*/ private $offset_map; /** @var bool */ private $must_rescan = false; /** @var int */ private $non_method_changes; /** @var string */ private $a_file_contents; /** @var string */ private $b_file_contents; /** @var int */ private $a_file_contents_length; /** @var PhpParser\Parser */ private $parser; /** @var PhpParser\ErrorHandler\Collecting */ private $error_handler; /** @param array $offset_map */ public function __construct( PhpParser\Parser $parser, PhpParser\ErrorHandler\Collecting $error_handler, array $offset_map, string $a_file_contents, string $b_file_contents ) { $this->parser = $parser; $this->error_handler = $error_handler; $this->offset_map = $offset_map; $this->a_file_contents = $a_file_contents; $this->a_file_contents_length = strlen($a_file_contents); $this->b_file_contents = $b_file_contents; $this->non_method_changes = count($offset_map); } /** * @param PhpParser\Node $node * @param bool $traverseChildren * * @return null|int|PhpParser\Node */ public function enterNode(PhpParser\Node $node, &$traverseChildren = true) { /** @var array{startFilePos: int, endFilePos: int, startLine: int} */ $attrs = $node->getAttributes(); if ($cs = $node->getComments()) { $stmt_start_pos = $cs[0]->getFilePos(); } else { $stmt_start_pos = $attrs['startFilePos']; } $stmt_end_pos = $attrs['endFilePos']; $start_offset = 0; $end_offset = 0; $line_offset = 0; foreach ($this->offset_map as [$a_s, $a_e, $b_s, $b_e, $line_diff]) { if ($a_s > $stmt_end_pos) { break; } $end_offset = $b_e - $a_e; if ($a_s < $stmt_start_pos) { $start_offset = $b_s - $a_s; } if ($a_e < $stmt_start_pos) { $start_offset = $end_offset; $line_offset = $line_diff; continue; } if ($node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod || $node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_ || $node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike ) { if ($node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { if ($a_s >= $stmt_start_pos && $a_e <= $stmt_end_pos) { foreach ($this->offset_map as [$a_s2, $a_e2, $b_s2, $b_e2]) { if ($a_s2 > $stmt_end_pos) { break; } // we have a diff that goes outside the bounds that we care about if ($a_e2 > $stmt_end_pos) { $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } $end_offset = $b_e2 - $a_e2; if ($a_s2 < $stmt_start_pos) { $start_offset = $b_s2 - $a_s2; } if ($a_e2 < $stmt_start_pos) { $start_offset = $end_offset; $line_offset = $line_diff; continue; } if ($a_s2 >= $stmt_start_pos && $a_e2 <= $stmt_end_pos) { --$this->non_method_changes; } } $stmt_start_pos += $start_offset; $stmt_end_pos += $end_offset; $current_line = substr_count(substr($this->b_file_contents, 0, $stmt_start_pos), "\n"); $method_contents = substr( $this->b_file_contents, $stmt_start_pos, $stmt_end_pos - $stmt_start_pos + 1 ); if (!$method_contents) { $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } $error_handler = new \PhpParser\ErrorHandler\Collecting(); $fake_class = 'parser->parse( $fake_class, $error_handler ) ?: []; if (!$replacement_stmts || !$replacement_stmts[0] instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike || count($replacement_stmts[0]->stmts) !== 1 ) { $hacky_class_fix = self::balanceBrackets($fake_class); if ($replacement_stmts && $replacement_stmts[0] instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike && count($replacement_stmts[0]->stmts) !== 1 ) { $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } // changes "): {" to ") {" $hacky_class_fix = preg_replace('/(\)[\s]*):([\s]*\{)/', '$1 $2', $hacky_class_fix); // allows autocompletion $hacky_class_fix = preg_replace('/(->|::)(\n\s*if\s*\()/', '~;$2', $hacky_class_fix); if ($hacky_class_fix !== $fake_class) { $replacement_stmts = $this->parser->parse( $hacky_class_fix, $error_handler ) ?: []; } if (!$replacement_stmts || !$replacement_stmts[0] instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike || count($replacement_stmts[0]->stmts) > 1 ) { $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } } $replacement_stmts = $replacement_stmts[0]->stmts; $renumbering_traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser; $position_shifter = new \Psalm\Internal\PhpVisitor\OffsetShifterVisitor( $stmt_start_pos - 15, $current_line ); $renumbering_traverser->addVisitor($position_shifter); $replacement_stmts = $renumbering_traverser->traverse($replacement_stmts); if ($error_handler->hasErrors()) { foreach ($error_handler->getErrors() as $error) { if ($error->hasColumnInfo()) { /** @var array{startFilePos: int, endFilePos: int} */ $error_attrs = $error->getAttributes(); /** @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ $error = new PhpParser\Error( $error->getRawMessage(), [ 'startFilePos' => $stmt_start_pos + $error_attrs['startFilePos'] - 15, 'endFilePos' => $stmt_start_pos + $error_attrs['endFilePos'] - 15, 'startLine' => $error->getStartLine() + $current_line + $line_offset, ] ); } $this->error_handler->handleError($error); } } $error_handler->clearErrors(); $traverseChildren = false; return reset($replacement_stmts); } $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } if ($node->stmts) { /** @var int */ $stmt_inner_start_pos = $node->stmts[0]->getAttribute('startFilePos'); /** @var int */ $stmt_inner_end_pos = $node->stmts[count($node->stmts) - 1]->getAttribute('endFilePos'); if ($node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyFalseOperand */ $stmt_inner_start_pos = strrpos( $this->a_file_contents, '{', $stmt_inner_start_pos - $this->a_file_contents_length ) + 1; if ($stmt_inner_end_pos < $this->a_file_contents_length) { $stmt_inner_end_pos = strpos($this->a_file_contents, '}', $stmt_inner_end_pos + 1); } } if ($a_s > $stmt_inner_start_pos && $a_e < $stmt_inner_end_pos) { continue; } } } $this->must_rescan = true; return PhpParser\NodeTraverser::STOP_TRAVERSAL; } if ($start_offset !== 0 || $end_offset !== 0 || $line_offset !== 0) { if ($start_offset !== 0) { if ($cs) { $new_comments = []; foreach ($cs as $c) { if ($c instanceof PhpParser\Comment\Doc) { $new_comments[] = new PhpParser\Comment\Doc( $c->getText(), $c->getLine() + $line_offset, $c->getFilePos() + $start_offset ); } else { $new_comments[] = new PhpParser\Comment( $c->getText(), $c->getLine() + $line_offset, $c->getFilePos() + $start_offset ); } } $node->setAttribute('comments', $new_comments); /** @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ $node->setAttribute('startFilePos', $attrs['startFilePos'] + $start_offset); } else { $node->setAttribute('startFilePos', $stmt_start_pos + $start_offset); } } if ($end_offset !== 0) { $node->setAttribute('endFilePos', $stmt_end_pos + $end_offset); } if ($line_offset !== 0) { /** @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ $node->setAttribute('startLine', $attrs['startLine'] + $line_offset); } return $node; } return null; } public function mustRescan() : bool { return $this->must_rescan || $this->non_method_changes; } /** * @psalm-pure */ private function balanceBrackets(string $fake_class) : string { $tokens = \token_get_all($fake_class); $brace_count = 0; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($token === '{') { ++$brace_count; } elseif ($token === '}') { --$brace_count; } } if ($brace_count > 0) { $fake_class .= \str_repeat('}', $brace_count); } return $fake_class; } }