*/ public static $ERROR_LEVELS = [ self::REPORT_INFO, self::REPORT_ERROR, self::REPORT_SUPPRESS ]; /** * @var array */ protected static $MIXED_ISSUES = [ 'MixedArgument', 'MixedArrayAccess', 'MixedArrayOffset', 'MixedAssignment', 'MixedInferredReturnType', 'MixedMethodCall', 'MixedOperand', 'MixedPropertyFetch', 'MixedPropertyAssignment', 'MixedStringOffsetAssignment' ]; /** * @var self|null */ protected static $config; /** * Whether or not to stop when the first error is seen * * @var boolean */ public $stop_on_first_error = true; /** * Whether or not to use types as defined in docblocks * * @var boolean */ public $use_docblock_types = true; /** * Whether or not to throw an exception on first error * * @var boolean */ public $throw_exception = false; /** * The directory to store PHP Parser (and other) caches * * @var string */ public $cache_directory = '/var/tmp/psalm'; /** * Whether or not to use property defaults to inform type when none is listed * * @var boolean */ public $use_property_default_for_type = false; /** * Path to the autoader * * @var string|null */ public $autoloader; /** * @var ProjectFileFilter|null */ protected $project_files; /** * The base directory of this config file * * @var string */ protected $base_dir; /** * @var array */ protected $file_extensions = ['php']; /** * @var array */ protected $filetype_handlers = []; /** * @var array */ protected $issue_handlers = []; /** * @var array */ protected $mock_classes = []; /** * @var boolean */ public $hide_external_errors = true; /** @var bool */ public $allow_includes = true; /** @var bool */ public $totally_typed = false; /** @var bool */ public $strict_binary_operands = false; /** * Psalm plugins * * @var array */ protected $plugins = []; /** @var array */ protected $predefined_constants; protected function __construct() { self::$config = $this; } /** * Creates a new config object from the file * * @param string $file_path * @return self */ public static function loadFromXMLFile($file_path) { $file_contents = file_get_contents($file_path); if ($file_contents === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot open ' . $file_path); } return self::loadFromXML($file_path, $file_contents); } /** * Creates a new config object from an XML string * * @param string $file_path * @param string $file_contents * @return self * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument * @psalm-suppress MixedPropertyFetch * @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ public static function loadFromXML($file_path, $file_contents) { $config = new self(); $config->base_dir = dirname($file_path) . '/'; $schema_path = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.xsd'; if (!file_exists($schema_path)) { throw new ConfigException('Cannot locate config schema'); } $dom_document = new \DOMDocument(); $dom_document->loadXML($file_contents); // Enable user error handling libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (!$dom_document->schemaValidate($schema_path)) { $errors = libxml_get_errors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { if ($error->level === LIBXML_ERR_FATAL || $error->level === LIBXML_ERR_ERROR) { throw new ConfigException('Error parsing file ' . $error->file . ' on line ' . $error->line . ': ' . $error->message); } } libxml_clear_errors(); } $config_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file_contents); if (isset($config_xml['stopOnFirstError'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['stopOnFirstError']; $config->stop_on_first_error = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['useDocblockTypes'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['useDocblockTypes']; $config->use_docblock_types = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['throwExceptionOnError'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['throwExceptionOnError']; $config->throw_exception = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['hideExternalErrors'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['hideExternalErrors']; $config->hide_external_errors = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['autoloader'])) { $config->autoloader = (string) $config_xml['autoloader']; } if (isset($config_xml['cacheDirectory'])) { $config->cache_directory = (string) $config_xml['cacheDirectory']; } if (isset($config_xml['usePropertyDefaultForType'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['usePropertyDefaultForType']; $config->use_property_default_for_type = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['allowFileIncludes'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['allowFileIncludes']; $config->allow_includes = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['totallyTyped'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['totallyTyped']; $config->totally_typed = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml['strictBinaryOperands'])) { $attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['strictBinaryOperands']; $config->strict_binary_operands = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'; } if (isset($config_xml->projectFiles)) { $config->project_files = ProjectFileFilter::loadFromXMLElement($config_xml->projectFiles, true); } if (isset($config_xml->fileExtensions)) { $config->file_extensions = []; $config->loadFileExtensions($config_xml->fileExtensions->extension); } if (isset($config_xml->mockClasses) && isset($config_xml->mockClasses->class)) { /** @var \SimpleXMLElement $mock_class */ foreach ($config_xml->mockClasses->class as $mock_class) { $config->mock_classes[] = $mock_class['name']; } } // this plugin loading system borrows heavily from etsy/phan if (isset($config_xml->plugins) && isset($config_xml->plugins->plugin)) { /** @var \SimpleXMLElement $plugin */ foreach ($config_xml->plugins->plugin as $plugin) { $plugin_file_name = $plugin['filename']; $path = $config->base_dir . $plugin_file_name; if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot find file ' . $path); } $loaded_plugin = require($path); if (!$loaded_plugin) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Plugins must return an instance of that plugin at the end of the file - ' . $plugin_file_name . ' does not' ); } if (!($loaded_plugin instanceof Plugin)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Plugins must extend \Psalm\Plugin - ' . $plugin_file_name . ' does not' ); } $config->plugins[] = $loaded_plugin; } } if (isset($config_xml->issueHandlers)) { /** @var \SimpleXMLElement $issue_handler */ foreach ($config_xml->issueHandlers->children() as $key => $issue_handler) { $config->issue_handlers[$key] = IssueHandler::loadFromXMLElement( $issue_handler ); } } return $config; } /** * @return $this */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$config) { return self::$config; } return new self(); } /** * @param string $issue_key * @param string $error_level * @return void */ public function setCustomErrorLevel($issue_key, $error_level) { $this->issue_handlers[$issue_key] = new IssueHandler(); $this->issue_handlers[$issue_key]->setErrorLevel($error_level); } /** * @param array<\SimpleXMLElement> $extensions * @return void * @throws ConfigException If a Config file could not be found. */ protected function loadFileExtensions($extensions) { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $extension_name = preg_replace('/^\.?/', '', (string)$extension['name']); $this->file_extensions[] = $extension_name; if (isset($extension['filetypeHandler'])) { $path = $this->base_dir . (string)$extension['filetypeHandler']; if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new Exception\ConfigException('Error parsing config: cannot find file ' . $path); } $this->filetype_handlers[$extension_name] = $path; } } } /** * Initialises all the plugins (done once the config is fully loaded) * @return void * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess * @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment * @psalm-suppress MixedOperand */ public function initializePlugins(ProjectChecker $project_checker) { foreach ($this->filetype_handlers as $extension_name => &$path) { $plugin_file_checker = new FileChecker($path, $project_checker); $plugin_file_checker->visit(); $declared_classes = ClassLikeChecker::getClassesForFile($path); if (count($declared_classes) !== 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Filetype handlers must have exactly one class in the file - ' . $path . ' has ' . count($declared_classes) ); } require_once($path); if (!\Psalm\Checker\ClassChecker::classExtends($declared_classes[0], 'Psalm\\Checker\\FileChecker')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Filetype handlers must extend \Psalm\Checker\FileChecker - ' . $path . ' does not' ); } $path = $declared_classes[0]; } } /** * @param string $file_name * @return string */ public function shortenFileName($file_name) { return preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($this->base_dir, '/') . '/', '', $file_name); } /** * @param string $issue_type * @param string $file_name * @return bool */ public function excludeIssueInFile($issue_type, $file_name) { if (!$this->totally_typed && in_array($issue_type, self::$MIXED_ISSUES)) { return true; } $file_name = $this->shortenFileName($file_name); if ($this->project_files && $this->hide_external_errors) { if (!$this->isInProjectDirs($file_name)) { return true; } } if ($this->getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $file_name) === self::REPORT_SUPPRESS) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param string $file_path * @return bool */ public function isInProjectDirs($file_path) { return $this->project_files && $this->project_files->allows($file_path); } /** * @param string $issue_type * @param string $file_name * @return string */ public function getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $file_name) { if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) { return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForFile($file_name); } return self::REPORT_ERROR; } /** * @return array */ public function getProjectDirectories() { if (!$this->project_files) { return []; } return $this->project_files->getDirectories(); } /** * @return string */ public function getBaseDir() { return $this->base_dir; } /** * @return array */ public function getFileExtensions() { return $this->file_extensions; } /** * @return array */ public function getFiletypeHandlers() { return $this->filetype_handlers; } /** * @return array */ public function getMockClasses() { return $this->mock_classes; } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheDirectory() { return $this->cache_directory; } /** * @return array */ public function getPlugins() { return $this->plugins; } /** * @param string $issue_name * @param IssueHandler|null $handler * @return void */ public function setIssueHandler($issue_name, IssueHandler $handler = null) { $this->issue_handlers[$issue_name] = $handler; } /** * @return array */ public function getPredefinedConstants() { return $this->predefined_constants; } /** * @return void * @psalm-suppress InvalidPropertyAssignment */ public function collectPredefinedConstants() { $this->predefined_constants = get_defined_constants(); } }