# File-based plugins Psalm can be extended through plugins to find domain-specific issues. All plugins must extend `Psalm\Plugin` ```php ``` # Composer-based plugins Composer-based plugins provide easier way to manage and distribute your plugins. ## Using composer-based plugins ### Discovering plugins Plugins can be found on Packagist by `type=psalm-plugin` query: https://packagist.org/packages/list.json?type=psalm-plugin ### Installing plugins `composer require --dev plugin-vendor/plugin-package` ### Managing known plugins Once installed, you can use `psalm-plugin` tool to enable, disable and show available and enabled plugins. To enable the plugin, run `psalm-plugin enable plugin-vendor/plugin-package`. To disable it, run `psalm-plugin disable plugin-vendor/plugin-package`. `psalm-plugin show` (as well as bare `psalm-plugin`) will show you the list of enabled plugins, and the list of plugins known to `psalm-plugin` (installed into your `vendor` folder) ## Authoring composer-based plugins ### Requirements Composer-based plugin is a composer package which conforms to these requirements: 1. Its `type` field is set to `psalm-plugin` 2. It has `extra.psalm.pluginClass` subkey in its `composer.json` that reference an entry-point class that will be invoked to register the plugin into Psalm runtime. 3. Entry-point class implements `Psalm\PluginApi\PluginEntryPointInterface` ### Using skeleton project Run `composer create-project weirdan/psalm-plugin-skeleton:dev-master your-plugin-name` to quickly bootstrap a new plugin project in `your-plugin-name` folder. Make sure you adjust namespaces in `composer.json`, `Plugin.php` and `tests` folder. ### Upgrading file-based plugin to composer-based version Create new plugin project using skeleton, then pass the class name of you file-based plugin to `registerHooksFromClass()` method of the `Psalm\PluginApi\RegistrationInterface` instance that was passed into your plugin entry point's `__invoke()` method. See the [conversion example](https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/examples/composer-based/echo-checker/). ### Registering stub files Use `Psalm\PluginApi\RegistrationInterface::addStubFile()`. See the [sample plugin] (https://github.com/weirdan/psalm-doctrine-collections/). Stub files provide a way to override third-party type information when you cannot add Psalm's extended docblocks to the upstream source files directly.