number_of_tasks > self::TOO_MANY_FILES) { ++$this->progress; $inner_progress = self::renderInnerProgressBar( self::NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS, $this->progress / $this->number_of_tasks ); $this->write($inner_progress . ' ' . $this->getOverview() . "\r"); } else { parent::taskDone($successful); } } /** * Fully stolen from * * Renders a unicode progress bar that goes from light (left) to dark (right) * The length in the console is the positive integer $length * @see */ private static function renderInnerProgressBar(int $length, float $p) : string { $current_float = $p * $length; $current = (int)$current_float; $rest = \max($length - $current, 0); if (!self::doesTerminalSupportUtf8()) { // Show a progress bar of "XXXX>------" in Windows when utf-8 is unsupported. $progress_bar = str_repeat("X", $current); $delta = $current_float - $current; if ($delta > 0.5) { $progress_bar .= ">" . str_repeat("-", $rest - 1); } else { $progress_bar .= str_repeat("-", $rest); } return $progress_bar; } // The left-most characters are "Light shade" $progress_bar = str_repeat("\u{2588}", $current); $delta = $current_float - $current; if ($delta > 3.0 / 4) { $progress_bar .= "\u{258A}" . str_repeat("\u{2591}", $rest - 1); } elseif ($delta > 2.0 / 4) { $progress_bar .= "\u{258C}" . str_repeat("\u{2591}", $rest - 1); } elseif ($delta > 1.0 / 4) { $progress_bar .= "\u{258E}" . str_repeat("\u{2591}", $rest - 1); } else { $progress_bar .= str_repeat("\u{2591}", $rest); } return $progress_bar; } public function finish(): void { if ($this->number_of_tasks > self::TOO_MANY_FILES) { $this->write(str_repeat(' ', self::NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS + strlen($this->getOverview()) + 1) . "\r"); } else { parent::finish(); } } }