[ 'T = $T; } /** * @return T */ public function bar() { $t = $this->T; return new $t(); } } $at = "A"; /** @var Foo */ $afoo = new Foo($at); $afoo_bar = $afoo->bar(); $bfoo = new Foo(B::class); $bfoo_bar = $bfoo->bar(); $cfoo = new Foo("C"); $cfoo_bar = $cfoo->bar(); $dt = "D"; $dfoo = new Foo($dt);', 'assertions' => [ '$afoo' => 'Foo', '$afoo_bar' => 'A', '$bfoo' => 'Foo', '$bfoo_bar' => 'B', '$cfoo' => 'Foo', '$cfoo_bar' => 'C', '$dfoo' => 'Foo', ], ], 'classTemplateExternalClasses' => [ 'T = $T; } /** * @return T */ public function bar() { $t = $this->T; return new $t(); } } $efoo = new Foo(Exception::class) $efoo_bar = $efoo->bar(); $ffoo = new Foo("LogicException"); $ffoo_bar = $ffoo->bar();', 'assertions' => [ '$efoo' => 'Foo', '$efoo_bar' => 'Exception', '$ffoo' => 'Foo', '$ffoo_bar' => 'LogicException', ], ], 'classTemplateContainer' => [ 'obj = $obj; } /** * @return T */ public function bar() { return $this->obj; } public function __toString() : string { return "hello " . $this->obj; } } $afoo = new Foo(new A()); $afoo_bar = $afoo->bar();', 'assertions' => [ '$afoo' => 'Foo', '$afoo_bar' => 'A', ], 'error_levels' => ['MixedOperand'], ], 'phanTuple' => [ '_0 = $_0; } /** * @return int * The arity of this tuple */ public function arity() : int { return (int)static::ARITY; } /** * @return array * An array of all elements in this tuple. */ public function toArray() : array { return [ $this->_0, ]; } } /** * A tuple of 2 elements. * * @template T0 * The type of element zero * * @template T1 * The type of element one * * @inherits Tuple1 */ class Tuple2 extends Tuple1 { /** @var int */ const ARITY = 2; /** @var T1 */ public $_1; /** * @param T0 $_0 * The 0th element * * @param T1 $_1 * The 1st element */ public function __construct($_0, $_1) { parent::__construct($_0); $this->_1 = $_1; } /** * @return array * An array of all elements in this tuple. */ public function toArray() : array { return [ $this->_0, $this->_1, ]; } } $a = new Tuple2("cool", 5); /** @return void */ function takes_int(int $i) {} /** @return void */ function takes_string(string $s) {} takes_string($a->_0); takes_int($a->_1);', ], 'validTemplatedType' => [ ' [ ' [ 'foo("string"));', ], 'genericArrayKeys' => [ ' $arr * @return array */ function my_array_keys($arr) { return array_keys($arr); } $a = my_array_keys(["hello" => 5, "goodbye" => new \Exception()]);', 'assertions' => [ '$a' => 'array', ], ], 'genericArrayReverse' => [ ' $arr * @return array */ function my_array_reverse($arr) { return array_reverse($arr); } $b = my_array_reverse(["hello" => 5, "goodbye" => 6]);', 'assertions' => [ '$b' => 'array', ], ], ]; } /** * @return array */ public function providerFileCheckerInvalidCodeParse() { return [ 'invalidTemplatedType' => [ ' 'InvalidScalarArgument', ], 'invalidTemplatedStaticMethodType' => [ ' 'InvalidScalarArgument', ], 'invalidTemplatedInstanceMethodType' => [ 'foo(4));', 'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument', ], ]; } }