*/ protected static $issues_data = []; /** * @var array */ protected static $console_issues = []; /** * @var int */ protected static $error_count = 0; /** * @var array */ protected static $emitted = []; /** @var int */ protected static $recording_level = 0; /** @var array> */ protected static $recorded_issues = []; /** * @param CodeIssue $e * @param array $suppressed_issues * * @return bool */ public static function accepts(CodeIssue $e, array $suppressed_issues = []) { $config = Config::getInstance(); $fqcn_parts = explode('\\', get_class($e)); $issue_type = array_pop($fqcn_parts); if (in_array($issue_type, $suppressed_issues, true)) { return false; } if (!$config->reportIssueInFile($issue_type, $e->getFilePath())) { return false; } if (self::$recording_level > 0) { self::$recorded_issues[self::$recording_level][] = $e; return false; } return self::add($e); } /** * @param CodeIssue $e * * @throws Exception\CodeException * * @return bool */ public static function add(CodeIssue $e) { $config = Config::getInstance(); $fqcn_parts = explode('\\', get_class($e)); $issue_type = array_pop($fqcn_parts); $project_checker = ProjectChecker::getInstance(); if ($project_checker->alter_code) { return false; } $error_message = $issue_type . ' - ' . $e->getShortLocation() . ' - ' . $e->getMessage(); $reporting_level = $config->getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $e->getFilePath()); if ($reporting_level === Config::REPORT_SUPPRESS) { return false; } if ($reporting_level === Config::REPORT_INFO) { if ($project_checker->show_info && !self::alreadyEmitted($error_message)) { self::$issues_data[] = $e->toArray(Config::REPORT_INFO); } return false; } if ($config->throw_exception) { throw new Exception\CodeException($error_message); } if (!self::alreadyEmitted($error_message)) { self::$issues_data[] = $e->toArray(Config::REPORT_ERROR); } return true; } /** * @param array{severity: string, line_from: int, line_to: int, type: string, message: string, * file_name: string, file_path: string, snippet: string, from: int, to: int, * snippet_from: int, snippet_to: int, column_from: int, column_to: int} $issue_data * * @return string */ protected static function getEmacsOutput(array $issue_data) { return $issue_data['file_path'] . ':' . $issue_data['line_from'] . ':' . $issue_data['column_from'] . ':' . ($issue_data['severity'] === Config::REPORT_ERROR ? 'error' : 'warning') . ' - ' . $issue_data['message']; } /** * @param array{severity: string, line_from: int, type: string, message: string, file_name: string, * file_path: string, snippet: string, from: int, to: int, snippet_from: int, snippet_to: int, * column_from: int, column_to: int} $issue_data * @param bool $use_color * * @return string */ protected static function getConsoleOutput(array $issue_data, $use_color) { $issue_string = ''; $is_error = $issue_data['severity'] === Config::REPORT_ERROR; if ($is_error) { $issue_string .= ($use_color ? "\e[0;31mERROR\e[0m" : 'ERROR'); } else { $issue_string .= 'INFO'; } $issue_string .= ': ' . $issue_data['type'] . ' - ' . $issue_data['file_name'] . ':' . $issue_data['line_from'] . ':' . $issue_data['column_from'] . ' - ' . $issue_data['message'] . PHP_EOL; $snippet = $issue_data['snippet']; if (!$use_color) { $issue_string .= $snippet; } else { $selection_start = $issue_data['from'] - $issue_data['snippet_from']; $selection_length = $issue_data['to'] - $issue_data['from']; $issue_string .= substr($snippet, 0, $selection_start) . ($is_error ? "\e[97;41m" : "\e[30;47m") . substr($snippet, $selection_start, $selection_length) . "\e[0m" . substr($snippet, $selection_length + $selection_start) . PHP_EOL; } return $issue_string; } /** * @return array */ public static function getIssuesData() { return self::$issues_data; } /** * @param array $issues_data * * @return void */ public static function addIssues(array $issues_data) { self::$issues_data = array_merge($issues_data, self::$issues_data); } /** * @param ProjectChecker $project_checker * @param bool $is_full * @param float $start_time * @param bool $add_stats * * @return void */ public static function finish( ProjectChecker $project_checker, $is_full, $start_time, $add_stats = false ) { $scanned_files = $project_checker->codebase->scanner->getScannedFiles(); Provider\FileReferenceProvider::updateReferenceCache($project_checker, $scanned_files); $has_error = false; if (self::$issues_data) { usort( self::$issues_data, /** @return int */ function (array $d1, array $d2) { if ($d1['file_path'] === $d2['file_path']) { if ($d1['line_from'] === $d2['line_from']) { if ($d1['column_from'] === $d2['column_from']) { return 0; } return $d1['column_from'] > $d2['column_from'] ? 1 : -1; } return $d1['line_from'] > $d2['line_from'] ? 1 : -1; } return $d1['file_path'] > $d2['file_path'] ? 1 : -1; } ); foreach (self::$issues_data as $issue_data) { if ($issue_data['severity'] === Config::REPORT_ERROR) { $has_error = true; } } echo self::getOutput($project_checker->output_format, $project_checker->use_color); } foreach ($project_checker->reports as $format => $path) { file_put_contents( $path, self::getOutput($format, $project_checker->use_color) ); } if ($start_time) { echo 'Checks took ' . number_format((float)microtime(true) - $start_time, 2) . ' seconds'; echo ' and used ' . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 3) . 'MB of memory' . PHP_EOL; $nonmixed_percentage = $project_checker->codebase->analyzer->getNonMixedPercentage(); if ($is_full) { echo 'Psalm was able to infer types for ' . number_format($nonmixed_percentage, 3) . '%' . ' of the codebase' . PHP_EOL; } if ($add_stats) { echo '-----------------' . PHP_EOL; echo $project_checker->codebase->analyzer->getNonMixedStats(); echo PHP_EOL; } } if ($has_error) { exit(1); } if ($is_full && $start_time) { $project_checker->cache_provider->processSuccessfulRun($start_time); } } /** * @param string $format * @param bool $useColor * * @return string */ public static function getOutput($format, $useColor) { if ($format === ProjectChecker::TYPE_JSON) { return json_encode(self::$issues_data) . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($format === ProjectChecker::TYPE_XML) { $xml = Array2XML::createXML('report', ['item' => self::$issues_data]); return $xml->saveXML(); } elseif ($format === ProjectChecker::TYPE_EMACS) { $output = ''; foreach (self::$issues_data as $issue_data) { $output .= self::getEmacsOutput($issue_data) . PHP_EOL; } return $output; } $output = ''; foreach (self::$issues_data as $issue_data) { $output .= self::getConsoleOutput($issue_data, $useColor) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } return $output; } /** * @param string $message * * @return bool */ protected static function alreadyEmitted($message) { $sham = sha1($message); if (isset(self::$emitted[$sham])) { return true; } self::$emitted[$sham] = true; return false; } /** * @return void */ public static function clearCache() { self::$issues_data = []; self::$emitted = []; self::$error_count = 0; self::$recording_level = 0; self::$recorded_issues = []; self::$console_issues = []; } /** * @return bool */ public static function isRecording() { return self::$recording_level > 0; } /** * @return void */ public static function startRecording() { ++self::$recording_level; self::$recorded_issues[self::$recording_level] = []; } /** * @return void */ public static function stopRecording() { if (self::$recording_level === 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot stop recording - already at base level'); } --self::$recording_level; } /** * @return array */ public static function clearRecordingLevel() { if (self::$recording_level === 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Not currently recording'); } $recorded_issues = self::$recorded_issues[self::$recording_level]; self::$recorded_issues[self::$recording_level] = []; return $recorded_issues; } /** * @return void */ public static function bubbleUp(CodeIssue $e) { if (self::$recording_level === 0) { self::add($e); return; } self::$recorded_issues[self::$recording_level][] = $e; } }