name)) { if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($statements_checker, $stmt->name, $context) === false) { return false; } } $var_id = null; if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($statements_checker, $stmt->var, $context) === false) { return false; } $stmt_var_id = ExpressionChecker::getVarId( $stmt->var, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); $var_id = ExpressionChecker::getVarId( $stmt, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); $var_name = is_string($stmt->name) ? $stmt->name : null; $stmt_var_type = null; if ($var_id && $context->hasVariable($var_id)) { // we don't need to check anything $stmt->inferredType = $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; return null; } if ($stmt_var_id && $context->hasVariable($stmt_var_id)) { $stmt_var_type = $context->vars_in_scope[$stmt_var_id]; } elseif (isset($stmt->var->inferredType)) { /** @var Type\Union */ $stmt_var_type = $stmt->var->inferredType; } if (!$stmt_var_type) { return null; } if ($stmt_var_type->isNull()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullPropertyFetch( 'Cannot get property on null variable ' . $stmt_var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return null; } if ($stmt_var_type->isEmpty()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedPropertyFetch( 'Cannot fetch property on empty var ' . $stmt_var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return null; } if ($stmt_var_type->isMixed()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedPropertyFetch( 'Cannot fetch property on mixed var ' . $stmt_var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return null; } if ($stmt_var_type->isNullable()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullPropertyFetch( 'Cannot get property on possibly null variable ' . $stmt_var_id . ' of type ' . $stmt_var_type, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } $stmt->inferredType = Type::getNull(); } if (!is_string($stmt->name)) { return null; } foreach ($stmt_var_type->types as $lhs_type_part) { if ($lhs_type_part instanceof TNull) { continue; } if (!$lhs_type_part->isObjectType()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidPropertyFetch( 'Cannot fetch property on non-object ' . $stmt_var_id . ' of type ' . $lhs_type_part, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } continue; } // stdClass and SimpleXMLElement are special cases where we cannot infer the return types // but we don't want to throw an error // Hack has a similar issue: if ($lhs_type_part instanceof TObject || ($lhs_type_part instanceof TNamedObject && in_array(strtolower($lhs_type_part->value), ['stdclass', 'simplexmlelement']) ) ) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); continue; } $file_checker = $statements_checker->getFileChecker(); if (!$lhs_type_part instanceof TNamedObject) { // @todo deal with this continue; } if (!ClassChecker::classExists($lhs_type_part->value, $file_checker)) { if (InterfaceChecker::interfaceExists($lhs_type_part->value, $file_checker)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NoInterfaceProperties( 'Interfaces cannot have properties', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } continue; } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedClass( 'Cannot get properties of undefined class ' . $lhs_type_part->value, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } continue; } if (MethodChecker::methodExists($lhs_type_part->value . '::__get', $file_checker)) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); continue; } $property_id = $lhs_type_part->value . '::$' . $stmt->name; if (!ClassLikeChecker::propertyExists($property_id)) { if ($stmt_var_id === '$this') { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedThisPropertyFetch( 'Instance property ' . $property_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedPropertyFetch( 'Instance property ' . $property_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } return; } if (ClassLikeChecker::checkPropertyVisibility( $property_id, $context->self, $statements_checker->getSource(), new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } $declaring_property_class = ClassLikeChecker::getDeclaringClassForProperty($property_id); $property_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower((string)$declaring_property_class)]->properties[$stmt->name]; $class_property_type = $property_storage->type; if ($class_property_type === false) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingPropertyType( 'Property ' . $lhs_type_part->value . '::$' . $stmt->name . ' does not have a declared type', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } $class_property_type = Type::getMixed(); } else { $class_property_type = clone $class_property_type; } if (isset($stmt->inferredType)) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::combineUnionTypes($class_property_type, $stmt->inferredType); } else { $stmt->inferredType = $class_property_type; } } if ($var_id) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = isset($stmt->inferredType) ? $stmt->inferredType : Type::getMixed(); } } /** * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch $stmt * @param Context $context * @return false|null */ public static function analyzeConstFetch( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch $stmt, Context $context ) { $const_name = implode('\\', $stmt->name->parts); switch (strtolower($const_name)) { case 'null': $stmt->inferredType = Type::getNull(); break; case 'false': // false is a subtype of bool $stmt->inferredType = Type::getFalse(); break; case 'true': $stmt->inferredType = Type::getBool(); break; default: $const_type = $statements_checker->getConstType( $const_name, $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified, $context ); if ($const_type) { $stmt->inferredType = clone $const_type; } elseif ($context->check_consts) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedConstant( 'Const ' . $const_name . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } return null; } /** * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch $stmt * @param Context $context * @return null|false */ public static function analyzeClassConstFetch( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch $stmt, Context $context ) { if ($context->check_consts && $stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->class->parts !== ['static'] && is_string($stmt->name) ) { if ($stmt->class->parts === ['self']) { if (!$context->self) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$context->self cannot be null'); } $fq_class_name = (string)$context->self; } elseif ($stmt->class->parts[0] === 'parent') { $fq_class_name = $statements_checker->getParentFQCLN(); if ($fq_class_name === null) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ParentNotFound( 'Cannot check property fetch on parent as this class does not extend another', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return; } } else { $fq_class_name = ClassLikeChecker::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $stmt->class, $statements_checker ); // edge case when evaluating single files if ($stmt->name === 'class' && $statements_checker->getFileChecker()->containsUnEvaluatedClassLike($fq_class_name) ) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getString(); return null; } if (ClassLikeChecker::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $fq_class_name, $statements_checker->getFileChecker(), new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt->class), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues(), true ) === false) { return false; } } if ($stmt->name === 'class') { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getString(); return null; } // if we're ignoring that the class doesn't exist, exit anyway if (!ClassLikeChecker::classOrInterfaceExists($fq_class_name, $statements_checker->getFileChecker())) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); return null; } $const_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $stmt->name; if ($fq_class_name === $context->self || ( $statements_checker->getSource()->getSource() instanceof TraitChecker && $fq_class_name === $statements_checker->getSource()->getFQCLN() ) ) { $class_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE; } elseif ($context->self && ClassChecker::classExtends($context->self, $fq_class_name) ) { $class_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED; } else { $class_visibility = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC; } $class_constants = ClassLikeChecker::getConstantsForClass($fq_class_name, $class_visibility); if (!isset($class_constants[$stmt->name])) { $all_class_constants = []; if ($fq_class_name !== $context->self) { $all_class_constants = ClassLikeChecker::getConstantsForClass( $fq_class_name, \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE ); } if ($all_class_constants && isset($all_class_constants[$stmt->name])) { IssueBuffer::add( new InaccessibleClassConstant( 'Constant ' . $const_id . ' is not visible in this context', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ) ); } else { IssueBuffer::add( new UndefinedConstant( 'Constant ' . $const_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ) ); } return false; } else { $stmt->inferredType = $class_constants[$stmt->name]; } return null; } if ($stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr) { if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($statements_checker, $stmt->class, $context) === false) { return false; } } return null; } /** * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch $stmt * @param Context $context * @return null|false */ public static function analyzeStaticPropertyFetch( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch $stmt, Context $context ) { if ($stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable || $stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch ) { // @todo check this return null; } $method_id = null; $fq_class_name = null; if ($stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name) { if (count($stmt->class->parts) === 1 && in_array($stmt->class->parts[0], ['self', 'static', 'parent'])) { if ($stmt->class->parts[0] === 'parent') { $fq_class_name = $statements_checker->getParentFQCLN(); if ($fq_class_name === null) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ParentNotFound( 'Cannot check property fetch on parent as this class does not extend another', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return; } } else { $fq_class_name = ($statements_checker->getNamespace() ? $statements_checker->getNamespace() . '\\' : '') . $statements_checker->getClassName(); } if ($context->isPhantomClass($fq_class_name)) { return null; } } else { $fq_class_name = ClassLikeChecker::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $stmt->class, $statements_checker ); if ($context->isPhantomClass($fq_class_name)) { return null; } if ($context->check_classes) { if (ClassLikeChecker::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $fq_class_name, $statements_checker->getFileChecker(), new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt->class), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues(), true ) === false) { return false; } } } $stmt->class->inferredType = $fq_class_name ? new Type\Union([new TNamedObject($fq_class_name)]) : null; } if ($fq_class_name && $context->check_classes && $context->check_variables && is_string($stmt->name) && !ExpressionChecker::isMock($fq_class_name) ) { $var_id = ExpressionChecker::getVarId( $stmt, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); if ($var_id && $context->hasVariable($var_id)) { // we don't need to check anything $stmt->inferredType = $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; return null; } $property_id = $fq_class_name . '::$' . $stmt->name; if (!ClassLikeChecker::propertyExists($property_id)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedPropertyFetch( 'Static property ' . $property_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return; } if (ClassLikeChecker::checkPropertyVisibility( $property_id, $context->self, $statements_checker->getSource(), new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } $declaring_property_class = ClassLikeChecker::getDeclaringClassForProperty( $fq_class_name . '::$' . $stmt->name ); $property = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower((string)$declaring_property_class)]->properties[$stmt->name]; $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $property->type ? clone $property->type : Type::getMixed(); $stmt->inferredType = clone $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; } return null; } /** * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch $stmt * @param Context $context * @param bool $array_assignment * @param Type\Union|null $assignment_key_type * @param Type\Union|null $assignment_value_type * @param string|null $assignment_key_value * @return false|null */ public static function analyzeArrayAccess( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch $stmt, Context $context, $array_assignment = false, Type\Union $assignment_key_type = null, Type\Union $assignment_value_type = null, $assignment_key_value = null ) { $var_type = null; $key_type = null; $string_key_value = null; $int_key_value = null; $nesting = 0; $var_id = ExpressionChecker::getVarId( $stmt->var, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker, $nesting ); // checks whether or not the thing we're looking at implements ArrayAccess $is_object = $var_id && $context->hasVariable($var_id) && $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]->hasObjectType(); $array_var_id = ExpressionChecker::getArrayVarId( $stmt->var, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); $keyed_array_var_id = ExpressionChecker::getArrayVarId( $stmt, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); if ($stmt->dim && ExpressionChecker::analyze($statements_checker, $stmt->dim, $context) === false) { return false; } if ($stmt->dim) { if (isset($stmt->dim->inferredType)) { /** @var Type\Union */ $key_type = $stmt->dim->inferredType; if ($stmt->dim instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $string_key_value = $stmt->dim->value; } elseif ($stmt->dim instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber) { $int_key_value = $stmt->dim->value; } } else { $key_type = Type::getMixed(); } } else { $key_type = Type::getInt(); } $keyed_assignment_type = null; if ($array_assignment && $assignment_key_type && $assignment_value_type) { $keyed_assignment_type = $keyed_array_var_id && $context->hasVariable($keyed_array_var_id) ? $context->vars_in_scope[$keyed_array_var_id] : null; if (!$keyed_assignment_type || $keyed_assignment_type->isEmpty()) { if (!$assignment_key_type->isMixed() && !$assignment_key_type->hasInt() && $assignment_key_value) { $keyed_assignment_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike([ $assignment_key_value => $assignment_value_type ]) ]); } else { $keyed_assignment_type = Type::getEmptyArray(); /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray */ $keyed_assignment_type_array = $keyed_assignment_type->types['array']; $keyed_assignment_type_array->type_params[0] = $assignment_key_type; $keyed_assignment_type_array->type_params[1] = $assignment_value_type; } } else { foreach ($keyed_assignment_type->types as &$type) { if ($type instanceof TInt || $type instanceof TFloat || $type instanceof TBool) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArrayAssignment( 'Cannot assign value on variable ' . $var_id . ' of scalar type ' . $type->getKey(), new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } continue; } if ($type instanceof TString || $type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { $refined_type = self::refineArrayType( $statements_checker, $type, $assignment_key_type, $assignment_value_type, $var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ); if ($refined_type === false) { return false; } if ($refined_type === null) { continue; } $type = $refined_type; } elseif ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike && $assignment_key_value) { if (isset($type->properties[$assignment_key_value])) { $type->properties[$assignment_key_value] = Type::combineUnionTypes( $type->properties[$assignment_key_value], $assignment_value_type ); } else { $type->properties[$assignment_key_value] = $assignment_value_type; } } } } } if (ExpressionChecker::analyze( $statements_checker, $stmt->var, $context, $array_assignment, $key_type, $keyed_assignment_type, $string_key_value ) === false) { return false; } /** @var Type\Union|null */ $inferred_key_type = null; if (isset($stmt->var->inferredType)) { /** @var Type\Union */ $var_type = $stmt->var->inferredType; foreach ($var_type->types as &$type) { if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $value_index = null; if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray) { // create a union type to pass back to the statement $value_index = count($type->type_params) - 1; if ($value_index) { // if we're assigning to an empty array with a key offset, refashion that array if ($array_assignment && $type->type_params[0]->isEmpty()) { if ($key_type) { $type->type_params[0] = $key_type; } } else { if ($key_type) { $key_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($key_type, $type->type_params[0]); } else { $key_type = $type->type_params[0]; } if ($inferred_key_type) { $inferred_key_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $inferred_key_type, $type->type_params[0] ); } else { $inferred_key_type = $type->type_params[0]; } } } } if ($array_assignment && !$is_object) { // if we're in an array assignment then we need to create some variables // e.g. // $a = []; // $a['b']['c']['d'] = 3; // // means we need add $a['b'], $a['b']['c'] to the current context // (but not $a['b']['c']['d'], which is handled in checkArrayAssignment) if ($keyed_assignment_type) { if ($keyed_array_var_id) { if ($context->hasVariable($keyed_array_var_id)) { $context->vars_in_scope[$keyed_array_var_id] = Type::combineUnionTypes( $keyed_assignment_type, $context->vars_in_scope[$keyed_array_var_id] ); } else { $context->vars_in_scope[$keyed_array_var_id] = $keyed_assignment_type; } } $stmt->inferredType = $keyed_assignment_type; } if ($array_var_id === $var_id) { if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike || ( $type instanceof TArray && !$key_type->hasInt() && $type->type_params[1]->isEmpty() ) ) { $properties = $string_key_value ? [$string_key_value => $keyed_assignment_type] : []; $assignment_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\ObjectLike($properties) ]); } else { if (!$keyed_assignment_type) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$keyed_assignment_type cannot be null'); } $assignment_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ $key_type, $keyed_assignment_type ]) ]); } if ($context->hasVariable($var_id)) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = Type::combineUnionTypes( $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id], $assignment_type ); } elseif ($var_id) { $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $assignment_type; } } if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray && $type->type_params[$value_index]->isEmpty() ) { $empty_type = Type::getEmptyArray(); if (!isset($stmt->inferredType)) { // if in array assignment and the referenced variable does not have // an array at this level, create one $stmt->inferredType = $empty_type; } $context_type = clone $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; $array_type = $context_type; for ($i = 0; $i < $nesting + 1; $i++) { if (isset($array_type->types['array']) && $array_type->types['array'] instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray ) { $atomic_array = $array_type->types['array']; if ($i < $nesting) { if ($atomic_array->type_params[1]->isEmpty()) { $new_empty = clone $empty_type; /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray */ $new_atomic_empty = $new_empty->types['array']; $new_atomic_empty->type_params[0] = $key_type; $atomic_array->type_params[1] = $new_empty; continue; } $array_type = $atomic_array->type_params[1]; } else { $atomic_array->type_params[0] = $key_type; if ($nesting === 0 && $keyed_assignment_type) { $atomic_array->type_params[1] = $keyed_assignment_type; } } } } $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $context_type; } } elseif ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray && $value_index !== null) { $stmt->inferredType = $type->type_params[$value_index]; } elseif ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $object_like_keys = array_keys($type->properties); if ($object_like_keys) { if (count($object_like_keys) === 1) { $expected_keys_string = '\'' . $object_like_keys[0] . '\''; } else { $last_key = array_pop($object_like_keys); $expected_keys_string = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $object_like_keys) . '\' or \'' . $last_key . '\''; } } else { $expected_keys_string = 'string'; } if ($string_key_value && isset($type->properties[$string_key_value])) { $stmt->inferredType = clone $type->properties[$string_key_value]; } elseif ($int_key_value !== null && isset($type->properties[$int_key_value])) { $stmt->inferredType = clone $type->properties[$int_key_value]; } elseif ($key_type->hasInt()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArrayAccess( 'Cannot access value on array variable ' . $var_id . ' using int offset - ' . 'expecting ' . $expected_keys_string, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } } elseif ($type instanceof TString) { if ($key_type) { $key_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($key_type, Type::getInt()); } else { $key_type = Type::getInt(); } if (!$inferred_key_type) { $inferred_key_type = Type::getInt(); } else { $inferred_key_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($inferred_key_type, Type::getInt()); } $stmt->inferredType = Type::getString(); } elseif ($type instanceof TNull) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullArrayAccess( 'Cannot access array value on possibly null variable ' . $array_var_id . ' of type ' . $var_type, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { if (isset($stmt->inferredType)) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::combineUnionTypes($stmt->inferredType, Type::getNull()); } else { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getNull(); } continue; } } elseif ($type instanceof TMixed || $type instanceof TEmpty) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArrayAccess( 'Cannot access array value on mixed variable ' . $array_var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); break; } } elseif (!$type instanceof TNamedObject || (strtolower($type->value) !== 'simplexmlelement' && ClassChecker::classExists($type->value, $statements_checker->getFileChecker()) && !ClassChecker::classImplements($type->value, 'ArrayAccess') ) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArrayAccess( 'Cannot access array value on non-array variable ' . $array_var_id . ' of type ' . $var_type, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); break; } } } } if ($keyed_array_var_id && $context->hasVariable($keyed_array_var_id)) { $stmt->inferredType = $context->vars_in_scope[$keyed_array_var_id]; } if (!isset($stmt->inferredType)) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); } if (!$key_type) { $key_type = new Type\Union([ new TInt, new TString ]); } if ($stmt->dim) { if (isset($stmt->dim->inferredType) && $key_type && !$key_type->isEmpty()) { foreach ($stmt->dim->inferredType->types as $at) { if (($at instanceof TMixed || $at instanceof TEmpty) && $inferred_key_type && !$inferred_key_type->isMixed() && !$inferred_key_type->isEmpty() ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArrayOffset( 'Cannot access value on variable ' . $var_id . ' using mixed offset - expecting ' . $inferred_key_type, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } elseif (!$at->isIn($key_type, $statements_checker->getFileChecker())) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArrayAccess( 'Cannot access value on variable ' . $var_id . ' using ' . $at . ' offset - ' . 'expecting ' . $key_type, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } } } return null; } /** * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param Type\Atomic $type * @param Type\Union $assignment_key_type * @param Type\Union $assignment_value_type * @param string|null $var_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @return Type\Atomic|null|false */ protected static function refineArrayType( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, Type\Atomic $type, Type\Union $assignment_key_type, Type\Union $assignment_value_type, $var_id, CodeLocation $code_location ) { if ($type instanceof TNull) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullReference( 'Cannot assign value on possibly null array' . ($var_id ? ' ' . $var_id : ''), $code_location ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return $type; } if ($type instanceof TString && $assignment_value_type->hasString() && !$assignment_key_type->hasString()) { return null; } if (!$type instanceof TArray && (!$type instanceof TNamedObject || !ClassChecker::classImplements($type->value, 'ArrayAccess')) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArrayAssignment( 'Cannot assign value on variable' . ($var_id ? ' ' . $var_id : '') . ' of type ' . $type . ' that does not ' . 'implement ArrayAccess', $code_location ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return $type; } if ($type instanceof Type\Atomic\Generic && $type instanceof TArray) { if ($type->type_params[1]->isEmpty()) { $type->type_params[0] = $assignment_key_type; $type->type_params[1] = $assignment_value_type; return $type; } if ((string) $type->type_params[0] !== (string) $assignment_key_type) { $type->type_params[0] = Type::combineUnionTypes($type->type_params[0], $assignment_key_type); } if ((string) $type->type_params[1] !== (string) $assignment_value_type) { $type->type_params[1] = Type::combineUnionTypes($type->type_params[1], $assignment_value_type); } } return $type; } }