> $process_task_data_iterator * An array of task data items to be divided up among the * workers. The size of this is the number of forked processes. * @param \Closure $startup_closure * A closure to execute upon starting a child * @param \Closure(int, mixed):mixed $task_closure * A method to execute on each task data. * This closure must return an array (to be gathered). * @param \Closure():mixed $shutdown_closure * A closure to execute upon shutting down a child * @param ?\Closure(mixed $data):void $task_done_closure * A closure to execute when a task is done * * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ public function __construct( array $process_task_data_iterator, \Closure $startup_closure, \Closure $task_closure, \Closure $shutdown_closure, ?\Closure $task_done_closure = null ) { $pool_size = count($process_task_data_iterator); $this->task_done_closure = $task_done_closure; \assert( $pool_size > 1, 'The pool size must be >= 2 to use the fork pool.' ); if (!extension_loaded('pcntl') || !extension_loaded('posix')) { echo 'The pcntl & posix extensions must be loaded in order for Psalm to be able to use multiple processes.' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $disabled_functions = array_map('trim', explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'))); if (in_array('pcntl_fork', $disabled_functions)) { echo "pcntl_fork() is disabled by php configuration (disable_functions directive).\n" . "Please enable it or run Psalm single-threaded with --threads=1 cli switch.\n"; exit(1); } if (ini_get('pcre.jit') === '1' && \PHP_OS === 'Darwin' && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0') >= 0 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4.0') < 0 ) { die( self::MAC_PCRE_MESSAGE . PHP_EOL ); } // We'll keep track of if this is the parent process // so that we can tell who will be doing the waiting $is_parent = false; $sockets = []; // Fork as many times as requested to get the given // pool size for ($proc_id = 0; $proc_id < $pool_size; ++$proc_id) { // Create an IPC socket pair. $sockets = stream_socket_pair(STREAM_PF_UNIX, STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP); if (!$sockets) { error_log('unable to create stream socket pair'); exit(self::EXIT_FAILURE); } // Fork if (($pid = pcntl_fork()) < 0) { error_log(posix_strerror(posix_get_last_error())); exit(self::EXIT_FAILURE); } // Parent if ($pid > 0) { $is_parent = true; $this->child_pid_list[] = $pid; $this->read_streams[] = self::streamForParent($sockets); continue; } // Child if ($pid === 0) { $is_parent = false; break; } } // If we're the parent, return if ($is_parent) { return; } // Get the write stream for the child. $write_stream = self::streamForChild($sockets); // Execute anything the children wanted to execute upon // starting up $startup_closure(); // Get the work for this process $task_data_iterator = array_values($process_task_data_iterator)[$proc_id]; $task_done_buffer = ''; try { foreach ($task_data_iterator as $i => $task_data) { $task_result = $task_closure($i, $task_data); $task_done_message = new ForkTaskDoneMessage($task_result); $serialized_message = $task_done_buffer . base64_encode(serialize($task_done_message)) . "\n"; if (strlen($serialized_message) > 200) { $bytes_written = @fwrite($write_stream, $serialized_message); if (strlen($serialized_message) !== $bytes_written) { $task_done_buffer = substr($serialized_message, $bytes_written); } else { $task_done_buffer = ''; } } else { $task_done_buffer = $serialized_message; } } // Execute each child's shutdown closure before // exiting the process $results = $shutdown_closure(); // Serialize this child's produced results and send them to the parent. $process_done_message = new ForkProcessDoneMessage($results ?: []); } catch (\Throwable $t) { // This can happen when developing Psalm from source without running `composer update`, // or because of rare bugs in Psalm. /** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument on Windows, for some reason */ $process_done_message = new ForkProcessErrorMessage( $t->getMessage() . "\nStack trace in the forked worker:\n" . $t->getTraceAsString() ); } $serialized_message = $task_done_buffer . base64_encode(serialize($process_done_message)) . "\n"; $bytes_to_write = strlen($serialized_message); $bytes_written = 0; while ($bytes_written < $bytes_to_write) { // attempt to write the remaining unsent part $bytes_written += @fwrite($write_stream, substr($serialized_message, $bytes_written)); if ($bytes_written < $bytes_to_write) { // wait a bit usleep(500000); } } fclose($write_stream); // Children exit after completing their work exit(self::EXIT_SUCCESS); } /** * Prepare the socket pair to be used in a parent process and * return the stream the parent will use to read results. * * @param resource[] $sockets the socket pair for IPC * * @return resource */ private static function streamForParent(array $sockets) { [$for_read, $for_write] = $sockets; // The parent will not use the write channel, so it // must be closed to prevent deadlock. fclose($for_write); // stream_select will be used to read multiple streams, so these // must be set to non-blocking mode. if (!stream_set_blocking($for_read, false)) { error_log('unable to set read stream to non-blocking'); exit(self::EXIT_FAILURE); } return $for_read; } /** * Prepare the socket pair to be used in a child process and return * the stream the child will use to write results. * * @param resource[] $sockets the socket pair for IPC * * @return resource */ private static function streamForChild(array $sockets) { [$for_read, $for_write] = $sockets; // The while will not use the read channel, so it must // be closed to prevent deadlock. fclose($for_read); return $for_write; } /** * Read the results that each child process has serialized on their write streams. * The results are returned in an array, one for each worker. The order of the results * is not maintained. * * * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ private function readResultsFromChildren(): array { // Create an array of all active streams, indexed by // resource id. $streams = []; foreach ($this->read_streams as $stream) { $streams[intval($stream)] = $stream; } // Create an array for the content received on each stream, // indexed by resource id. $content = array_fill_keys(array_keys($streams), ''); $terminationMessages = []; // Read the data off of all the stream. while (count($streams) > 0) { $needs_read = array_values($streams); $needs_write = null; $needs_except = null; // Wait for data on at least one stream. $num = @stream_select($needs_read, $needs_write, $needs_except, null /* no timeout */); if ($num === false) { $err = error_get_last(); // stream_select returns false when the `select` system call is interrupted by an incoming signal if (isset($err['message']) && stripos($err['message'], 'interrupted system call') === false) { error_log('unable to select on read stream'); exit(self::EXIT_FAILURE); } continue; } // For each stream that was ready, read the content. foreach ($needs_read as $file) { $buffer = fread($file, 1024); if ($buffer !== false) { $content[intval($file)] .= $buffer; } if (strpos($buffer, "\n") !== false) { $serialized_messages = explode("\n", $content[intval($file)]); $content[intval($file)] = array_pop($serialized_messages); foreach ($serialized_messages as $serialized_message) { $message = unserialize(base64_decode($serialized_message, true)); if ($message instanceof ForkProcessDoneMessage) { $terminationMessages[] = $message->data; } elseif ($message instanceof ForkTaskDoneMessage) { if ($this->task_done_closure !== null) { ($this->task_done_closure)($message->data); } } elseif ($message instanceof ForkProcessErrorMessage) { throw new \Exception($message->message); } else { error_log('Child should return ForkMessage - response type=' . gettype($message)); $this->did_have_error = true; } } } // If the stream has closed, stop trying to select on it. if (feof($file)) { if ($content[intval($file)] !== '') { error_log('Child did not send full message before closing the connection'); $this->did_have_error = true; } fclose($file); unset($streams[intval($file)]); } } } return array_values($terminationMessages); } /** * Wait for all child processes to complete * */ public function wait(): array { // Read all the streams from child processes into an array. $content = $this->readResultsFromChildren(); // Wait for all children to return foreach ($this->child_pid_list as $child_pid) { $process_lookup = posix_kill($child_pid, 0); $status = 0; if ($process_lookup) { /** * @psalm-suppress UndefinedConstant - does not exist on windows * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */ posix_kill($child_pid, SIGALRM); if (pcntl_waitpid($child_pid, $status) < 0) { error_log(posix_strerror(posix_get_last_error())); } } // Check to see if the child died a graceful death if (pcntl_wifsignaled($status)) { $return_code = pcntl_wexitstatus($status); $term_sig = pcntl_wtermsig($status); /** * @psalm-suppress UndefinedConstant - does not exist on windows */ if ($term_sig !== SIGALRM) { $this->did_have_error = true; error_log("Child terminated with return code $return_code and signal $term_sig"); } } } return $content; } /** * Returns true if this had an error, e.g. due to memory limits or due to a child process crashing. * */ public function didHaveError(): bool { return $this->did_have_error; } }