*/ private $issues_to_fix = []; /** * @var bool */ public $dry_run = false; /** * @var bool */ public $full_run = false; /** * @var bool */ public $only_replace_php_types_with_non_docblock_types = false; /** * @var ?int */ public $onchange_line_limit; /** * @var bool */ public $provide_completion = false; /** * @var array */ private $project_files; /** * @var array */ private $to_refactor = []; /** * @var ?ReportOptions */ public $stdout_report_options; /** * @var array */ public $generated_report_options; /** * @var array> */ const SUPPORTED_ISSUES_TO_FIX = [ InvalidFalsableReturnType::class, InvalidNullableReturnType::class, InvalidReturnType::class, LessSpecificReturnType::class, MismatchingDocblockParamType::class, MismatchingDocblockReturnType::class, MissingClosureReturnType::class, MissingParamType::class, MissingReturnType::class, PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable::class, PossiblyUndefinedVariable::class, PossiblyUnusedMethod::class, PossiblyUnusedProperty::class, UnusedMethod::class, UnusedProperty::class, ]; /** * @param array $generated_report_options * @param int $threads * @param string $reports */ public function __construct( Config $config, Providers $providers, ?ReportOptions $stdout_report_options = null, array $generated_report_options = [], int $threads = 1, Progress $progress = null ) { if ($progress === null) { $progress = new VoidProgress(); } $this->parser_cache_provider = $providers->parser_cache_provider; $this->file_provider = $providers->file_provider; $this->classlike_storage_provider = $providers->classlike_storage_provider; $this->file_reference_provider = $providers->file_reference_provider; $this->progress = $progress; $this->threads = $threads; $this->config = $config; $this->codebase = new Codebase( $config, $providers, $progress ); if ($stdout_report_options && !in_array($stdout_report_options->format, Report::SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_TYPES, true) ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unrecognised output format ' . $stdout_report_options->format); } $this->stdout_report_options = $stdout_report_options; $this->generated_report_options = $generated_report_options; $project_files = []; foreach ($this->config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $file_extensions = $this->config->getFileExtensions(); $file_paths = $this->file_provider->getFilesInDir($dir_name, $file_extensions); foreach ($file_paths as $file_path) { if ($this->config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { $project_files[$file_path] = $file_path; } } } foreach ($this->config->getProjectFiles() as $file_path) { $project_files[$file_path] = $file_path; } $this->project_files = $project_files; self::$instance = $this; } /** * @param array $report_file_paths * @param bool $show_info * @return array */ public static function getFileReportOptions(array $report_file_paths, bool $show_info = true) { $report_options = []; $mapping = [ 'checkstyle.xml' => Report::TYPE_CHECKSTYLE, 'sonarqube.json' => Report::TYPE_SONARQUBE, 'summary.json' => Report::TYPE_JSON_SUMMARY, '.xml' => Report::TYPE_XML, '.json' => Report::TYPE_JSON, '.txt' => Report::TYPE_TEXT, '.emacs' => Report::TYPE_EMACS, '.pylint' => Report::TYPE_PYLINT, ]; foreach ($report_file_paths as $report_file_path) { foreach ($mapping as $extension => $type) { if (substr($report_file_path, -strlen($extension)) === $extension) { $o = new ReportOptions(); $o->format = $type; $o->show_info = $show_info; $o->output_path = $report_file_path; $report_options[] = $o; continue 2; } } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown report format ' . $report_file_path); } return $report_options; } /** * @param string|null $address * @return void */ public function server($address = '', bool $socket_server_mode = false) { $this->codebase->diff_methods = true; $this->file_reference_provider->loadReferenceCache(); $this->codebase->enterServerMode(); $cpu_count = self::getCpuCount(); // let's not go crazy $usable_cpus = $cpu_count - 2; if ($usable_cpus > 1) { $this->threads = $usable_cpus; } $this->config->initializePlugins($this); foreach ($this->config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $this->checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, $this->config); } @cli_set_process_title('Psalm PHP Language Server'); if (!$socket_server_mode && $address) { // Connect to a TCP server $socket = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $address, $errno, $errstr); if ($socket === false) { fwrite(STDERR, "Could not connect to language client. Error $errno\n$errstr"); exit(1); } stream_set_blocking($socket, false); new LanguageServer( new ProtocolStreamReader($socket), new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket), $this ); \Amp\Loop::run(); } elseif ($socket_server_mode && $address) { // Run a TCP Server $tcpServer = stream_socket_server('tcp://' . $address, $errno, $errstr); if ($tcpServer === false) { fwrite(STDERR, "Could not listen on $address. Error $errno\n$errstr"); exit(1); } fwrite(STDOUT, "Server listening on $address\n"); if (!extension_loaded('pcntl')) { fwrite(STDERR, "PCNTL is not available. Only a single connection will be accepted\n"); } while ($socket = stream_socket_accept($tcpServer, -1)) { fwrite(STDOUT, "Connection accepted\n"); stream_set_blocking($socket, false); if (extension_loaded('pcntl')) { // If PCNTL is available, fork a child process for the connection // An exit notification will only terminate the child process $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid === -1) { fwrite(STDERR, "Could not fork\n"); exit(1); } if ($pid === 0) { // Child process $reader = new ProtocolStreamReader($socket); $reader->on( 'close', /** @return void */ function () { fwrite(STDOUT, "Connection closed\n"); } ); new LanguageServer( $reader, new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket), $this ); // Just for safety exit(0); } } else { // If PCNTL is not available, we only accept one connection. // An exit notification will terminate the server new LanguageServer( new ProtocolStreamReader($socket), new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket), $this ); \Amp\Loop::run(); } } } else { // Use STDIO stream_set_blocking(STDIN, false); new LanguageServer( new ProtocolStreamReader(STDIN), new ProtocolStreamWriter(STDOUT), $this ); \Amp\Loop::run(); } } /** * @return self */ public static function getInstance() { return self::$instance; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return bool */ public function canReportIssues($file_path) { return isset($this->project_files[$file_path]); } /** * @param string $base_dir * @param bool $is_diff * * @return void */ public function check($base_dir, $is_diff = false) { $start_checks = (int)microtime(true); if (!$base_dir) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot work with empty base_dir'); } $diff_files = null; $deleted_files = null; $this->full_run = true; $reference_cache = $this->file_reference_provider->loadReferenceCache(true); if ($is_diff && $reference_cache && $this->parser_cache_provider && $this->parser_cache_provider->canDiffFiles() ) { $deleted_files = $this->file_reference_provider->getDeletedReferencedFiles(); $diff_files = $deleted_files; foreach ($this->config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $diff_files = array_merge($diff_files, $this->getDiffFilesInDir($dir_name, $this->config)); } } $this->progress->startScanningFiles(); if ($diff_files === null || $deleted_files === null || count($diff_files) > 200 || $this->codebase->find_unused_code) { $this->codebase->scanner->addFilesToDeepScan($this->project_files); } if ($diff_files === null || $deleted_files === null || count($diff_files) > 200 ) { $this->codebase->analyzer->addFiles($this->project_files); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); $this->codebase->scanFiles($this->threads); } else { $this->progress->debug(count($diff_files) . ' changed files: ' . "\n"); $this->progress->debug(' ' . implode("\n ", $diff_files) . "\n"); if ($diff_files || $this->codebase->find_unused_code) { $file_list = $this->getReferencedFilesFromDiff($diff_files); // strip out deleted files $file_list = array_diff($file_list, $deleted_files); $this->checkDiffFilesWithConfig($this->config, $file_list); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); $this->codebase->scanFiles($this->threads); } } $this->config->visitStubFiles($this->codebase, $this->progress); $plugin_classes = $this->config->after_codebase_populated; if ($plugin_classes) { foreach ($plugin_classes as $plugin_fq_class_name) { $plugin_fq_class_name::afterCodebasePopulated($this->codebase); } } $this->progress->startAnalyzingFiles(); $this->codebase->analyzer->analyzeFiles($this, $this->threads, $this->codebase->alter_code); if ($this->parser_cache_provider) { $removed_parser_files = $this->parser_cache_provider->deleteOldParserCaches( $is_diff ? $this->parser_cache_provider->getLastGoodRun() : $start_checks ); if ($removed_parser_files) { $this->progress->debug('Removed ' . $removed_parser_files . ' old parser caches' . "\n"); } if ($is_diff) { $this->parser_cache_provider->touchParserCaches($this->getAllFiles($this->config), $start_checks); } } } /** * @return void */ public function checkClassReferences() { if (!$this->codebase->collect_references) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should not be checking references'); } $this->codebase->classlikes->checkClassReferences( $this->codebase->methods, $this->progress ); } public function interpretRefactors() : void { if (!$this->codebase->alter_code) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should not be checking references'); } // interpret wildcards foreach ($this->to_refactor as $source => $destination) { if (($source_pos = strpos($source, '*')) && ($destination_pos = strpos($destination, '*')) && $source_pos === (strlen($source) - 1) && $destination_pos === (strlen($destination) - 1) ) { foreach ($this->codebase->classlike_storage_provider->getAll() as $class_storage) { if (substr($class_storage->name, 0, $source_pos) === substr($source, 0, -1)) { $this->to_refactor[$class_storage->name] = substr($destination, 0, -1) . substr($class_storage->name, $source_pos); } } unset($this->to_refactor[$source]); } } foreach ($this->to_refactor as $source => $destination) { $source_parts = explode('::', $source); $destination_parts = explode('::', $destination); if (!$this->codebase->classlikes->hasFullyQualifiedClassName($source_parts[0])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Source class ' . $source_parts[0] . ' doesn’t exist' ); } if (count($source_parts) === 1 && count($destination_parts) === 1) { if ($this->codebase->classlikes->hasFullyQualifiedClassName($destination_parts[0])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination class ' . $destination_parts[0] . ' already exists' ); } $source_class_storage = $this->codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($source_parts[0]); $destination_parts = explode('\\', $destination); array_pop($destination_parts); $destination_ns = implode('\\', $destination_parts); $this->codebase->classes_to_move[strtolower($source)] = $destination; $destination_class_storage = $this->codebase->classlike_storage_provider->create($destination); $destination_class_storage->name = $destination; if ($source_class_storage->aliases) { $destination_class_storage->aliases = clone $source_class_storage->aliases; $destination_class_storage->aliases->namespace = $destination_ns; } $destination_class_storage->location = $source_class_storage->location; $destination_class_storage->stmt_location = $source_class_storage->stmt_location; $destination_class_storage->populated = true; $this->codebase->class_transforms[strtolower($source)] = $destination; continue; } if ($this->codebase->methods->methodExists($source)) { if ($this->codebase->methods->methodExists($destination)) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination method ' . $destination . ' already exists' ); } if (!$this->codebase->classlikes->classExists($destination_parts[0])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination class ' . $destination_parts[0] . ' doesn’t exist' ); } if (strtolower($source_parts[0]) !== strtolower($destination_parts[0])) { $source_method_storage = $this->codebase->methods->getStorage($source); $destination_class_storage = $this->codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($destination_parts[0]); if (!$source_method_storage->is_static && !isset($destination_class_storage->parent_classes[strtolower($source_parts[0])]) ) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Cannot move non-static method ' . $source . ' into unrelated class ' . $destination_parts[0] ); } $this->codebase->methods_to_move[strtolower($source)] = $destination; } else { $this->codebase->methods_to_rename[strtolower($source)] = $destination_parts[1]; } $this->codebase->call_transforms[strtolower($source) . '\((.*\))'] = $destination . '($1)'; continue; } if ($source_parts[1][0] === '$') { if ($destination_parts[1][0] !== '$') { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination property must be of the form Foo::$bar' ); } if (!$this->codebase->properties->propertyExists($source, true)) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Property ' . $source . ' does not exist' ); } if ($this->codebase->properties->propertyExists($destination, true)) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination property ' . $destination . ' already exists' ); } if (!$this->codebase->classlikes->classExists($destination_parts[0])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination class ' . $destination_parts[0] . ' doesn’t exist' ); } $source_id = strtolower($source_parts[0]) . '::' . $source_parts[1]; if (strtolower($source_parts[0]) !== strtolower($destination_parts[0])) { $source_storage = $this->codebase->properties->getStorage($source); if (!$source_storage->is_static) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Cannot move non-static property ' . $source ); } $this->codebase->properties_to_move[$source_id] = $destination; } else { $this->codebase->properties_to_rename[$source_id] = substr($destination_parts[1], 1); } $this->codebase->property_transforms[$source_id] = $destination; continue; } $source_class_constants = $this->codebase->classlikes->getConstantsForClass( $source_parts[0], \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE ); if (isset($source_class_constants[$source_parts[1]])) { if (!$this->codebase->classlikes->hasFullyQualifiedClassName($destination_parts[0])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination class ' . $destination_parts[0] . ' doesn’t exist' ); } $destination_class_constants = $this->codebase->classlikes->getConstantsForClass( $destination_parts[0], \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE ); if (isset($destination_class_constants[$destination_parts[1]])) { throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Destination constant ' . $destination . ' already exists' ); } $source_id = strtolower($source_parts[0]) . '::' . $source_parts[1]; if (strtolower($source_parts[0]) !== strtolower($destination_parts[0])) { $this->codebase->class_constants_to_move[$source_id] = $destination; } else { $this->codebase->class_constants_to_rename[$source_id] = $destination_parts[1]; } $this->codebase->class_constant_transforms[$source_id] = $destination; continue; } throw new \Psalm\Exception\RefactorException( 'Psalm cannot locate ' . $source ); } } public function prepareMigration() : void { if (!$this->codebase->alter_code) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should not be checking references'); } $this->codebase->classlikes->moveMethods( $this->codebase->methods, $this->progress ); $this->codebase->classlikes->moveProperties( $this->codebase->properties, $this->progress ); $this->codebase->classlikes->moveClassConstants( $this->progress ); } public function migrateCode() : void { if (!$this->codebase->alter_code) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should not be checking references'); } $migration_manipulations = \Psalm\Internal\FileManipulation\FileManipulationBuffer::getMigrationManipulations( $this->codebase->file_provider ); if ($migration_manipulations) { foreach ($migration_manipulations as $file_path => $file_manipulations) { usort( $file_manipulations, /** * @return int */ function (FileManipulation $a, FileManipulation $b) { if ($a->start === $b->start) { if ($b->end === $a->end) { return $b->insertion_text > $a->insertion_text ? 1 : -1; } return $b->end > $a->end ? 1 : -1; } return $b->start > $a->start ? 1 : -1; } ); $existing_contents = $this->codebase->file_provider->getContents($file_path); foreach ($file_manipulations as $manipulation) { $existing_contents = $manipulation->transform($existing_contents); } $this->codebase->file_provider->setContents($file_path, $existing_contents); } } if ($this->codebase->classes_to_move) { foreach ($this->codebase->classes_to_move as $source => $destination) { $source_class_storage = $this->codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($source); if (!$source_class_storage->location) { continue; } $potential_file_path = $this->config->getPotentialComposerFilePathForClassLike($destination); if ($potential_file_path && !file_exists($potential_file_path)) { $containing_dir = dirname($potential_file_path); if (!file_exists($containing_dir)) { mkdir($containing_dir, 0777, true); } rename($source_class_storage->location->file_path, $potential_file_path); } } } } /** * @param string $symbol * * @return void */ public function findReferencesTo($symbol) { if (!$this->stdout_report_options) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Not expecting to emit output'); } $locations = $this->codebase->findReferencesToSymbol($symbol); foreach ($locations as $location) { $snippet = $location->getSnippet(); $snippet_bounds = $location->getSnippetBounds(); $selection_bounds = $location->getSelectionBounds(); $selection_start = $selection_bounds[0] - $snippet_bounds[0]; $selection_length = $selection_bounds[1] - $selection_bounds[0]; echo $location->file_name . ':' . $location->getLineNumber() . "\n" . ( $this->stdout_report_options->use_color ? substr($snippet, 0, $selection_start) . "\e[97;42m" . substr($snippet, $selection_start, $selection_length) . "\e[0m" . substr($snippet, $selection_length + $selection_start) : $snippet ) . "\n" . "\n"; } } /** * @param string $dir_name * * @return void */ public function checkDir($dir_name) { $this->file_reference_provider->loadReferenceCache(); $this->checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, $this->config, true); $this->progress->startScanningFiles(); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); $this->codebase->scanFiles($this->threads); $this->config->visitStubFiles($this->codebase, $this->progress); $this->progress->startAnalyzingFiles(); $this->codebase->analyzer->analyzeFiles($this, $this->threads, $this->codebase->alter_code); } /** * @param string $dir_name * @param Config $config * @param bool $allow_non_project_files * * @return void */ private function checkDirWithConfig($dir_name, Config $config, $allow_non_project_files = false) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); $file_paths = $this->file_provider->getFilesInDir($dir_name, $file_extensions); $files_to_scan = []; foreach ($file_paths as $file_path) { if ($allow_non_project_files || $config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { $files_to_scan[$file_path] = $file_path; } } $this->codebase->addFilesToAnalyze($files_to_scan); } /** * @param Config $config * * @return array */ private function getAllFiles(Config $config) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); $file_paths = []; foreach ($config->getProjectDirectories() as $dir_name) { $file_paths = array_merge( $file_paths, $this->file_provider->getFilesInDir($dir_name, $file_extensions) ); } return $file_paths; } /** * @param string $dir_name * @param Config $config * * @return array */ protected function getDiffFilesInDir($dir_name, Config $config) { $file_extensions = $config->getFileExtensions(); if (!$this->parser_cache_provider) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Parser cache provider cannot be null here'); } $diff_files = []; $last_good_run = $this->parser_cache_provider->getLastGoodRun(); $file_paths = $this->file_provider->getFilesInDir($dir_name, $file_extensions); foreach ($file_paths as $file_path) { if ($config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { if ($this->file_provider->getModifiedTime($file_path) > $last_good_run) { $diff_files[] = $file_path; } } } return $diff_files; } /** * @param Config $config * @param array $file_list * * @return void */ private function checkDiffFilesWithConfig(Config $config, array $file_list = []) { $files_to_scan = []; foreach ($file_list as $file_path) { if (!$this->file_provider->fileExists($file_path)) { continue; } if (!$config->isInProjectDirs($file_path)) { $this->progress->debug('skipping ' . $file_path . "\n"); continue; } $files_to_scan[$file_path] = $file_path; } $this->codebase->addFilesToAnalyze($files_to_scan); } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return void */ public function checkFile($file_path) { $this->progress->debug('Checking ' . $file_path . "\n"); $this->config->hide_external_errors = $this->config->isInProjectDirs($file_path); $this->codebase->addFilesToAnalyze([$file_path => $file_path]); $this->file_reference_provider->loadReferenceCache(); $this->progress->startScanningFiles(); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); $this->codebase->scanFiles($this->threads); $this->config->visitStubFiles($this->codebase, $this->progress); $this->progress->startAnalyzingFiles(); $this->codebase->analyzer->analyzeFiles($this, $this->threads, $this->codebase->alter_code); } /** * @param string[] $paths_to_check * @return void */ public function checkPaths(array $paths_to_check) { foreach ($paths_to_check as $path) { $this->progress->debug('Checking ' . $path . "\n"); if (is_dir($path)) { $this->checkDirWithConfig($path, $this->config, true); } elseif (is_file($path)) { $this->codebase->addFilesToAnalyze([$path => $path]); $this->config->hide_external_errors = $this->config->isInProjectDirs($path); } } $this->file_reference_provider->loadReferenceCache(); $this->progress->startScanningFiles(); $this->config->initializePlugins($this); $this->codebase->scanFiles($this->threads); $this->config->visitStubFiles($this->codebase, $this->progress); $this->progress->startAnalyzingFiles(); $this->codebase->analyzer->analyzeFiles($this, $this->threads, $this->codebase->alter_code); if ($this->stdout_report_options && $this->stdout_report_options->format === Report::TYPE_CONSOLE && $this->codebase->collect_references ) { fwrite( STDERR, PHP_EOL . 'To whom it may concern: Psalm cannot detect unused classes, methods and properties' . PHP_EOL . 'when analyzing individual files and folders. Run on the full project to enable' . PHP_EOL . 'complete unused code detection.' . PHP_EOL ); } } /** * @return Config */ public function getConfig() { return $this->config; } /** * @param array $diff_files * * @return array */ public function getReferencedFilesFromDiff(array $diff_files, bool $include_referencing_files = true) { $all_inherited_files_to_check = $diff_files; while ($diff_files) { $diff_file = array_shift($diff_files); $dependent_files = $this->file_reference_provider->getFilesInheritingFromFile($diff_file); $new_dependent_files = array_diff($dependent_files, $all_inherited_files_to_check); $all_inherited_files_to_check = array_merge($all_inherited_files_to_check, $new_dependent_files); $diff_files = array_merge($diff_files, $new_dependent_files); } $all_files_to_check = $all_inherited_files_to_check; if ($include_referencing_files) { foreach ($all_inherited_files_to_check as $file_name) { $dependent_files = $this->file_reference_provider->getFilesReferencingFile($file_name); $all_files_to_check = array_merge($dependent_files, $all_files_to_check); } } return array_combine($all_files_to_check, $all_files_to_check); } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return bool */ public function fileExists($file_path) { return $this->file_provider->fileExists($file_path); } /** * @param int $php_major_version * @param int $php_minor_version * @param bool $dry_run * @param bool $safe_types * * @return void */ public function alterCodeAfterCompletion( $dry_run = false, $safe_types = false ) { $this->codebase->alter_code = true; $this->codebase->infer_types_from_usage = true; $this->show_issues = false; $this->dry_run = $dry_run; $this->only_replace_php_types_with_non_docblock_types = $safe_types; } /** * @param array $to_refactor * * @return void */ public function refactorCodeAfterCompletion(array $to_refactor) { $this->to_refactor = $to_refactor; $this->codebase->alter_code = true; $this->show_issues = false; } /** * @return void */ public function setPhpVersion(string $version) { if (!preg_match('/^(5\.[456]|7\.[01234])(\..*)?$/', $version)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expecting a version number in the format x.y'); } list($php_major_version, $php_minor_version) = explode('.', $version); $this->codebase->php_major_version = (int) $php_major_version; $this->codebase->php_minor_version = (int) $php_minor_version; } /** * @param array $issues * @throws UnsupportedIssueToFixException * * @return void */ public function setIssuesToFix(array $issues) { $supported_issues_to_fix = static::getSupportedIssuesToFix(); $unsupportedIssues = array_diff(array_keys($issues), $supported_issues_to_fix); if (! empty($unsupportedIssues)) { throw new UnsupportedIssueToFixException( 'Psalm doesn\'t know how to fix issue(s): ' . implode(', ', $unsupportedIssues) . PHP_EOL . 'Supported issues to fix are: ' . implode(',', $supported_issues_to_fix) ); } $this->issues_to_fix = $issues; } public function setAllIssuesToFix(): void { /** @var array $keyed_issues */ $keyed_issues = array_fill_keys(static::getSupportedIssuesToFix(), true); $this->setIssuesToFix($keyed_issues); } /** * @return array * * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUnusedMethod - need to fix #422 */ public function getIssuesToFix() { return $this->issues_to_fix; } /** * @return Codebase */ public function getCodebase() { return $this->codebase; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * * @return FileAnalyzer */ public function getFileAnalyzerForClassLike($fq_class_name) { $fq_class_name_lc = strtolower($fq_class_name); $file_path = $this->codebase->scanner->getClassLikeFilePath($fq_class_name_lc); $file_analyzer = new FileAnalyzer( $this, $file_path, $this->config->shortenFileName($file_path) ); return $file_analyzer; } /** * @param string $original_method_id * @param Context $this_context * * @return void */ public function getMethodMutations( $original_method_id, Context $this_context, string $root_file_path, string $root_file_name ) { list($fq_class_name) = explode('::', $original_method_id); $appearing_method_id = $this->codebase->methods->getAppearingMethodId($original_method_id); if (!$appearing_method_id) { // this can happen for some abstract classes implementing (but not fully) interfaces return; } list($appearing_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $appearing_method_id); $appearing_class_storage = $this->classlike_storage_provider->get($appearing_fq_class_name); if (!$appearing_class_storage->user_defined) { return; } $file_analyzer = $this->getFileAnalyzerForClassLike($fq_class_name); $file_analyzer->setRootFilePath($root_file_path, $root_file_name); if (strtolower($appearing_fq_class_name) !== strtolower($fq_class_name)) { $file_analyzer = $this->getFileAnalyzerForClassLike($appearing_fq_class_name); } $stmts = $this->codebase->getStatementsForFile( $file_analyzer->getFilePath() ); $file_analyzer->populateCheckers($stmts); if (!$this_context->self) { $this_context->self = $fq_class_name; $this_context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = Type::parseString($fq_class_name); } $file_analyzer->getMethodMutations($appearing_method_id, $this_context, true); $file_analyzer->class_analyzers_to_analyze = []; $file_analyzer->interface_analyzers_to_analyze = []; $file_analyzer->clearSourceBeforeDestruction(); } public function getFunctionLikeAnalyzer(string $method_id, string $file_path) : ?FunctionLikeAnalyzer { $file_analyzer = new FileAnalyzer( $this, $file_path, $this->config->shortenFileName($file_path) ); $stmts = $this->codebase->getStatementsForFile( $file_analyzer->getFilePath() ); $file_analyzer->populateCheckers($stmts); $function_analyzer = $file_analyzer->getFunctionLikeAnalyzer($method_id); $file_analyzer->class_analyzers_to_analyze = []; $file_analyzer->interface_analyzers_to_analyze = []; return $function_analyzer; } /** * Adapted from https://gist.github.com/divinity76/01ef9ca99c111565a72d3a8a6e42f7fb * returns number of cpu cores * Copyleft 2018, license: WTFPL * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws \LogicException * @return int * @psalm-suppress ForbiddenCode */ public static function getCpuCount(): int { if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR')) { /* $str = trim((string) shell_exec('wmic cpu get NumberOfCores 2>&1')); if (!preg_match('/(\d+)/', $str, $matches)) { throw new \RuntimeException('wmic failed to get number of cpu cores on windows!'); } return ((int) $matches [1]); */ return 1; } if (!extension_loaded('pcntl')) { return 1; } $has_nproc = trim((string) @shell_exec('command -v nproc')); if ($has_nproc) { $ret = @shell_exec('nproc'); if (is_string($ret)) { $ret = trim($ret); /** @var int|false */ $tmp = filter_var($ret, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if (is_int($tmp)) { return $tmp; } } } $ret = @shell_exec('sysctl -n hw.ncpu'); if (is_string($ret)) { $ret = trim($ret); /** @var int|false */ $tmp = filter_var($ret, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if (is_int($tmp)) { return $tmp; } } if (is_readable('/proc/cpuinfo')) { $cpuinfo = file_get_contents('/proc/cpuinfo'); $count = substr_count($cpuinfo, 'processor'); if ($count > 0) { return $count; } } throw new \LogicException('failed to detect number of CPUs!'); } /** * @return array */ public static function getSupportedIssuesToFix(): array { return array_map( /** @param class-string $issue_class */ function (string $issue_class): string { $parts = explode('\\', $issue_class); return end($parts); }, self::SUPPORTED_ISSUES_TO_FIX ); } }