} elseif (is_string($options['disable-extension'])) {
if ($threads > 1) {
$type_map_location = null;
if (isset($options['generate-type-map']) && is_string($options['generate-type-map'])) {
$type_map_location = $options['generate-type-map'];
// If XDebug is enabled, restart without it
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
if (isset($options['set-baseline'])) {
if (is_array($options['set-baseline'])) {
die('Only one baseline file can be created at a time' . PHP_EOL);
if (isset($options['i'])) {
if (file_exists($current_dir . 'psalm.xml')) {
die('A config file already exists in the current directory' . PHP_EOL);
$args = array_values(array_filter(
* @param string $arg
* @return bool
function ($arg) {
return $arg !== '--ansi'
&& $arg !== '--no-ansi'
&& $arg !== '-i'
&& $arg !== '--init'
&& strpos($arg, '--root=') !== 0
&& strpos($arg, '--r=') !== 0;
$level = 3;
$source_dir = 'src';
if (count($args)) {
if (count($args) > 2) {
die('Too many arguments provided for psalm --init' . PHP_EOL);
if (isset($args[1])) {
if (!preg_match('/^[1-8]$/', $args[1])) {
die('Config strictness must be a number between 1 and 8 inclusive' . PHP_EOL);
$level = (int)$args[1];
$source_dir = $args[0];
if (!is_dir($source_dir)) {
$bad_dir_path = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $source_dir;
if (!isset($args[0])) {
die('Please specify a directory - the default, "src", was not found in this project.' . PHP_EOL);
die('The given path "' . $bad_dir_path . '" does not appear to be a directory' . PHP_EOL);
$template_file_name = dirname(__DIR__) . '/assets/config_levels/' . $level . '.xml';
if (!file_exists($template_file_name)) {
die('Could not open config template ' . $template_file_name . PHP_EOL);
$template = (string)file_get_contents($template_file_name);
$template = str_replace(
if (!file_put_contents($current_dir . 'psalm.xml', $template)) {
die('Could not write to psalm.xml' . PHP_EOL);
exit('Config file created successfully. Please re-run psalm.' . PHP_EOL);
$output_format = isset($options['output-format']) && is_string($options['output-format'])
? $options['output-format']
: ProjectAnalyzer::TYPE_CONSOLE;
$paths_to_check = getPathsToCheck(isset($options['f']) ? $options['f'] : null);
$plugins = [];
if (isset($options['plugin'])) {
$plugins = $options['plugin'];
if (!is_array($plugins)) {
$plugins = [$plugins];
$path_to_config = isset($options['c']) && is_string($options['c']) ? realpath($options['c']) : null;
if ($path_to_config === false) {
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidCast */
echo 'Could not resolve path to config ' . (string)$options['c'] . PHP_EOL;
$show_info = isset($options['show-info'])
? $options['show-info'] !== 'false' && $options['show-info'] !== '0'
: true;
$is_diff = isset($options['diff']);
/** @var false|'always'|'auto' $find_unused_code */
$find_unused_code = false;
if (isset($options['find-dead-code'])) {
if ($options['find-dead-code'] === 'always') {
$find_unused_code = 'always';
} else {
$find_unused_code = 'auto';
$find_references_to = isset($options['find-references-to']) && is_string($options['find-references-to'])
? $options['find-references-to']
: null;
// initialise custom config, if passed
try {
if ($path_to_config) {
$config = Config::loadFromXMLFile($path_to_config, $current_dir);
} else {
$config = Config::getConfigForPath($current_dir, $current_dir, $output_format);
} catch (Psalm\Exception\ConfigException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
if (isset($options['shepherd'])) {
if (is_string($options['shepherd'])) {
$config->shepherd_host = $options['shepherd'];
$shepherd_plugin = __DIR__ . '/Psalm/Plugin/Shepherd.php';
if (!file_exists($shepherd_plugin)) {
die('Could not find Shepherd plugin location ' . $shepherd_plugin . PHP_EOL);
$plugins[] = $shepherd_plugin;
if (isset($options['clear-cache'])) {
$cache_directory = $config->getCacheDirectory();
echo 'Cache directory deleted' . PHP_EOL;
if (isset($options['clear-global-cache'])) {
$cache_directory = $config->getGlobalCacheDirectory();
if ($cache_directory) {
echo 'Global cache directory deleted' . PHP_EOL;
$debug = array_key_exists('debug', $options) || array_key_exists('debug-by-line', $options);
if (isset($options['no-cache'])) {
$providers = new Provider\Providers(
new Provider\FileProvider
} else {
$no_reflection_cache = isset($options['no-reflection-cache']);
$file_storage_cache_provider = $no_reflection_cache
? null
: new Provider\FileStorageCacheProvider($config);
$classlike_storage_cache_provider = $no_reflection_cache
? null
: new Provider\ClassLikeStorageCacheProvider($config);
$providers = new Provider\Providers(
new Provider\FileProvider,
new Provider\ParserCacheProvider($config),
new Provider\FileReferenceCacheProvider($config)
$project_analyzer = new ProjectAnalyzer(
!array_key_exists('m', $options),
isset($options['report']) && is_string($options['report']) ? $options['report'] : null,
!isset($options['show-snippet']) || $options['show-snippet'] !== "false"
if (isset($options['php-version'])) {
if (!is_string($options['php-version'])) {
die('Expecting a version number in the format x.y' . PHP_EOL);
$project_analyzer->getCodebase()->diff_methods = isset($options['diff-methods']);
if ($type_map_location) {
$project_analyzer->getCodebase()->store_node_types = true;
$start_time = microtime(true);
$config->visitComposerAutoloadFiles($project_analyzer, $debug);
$now_time = microtime(true);
if ($debug) {
echo 'Visiting autoload files took ' . number_format($now_time - $start_time, 3) . 's' . "\n";
if (array_key_exists('debug-by-line', $options)) {
$project_analyzer->debug_lines = true;
if ($config->find_unused_code) {
$find_unused_code = 'auto';
if ($find_references_to !== null) {
$project_analyzer->show_issues = false;
if ($find_unused_code) {
if ($config->find_unused_variables) {
/** @var string $plugin_path */
foreach ($plugins as $plugin_path) {
if ($paths_to_check === null) {
$project_analyzer->check($current_dir, $is_diff);
} elseif ($paths_to_check) {
if ($find_references_to) {
} elseif (($find_unused_code === 'always') || ($find_unused_code === 'auto' && !$paths_to_check)) {
if ($is_diff) {
if ($output_format === ProjectAnalyzer::TYPE_CONSOLE) {
echo 'Unused classes and methods cannot currently be found in --diff mode' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
if (isset($options['set-baseline']) && is_string($options['set-baseline'])) {
if ($is_diff) {
if ($output_format === ProjectAnalyzer::TYPE_CONSOLE) {
echo 'Cannot set baseline in --diff mode' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'Writing error baseline to file...', PHP_EOL;
new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileProvider,
echo "Baseline saved to {$options['set-baseline']}.";
/** @var string $configFile */
$configFile = Config::locateConfigFile($path_to_config ?? $current_dir);
$configFileContents = $amendedConfigFileContents = file_get_contents($configFile);
if ($config->error_baseline) {
$amendedConfigFileContents = preg_replace(
} else {
$endPsalmOpenTag = strpos($configFileContents, '>', (int)strpos($configFileContents, '",
} else {
$amendedConfigFileContents = substr_replace(
" errorBaseline=\"{$options['set-baseline']}\">",
file_put_contents($configFile, $amendedConfigFileContents);
echo PHP_EOL;
$issue_baseline = [];
if (isset($options['update-baseline'])) {
if ($is_diff) {
if ($output_format === ProjectAnalyzer::TYPE_CONSOLE) {
echo 'Cannot update baseline in --diff mode' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$baselineFile = Config::getInstance()->error_baseline;
if (empty($baselineFile)) {
die('Cannot update baseline, because no baseline file is configured.' . PHP_EOL);
try {
$issue_current_baseline = ErrorBaseline::read(
new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileProvider,
$total_issues_current_baseline = ErrorBaseline::countTotalIssues($issue_current_baseline);
$issue_baseline = ErrorBaseline::update(
new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileProvider,
$total_issues_updated_baseline = ErrorBaseline::countTotalIssues($issue_baseline);
$total_fixed_issues = $total_issues_current_baseline - $total_issues_updated_baseline;
if ($total_fixed_issues > 0) {
echo str_repeat('-', 30) . "\n";
echo $total_fixed_issues . ' errors fixed' . "\n";
} catch (\Psalm\Exception\ConfigException $exception) {
die('Could not update baseline file: ' . $exception->getMessage());
if (!empty(Config::getInstance()->error_baseline) && !isset($options['ignore-baseline'])) {
try {
$issue_baseline = ErrorBaseline::read(
new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileProvider,
} catch (\Psalm\Exception\ConfigException $exception) {
die('Error while reading baseline: ' . $exception->getMessage());
if ($type_map_location) {
$file_map = $providers->file_reference_provider->getFileMaps();
$name_file_map = [];
$expected_references = [];
foreach ($file_map as $file_path => $map) {
$file_name = $config->shortenFileName($file_path);
foreach ($map[0] as $map_parts) {
$expected_references[$map_parts[1]] = true;
$map[2] = [];
$name_file_map[$file_name] = $map;
$reference_dictionary = [];
foreach ($providers->classlike_storage_provider->getAll() as $storage) {
if (!$storage->location) {
$fq_classlike_name = $storage->name;
if (isset($expected_references[$fq_classlike_name])) {
= $storage->location->file_name
. ':' . $storage->location->getLineNumber()
. ':' . $storage->location->getColumn();
foreach ($storage->methods as $method_name => $method_storage) {
if (!$method_storage->location) {
if (isset($expected_references[$fq_classlike_name . '::' . $method_name . '()'])) {
$reference_dictionary[$fq_classlike_name . '::' . $method_name . '()']
= $method_storage->location->file_name
. ':' . $method_storage->location->getLineNumber()
. ':' . $method_storage->location->getColumn();
foreach ($storage->properties as $property_name => $property_storage) {
if (!$property_storage->location) {
if (isset($expected_references[$fq_classlike_name . '::$' . $property_name])) {
$reference_dictionary[$fq_classlike_name . '::$' . $property_name]
= $property_storage->location->file_name
. ':' . $property_storage->location->getLineNumber()
. ':' . $property_storage->location->getColumn();
json_encode(['files' => $name_file_map, 'references' => $reference_dictionary])