|null */ private $existing_file_content_hashes = null; /** * A map of recently-added filename hashes to contents hashes * * @var array */ private $new_file_content_hashes = []; /** * @var bool */ private $use_file_cache; /** @var bool */ private $use_igbinary; public function __construct(Config $config, bool $use_file_cache = true) { $this->use_igbinary = $config->use_igbinary; $this->use_file_cache = $use_file_cache; } /** * @return list|null * * @psalm-suppress UndefinedFunction */ public function loadStatementsFromCache(string $file_path, int $file_modified_time, string $file_content_hash) { $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_cache_key = $this->getParserCacheKey( $file_path ); $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; $file_content_hashes = $this->new_file_content_hashes + $this->getExistingFileContentHashes(); $cache_location = $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_cache_key; if (isset($file_content_hashes[$file_cache_key]) && $file_content_hash === $file_content_hashes[$file_cache_key] && is_readable($cache_location) && filemtime($cache_location) > $file_modified_time ) { if ($this->use_igbinary) { /** @var list<\PhpParser\Node\Stmt> */ $stmts = igbinary_unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)); } else { /** @var list<\PhpParser\Node\Stmt> */ $stmts = unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)); } return $stmts; } } /** * @return list|null * * @psalm-suppress UndefinedFunction */ public function loadExistingStatementsFromCache(string $file_path) { $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_cache_key = $this->getParserCacheKey( $file_path ); $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; $cache_location = $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_cache_key; if (is_readable($cache_location)) { if ($this->use_igbinary) { /** @var list<\PhpParser\Node\Stmt> */ return igbinary_unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)) ?: null; } /** @var list<\PhpParser\Node\Stmt> */ return unserialize((string)file_get_contents($cache_location)) ?: null; } } /** * @return string|null */ public function loadExistingFileContentsFromCache(string $file_path) { if (!$this->use_file_cache) { return null; } $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_cache_key = $this->getParserCacheKey( $file_path ); $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::FILE_CONTENTS_CACHE_DIRECTORY; $cache_location = $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_cache_key; if (is_readable($cache_location)) { return file_get_contents($cache_location); } } /** * @return array */ private function getExistingFileContentHashes(): array { $config = Config::getInstance(); $root_cache_directory = $config->getCacheDirectory(); if ($this->existing_file_content_hashes === null) { $file_hashes_path = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::FILE_HASHES; if ($root_cache_directory && is_readable($file_hashes_path)) { $hashes_encoded = (string) file_get_contents($file_hashes_path); if (!$hashes_encoded) { error_log('Unexpected value when loading from file content hashes'); $this->existing_file_content_hashes = []; return []; } /** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ $hashes_decoded = json_decode($hashes_encoded, true); if (!is_array($hashes_decoded)) { error_log('Unexpected value ' . gettype($hashes_decoded)); $this->existing_file_content_hashes = []; return []; } /** @var array $hashes_decoded */ $this->existing_file_content_hashes = $hashes_decoded; } else { $this->existing_file_content_hashes = []; } } return $this->existing_file_content_hashes; } /** * @param list $stmts * * @return void * * @psalm-suppress UndefinedFunction */ public function saveStatementsToCache(string $file_path, string $file_content_hash, array $stmts, bool $touch_only) { $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_cache_key = $this->getParserCacheKey( $file_path ); $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; $cache_location = $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_cache_key; if ($touch_only) { touch($cache_location); } else { if (!is_dir($parser_cache_directory)) { mkdir($parser_cache_directory, 0777, true); } if ($this->use_igbinary) { file_put_contents($cache_location, igbinary_serialize($stmts)); } else { file_put_contents($cache_location, serialize($stmts)); } $this->new_file_content_hashes[$file_cache_key] = $file_content_hash; } } /** * @return array */ public function getNewFileContentHashes(): array { return $this->new_file_content_hashes; } /** * @param array $file_content_hashes * * @return void */ public function addNewFileContentHashes(array $file_content_hashes) { $this->new_file_content_hashes = $file_content_hashes + $this->new_file_content_hashes; } /** * @return void */ public function saveFileContentHashes() { $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_content_hashes = $this->new_file_content_hashes + $this->getExistingFileContentHashes(); $file_hashes_path = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::FILE_HASHES; file_put_contents( $file_hashes_path, json_encode($file_content_hashes) ); } /** * @return void */ public function cacheFileContents(string $file_path, string $file_contents) { if (!$this->use_file_cache) { return; } $root_cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$root_cache_directory) { return; } $file_cache_key = $this->getParserCacheKey( $file_path ); $parser_cache_directory = $root_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::FILE_CONTENTS_CACHE_DIRECTORY; $cache_location = $parser_cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_cache_key; if (!is_dir($parser_cache_directory)) { mkdir($parser_cache_directory, 0777, true); } file_put_contents($cache_location, $file_contents); } public function deleteOldParserCaches(float $time_before): int { $cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if ($cache_directory) { return 0; } $removed_count = 0; $cache_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; if (is_dir($cache_directory)) { $directory_files = scandir($cache_directory, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); foreach ($directory_files as $directory_file) { $full_path = $cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory_file; if ($directory_file[0] === '.') { continue; } if (filemtime($full_path) < $time_before && is_writable($full_path)) { unlink($full_path); ++$removed_count; } } } return $removed_count; } /** * @param float $start_time * * @return void */ public function processSuccessfulRun() { $cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$cache_directory) { return; } $cache_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; if (is_dir($cache_directory)) { $directory_files = scandir($cache_directory, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); foreach ($directory_files as $directory_file) { $full_path = $cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory_file; if ($directory_file[0] === '.') { continue; } touch($full_path); } } } /** * @param array $file_names * * @return void */ public function touchParserCaches(array $file_names, int $min_time) { $cache_directory = Config::getInstance()->getCacheDirectory(); if (!$cache_directory) { return; } $cache_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::PARSER_CACHE_DIRECTORY; if (is_dir($cache_directory)) { foreach ($file_names as $file_name) { $hash_file_name = $cache_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getParserCacheKey($file_name); if (file_exists($hash_file_name)) { if (filemtime($hash_file_name) < $min_time) { touch($hash_file_name, $min_time); } } } } } private function getParserCacheKey(string $file_name): string { return md5($file_name) . ($this->use_igbinary ? '-igbinary' : '') . '-r'; } }