file_provider = new Provider\FakeFileProvider(); $config = new TestConfig(); $config->throw_exception = false; $config->setCustomErrorLevel('PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable', \Psalm\Config::REPORT_INFO); $json_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.json']); $this->project_analyzer = new ProjectAnalyzer( $config, new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\Providers( $this->file_provider, new Provider\FakeParserCacheProvider() ), new Report\ReportOptions(), $json_report_options ); } /** * @return void */ public function testReportFormatValid() { $config = new TestConfig(); $config->throw_exception = false; // No exception foreach (['.xml', '.txt', '.json', '.emacs'] as $extension) { ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions(['/tmp/report' . $extension]); } } /** * * @return void */ public function testReportFormatException() { $this->expectException(\UnexpectedValueException::class); $config = new TestConfig(); $config->throw_exception = false; ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions(['/tmp/report.log']); } public function analyzeFileForReport() : void { $file_contents = ' 10) { $a = 5; } else { //$a = 2; } echo $a;'; $this->addFile( 'somefile.php', $file_contents ); $this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context()); } /** * @return void */ public function testJsonReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $issue_data = [ [ 'severity' => 'error', 'line_from' => 3, 'line_to' => 3, 'type' => 'UndefinedVariable', 'message' => 'Cannot find referenced variable $as_you', 'file_name' => 'somefile.php', 'file_path' => 'somefile.php', 'snippet' => ' return $as_you . "type";', 'selected_text' => '$as_you', 'from' => 66, 'to' => 73, 'snippet_from' => 57, 'snippet_to' => 83, 'column_from' => 10, 'column_to' => 17, ], [ 'severity' => 'error', 'line_from' => 2, 'line_to' => 2, 'type' => 'MixedInferredReturnType', 'message' => 'Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify', 'file_name' => 'somefile.php', 'file_path' => 'somefile.php', 'snippet' => 'function psalmCanVerify(int $your_code): ?string {', 'selected_text' => '?string', 'from' => 47, 'to' => 54, 'snippet_from' => 6, 'snippet_to' => 56, 'column_from' => 42, 'column_to' => 49, ], [ 'severity' => 'error', 'line_from' => 7, 'line_to' => 7, 'type' => 'UndefinedConstant', 'message' => 'Const CHANGE_ME is not defined', 'file_name' => 'somefile.php', 'file_path' => 'somefile.php', 'snippet' => 'echo CHANGE_ME;', 'selected_text' => 'CHANGE_ME', 'from' => 125, 'to' => 134, 'snippet_from' => 120, 'snippet_to' => 135, 'column_from' => 6, 'column_to' => 15, ], [ 'severity' => 'info', 'line_from' => 15, 'line_to' => 15, 'type' => 'PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable', 'message' => 'Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10', 'file_name' => 'somefile.php', 'file_path' => 'somefile.php', 'snippet' => 'echo $a', 'selected_text' => '$a', 'from' => 201, 'to' => 203, 'snippet_from' => 196, 'snippet_to' => 203, 'column_from' => 6, 'column_to' => 8, ], ]; $json_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.json'])[0]; $this->assertSame( $issue_data, json_decode(IssueBuffer::getOutput($json_report_options), true) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testSonarqubeReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $issue_data = [ 'issues' => [ [ 'engineId' => 'Psalm', 'ruleId' => 'UndefinedVariable', 'primaryLocation' => [ 'message' => 'Cannot find referenced variable $as_you', 'filePath' => 'somefile.php', 'textRange' => [ 'startLine' => 3, 'endLine' => 3, 'startColumn' => 9, 'endColumn' => 16, ], ], 'type' => 'CODE_SMELL', 'severity' => 'CRITICAL', ], [ 'engineId' => 'Psalm', 'ruleId' => 'MixedInferredReturnType', 'primaryLocation' => [ 'message' => 'Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify', 'filePath' => 'somefile.php', 'textRange' => [ 'startLine' => 2, 'endLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 41, 'endColumn' => 48, ], ], 'type' => 'CODE_SMELL', 'severity' => 'CRITICAL', ], [ 'engineId' => 'Psalm', 'ruleId' => 'UndefinedConstant', 'primaryLocation' => [ 'message' => 'Const CHANGE_ME is not defined', 'filePath' => 'somefile.php', 'textRange' => [ 'startLine' => 7, 'endLine' => 7, 'startColumn' => 5, 'endColumn' => 14, ], ], 'type' => 'CODE_SMELL', 'severity' => 'CRITICAL', ], [ 'engineId' => 'Psalm', 'ruleId' => 'PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable', 'primaryLocation' => [ 'message' => 'Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10', 'filePath' => 'somefile.php', 'textRange' => [ 'startLine' => 15, 'endLine' => 15, 'startColumn' => 5, 'endColumn' => 7, ], ], 'type' => 'CODE_SMELL', 'severity' => 'MINOR', ], ], ]; $sonarqube_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-sonarqube.json'])[0]; $sonarqube_report_options->format = 'sonarqube'; $this->assertSame( $issue_data, json_decode(IssueBuffer::getOutput($sonarqube_report_options), true) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testEmacsReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $emacs_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.emacs'])[0]; $this->assertSame( 'somefile.php:3:10:error - Cannot find referenced variable $as_you somefile.php:2:42:error - Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify somefile.php:7:6:error - Const CHANGE_ME is not defined somefile.php:15:6:warning - Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10 ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($emacs_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testPylintReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $pylint_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.pylint'])[0]; $this->assertSame( 'somefile.php:3: [E0001] UndefinedVariable: Cannot find referenced variable $as_you (column 10) somefile.php:2: [E0001] MixedInferredReturnType: Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify (column 42) somefile.php:7: [E0001] UndefinedConstant: Const CHANGE_ME is not defined (column 6) somefile.php:15: [W0001] PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable: Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10 (column 6) ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($pylint_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testConsoleReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $console_report_options = new Report\ReportOptions(); $console_report_options->use_color = false; $this->assertSame( 'ERROR: UndefinedVariable - somefile.php:3:10 - Cannot find referenced variable $as_you return $as_you . "type"; ERROR: MixedInferredReturnType - somefile.php:2:42 - Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify function psalmCanVerify(int $your_code): ?string { ERROR: UndefinedConstant - somefile.php:7:6 - Const CHANGE_ME is not defined echo CHANGE_ME; INFO: PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable - somefile.php:15:6 - Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10 echo $a ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($console_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testConsoleReportNoInfo() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $console_report_options = new Report\ReportOptions(); $console_report_options->use_color = false; $console_report_options->show_info = false; $this->assertSame( 'ERROR: UndefinedVariable - somefile.php:3:10 - Cannot find referenced variable $as_you return $as_you . "type"; ERROR: MixedInferredReturnType - somefile.php:2:42 - Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify function psalmCanVerify(int $your_code): ?string { ERROR: UndefinedConstant - somefile.php:7:6 - Const CHANGE_ME is not defined echo CHANGE_ME; ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($console_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testConsoleReportNoSnippet() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $console_report_options = new Report\ReportOptions(); $console_report_options->show_snippet = false; $console_report_options->use_color = false; $this->assertSame( 'ERROR: UndefinedVariable - somefile.php:3:10 - Cannot find referenced variable $as_you ERROR: MixedInferredReturnType - somefile.php:2:42 - Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify ERROR: UndefinedConstant - somefile.php:7:6 - Const CHANGE_ME is not defined INFO: PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable - somefile.php:15:6 - Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10 ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($console_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testCompactReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $compact_report_options = new Report\ReportOptions(); $compact_report_options->format = Report::TYPE_COMPACT; $compact_report_options->use_color = false; $this->assertSame( 'FILE: somefile.php' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '+----------+------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+' . PHP_EOL . '| SEVERITY | LINE | ISSUE | DESCRIPTION |' . PHP_EOL . '+----------+------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+' . PHP_EOL . '| ERROR | 3 | UndefinedVariable | Cannot find referenced variable $as_you |' . PHP_EOL . '| ERROR | 2 | MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type \'string|null\' for psalmCanVerify |' . PHP_EOL . '| ERROR | 7 | UndefinedConstant | Const CHANGE_ME is not defined |' . PHP_EOL . '| INFO | 15 | PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable | Possibly undefined global variable $a, first seen on line 10 |' . PHP_EOL . '+----------+------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+' . PHP_EOL, IssueBuffer::getOutput($compact_report_options) ); } /** * @return void */ public function testCheckstyleReport() { $this->analyzeFileForReport(); $checkstyle_report_options = ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.checkstyle.xml'])[0]; $this->assertSame( ' ', IssueBuffer::getOutput($checkstyle_report_options) ); // FIXME: The XML parser only return strings, all int value are casted, so the assertSame failed //$this->assertSame( // ['report' => ['item' => $issue_data]], // XML2Array::createArray(IssueBuffer::getOutput(ProjectAnalyzer::TYPE_XML, false), LIBXML_NOCDATA) //); } /** * @return void */ public function testEmptyReportIfNotError() { $this->addFile( 'somefile.php', '' ); $this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context()); $this->assertSame( '[] ', IssueBuffer::getOutput(ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.json'])[0]) ); $this->assertSame( '', IssueBuffer::getOutput(ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.emacs'])[0]) ); $this->assertSame( ' ', IssueBuffer::getOutput(ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.xml'])[0]) ); $this->assertSame( ' ', IssueBuffer::getOutput(ProjectAnalyzer::getFileReportOptions([__DIR__ . '/test-report.checkstyle.xml'])[0]) ); ob_start(); IssueBuffer::finish($this->project_analyzer, true, 0); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertFileExists(__DIR__ . '/test-report.json'); $this->assertSame('[] ', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/test-report.json')); unlink(__DIR__ . '/test-report.json'); } }