*/ protected static $method_checkers = []; /** * @var string|null */ protected static $this_class = null; /** * A lookup table of all methods on a given class * * @var array> */ protected static $class_methods = []; /** * A lookup table of cached ClassLikeCheckers * * @var array */ protected static $class_checkers = []; /** * A lookup table for public class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $public_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for protected class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $protected_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for protected class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $private_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for public static class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $public_static_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for protected static class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $protected_static_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for private static class properties * * @var array> */ protected static $private_static_class_properties = []; /** * A lookup table for public class constants * * @var array> */ protected static $public_class_constants = []; /** * A lookup table for protected class constants * * @var array> */ protected static $protected_class_constants = []; /** * A lookup table for private class constants * * @var array> */ protected static $private_class_constants = []; /** * A lookup table to record which classes have been scanned * * @var array */ protected static $registered_classes = []; /** * A lookup table to record which classes are user-defined * * @var array */ protected static $user_defined = []; /** * A lookup table used for storing the results of ClassChecker::classImplements * * @var array> */ protected static $class_implements = []; /** * A lookup table for interface parents * * @var array> */ protected static $parent_interfaces = []; /** * @var array */ protected static $class_files = []; /** * @var array> */ protected static $file_classes = []; /** * @var array>|null */ protected static $property_map; /** * @var array> */ protected static $used_traits = []; /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike $class * @param StatementsSource $source * @param string $fq_class_name */ public function __construct(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike $class, StatementsSource $source, $fq_class_name) { $this->class = $class; $this->source = $source; $this->namespace = $source->getNamespace(); $this->aliased_classes = $source->getAliasedClasses(); $this->aliased_constants = $source->getAliasedConstants(); $this->aliased_functions = $source->getAliasedFunctions(); $this->file_name = $source->getFileName(); $this->file_path = $source->getFilePath(); $this->include_file_name = $source->getIncludeFileName(); $this->include_file_path = $source->getIncludeFilePath(); $this->fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; $this->suppressed_issues = $source->getSuppressedIssues(); self::$class_files[$fq_class_name] = $this->file_name; self::$file_classes[$this->file_name][] = $fq_class_name; if (self::$this_class) { self::$class_checkers[$fq_class_name] = $this; } } /** * @param bool $check_methods * @param Context|null $class_context * @param bool $update_docblocks * @return false|null */ public function check($check_methods = true, Context $class_context = null, $update_docblocks = false) { if (!$check_methods && !($this instanceof TraitChecker) && isset(self::$registered_classes[$this->fq_class_name]) ) { return null; } $config = Config::getInstance(); self::$registered_classes[$this->fq_class_name] = true; self::$user_defined[$this->fq_class_name] = true; $leftover_stmts = []; /** @var array */ $method_checkers = []; $long_file_name = Config::getInstance()->getBaseDir() . $this->file_name; self::$class_methods[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$public_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$protected_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$private_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$public_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$protected_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$private_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$public_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$protected_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] = []; self::$private_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] = []; if (!$class_context) { $class_context = new Context($this->file_name, $this->fq_class_name); $class_context->parent = $this->parent_class; $class_context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = new Type\Union([new Type\Atomic($this->fq_class_name)]); } // set all constants first foreach ($this->class->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst) { foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { if ($stmt->isProtected()) { self::$protected_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($stmt->isPrivate()) { self::$private_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = Type::getMixed(); } else { self::$public_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = Type::getMixed(); } } } } if ($this instanceof ClassChecker) { if ($this->parent_class && $this->registerParentClassProperties($this->parent_class) === false) { return false; } } if ($this instanceof InterfaceChecker || $this instanceof ClassChecker) { $extra_interfaces = []; if ($this instanceof InterfaceChecker) { $parent_interfaces = InterfaceChecker::getParentInterfaces($this->fq_class_name); $extra_interfaces = $parent_interfaces; } else { $parent_interfaces = self::$class_implements[$this->fq_class_name]; } foreach ($parent_interfaces as $interface_name) { if (self::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $interface_name, new CodeLocation($this, $this->class, true), $this->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } $extra_interfaces = array_merge( $extra_interfaces, InterfaceChecker::getParentInterfaces($interface_name) ); FileChecker::addFileInheritanceToClass($long_file_name, $interface_name); } $extra_interfaces = array_unique($extra_interfaces); foreach ($extra_interfaces as $extra_interface_name) { FileChecker::addFileInheritanceToClass($long_file_name, $extra_interface_name); if ($this instanceof ClassChecker) { self::$class_implements[$this->fq_class_name][strtolower($extra_interface_name)] = $extra_interface_name; } else { $this->registerInheritedMethods($extra_interface_name); } } } $trait_checkers = []; foreach ($this->class->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { $this->visitClassMethod( $stmt, $class_context, $method_checkers, self::$this_class && !$check_methods ); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUse) { $this->visitTraitUse($stmt, $class_context, $trait_checkers); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property) { $this->visitPropertyDeclaration( $stmt, $class_context, $config, $check_methods ); $leftover_stmts[] = $stmt; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst) { $this->visitClassConstDeclaration($stmt, $class_context, $config); $leftover_stmts[] = $stmt; } } if (MethodChecker::methodExists($this->fq_class_name . '::__get')) { $this->has_custom_get = true; } if ($leftover_stmts) { (new StatementsChecker($this))->check($leftover_stmts, $class_context); } $all_instance_properties = array_merge( self::$public_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name], self::$protected_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name], self::$private_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] ); foreach ($all_instance_properties as $property_name => $property_type) { $class_context->vars_in_scope['$this->' . $property_name] = $property_type ?: Type::getMixed(); } $all_static_properties = array_merge( self::$public_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name], self::$protected_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name], self::$private_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] ); foreach ($all_static_properties as $property_name => $property_type) { $class_context->vars_in_scope[$this->fq_class_name . '::$' . $property_name] = $property_type ?: Type::getMixed(); } $config = Config::getInstance(); if ($this instanceof ClassChecker) { foreach (ClassChecker::getInterfacesForClass($this->fq_class_name) as $interface_id => $interface_name) { if (isset(self::$public_class_constants[$interface_name])) { self::$public_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] += self::$public_class_constants[$interface_name]; } foreach (self::$class_methods[$interface_name] as $method_name => $_) { $mentioned_method_id = $interface_name . '::' . $method_name; $implemented_method_id = $this->fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name; MethodChecker::setOverriddenMethodId($implemented_method_id, $mentioned_method_id); if (!isset(self::$class_methods[$this->fq_class_name])) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnimplementedInterfaceMethod( 'Method ' . $method_name . ' is not defined on class ' . $this->fq_class_name, new CodeLocation($this, $this->class) ), $this->suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } } } } if ($check_methods) { foreach ($trait_checkers as $trait_checker) { $trait_checker->check(true, $class_context); } // do the method checks after all class methods have been initialised foreach ($method_checkers as $method_checker) { $method_checker->check(clone $class_context); if (!$config->excludeIssueInFile('InvalidReturnType', $this->file_name)) { /** @var string */ $method_id = $method_checker->getMethodId(); $return_type_location = MethodChecker::getMethodReturnTypeLocation( $method_id, $secondary_return_type_location ); $method_checker->checkReturnTypes( $update_docblocks, MethodChecker::getMethodReturnType($method_id), $return_type_location, $secondary_return_type_location ); } } } if (!$this->class->name) { $this->class->name = $this->fq_class_name; } return null; } /** * @param string $parent_class * @return false|null */ protected function registerParentClassProperties($parent_class) { if (!$this->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot register parent class where none exists'); } if (!$this->class->extends) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot register parent class where none exists'); } if (self::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $parent_class, new CodeLocation($this, $this->class->extends, true), $this->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false ) { return false; } self::registerClass($parent_class); $this->registerInheritedMethods($parent_class); FileChecker::addFileInheritanceToClass(Config::getInstance()->getBaseDir() . $this->file_name, $parent_class); self::$class_implements[$this->fq_class_name] += self::$class_implements[$parent_class]; self::$public_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$public_class_properties[$parent_class]; self::$protected_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$protected_class_properties[$parent_class]; self::$public_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$public_static_class_properties[$parent_class]; self::$protected_static_class_properties[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$protected_static_class_properties[$parent_class]; self::$public_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$public_class_constants[$parent_class]; self::$protected_class_constants[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$protected_class_constants[$parent_class]; if (isset(self::$used_traits[$parent_class])) { self::$used_traits[$this->fq_class_name] = self::$used_traits[$parent_class]; } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod $stmt * @param Context $class_context * @param array $method_checkers * @param bool $cache_method_checker * @return void */ protected function visitClassMethod( PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod $stmt, Context $class_context, array &$method_checkers, $cache_method_checker ) { $method_id = $this->fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($stmt->name); if (!isset(self::$method_checkers[$method_id])) { $method_checker = new MethodChecker($stmt, $this); $method_checkers[$stmt->name] = $method_checker; if ($cache_method_checker) { self::$method_checkers[$method_id] = $method_checker; } } else { $method_checker = self::$method_checkers[$method_id]; } if (!$stmt->isAbstract()) { MethodChecker::setDeclaringMethodId( $class_context->self . '::' . $this->getMappedMethodName(strtolower($stmt->name)), $method_id ); } self::$class_methods[$class_context->self][strtolower($stmt->name)] = true; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUse $stmt * @param Context $class_context * @param array $trait_checkers * @return false|null */ protected function visitTraitUse( PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUse $stmt, Context $class_context, array &$trait_checkers ) { $method_map = []; foreach ($stmt->adaptations as $adaptation) { if ($adaptation instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias) { if ($adaptation->method && $adaptation->newName) { $method_map[strtolower($adaptation->method)] = strtolower($adaptation->newName); } } } foreach ($stmt->traits as $trait) { $trait_name = self::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $trait, $this->namespace, $this->aliased_classes ); if (!TraitChecker::traitExists($trait_name)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedTrait( 'Trait ' . $trait_name . ' does not exist', new CodeLocation($this, $trait) ), $this->suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (!TraitChecker::hasCorrectCase($trait_name)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedTrait( 'Trait ' . $trait_name . ' has wrong casing', new CodeLocation($this, $trait) ), $this->suppressed_issues )) { return false; } continue; } if (isset(self::$class_checkers[$trait_name])) { /** @var TraitChecker */ $trait_checker = self::$class_checkers[$trait_name]; } else { /** @var TraitChecker */ $trait_checker = FileChecker::getClassLikeCheckerFromClass($trait_name); } $trait_checker->setMethodMap($method_map); $trait_checker->check(false, $class_context); ClassLikeChecker::registerTraitUse($this->fq_class_name, $trait_name); FileChecker::addFileInheritanceToClass( Config::getInstance()->getBaseDir() . $this->file_name, $trait_name ); $trait_checkers[] = $trait_checker; } } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property $stmt * @param Context $class_context * @param Config $config * @param bool $check_property_types * @return false|null */ protected function visitPropertyDeclaration( PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property $stmt, Context $class_context, Config $config, $check_property_types ) { $comment = $stmt->getDocComment(); $type_in_comment = null; if ($comment && $config->use_docblock_types) { try { $type_in_comment = CommentChecker::getTypeFromComment((string) $comment, null, $this); } catch (DocblockParseException $e) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidDocblock( (string)$e->getMessage(), new CodeLocation($this, $this->class, true) ) )) { return false; } } } elseif (!$comment && $check_property_types) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingPropertyType( 'Property ' . $this->fq_class_name . '::$' . $stmt->props[0]->name . ' does not have a ' . 'declared type', new CodeLocation($this, $stmt) ), $this->suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } } $property_group_type = $type_in_comment ? $type_in_comment : null; foreach ($stmt->props as $property) { if (!$property_group_type) { if (!$property->default || !$config->use_property_default_for_type) { $property_type = false; } else { $property_type = StatementsChecker::getSimpleType($property->default) ?: Type::getMixed(); } } else { $property_type = count($stmt->props) === 1 ? $property_group_type : clone $property_group_type; } if ($stmt->isStatic()) { if ($stmt->isPublic()) { self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } elseif ($stmt->isProtected()) { self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } elseif ($stmt->isPrivate()) { self::$private_static_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } } else { if ($stmt->isPublic()) { self::$public_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } elseif ($stmt->isProtected()) { self::$protected_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } elseif ($stmt->isPrivate()) { self::$private_class_properties[$class_context->self][$property->name] = $property_type; } } } } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst $stmt * @param Context $class_context * @param Config $config * @return void */ protected function visitClassConstDeclaration( PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst $stmt, Context $class_context, Config $config ) { $comment = $stmt->getDocComment(); $type_in_comment = null; if ($comment && $config->use_docblock_types && count($stmt->consts) === 1) { $type_in_comment = CommentChecker::getTypeFromComment((string) $comment, null, $this); } $const_type = $type_in_comment ? $type_in_comment : Type::getMixed(); foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { if ($stmt->isProtected()) { self::$protected_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = $const_type; } elseif ($stmt->isPrivate()) { self::$private_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = $const_type; } else { self::$public_class_constants[$class_context->self][$const->name] = $const_type; } } } /** * Used in deep method evaluation, we get method checkers on the current or parent * classes * * @param string $method_id * @return MethodChecker */ public static function getMethodChecker($method_id) { if (isset(self::$method_checkers[$method_id])) { return self::$method_checkers[$method_id]; } MethodChecker::registerClassMethod($method_id); /** @var string */ $declaring_method_id = MethodChecker::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); $declaring_class = explode('::', $declaring_method_id)[0]; $class_checker = FileChecker::getClassLikeCheckerFromClass($declaring_class); if (!$class_checker) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not get class checker for ' . $declaring_class); } foreach ($class_checker->class->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) { if ($declaring_method_id === $class_checker->fq_class_name . '::' . strtolower($stmt->name)) { $method_checker = new MethodChecker($stmt, $class_checker); self::$method_checkers[$method_id] = $method_checker; return $method_checker; } } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method checker not found'); } /** * Returns a class checker for the given class, if one has already been registered * * @param string $class_name * @return self|null */ public static function getClassLikeCheckerFromClass($class_name) { if (isset(self::$class_checkers[$class_name])) { return self::$class_checkers[$class_name]; } return null; } /** * Check whether a class/interface exists * * @param string $fq_class_name * @return bool */ public static function classOrInterfaceExists($fq_class_name) { return ClassChecker::classExists($fq_class_name) || InterfaceChecker::interfaceExists($fq_class_name); } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param string $possible_parent * @return bool */ public static function classExtendsOrImplements($fq_class_name, $possible_parent) { return ClassChecker::classExtends($fq_class_name, $possible_parent) || ClassChecker::classImplements($fq_class_name, $possible_parent); } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @return bool|null */ public static function checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $fq_class_name, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { if (empty($fq_class_name)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$class cannot be empty'); } $fq_class_name = preg_replace('/^\\\/', '', $fq_class_name); if (in_array($fq_class_name, ['callable', 'iterable'])) { return true; } $class_exists = ClassChecker::classExists($fq_class_name); $interface_exists = InterfaceChecker::interfaceExists($fq_class_name); if (!$class_exists && !$interface_exists) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedClass( 'Class or interface ' . $fq_class_name . ' does not exist', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } if (($class_exists && !ClassChecker::hasCorrectCasing($fq_class_name)) || ($interface_exists && !InterfaceChecker::hasCorrectCasing($fq_class_name)) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidClass( 'Class or interface ' . $fq_class_name . ' has wrong casing', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } FileChecker::addFileReferenceToClass( Config::getInstance()->getBaseDir() . $code_location->file_name, $fq_class_name ); return true; } /** * Gets the fully-qualified class name from a Name object * * @param PhpParser\Node\Name $class_name * @param string $namespace * @param array $aliased_classes * @return string */ public static function getFQCLNFromNameObject( PhpParser\Node\Name $class_name, $namespace, array $aliased_classes ) { if ($class_name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified) { return implode('\\', $class_name->parts); } return self::getFQCLNFromString(implode('\\', $class_name->parts), $namespace, $aliased_classes); } /** * @param string $class * @param string $namespace * @param array $imported_namespaces * @return string */ public static function getFQCLNFromString($class, $namespace, array $imported_namespaces) { if (empty($class)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$class cannot be empty'); } if ($class[0] === '\\') { return substr($class, 1); } if (strpos($class, '\\') !== false) { $class_parts = explode('\\', $class); $first_namespace = array_shift($class_parts); if (isset($imported_namespaces[strtolower($first_namespace)])) { return $imported_namespaces[strtolower($first_namespace)] . '\\' . implode('\\', $class_parts); } } elseif (isset($imported_namespaces[strtolower($class)])) { return $imported_namespaces[strtolower($class)]; } return ($namespace ? $namespace . '\\' : '') . $class; } /** * @return string */ public function getNamespace() { return $this->namespace; } /** * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlipped() { if ($this->source instanceof NamespaceChecker || $this->source instanceof FileChecker) { return $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(); } return []; } /** * @return string */ public function getFQCLN() { return $this->fq_class_name; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getClassName() { return $this->class->name; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getParentClass() { return $this->parent_class; } /** * @return $this */ public function getClassLikeChecker() { return $this; } /** * @return bool */ public function isStatic() { return false; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasCustomGet() { return $this->has_custom_get; } /** * @param string $class_name * @return boolean * @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall due to Reflection class weirdness */ public static function registerClass($class_name) { if (isset(self::$registered_classes[$class_name])) { return true; } if (!$class_name || strpos($class_name, '::') !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid class name ' . $class_name); } try { $old_level = error_reporting(); error_reporting(0); $reflected_class = new ReflectionClass($class_name); error_reporting($old_level); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return false; } if ($reflected_class->isUserDefined()) { $class_file_name = (string)$reflected_class->getFileName(); $file_checker = new FileChecker($class_file_name); $short_file_name = $file_checker->getFileName(); self::$class_files[$class_name] = $class_file_name; self::$file_classes[$class_file_name][] = $class_name; // this doesn't work on traits $file_checker->check(true, false); if (self::inPropertyMap($class_name)) { $public_mapped_properties = self::getPropertyMap()[strtolower($class_name)]; foreach ($public_mapped_properties as $property_name => $public_mapped_property) { self::$public_class_properties[$class_name][$property_name] = Type::parseString( $public_mapped_property ); } } } else { self::registerReflectedClass($class_name, $reflected_class); } return true; } /** * @param string $class_name * @param ReflectionClass $reflected_class * @return void */ protected static function registerReflectedClass($class_name, ReflectionClass $reflected_class) { self::$public_class_properties[$class_name] = []; self::$protected_class_properties[$class_name] = []; self::$private_class_properties[$class_name] = []; self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name] = []; self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_name] = []; self::$private_static_class_properties[$class_name] = []; $parent_class = $reflected_class->getParentClass(); if ($parent_class) { $parent_class_name = $parent_class->getName(); self::registerClass($parent_class_name); self::$public_class_properties[$class_name] = self::$public_class_properties[$parent_class_name]; self::$protected_class_properties[$class_name] = self::$protected_class_properties[$parent_class_name]; self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name] = self::$public_static_class_properties[$parent_class_name]; self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_name] = self::$protected_static_class_properties[$parent_class_name]; } $class_properties = $reflected_class->getProperties(); /** @var \ReflectionProperty $class_property */ foreach ($class_properties as $class_property) { if ($class_property->isStatic()) { if ($class_property->isPublic()) { self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($class_property->isProtected()) { self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($class_property->isPrivate()) { self::$private_static_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } } else { if ($class_property->isPublic()) { self::$public_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($class_property->isProtected()) { self::$protected_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } elseif ($class_property->isPrivate()) { self::$private_class_properties[$class_name][$class_property->getName()] = Type::getMixed(); } } } if (self::inPropertyMap($class_name)) { $public_mapped_properties = self::getPropertyMap()[strtolower($class_name)]; foreach ($public_mapped_properties as $property_name => $public_mapped_property) { self::$public_class_properties[$class_name][$property_name] = Type::parseString( $public_mapped_property ); } } $class_constants = $reflected_class->getConstants(); if ($reflected_class->isInterface()) { self::$parent_interfaces[$class_name] = []; } self::$public_class_constants[$class_name] = []; self::$private_class_constants[$class_name] = []; self::$protected_class_constants[$class_name] = []; foreach ($class_constants as $name => $value) { self::$public_class_constants[$class_name][$name] = self::getTypeFromValue($value); } self::$registered_classes[$class_name] = true; if (!$reflected_class->isTrait() && !$reflected_class->isInterface()) { ClassChecker::getInterfacesForClass($class_name); } $reflection_methods = $reflected_class->getMethods( ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED ); self::$class_methods[$class_name] = []; /** @var \ReflectionMethod $reflection_method */ foreach ($reflection_methods as $reflection_method) { MethodChecker::extractReflectionMethodInfo($reflection_method); if ($reflection_method->class !== $class_name) { MethodChecker::setDeclaringMethodId( $class_name . '::' . strtolower((string)$reflection_method->name), $reflection_method->class . '::' . strtolower((string)$reflection_method->name) ); self::$class_methods[$class_name][strtolower((string)$reflection_method->name)] = true; } if (!$reflection_method->isAbstract() && $reflection_method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === $class_name ) { self::$class_methods[$class_name][strtolower((string)$reflection_method->getName())] = true; } } } /** * @param string $parent_class * @return void */ protected function registerInheritedMethods($parent_class) { $class_methods = self::$class_methods[$parent_class]; foreach ($class_methods as $method_name => $_) { $parent_method_id = $parent_class . '::' . $method_name; /** @var string */ $declaring_method_id = MethodChecker::getDeclaringMethodId($parent_method_id); $implemented_method_id = $this->fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name; if (!isset(self::$class_methods[$this->fq_class_name][$method_name])) { MethodChecker::setDeclaringMethodId($implemented_method_id, $declaring_method_id); self::$class_methods[$this->fq_class_name][$method_name] = true; MethodChecker::setOverriddenMethodId($implemented_method_id, $declaring_method_id); } } } /** * @param string $class_name * @param mixed $visibility * @return array */ public static function getInstancePropertiesForClass($class_name, $visibility) { if (self::registerClass($class_name) === false) { return []; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) { return self::$public_class_properties[$class_name]; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) { return array_merge( self::$public_class_properties[$class_name], self::$protected_class_properties[$class_name] ); } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) { return array_merge( self::$public_class_properties[$class_name], self::$protected_class_properties[$class_name], self::$private_class_properties[$class_name] ); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Must specify $visibility'); } /** * @param string $class_name * @param mixed $visibility * @return array */ public static function getStaticPropertiesForClass($class_name, $visibility) { if (self::registerClass($class_name) === false) { return []; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) { return self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name]; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) { return array_merge( self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name], self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_name] ); } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) { return array_merge( self::$public_static_class_properties[$class_name], self::$protected_static_class_properties[$class_name], self::$private_static_class_properties[$class_name] ); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Must specify $visibility'); } /** * Gets the Psalm type from a particular value * * @param mixed $value * @return Type\Union */ public static function getTypeFromValue($value) { switch (gettype($value)) { case 'boolean': return Type::getBool(); case 'integer': return Type::getInt(); case 'double': return Type::getFloat(); case 'string': return Type::getString(); case 'array': return Type::getArray(); case 'NULL': return Type::getNull(); default: return Type::getMixed(); } } /** * @param string $class_name * @param mixed $visibility * @return array */ public static function getConstantsForClass($class_name, $visibility) { if (self::registerClass($class_name) === false) { return []; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) { return self::$public_class_constants[$class_name]; } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) { return array_merge( self::$public_class_constants[$class_name], self::$protected_class_constants[$class_name] ); } if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) { return array_merge( self::$public_class_constants[$class_name], self::$protected_class_constants[$class_name], self::$private_class_constants[$class_name] ); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Must specify $visibility'); } /** * @param string $class_name * @param string $const_name * @param Type\Union $type * @param int $visibility * @return void */ public static function setConstantType($class_name, $const_name, Type\Union $type, $visibility) { if ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) { self::$public_class_constants[$class_name][$const_name] = $type; } elseif ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) { self::$protected_class_constants[$class_name][$const_name] = $type; } elseif ($visibility === ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) { self::$private_class_constants[$class_name][$const_name] = $type; } } /** * @param string|null $this_class * @return void */ public static function setThisClass($this_class) { self::$this_class = $this_class; self::$class_checkers = []; } /** * @return string|null */ public static function getThisClass() { return self::$this_class; } /** * @param string $method_name * @return mixed */ protected function getMappedMethodName($method_name) { return $method_name; } /** * @param string $file_name * @return array */ public static function getClassesForFile($file_name) { return isset(self::$file_classes[$file_name]) ? array_unique(self::$file_classes[$file_name]) : []; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @return boolean */ public static function isUserDefined($fq_class_name) { self::registerClass($fq_class_name); return isset(self::$user_defined[$fq_class_name]); } /** * Gets the method/function call map * * @return array> * @psalm-suppress MixedInferredReturnType as the use of require buggers things up */ protected static function getPropertyMap() { if (self::$property_map !== null) { return self::$property_map; } /** @var array */ $property_map = require_once(__DIR__.'/../PropertyMap.php'); self::$property_map = []; foreach ($property_map as $key => $value) { $cased_key = strtolower($key); self::$property_map[$cased_key] = $value; } return self::$property_map; } /** * @param string $class_name * @return bool */ public static function inPropertyMap($class_name) { return isset(self::getPropertyMap()[strtolower($class_name)]); } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param string $fq_trait_name * @return void */ public static function registerTraitUse($fq_class_name, $fq_trait_name) { self::$used_traits[$fq_class_name][$fq_trait_name] = true; } /** * @return bool */ public static function classUsesTrait($fq_class_name, $fq_trait_name) { return isset(self::$used_traits[$fq_class_name][$fq_trait_name]); } /** * @return void */ public static function clearCache() { self::$this_class = null; self::$method_checkers = []; self::$class_methods = []; self::$class_checkers = []; self::$public_class_properties = []; self::$protected_class_properties = []; self::$private_class_properties = []; self::$public_static_class_properties = []; self::$protected_static_class_properties = []; self::$private_static_class_properties = []; self::$public_class_constants = []; self::$protected_class_constants = []; self::$private_class_constants = []; self::$registered_classes = []; self::$class_implements = []; self::$class_files = []; self::$file_classes = []; self::$used_traits = []; ClassChecker::clearCache(); InterfaceChecker::clearCache(); TraitChecker::clearCache(); } }