); } } } elseif ($input_type->tainted) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'sources should exist for tainted var in ' . $code_location->getShortSummary() ); } if ($function_param->assert_untainted) { $input_type = clone $input_type; $input_type->tainted = null; $input_type->sources = []; } } private static function coerceValueAfterGatekeeperArgument( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Type\Union $input_type, bool $input_type_changed, PhpParser\Node\Expr $input_expr, Type\Union $param_type, ?Type\Union $signature_param_type, Context $context, bool $unpack ) : void { if ($param_type->hasMixed()) { return; } if (!$input_type_changed && $param_type->from_docblock && !$input_type->hasMixed()) { $input_type = clone $input_type; foreach ($param_type->getTypes() as $param_atomic_type) { if ($param_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TGenericObject) { foreach ($input_type->getTypes() as $input_atomic_type) { if ($input_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TGenericObject && $input_atomic_type->value === $param_atomic_type->value ) { foreach ($input_atomic_type->type_params as $i => $type_param) { if ($type_param->isEmpty() && isset($param_atomic_type->type_params[$i])) { $input_type_changed = true; $input_atomic_type->type_params[$i] = clone $param_atomic_type->type_params[$i]; } } } } } } if (!$input_type_changed) { return; } } $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getVarId( $input_expr, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); if ($var_id) { $was_cloned = false; if ($input_type->isNullable() && !$param_type->isNullable()) { $input_type = clone $input_type; $was_cloned = true; $input_type->removeType('null'); } if ($input_type->getId() === $param_type->getId()) { if (!$was_cloned) { $was_cloned = true; $input_type = clone $input_type; } $input_type->from_docblock = false; foreach ($input_type->getTypes() as $atomic_type) { $atomic_type->from_docblock = false; } } elseif ($input_type->hasMixed() && $signature_param_type) { $was_cloned = true; $input_type = clone $signature_param_type; if ($input_type->isNullable()) { $input_type->ignore_nullable_issues = true; } } if ($was_cloned) { $context->removeVarFromConflictingClauses($var_id, null, $statements_analyzer); } if ($unpack) { $input_type = new Type\Union([ new TArray([ Type::getInt(), $input_type ]), ]); } $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $input_type; } } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_|PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_|PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat * $callable_arg * * @return string[] */ public static function getFunctionIdsFromCallableArg( \Psalm\FileSource $file_source, $callable_arg ) { if ($callable_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat) { if ($callable_arg->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $callable_arg->left->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $callable_arg->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($callable_arg->left->name->name) === 'class' && !in_array(strtolower($callable_arg->left->class->parts[0]), ['self', 'static', 'parent']) && $callable_arg->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ && preg_match('/^::[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $callable_arg->right->value) ) { return [ (string) $callable_arg->left->class->getAttribute('resolvedName') . $callable_arg->right->value ]; } return []; } if ($callable_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $potential_id = preg_replace('/^\\\/', '', $callable_arg->value); if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\\\[A-Za-z0-9_]+)*(::[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?$/', $potential_id)) { return [$potential_id]; } return []; } if (count($callable_arg->items) !== 2) { return []; } if (!isset($callable_arg->items[0]) || !isset($callable_arg->items[1])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('These should never be unset'); } $class_arg = $callable_arg->items[0]->value; $method_name_arg = $callable_arg->items[1]->value; if (!$method_name_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { return []; } if ($class_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { return [preg_replace('/^\\\/', '', $class_arg->value) . '::' . $method_name_arg->value]; } if ($class_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $class_arg->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($class_arg->name->name) === 'class' && $class_arg->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name ) { $fq_class_name = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $class_arg->class, $file_source->getAliases() ); return [$fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name_arg->value]; } if (!isset($class_arg->inferredType) || !$class_arg->inferredType->hasObjectType()) { return []; } $method_ids = []; foreach ($class_arg->inferredType->getTypes() as $type_part) { if ($type_part instanceof TNamedObject) { $method_id = $type_part->value . '::' . $method_name_arg->value; if ($type_part->extra_types) { foreach ($type_part->extra_types as $extra_type) { if ($extra_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam || $extra_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TObjectWithProperties ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Shouldn’t get a generic param here'); } $method_id .= '&' . $extra_type->value . '::' . $method_name_arg->value; } } $method_ids[] = $method_id; } } return $method_ids; } /** * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * @param string $function_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param bool $can_be_in_root_scope if true, the function can be shortened to the root version * * @return bool */ protected static function checkFunctionExists( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, &$function_id, CodeLocation $code_location, $can_be_in_root_scope ) { $cased_function_id = $function_id; $function_id = strtolower($function_id); $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!$codebase->functions->functionExists($statements_analyzer, $function_id)) { $root_function_id = preg_replace('/.*\\\/', '', $function_id); if ($can_be_in_root_scope && $function_id !== $root_function_id && $codebase->functions->functionExists($statements_analyzer, $root_function_id) ) { $function_id = $root_function_id; } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedFunction( 'Function ' . $cased_function_id . ' does not exist', $code_location, $function_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return false; } } return true; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Identifier|PhpParser\Node\Name $expr * @param \Psalm\Storage\Assertion[] $assertions * @param array $args * @param Context $context * @param array> $template_type_map, * @param StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer * * @return void */ protected static function applyAssertionsToContext( $expr, array $assertions, array $args, array $template_type_map, Context $context, StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer ) { $type_assertions = []; $asserted_keys = []; foreach ($assertions as $assertion) { $assertion_var_id = null; $arg_value = null; if (is_int($assertion->var_id)) { if (!isset($args[$assertion->var_id])) { continue; } $arg_value = $args[$assertion->var_id]->value; $arg_var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId($arg_value, null, $statements_analyzer); if ($arg_var_id) { $assertion_var_id = $arg_var_id; } } elseif (isset($context->vars_in_scope[$assertion->var_id])) { $assertion_var_id = $assertion->var_id; } if ($assertion_var_id) { $rule = $assertion->rule[0][0]; $prefix = ''; if ($rule[0] === '!') { $prefix .= '!'; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } if ($rule[0] === '=') { $prefix .= '='; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } if ($rule[0] === '~') { $prefix .= '~'; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } if (isset($template_type_map[$rule])) { foreach ($template_type_map[$rule] as $template_map) { if ($template_map[0]->hasMixed()) { continue 2; } $replacement_atomic_types = $template_map[0]->getTypes(); if (count($replacement_atomic_types) > 1) { continue 2; } $ored_type_assertions = []; foreach ($replacement_atomic_types as $replacement_atomic_type) { if ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TMixed) { continue 3; } if ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike ) { $ored_type_assertions[] = $prefix . 'array'; } elseif ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TNamedObject) { $ored_type_assertions[] = $prefix . $replacement_atomic_type->value; } elseif ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\Scalar) { $ored_type_assertions[] = $prefix . $replacement_atomic_type->getId(); } elseif ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TNull) { $ored_type_assertions[] = $prefix . 'null'; } elseif ($replacement_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParam) { $ored_type_assertions[] = $prefix . $replacement_atomic_type->param_name; } } if ($ored_type_assertions) { $type_assertions[$assertion_var_id] = [$ored_type_assertions]; } } } else { $type_assertions[$assertion_var_id] = $assertion->rule; } } elseif ($arg_value && $assertion->rule === [['!falsy']]) { $assert_clauses = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::getFormula( $arg_value, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer, $statements_analyzer->getCodebase() ); $simplified_clauses = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::simplifyCNF( array_merge($context->clauses, $assert_clauses) ); $assert_type_assertions = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::getTruthsFromFormula( $simplified_clauses ); $type_assertions = array_merge($type_assertions, $assert_type_assertions); } } $changed_vars = []; foreach ($type_assertions as $var_id => $_) { $asserted_keys[$var_id] = true; } if ($type_assertions) { // while in an and, we allow scope to boil over to support // statements of the form if ($x && $x->foo()) $op_vars_in_scope = \Psalm\Type\Reconciler::reconcileKeyedTypes( $type_assertions, $context->vars_in_scope, $changed_vars, $asserted_keys, $statements_analyzer, $template_type_map, $context->inside_loop, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $expr) ); foreach ($changed_vars as $changed_var) { if (isset($op_vars_in_scope[$changed_var])) { $op_vars_in_scope[$changed_var]->from_docblock = true; foreach ($op_vars_in_scope[$changed_var]->getTypes() as $changed_atomic_type) { $changed_atomic_type->from_docblock = true; if ($changed_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TNamedObject && $changed_atomic_type->extra_types ) { foreach ($changed_atomic_type->extra_types as $extra_type) { $extra_type->from_docblock = true; } } } } } $context->vars_in_scope = $op_vars_in_scope; } } }