var, $context) === false) { return false; } if (!$stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier) { if (ExpressionChecker::analyze($statements_checker, $stmt->name, $context) === false) { return false; } } $method_id = null; if ($stmt->var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable) { if (is_string($stmt->var->name) && $stmt->var->name === 'this' && !$statements_checker->getFQCLN()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidScope( 'Use of $this in non-class context', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } $var_id = ExpressionChecker::getVarId( $stmt->var, $statements_checker->getFQCLN(), $statements_checker ); $class_type = $var_id && $context->hasVariable($var_id, $statements_checker) ? $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] : null; if (isset($stmt->var->inferredType)) { $class_type = $stmt->var->inferredType; } elseif (!$class_type) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); } $source = $statements_checker->getSource(); if (!$context->check_methods || !$context->check_classes) { return null; } $has_mock = false; if ($class_type && $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && $class_type->isNull()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NullReference( 'Cannot call method ' . $stmt->name->name . ' on null variable ' . $var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt->var) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return null; } if ($class_type && $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && $class_type->isNullable() && !$class_type->ignore_nullable_issues ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyNullReference( 'Cannot call method ' . $stmt->name->name . ' on possibly null variable ' . $var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt->var) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } if ($class_type && $stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier && $class_type->isFalsable() && !$class_type->ignore_falsable_issues ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyFalseReference( 'Cannot call method ' . $stmt->name->name . ' on possibly false variable ' . $var_id, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt->var) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } $config = Config::getInstance(); $project_checker = $statements_checker->getFileChecker()->project_checker; $codebase = $project_checker->codebase; $non_existent_method_ids = []; $existent_method_ids = []; $invalid_method_call_types = []; $has_valid_method_call_type = false; $code_location = new CodeLocation($source, $stmt); $returns_by_ref = false; if ($class_type) { $return_type = null; foreach ($class_type->getTypes() as $class_type_part) { if (!$class_type_part instanceof TNamedObject) { switch (get_class($class_type_part)) { case Type\Atomic\TNull::class: case Type\Atomic\TFalse::class: // handled above break; case Type\Atomic\TInt::class: case Type\Atomic\TBool::class: case Type\Atomic\TTrue::class: case Type\Atomic\TArray::class: case Type\Atomic\TString::class: case Type\Atomic\TNumericString::class: case Type\Atomic\TClassString::class: $invalid_method_call_types[] = (string)$class_type_part; break; case Type\Atomic\TMixed::class: case Type\Atomic\TGenericParam::class: case Type\Atomic\TObject::class: $codebase->analyzer->incrementMixedCount($statements_checker->getCheckedFilePath()); if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedMethodCall( 'Cannot call method on a mixed variable ' . $var_id, $code_location ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } $return_type = Type::getMixed(); break; } continue; } $codebase->analyzer->incrementNonMixedCount($statements_checker->getCheckedFilePath()); $has_valid_method_call_type = true; $fq_class_name = $class_type_part->value; $intersection_types = $class_type_part->getIntersectionTypes(); $is_mock = ExpressionChecker::isMock($fq_class_name); $has_mock = $has_mock || $is_mock; if ($fq_class_name === 'static') { $fq_class_name = (string) $context->self; } if ($is_mock || $context->isPhantomClass($fq_class_name) ) { $return_type = Type::getMixed(); continue; } if ($var_id === '$this') { $does_class_exist = true; } else { $does_class_exist = ClassLikeChecker::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $statements_checker, $fq_class_name, $code_location, $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ); } if (!$does_class_exist) { return $does_class_exist; } if ($fq_class_name === 'iterable') { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedMethod( $fq_class_name . ' has no defined methods', $code_location, $fq_class_name . '::' . (!$stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier ? '$method' : $stmt->name->name) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } return; } if (!$stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier) { $return_type = Type::getMixed(); break; } $method_name_lc = strtolower($stmt->name->name); $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name_lc; if ($codebase->methodExists($fq_class_name . '::__call')) { if (!$codebase->methodExists($method_id) || !MethodChecker::isMethodVisible( $method_id, $context->self, $statements_checker->getSource() ) ) { $has_valid_method_call_type = true; $existent_method_ids[] = $method_id; if ($var_id !== '$this') { $class_storage = $project_checker->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); if (isset($class_storage->pseudo_methods[$method_name_lc])) { $pseudo_method_storage = $class_storage->pseudo_methods[$method_name_lc]; if (self::checkFunctionArguments( $statements_checker, $stmt->args, $pseudo_method_storage->params, $method_id, $context ) === false) { return false; } $generic_params = []; if (self::checkFunctionLikeArgumentsMatch( $statements_checker, $stmt->args, null, $pseudo_method_storage->params, $pseudo_method_storage, null, $generic_params, $code_location, $context ) === false) { return false; } if ($pseudo_method_storage->return_type) { $return_type_candidate = clone $pseudo_method_storage->return_type; if (!$return_type) { $return_type = $return_type_candidate; } else { $return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($return_type_candidate, $return_type); } continue; } } } $return_type = Type::getMixed(); continue; } } $source_source = $statements_checker->getSource(); /** * @var \Psalm\Checker\ClassLikeChecker|null */ $classlike_source = $source_source->getSource(); $classlike_source_fqcln = $classlike_source ? $classlike_source->getFQCLN() : null; if ($var_id === '$this' && $context->self && $classlike_source_fqcln) { if ($fq_class_name !== $context->self && $codebase->methodExists($context->self . '::' . $method_name_lc) ) { $method_id = $context->self . '::' . $method_name_lc; $fq_class_name = $context->self; } elseif ($classlike_source instanceof \Psalm\Checker\TraitChecker && $codebase->methodExists($classlike_source_fqcln . '::' . $method_name_lc) ) { $declaring_method_id = (string) $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId( $classlike_source_fqcln . '::' . $method_name_lc ); list($declaring_class) = explode('::', $declaring_method_id); if ($declaring_class === $classlike_source_fqcln) { $method_id = $classlike_source_fqcln . '::' . $method_name_lc; $fq_class_name = $classlike_source_fqcln; } } } if ($intersection_types && !$codebase->methodExists($method_id)) { foreach ($intersection_types as $intersection_type) { $method_id = $intersection_type->value . '::' . $method_name_lc; $fq_class_name = $intersection_type->value; if ($codebase->methodExists($method_id)) { break; } } } $cased_method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $stmt->name->name; if (!$codebase->methodExists($method_id, $code_location)) { if ($config->use_phpdoc_method_when_undefined) { $class_storage = $project_checker->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); if (isset($class_storage->pseudo_methods[$method_name_lc])) { $has_valid_method_call_type = true; $existent_method_ids[] = $method_id; $pseudo_method_storage = $class_storage->pseudo_methods[$method_name_lc]; if (self::checkFunctionArguments( $statements_checker, $stmt->args, $pseudo_method_storage->params, $method_id, $context ) === false) { return false; } $generic_params = []; if (self::checkFunctionLikeArgumentsMatch( $statements_checker, $stmt->args, null, $pseudo_method_storage->params, $pseudo_method_storage, null, $generic_params, $code_location, $context ) === false) { return false; } if ($pseudo_method_storage->return_type) { $return_type_candidate = clone $pseudo_method_storage->return_type; if (!$return_type) { $return_type = $return_type_candidate; } else { $return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($return_type_candidate, $return_type); } continue; } $return_type = Type::getMixed(); continue; } } $non_existent_method_ids[] = $method_id; continue; } $existent_method_ids[] = $method_id; $class_template_params = null; if ($stmt->var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable && ($context->collect_initializations || $context->collect_mutations) && $stmt->var->name === 'this' && $source instanceof FunctionLikeChecker ) { self::collectSpecialInformation($source, $stmt->name->name, $context); } $class_storage = $project_checker->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); if ($class_storage->template_types) { $class_template_params = []; if ($class_type_part instanceof TGenericObject) { $reversed_class_template_types = array_reverse(array_keys($class_storage->template_types)); $provided_type_param_count = count($class_type_part->type_params); foreach ($reversed_class_template_types as $i => $type_name) { if (isset($class_type_part->type_params[$provided_type_param_count - 1 - $i])) { $class_template_params[$type_name] = $class_type_part->type_params[$provided_type_param_count - 1 - $i]; } else { $class_template_params[$type_name] = Type::getMixed(); } } } else { foreach ($class_storage->template_types as $type_name => $_) { if (!$stmt->var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable || $stmt->var->name !== 'this' ) { $class_template_params[$type_name] = Type::getMixed(); } } } } if (self::checkMethodArgs( $method_id, $stmt->args, $class_template_params, $context, $code_location, $statements_checker ) === false) { return false; } switch (strtolower($stmt->name->name)) { case '__tostring': $return_type = Type::getString(); continue; } if ($method_name_lc === '__tostring') { $return_type_candidate = Type::getString(); } elseif (CallMap::inCallMap($cased_method_id)) { if ($class_template_params && isset($class_storage->methods[$method_name_lc]) && ($method_storage = $class_storage->methods[$method_name_lc]) && $method_storage->return_type ) { $return_type_candidate = clone $method_storage->return_type; $return_type_candidate->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $class_template_params ); } else { $return_type_candidate = CallMap::getReturnTypeFromCallMap($method_id); } $return_type_candidate = ExpressionChecker::fleshOutType( $project_checker, $return_type_candidate, $fq_class_name, $fq_class_name ); } else { if (MethodChecker::checkMethodVisibility( $method_id, $context->self, $statements_checker->getSource(), $code_location, $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } if (MethodChecker::checkMethodNotDeprecated( $project_checker, $method_id, $code_location, $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) === false) { return false; } if (!self::checkMagicGetterOrSetterProperty( $statements_checker, $project_checker, $stmt, $fq_class_name )) { return false; } $self_fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; $return_type_candidate = $codebase->methods->getMethodReturnType( $method_id, $self_fq_class_name ); if ($return_type_candidate) { $return_type_candidate = clone $return_type_candidate; if ($class_template_params) { $return_type_candidate->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $class_template_params ); } $return_type_candidate = ExpressionChecker::fleshOutType( $project_checker, $return_type_candidate, $self_fq_class_name, $fq_class_name ); $return_type_location = $codebase->methods->getMethodReturnTypeLocation( $method_id, $secondary_return_type_location ); if ($secondary_return_type_location) { $return_type_location = $secondary_return_type_location; } // only check the type locally if it's defined externally if ($return_type_location && !$config->isInProjectDirs($return_type_location->file_path)) { $return_type_candidate->check( $statements_checker, new CodeLocation($source, $stmt), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues(), $context->getPhantomClasses() ); } } else { $returns_by_ref = $returns_by_ref || $codebase->methods->getMethodReturnsByRef($method_id); } if (strpos($stmt->name->name, 'assert') === 0) { $assertions = $codebase->methods->getMethodAssertions($method_id); if ($assertions) { self::applyAssertionsToContext( $assertions, $stmt->args, $context, $statements_checker ); } } } if ($config->after_method_checks) { $file_manipulations = []; $appearing_method_id = $codebase->methods->getAppearingMethodId($method_id); $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); foreach ($config->after_method_checks as $plugin_fq_class_name) { $plugin_fq_class_name::afterMethodCallCheck( $statements_checker, $method_id, $appearing_method_id, $declaring_method_id, $stmt->args, $code_location, $file_manipulations, $return_type_candidate ); } if ($file_manipulations) { /** @psalm-suppress MixedTypeCoercion */ FileManipulationBuffer::add($statements_checker->getFilePath(), $file_manipulations); } } if ($return_type_candidate) { if (!$return_type) { $return_type = $return_type_candidate; } else { $return_type = Type::combineUnionTypes($return_type_candidate, $return_type); } } else { $return_type = Type::getMixed(); } } if ($invalid_method_call_types) { $invalid_class_type = $invalid_method_call_types[0]; if ($has_valid_method_call_type) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyInvalidMethodCall( 'Cannot call method on possible ' . $invalid_class_type . ' variable ' . $var_id, $code_location ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidMethodCall( 'Cannot call method on ' . $invalid_class_type . ' variable ' . $var_id, $code_location ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } if ($non_existent_method_ids) { if ($existent_method_ids) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyUndefinedMethod( 'Method ' . $non_existent_method_ids[0] . ' does not exist', $code_location, $non_existent_method_ids[0] ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedMethod( 'Method ' . $non_existent_method_ids[0] . ' does not exist', $code_location, $non_existent_method_ids[0] ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } return null; } $stmt->inferredType = $return_type; if ($returns_by_ref) { if (!$stmt->inferredType) { $stmt->inferredType = Type::getMixed(); } $stmt->inferredType->by_ref = $returns_by_ref; } } if ($method_id === null) { return self::checkMethodArgs( $method_id, $stmt->args, $found_generic_params, $context, new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt), $statements_checker ); } if (!$config->remember_property_assignments_after_call && !$context->collect_initializations) { $context->removeAllObjectVars(); } // if we called a method on this nullable variable, remove the nullable status here // because any further calls must have worked if ($var_id && $class_type && $has_valid_method_call_type && !$invalid_method_call_types && $existent_method_ids && ($class_type->from_docblock || $class_type->isNullable()) ) { $keys_to_remove = []; foreach ($class_type->getTypes() as $key => $type) { if (!$type instanceof TNamedObject) { $keys_to_remove[] = $key; } else { $type->from_docblock = false; } } foreach ($keys_to_remove as $key) { $class_type->removeType($key); } $class_type->from_docblock = false; $context->removeVarFromConflictingClauses($var_id, null, $statements_checker); $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $class_type; } } /** * Check properties accessed with magic getters and setters. * If `@psalm-seal-properties` is set, they must be defined. * If an `@property` annotation is specified, the setter must set something with the correct * type. * * @param StatementsChecker $statements_checker * @param \Psalm\Checker\ProjectChecker $project_checker * @param PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall $stmt * @param string $fq_class_name * * @return bool */ private static function checkMagicGetterOrSetterProperty( StatementsChecker $statements_checker, \Psalm\Checker\ProjectChecker $project_checker, PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall $stmt, $fq_class_name ) { if (!$stmt->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Identifier) { return true; } $method_name = strtolower($stmt->name->name); if (!in_array($method_name, ['__get', '__set'], true)) { return true; } $first_arg_value = $stmt->args[0]->value; if (!$first_arg_value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_) { return true; } $prop_name = $first_arg_value->value; $property_id = $fq_class_name . '::$' . $prop_name; $class_storage = $project_checker->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); switch ($method_name) { case '__set': // If `@psalm-seal-properties` is set, the property must be defined with // a `@property` annotation if ($class_storage->sealed_properties && !isset($class_storage->pseudo_property_set_types['$' . $prop_name]) && IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedThisPropertyAssignment( 'Instance property ' . $property_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) ) { return false; } // If a `@property` annotation is set, the type of the value passed to the // magic setter must match the annotation. $second_arg_type = isset($stmt->args[1]->value->inferredType) ? $stmt->args[1]->value->inferredType : null; if (isset($class_storage->pseudo_property_set_types['$' . $prop_name]) && $second_arg_type) { $pseudo_set_type = ExpressionChecker::fleshOutType( $project_checker, $class_storage->pseudo_property_set_types['$' . $prop_name], $fq_class_name, $fq_class_name ); $type_match_found = TypeChecker::isContainedBy( $project_checker->codebase, $second_arg_type, $pseudo_set_type, false, false, $has_scalar_match, $type_coerced, $type_coerced_from_mixed, $to_string_cast ); if ($type_coerced) { if ($type_coerced_from_mixed) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedTypeCoercion( $prop_name . ' expects \'' . $pseudo_set_type . '\', ' . ' parent type `' . $second_arg_type . '` provided', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TypeCoercion( $prop_name . ' expects \'' . $pseudo_set_type . '\', ' . ' parent type `' . $second_arg_type . '` provided', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } } if (!$type_match_found && !$type_coerced_from_mixed) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue( $prop_name . ' with declared type \'' . $pseudo_set_type . '\' cannot be assigned type \'' . $second_arg_type . '\'', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } } break; case '__get': // If `@psalm-seal-properties` is set, the property must be defined with // a `@property` annotation if ($class_storage->sealed_properties && !isset($class_storage->pseudo_property_get_types['$' . $prop_name]) && IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedThisPropertyFetch( 'Instance property ' . $property_id . ' is not defined', new CodeLocation($statements_checker->getSource(), $stmt) ), $statements_checker->getSuppressedIssues() ) ) { return false; } break; } return true; } }