# Supported docblock annotations Psalm supports a wide range of docblock annotations. ## PHPDoc tags Psalm uses the following PHPDoc tags to understand your code: - [`@var`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/var.html) Used for specifying the types of properties and variables - [`@return`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/return.html) Used for specifying the return types of functions, methods and closures - [`@param`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/param.html) Used for specifying types of parameters passed to functions, methods and closures - [`@property`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/property.html) Used to specify what properties can be accessed on an object that uses `__get` and `__set` - [`@property-read`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/property-read.html) Used to specify what properties can be read on object that uses `__get` - [`@property-write`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/property-write.html) Used to specify what properties can be written on object that uses `__set` - [`@deprecated`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/deprecated.html) Used to mark functions, methods, classes and interfaces as being deprecated - [`@internal`](https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/tags/internal.html) used to mark classes, functions and properties that are internal to an application or library. ### Off-label usage of the `@var` tag The `@var` tag is supposed to only be used for properties. Psalm, taking a lead from PHPStorm and other static analysis tools, allows its use inline in the form `@var Type [VariableReference]`. If `VariableReference` is provided, it should be of the form `$variable` or `$variable->property`. If used above an assignment, Psalm checks whether the `VariableReference` matches the variable being assigned. If they differ, Psalm will assign the `Type` to `VariableReference` and use it in the expression below. If no `VariableReference` is given, the annotation tells Psalm that the right hand side of the expression, whether an assignment or a return, is of type `Type`. ```php /** @var string */ $a = $_GET['foo']; /** @var string $b */ $b = $_GET['bar']; function bat(): string { /** @var string */ return $_GET['bat']; } ``` ## Psalm-specific tags There are a number of custom tags that determine how Psalm treats your code. ### `@param-out` This is used to specify that a by-ref type is different from the one that entered. In the function below the first param can be null, but once the function has executed the by-ref value is not null. ```php /** * @param-out string $s */ function addFoo(?string &$s) : void { if ($s === null) { $s = "hello"; } $s .= "foo"; } ``` ### `@psalm-var`, `@psalm-param` and `@psalm-return` When specifying types in a format not supported by phpDocumentor ([but supported by Psalm](#type-syntax)) you may wish to prepend `@psalm-` to the PHPDoc tag, so as to avoid confusing your IDE. If a `@psalm`-prefixed tag is given, Psalm will use it in place of its non-prefixed counterpart. ### `@psalm-suppress SomeIssueName` This annotation is used to suppress issues. It can be used in function docblocks, class docblocks and also inline, applying to the following statement. Function docblock example: ```php /** * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand */ function addString(?string $s) { echo "hello " . $s; } ``` Inline example: ```php function addString(?string $s) { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand */ echo "hello " . $s; } ``` ### `@psalm-assert`, `@psalm-assert-if-true` and `@psalm-assert-if-false` See [Adding assertions](adding_assertions.md). ### `@psalm-ignore-nullable-return` This can be used to tell Psalm not to worry if a function/method returns null. It’s a bit of a hack, but occasionally useful for scenarios where you either have a very high confidence of a non-null value, or some other function guarantees a non-null value for that particular code path. ```php class Foo {} function takesFoo(Foo $f): void {} /** @psalm-ignore-nullable-return */ function getFoo(): ?Foo { return rand(0, 10000) > 1 ? new Foo() : null; } takesFoo(getFoo()); ``` ### `@psalm-ignore-falsable-return` This provides the same, but for `false`. Psalm uses this internally for functions like `preg_replace`, which can return false if the given input has encoding errors, but where 99.9% of the time the function operates as expected. ### `@psalm-seal-properties` If you have a magic property getter/setter, you can use `@psalm-seal-properties` to instruct Psalm to disallow getting and setting any properties not contained in a list of `@property` (or `@property-read`/`@property-write`) annotations. ```php /** * @property string $foo * @psalm-seal-properties */ class A { public function __get(string $name): ?string { if ($name === "foo") { return "hello"; } } public function __set(string $name, $value): void {} } $a = new A(); $a->bar = 5; // this call fails ``` ### `@psalm-internal` Used to mark a class, property or function as internal to a given namespace. Psalm treats this slightly differently to the PHPDoc `@internal` tag. For `@internal`, an issue is raised if the calling code is in a namespace completely unrelated to the namespace of the calling code, i.e. not sharing the first element of the namespace. In contrast for `@psalm-internal`, the docbloc line must specify a namespace. An issue is raised if the calling code is not within the given namespace. As other tools do not support `@psalm-internal`, it may only be used in conjunction with `@internal`. ```PHP namespace A\B { /** * @internal * @psalm-internal A\B */ class Foo { } } namespace A\B\C { class Bat { public function batBat(): void { $a = new \A\B\Foo(); // this is fine } } } namespace A\C { class Bat { public function batBat(): void { $a = new \A\B\Foo(); // error } } } ``` ## Type Syntax Psalm supports PHPDoc’s [type syntax](https://docs.phpdoc.org/guides/types.html), and also the [proposed PHPDoc PSR type syntax](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/phpdoc.md#appendix-a-types). A detailed write-up is found in [Typing in Psalm](typing_in_psalm.md)