>>|null */ public static function scrapeAssertions( PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional, $this_class_name, FileSource $source, Codebase $codebase = null, bool $inside_negation = false, bool $cache = true ) { $if_types = []; if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_) { $instanceof_types = self::getInstanceOfTypes($conditional, $this_class_name, $source); if ($instanceof_types) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->expr, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [$instanceof_types]; $var_type = $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer ? $source->node_data->getType($conditional->expr) : null; foreach ($instanceof_types as $instanceof_type) { if ($instanceof_type[0] === '=') { $instanceof_type = substr($instanceof_type, 1); } if ($codebase && $var_type && $inside_negation && $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer ) { if ($codebase->interfaceExists($instanceof_type)) { continue; } $instanceof_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TNamedObject($instanceof_type) ]); if (!TypeAnalyzer::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical( $codebase, $instanceof_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType( $var_type->getId() . ' does not contain ' . $instanceof_type, new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type->getId() . ' cannot be identical to ' . $instanceof_type, new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } } } return $if_types; } $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; if (!$conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall && !$conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall ) { return $if_types; } } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->var, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; } return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BooleanNot) { $expr_assertions = null; if ($cache && $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { $expr_assertions = $source->node_data->getAssertions($conditional->expr); } if ($expr_assertions === null) { $expr_assertions = self::scrapeAssertions( $conditional->expr, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, !$inside_negation, $cache ); if ($cache && $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { $source->node_data->setAssertions($conditional->expr, $expr_assertions); } } if ($expr_assertions === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Assertions should be set'); } $if_types = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::negateTypes($expr_assertions); return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal ) { $if_types = self::scrapeEqualityAssertions( $conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, false, $cache ); return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual ) { $if_types = self::scrapeInequalityAssertions( $conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, false, $cache ); return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual ) { $min_count = null; $count_equality_position = self::hasNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck($conditional, $min_count); $typed_value_position = self::hasTypedValueComparison($conditional, $source); if ($count_equality_position) { if ($count_equality_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $counted_expr = $conditional->left; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$count_equality_position value'); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $counted_expr */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $counted_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if (self::hasReconcilableNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck($conditional)) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['non-empty-countable']]; } else { if ($min_count) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=has-at-least-' . $min_count]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=non-empty-countable']]; } } } return $if_types; } if ($typed_value_position) { if ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->right */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->left, $this_class_name, $source ); } elseif ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $var_name = null; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$typed_value_position value'); } if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=isset']]; } return $if_types; } return []; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual ) { $min_count = null; $count_equality_position = self::hasNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck($conditional, $min_count); $typed_value_position = self::hasTypedValueComparison($conditional, $source); if ($count_equality_position) { if ($count_equality_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $count_expr = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$count_equality_position value'); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $count_expr */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $count_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($min_count) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=has-at-least-' . $min_count]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=non-empty-countable']]; } } return $if_types; } if ($typed_value_position) { if ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $var_name = null; } elseif ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->left */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->right, $this_class_name, $source ); } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$typed_value_position value'); } if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=isset']]; } return $if_types; } return []; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $if_types = self::processFunctionCall($conditional, $this_class_name, $source, false); return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall ) { $custom_assertions = self::processCustomAssertion($conditional, $this_class_name, $source, false); if ($custom_assertions) { return $custom_assertions; } return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Empty_) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->expr, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['empty']]; } return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Isset_) { foreach ($conditional->vars as $isset_var) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $isset_var, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['isset']]; } else { // look for any variables we *can* use for an isset assertion $array_root = $isset_var; while ($array_root instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch && !$var_name) { $array_root = $array_root->var; $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $array_root, $this_class_name, $source ); } if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=isset']]; } } } return $if_types; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->left, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['isset']]; } else { // look for any variables we *can* use for an isset assertion $array_root = $conditional->left; while ($array_root instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch && !$var_name) { $array_root = $array_root->var; $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $array_root, $this_class_name, $source ); } if ($var_name) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=isset']]; } } return $if_types; } return []; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical|PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal $conditional * @param string|null $this_class_name * * @return array>> */ private static function scrapeEqualityAssertions( PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional, $this_class_name, FileSource $source, Codebase $codebase = null, bool $inside_negation = false, bool $cache = true ) { if (!$source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { return []; } $if_types = []; $null_position = self::hasNullVariable($conditional); $false_position = self::hasFalseVariable($conditional); $true_position = self::hasTrueVariable($conditional); $empty_array_position = self::hasEmptyArrayVariable($conditional); $gettype_position = self::hasGetTypeCheck($conditional); $getclass_position = self::hasGetClassCheck($conditional, $source); $min_count = null; $count_equality_position = self::hasNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck($conditional, $min_count); $typed_value_position = self::hasTypedValueComparison($conditional, $source); if ($null_position !== null) { if ($null_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($null_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$null_position value'); } $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['null']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['falsy']]; } } if ($codebase && $var_type && $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical ) { $null_type = Type::getNull(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $null_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $null_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type . ' does not contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainNull( $var_type . ' does not contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } return $if_types; } if ($true_position) { if ($true_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($true_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unrecognised position'); } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($base_conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $if_types = self::processFunctionCall( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, false ); } else { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['true']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; } } else { $base_assertions = null; if ($cache) { $base_assertions = $source->node_data->getAssertions($base_conditional); } if ($base_assertions === null) { $base_assertions = self::scrapeAssertions( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, $inside_negation, $cache ); if ($cache) { $source->node_data->setAssertions($base_conditional, $base_assertions); } } if ($base_assertions === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Assertions should be set'); } $if_types = $base_assertions; } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $true_type = Type::getTrue(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $true_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $true_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type . ' does not contain true', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainType( $var_type . ' does not contain true', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($false_position) { if ($false_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($false_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$false_position value'); } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($base_conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $if_types = self::processFunctionCall( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, true ); } else { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['false']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['falsy']]; } } elseif ($var_type) { $base_assertions = null; if ($cache) { $base_assertions = $source->node_data->getAssertions($base_conditional); } if ($base_assertions === null) { $base_assertions = self::scrapeAssertions( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, $inside_negation, $cache ); if ($cache) { $source->node_data->setAssertions($base_conditional, $base_assertions); } } if ($base_assertions === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Assertions should be set'); } $notif_types = $base_assertions; if (count($notif_types) === 1) { $if_types = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::negateTypes($notif_types); } } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $false_type = Type::getFalse(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $false_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $false_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type . ' does not contain false', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainType( $var_type . ' does not contain false', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($empty_array_position !== null) { if ($empty_array_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($empty_array_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$empty_array_position value'); } $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!non-empty-countable']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['falsy']]; } } if ($codebase && $var_type && $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical ) { $null_type = Type::getEmptyArray(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $null_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $null_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type . ' does not contain an empty array', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainType( $var_type . ' does not contain empty array', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } return $if_types; } if ($gettype_position) { if ($gettype_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $string_expr = $conditional->left; $gettype_expr = $conditional->right; } elseif ($gettype_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $string_expr = $conditional->right; $gettype_expr = $conditional->left; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$gettype_position value'); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $gettype_expr */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $gettype_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); /** @var PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ $string_expr */ $var_type = $string_expr->value; if (!isset(ClassLikeAnalyzer::GETTYPE_TYPES[$var_type])) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnevaluatedCode( 'gettype cannot return this value', new CodeLocation($source, $string_expr) ) )) { // fall through } } else { if ($var_name && $var_type) { $if_types[$var_name] = [[$var_type]]; } } return $if_types; } if ($count_equality_position) { if ($count_equality_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $count_expr = $conditional->left; } elseif ($count_equality_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $count_expr = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$count_equality_position value'); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $count_expr */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $count_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($min_count) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=has-at-least-' . $min_count]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=non-empty-countable']]; } } return $if_types; } if ($getclass_position) { if ($getclass_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->left; $getclass_expr = $conditional->right; } elseif ($getclass_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->right; $getclass_expr = $conditional->left; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$getclass_position value'); } if ($getclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $getclass_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); } else { $var_name = '$this'; } if ($whichclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $whichclass_expr->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name ) { $var_type = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $whichclass_expr->class, $source->getAliases() ); if ($var_type === 'self') { $var_type = $this_class_name; } elseif ($var_type === 'parent' || $var_type === 'static') { $var_type = null; } if ($var_type) { if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $source, $var_type, new CodeLocation($source, $whichclass_expr), $source->getSuppressedIssues(), false ) === false ) { return $if_types; } } if ($var_name && $var_type) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=getclass-' . $var_type]]; } } else { $type = $source->node_data->getType($whichclass_expr); if ($type && $var_name) { foreach ($type->getAtomicTypes() as $type_part) { if ($type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParamClass) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=' . $type_part->param_name]]; } } } } return $if_types; } if ($typed_value_position) { if ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->right */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->left, $this_class_name, $source ); $other_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); } elseif ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->left */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->right, $this_class_name, $source ); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $other_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$typed_value_position value'); } if ($var_name && $var_type) { $identical = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || ($other_type && (($var_type->isString() && $other_type->isString()) || ($var_type->isInt() && $other_type->isInt()) || ($var_type->isFloat() && $other_type->isFloat()) ) ); if ($identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['=' . $var_type->getAssertionString()]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['~' . $var_type->getAssertionString()]]; } } if ($codebase && $other_type && $var_type && $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical ) { $parent_source = $source->getSource(); if ($parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer && (($var_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $var_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name) || ($other_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $other_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name)) ) { // do nothing } elseif (!TypeAnalyzer::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical( $codebase, $other_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock || $other_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type->getId() . ' does not contain ' . $other_type->getId(), new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainType( $var_type->getId() . ' cannot be identical to ' . $other_type->getId(), new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } return $if_types; } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $other_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); if ($codebase && $var_type && $other_type && $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical ) { if (!TypeAnalyzer::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical($codebase, $var_type, $other_type)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeDoesNotContainType( $var_type->getId() . ' cannot be identical to ' . $other_type->getId(), new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } return []; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical|PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual $conditional * @param string|null $this_class_name * * @return array>> */ private static function scrapeInequalityAssertions( PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional, $this_class_name, FileSource $source, Codebase $codebase = null, bool $inside_negation = false, bool $cache = true ) { if (!$source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { return []; } $if_types = []; $null_position = self::hasNullVariable($conditional); $false_position = self::hasFalseVariable($conditional); $true_position = self::hasTrueVariable($conditional); $empty_array_position = self::hasEmptyArrayVariable($conditional); $gettype_position = self::hasGetTypeCheck($conditional); $getclass_position = self::hasGetClassCheck($conditional, $source); $typed_value_position = self::hasTypedValueComparison($conditional, $source); if ($null_position !== null) { if ($null_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($null_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Bad null variable position'); } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($base_conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign) { $var_name = '=' . $var_name; } if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!null']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $null_type = Type::getNull(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $null_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $null_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType( 'Docblock-asserted type ' . $var_type . ' can never contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type . ' can never contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($false_position) { if ($false_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($false_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Bad false variable position'); } $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!false']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; } } elseif ($var_type) { $base_assertions = null; if ($cache) { $base_assertions = $source->node_data->getAssertions($base_conditional); } if ($base_assertions === null) { $base_assertions = self::scrapeAssertions( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, $inside_negation, $cache ); if ($cache) { $source->node_data->setAssertions($base_conditional, $base_assertions); } } if ($base_assertions === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Assertions should be set'); } $notif_types = $base_assertions; if (count($notif_types) === 1) { $if_types = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::negateTypes($notif_types); } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $false_type = Type::getFalse(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $false_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $false_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType( 'Docblock-asserted type ' . $var_type . ' can never contain false', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type . ' can never contain false', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($true_position) { if ($true_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($true_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Bad null variable position'); } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); if ($base_conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $if_types = self::processFunctionCall( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, true ); } else { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!true']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['falsy']]; } } elseif ($var_type) { $base_assertions = null; if ($cache) { $base_assertions = $source->node_data->getAssertions($base_conditional); } if ($base_assertions === null) { $base_assertions = self::scrapeAssertions( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source, $codebase, $inside_negation, $cache ); if ($cache) { $source->node_data->setAssertions($base_conditional, $base_assertions); } } if ($base_assertions === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Assertions should be set'); } $notif_types = $base_assertions; if (count($notif_types) === 1) { $if_types = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::negateTypes($notif_types); } } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $true_type = Type::getTrue(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $true_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $true_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType( 'Docblock-asserted type ' . $var_type . ' can never contain true', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type . ' can never contain ' . $true_type, new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($empty_array_position !== null) { if ($empty_array_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->left; } elseif ($empty_array_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $base_conditional = $conditional->right; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Bad empty array variable position'); } $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($base_conditional); $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $base_conditional, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_name) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['non-empty-countable']]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!falsy']]; } } if ($codebase && $var_type) { if ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical) { $empty_array_type = Type::getEmptyArray(); if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $var_type, $empty_array_type ) && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $empty_array_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType( 'Docblock-asserted type ' . $var_type . ' can never contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type . ' can never contain null', new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } if ($gettype_position) { if ($gettype_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->left; $gettype_expr = $conditional->right; } elseif ($gettype_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->right; $gettype_expr = $conditional->left; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$gettype_position value'); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $gettype_expr */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $gettype_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($whichclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $var_type = $whichclass_expr->value; } elseif ($whichclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $whichclass_expr->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name ) { $var_type = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $whichclass_expr->class, $source->getAliases() ); } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Shouldn’t get here'); } if (!isset(ClassLikeAnalyzer::GETTYPE_TYPES[$var_type])) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnevaluatedCode( 'gettype cannot return this value', new CodeLocation($source, $whichclass_expr) ) )) { // fall through } } else { if ($var_name && $var_type) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!' . $var_type]]; } } return $if_types; } if ($getclass_position) { if ($getclass_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->left; $getclass_expr = $conditional->right; } elseif ($getclass_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { $whichclass_expr = $conditional->right; $getclass_expr = $conditional->left; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$getclass_position value'); } if ($getclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $getclass_expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); } else { $var_name = '$this'; } if ($whichclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $var_type = $whichclass_expr->value; } elseif ($whichclass_expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $whichclass_expr->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name ) { $var_type = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $whichclass_expr->class, $source->getAliases() ); if ($var_type === 'self') { $var_type = $this_class_name; } elseif ($var_type === 'parent' || $var_type === 'static') { $var_type = null; } } else { $type = $source->node_data->getType($whichclass_expr); if ($type && $var_name) { foreach ($type->getAtomicTypes() as $type_part) { if ($type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParamClass) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!=' . $type_part->param_name]]; } } } return $if_types; } if ($var_type && ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $source, $var_type, new CodeLocation($source, $whichclass_expr), $source->getSuppressedIssues(), false ) === false ) { // fall through } else { if ($var_name && $var_type) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!=getclass-' . $var_type]]; } } return $if_types; } if ($typed_value_position) { if ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->right */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->left, $this_class_name, $source ); $other_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); } elseif ($typed_value_position === self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT) { /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr $conditional->left */ $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $conditional->right, $this_class_name, $source ); $var_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $other_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$typed_value_position value'); } if ($var_type) { if ($var_name) { $not_identical = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical || ($other_type && (($var_type->isString() && $other_type->isString()) || ($var_type->isInt() && $other_type->isInt()) || ($var_type->isFloat() && $other_type->isFloat()) ) ); if ($not_identical) { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!=' . $var_type->getAssertionString()]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [['!~' . $var_type->getAssertionString()]]; } } if ($codebase && $other_type && $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical ) { $parent_source = $source->getSource(); if ($parent_source->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer && (($var_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $var_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name) || ($other_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $other_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name)) ) { // do nothing } elseif (!TypeAnalyzer::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical( $codebase, $other_type, $var_type )) { if ($var_type->from_docblock || $other_type->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DocblockTypeContradiction( $var_type . ' can never contain ' . $other_type, new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new RedundantCondition( $var_type->getId() . ' can never contain ' . $other_type->getId(), new CodeLocation($source, $conditional) ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } return $if_types; } return []; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $expr * @param string|null $this_class_name * @param FileSource $source * @param bool $negate * * @return array>> */ public static function processFunctionCall( PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $expr, $this_class_name, FileSource $source, $negate = false ) { $prefix = $negate ? '!' : ''; $first_var_name = isset($expr->args[0]->value) ? ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ) : null; $if_types = []; if (self::hasNullCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'null']]; } } elseif (self::hasIsACheck($expr) && $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { if ($expr->args[0]->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $expr->args[0]->value->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($expr->args[0]->value->name->name) === 'class' && $expr->args[0]->value->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && count($expr->args[0]->value->class->parts) === 1 && strtolower($expr->args[0]->value->class->parts[0]) === 'static' ) { $first_var_name = '$this'; } if ($first_var_name) { $second_arg = $expr->args[1]->value; $third_arg = isset($expr->args[2]->value) ? $expr->args[2]->value : null; if ($third_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch) { if (!in_array(strtolower($third_arg->name->parts[0]), ['true', 'false'])) { return $if_types; } $third_arg_value = strtolower($third_arg->name->parts[0]); } else { $third_arg_value = $expr->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($expr->name->parts[0]) === 'is_subclass_of' ? 'true' : 'false'; } $is_a_prefix = $third_arg_value === 'true' ? 'isa-string-' : 'isa-'; if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $fq_class_name = $second_arg->value; if ($fq_class_name[0] === '\\') { $fq_class_name = substr($fq_class_name, 1); } $first_arg = $expr->args[0]->value; if ($first_arg && ($first_arg_type = $source->node_data->getType($first_arg)) && $first_arg_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $source->getSource()->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer && $first_arg_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name ) { // do nothing } else { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . $is_a_prefix . $fq_class_name]]; } } elseif ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $second_arg->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $second_arg->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($second_arg->name->name) === 'class' ) { $first_arg = $expr->args[0]->value; if ($first_arg && ($first_arg_type = $source->node_data->getType($first_arg)) && $first_arg_type->isSingleStringLiteral() && $source->getSource()->getSource() instanceof \Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\TraitAnalyzer && $first_arg_type->getSingleStringLiteral()->value === $this_class_name ) { // do nothing } else { $class_node = $second_arg->class; if ($class_node->parts === ['static'] || $class_node->parts === ['self']) { if ($this_class_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . $is_a_prefix . $this_class_name]]; } } elseif ($class_node->parts === ['parent']) { // do nothing } else { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[ $prefix . $is_a_prefix . ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $class_node, $source->getAliases() ) ]]; } } } } } elseif (self::hasArrayCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'array']]; } } elseif (self::hasBoolCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'bool']]; } } elseif (self::hasStringCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'string']]; } } elseif (self::hasObjectCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'object']]; } } elseif (self::hasNumericCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'numeric']]; } } elseif (self::hasIntCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'int']]; } } elseif (self::hasFloatCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'float']]; } } elseif (self::hasResourceCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'resource']]; } } elseif (self::hasScalarCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'scalar']]; } } elseif (self::hasCallableCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'callable']]; } } elseif (self::hasIterableCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'iterable']]; } } elseif (self::hasCountableCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'countable']]; } } elseif ($class_exists_check_type = self::hasClassExistsCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { if ($class_exists_check_type === 2) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'class-string']]; } elseif (!$prefix) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [['=class-string']]; } } } elseif ($class_exists_check_type = self::hasTraitExistsCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { if ($class_exists_check_type === 2) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'trait-string']]; } elseif (!$prefix) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [['=trait-string']]; } } } elseif (self::hasInterfaceExistsCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'interface-string']]; } } elseif (self::hasFunctionExistsCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'callable-string']]; } } elseif ($expr->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($expr->name->parts[0]) === 'method_exists' && isset($expr->args[1]) && $expr->args[1]->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ ) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'hasmethod-' . $expr->args[1]->value->value]]; } } elseif (self::hasInArrayCheck($expr) && $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { if ($first_var_name && ($second_arg_type = $source->node_data->getType($expr->args[1]->value)) ) { foreach ($second_arg_type->getAtomicTypes() as $atomic_type) { if ($atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TArray || $atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike ) { if ($atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $atomic_type = $atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $array_literal_types = array_merge( $atomic_type->type_params[1]->getLiteralStrings(), $atomic_type->type_params[1]->getLiteralInts(), $atomic_type->type_params[1]->getLiteralFloats() ); if ($array_literal_types && count($atomic_type->type_params[1]->getAtomicTypes()) ) { $literal_assertions = []; foreach ($array_literal_types as $array_literal_type) { $literal_assertions[] = '=' . $array_literal_type->getId(); } if ($negate) { $if_types = \Psalm\Type\Algebra::negateTypes([ $first_var_name => [$literal_assertions] ]); } else { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [$literal_assertions]; } } } } } } elseif (self::hasArrayKeyExistsCheck($expr)) { $array_root = isset($expr->args[1]->value) ? ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->args[1]->value, $this_class_name, $source ) : null; if ($first_var_name === null && isset($expr->args[0])) { $first_arg = $expr->args[0]; if ($first_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { $first_var_name = '\'' . $first_arg->value->value . '\''; } elseif ($first_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber) { $first_var_name = (string) $first_arg->value->value; } } if ($first_var_name !== null && $array_root && !strpos($first_var_name, '->') && !strpos($first_var_name, '[') ) { $if_types[$array_root . '[' . $first_var_name . ']'] = [[$prefix . 'array-key-exists']]; } } elseif (self::hasNonEmptyCountCheck($expr)) { if ($first_var_name) { $if_types[$first_var_name] = [[$prefix . 'non-empty-countable']]; } } else { $if_types = self::processCustomAssertion($expr, $this_class_name, $source, $negate); } return $if_types; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall|PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall|PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall $expr * @param string|null $this_class_name * @param FileSource $source * @param bool $negate * * @return array>> */ protected static function processCustomAssertion( $expr, $this_class_name, FileSource $source, $negate = false ) { if (!$source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { return []; } $if_true_assertions = $source->node_data->getIfTrueAssertions($expr); $if_false_assertions = $source->node_data->getIfFalseAssertions($expr); if ($if_true_assertions === null && $if_false_assertions === null) { return []; } $prefix = $negate ? '!' : ''; $first_var_name = isset($expr->args[0]->value) ? ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->args[0]->value, $this_class_name, $source ) : null; $if_types = []; if ($if_true_assertions) { foreach ($if_true_assertions as $assertion) { if (is_int($assertion->var_id) && isset($expr->args[$assertion->var_id])) { if ($assertion->var_id === 0) { $var_name = $first_var_name; } else { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->args[$assertion->var_id]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); } if ($var_name) { if ($prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$var_name] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [[$prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } elseif ($assertion->var_id === '$this' && $expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall) { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->var, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_id) { if ($prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$var_id] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$var_id] = [[$prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } elseif (\is_string($assertion->var_id) && $expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall ) { if ($prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$assertion->var_id] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$assertion->var_id] = [[$prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } } if ($if_false_assertions) { $negated_prefix = !$negate ? '!' : ''; foreach ($if_false_assertions as $assertion) { if (is_int($assertion->var_id) && isset($expr->args[$assertion->var_id])) { if ($assertion->var_id === 0) { $var_name = $first_var_name; } else { $var_name = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->args[$assertion->var_id]->value, $this_class_name, $source ); } if ($var_name) { if ($negated_prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$var_name] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$var_name] = [[$negated_prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } elseif ($assertion->var_id === '$this' && $expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall) { $var_id = ExpressionAnalyzer::getArrayVarId( $expr->var, $this_class_name, $source ); if ($var_id) { if ($negated_prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$var_id] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$var_id] = [[$negated_prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } elseif (\is_string($assertion->var_id) && $expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall ) { if ($prefix === $assertion->rule[0][0][0]) { $if_types[$assertion->var_id] = [[substr($assertion->rule[0][0], 1)]]; } else { $if_types[$assertion->var_id] = [[$negated_prefix . $assertion->rule[0][0]]]; } } } } return $if_types; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_ $stmt * @param string|null $this_class_name * @param FileSource $source * * @return list */ protected static function getInstanceOfTypes( PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_ $stmt, $this_class_name, FileSource $source ) { if ($stmt->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name) { if (!in_array(strtolower($stmt->class->parts[0]), ['self', 'static', 'parent'], true)) { $instanceof_class = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $stmt->class, $source->getAliases() ); return [$instanceof_class]; } elseif ($this_class_name && (in_array(strtolower($stmt->class->parts[0]), ['self', 'static'], true)) ) { if ($stmt->class->parts[0] === 'static') { return ['=' . $this_class_name]; } return [$this_class_name]; } } elseif ($source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { $stmt_class_type = $source->node_data->getType($stmt->class); if ($stmt_class_type) { $literal_class_strings = []; foreach ($stmt_class_type->getAtomicTypes() as $atomic_type) { if ($atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TLiteralClassString) { $literal_class_strings[] = $atomic_type->value; } elseif ($atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TTemplateParamClass) { $literal_class_strings[] = $atomic_type->param_name; } } return $literal_class_strings; } } return []; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return int|null */ protected static function hasNullVariable(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { if ($conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'null' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if ($conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'null' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return int|null */ public static function hasFalseVariable(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { if ($conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'false' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if ($conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'false' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return int|null */ protected static function hasTrueVariable(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { if ($conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'true' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if ($conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'true' ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return int|null */ protected static function hasEmptyArrayVariable(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { if ($conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ && !$conditional->right->items ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if ($conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ && !$conditional->left->items ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return null; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return false|int */ protected static function hasGetTypeCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { if ($conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'gettype' && $conditional->right->args && $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if ($conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'gettype' && $conditional->left->args && $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return false|int */ protected static function hasGetClassCheck( PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional, FileSource $source ) { if (!$source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { return false; } $right_get_class = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'get_class'; $right_static_class = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $conditional->right->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $conditional->right->class->parts === ['static'] && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($conditional->right->name->name) === 'class'; $left_class_string = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $conditional->left->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($conditional->left->name->name) === 'class'; $left_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left); $left_class_string_t = false; if ($left_type && $left_type->isSingle()) { foreach ($left_type->getAtomicTypes() as $type_part) { if ($type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TClassString) { $left_class_string_t = true; } } } if (($right_get_class || $right_static_class) && ($left_class_string || $left_class_string_t)) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } $left_get_class = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'get_class'; $left_static_class = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $conditional->left->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $conditional->left->class->parts === ['static'] && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($conditional->left->name->name) === 'class'; $right_class_string = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $conditional->right->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($conditional->right->name->name) === 'class'; $right_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right); $right_class_string_t = false; if ($right_type && $right_type->isSingle()) { foreach ($right_type->getAtomicTypes() as $type_part) { if ($type_part instanceof Type\Atomic\TClassString) { $right_class_string_t = true; } } } if (($left_get_class || $left_static_class) && ($right_class_string || $right_class_string_t)) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return false|int */ protected static function hasNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck( PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional, ?int &$min_count ) { $left_count = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'count' && $conditional->left->args; $operator_greater_than_or_equal = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual; if ($left_count && $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $operator_greater_than_or_equal && $conditional->right->value >= ( $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater ? 0 : 1 ) ) { $min_count = $conditional->right->value + ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater ? 1 : 0); return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } $right_count = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'count' && $conditional->right->args; $operator_less_than_or_equal = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual; if ($right_count && $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $operator_less_than_or_equal && $conditional->left->value >= ( $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller ? 0 : 1 ) ) { $min_count = $conditional->left->value + ($conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller ? 1 : 0); return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return false|int */ protected static function hasReconcilableNonEmptyCountEqualityCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional) { $left_count = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->left->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->left->name->parts[0]) === 'count'; $right_number = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $conditional->right->value === ( $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater ? 0 : 1); $operator_greater_than_or_equal = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual; if ($left_count && $right_number && $operator_greater_than_or_equal) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } $right_count = $conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $conditional->right->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($conditional->right->name->parts[0]) === 'count'; $left_number = $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $conditional->left->value === ( $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller ? 0 : 1); $operator_less_than_or_equal = $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller || $conditional instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual; if ($right_count && $left_number && $operator_less_than_or_equal) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional * * @return false|int */ protected static function hasTypedValueComparison( PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp $conditional, FileSource $source ) { if (!$source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer) { return false; } if (($right_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->right)) && ((!$conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable && !$conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch && !$conditional->right instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch) || $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable || $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch || $conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch) && count($right_type->getAtomicTypes()) === 1 && !$right_type->hasMixed() ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_RIGHT; } if (($left_type = $source->node_data->getType($conditional->left)) && !$conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable && !$conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch && !$conditional->left instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch && count($left_type->getAtomicTypes()) === 1 && !$left_type->hasMixed() ) { return self::ASSIGNMENT_TO_LEFT; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasNullCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_null') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasIsACheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && (strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_a' || strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_subclass_of') && isset($stmt->args[1]) ) { $second_arg = $stmt->args[1]->value; if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ || ( $second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch && $second_arg->class instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $second_arg->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && strtolower($second_arg->name->name) === 'class' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasArrayCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_array') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasStringCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_string') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasBoolCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_bool') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasObjectCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['is_object']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasNumericCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['is_numeric']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasIterableCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_iterable') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasCountableCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'is_countable') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return 0|1|2 */ protected static function hasClassExistsCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'class_exists' ) { if (!isset($stmt->args[1])) { return 2; } $second_arg = $stmt->args[1]->value; if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($second_arg->name->parts[0]) === 'true' ) { return 2; } return 1; } return 0; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return 0|1|2 */ protected static function hasTraitExistsCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'trait_exists' ) { if (!isset($stmt->args[1])) { return 2; } $second_arg = $stmt->args[1]->value; if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($second_arg->name->parts[0]) === 'true' ) { return 2; } return 1; } return 0; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasInterfaceExistsCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'interface_exists' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasFunctionExistsCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && strtolower($stmt->name->parts[0]) === 'function_exists') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasIntCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && ($stmt->name->parts === ['is_int'] || $stmt->name->parts === ['is_integer'] || $stmt->name->parts === ['is_long']) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasFloatCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && ($stmt->name->parts === ['is_float'] || $stmt->name->parts === ['is_real'] || $stmt->name->parts === ['is_double']) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasResourceCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['is_resource']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasScalarCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['is_scalar']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasCallableCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['is_callable']) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasInArrayCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['in_array'] && isset($stmt->args[2]) ) { $second_arg = $stmt->args[2]->value; if ($second_arg instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower($second_arg->name->parts[0]) === 'true' ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasNonEmptyCountCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['count'] ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt * * @return bool */ protected static function hasArrayKeyExistsCheck(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $stmt) { if ($stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->name->parts === ['array_key_exists']) { return true; } return false; } }