$argv */ public static function run(array $argv): void { gc_collect_cycles(); gc_disable(); ErrorHandler::install(); self::setMemoryLimit(); $args = array_slice($argv, 1); // get options from command line $options = getopt(implode('', self::SHORT_OPTIONS), self::LONG_OPTIONS); self::validateCliArguments($args); self::syncShortOptions($options); if (isset($options['c']) && is_array($options['c'])) { die('Too many config files provided' . PHP_EOL); } if (array_key_exists('h', $options)) { echo <<runAndCollect( // we ignore the FQN because of a hack in scoper.inc that needs full path // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly.ReferenceViaFullyQualifiedName fn(): ?\Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader => CliUtils::requireAutoloaders($current_dir, isset($options['r']), $vendor_dir) ); // If Xdebug is enabled, restart without it (new XdebugHandler('PSALTER'))->check(); $paths_to_check = CliUtils::getPathsToCheck($options['f'] ?? null); $path_to_config = CliUtils::getPathToConfig($options); $config = CliUtils::initializeConfig( $path_to_config, $current_dir, Report::TYPE_CONSOLE, $first_autoloader ); $config->setIncludeCollector($include_collector); if ($config->resolve_from_config_file) { $current_dir = $config->base_dir; chdir($current_dir); } $threads = isset($options['threads']) ? (int)$options['threads'] : 1; if (isset($options['no-cache'])) { $providers = new Providers( new FileProvider() ); } else { $providers = new Providers( new FileProvider(), new ParserCacheProvider($config, false), new FileStorageCacheProvider($config), new ClassLikeStorageCacheProvider($config), null, new ProjectCacheProvider(Composer::getLockFilePath($current_dir)) ); } if (array_key_exists('list-supported-issues', $options)) { echo implode(',', ProjectAnalyzer::getSupportedIssuesToFix()) . PHP_EOL; exit(); } $debug = array_key_exists('debug', $options) || array_key_exists('debug-by-line', $options); $progress = $debug ? new DebugProgress() : new DefaultProgress(); $stdout_report_options = new ReportOptions(); $stdout_report_options->use_color = !array_key_exists('m', $options); $project_analyzer = new ProjectAnalyzer( $config, $providers, $stdout_report_options, [], $threads, $progress ); if (array_key_exists('debug-by-line', $options)) { $project_analyzer->debug_lines = true; } if (array_key_exists('debug-emitted-issues', $options)) { $config->debug_emitted_issues = true; } if (array_key_exists('issues', $options)) { if (!is_string($options['issues']) || !$options['issues']) { die('Expecting a comma-separated list of issues' . PHP_EOL); } $issues = explode(',', $options['issues']); $keyed_issues = []; foreach ($issues as $issue) { $keyed_issues[$issue] = true; } } else { $keyed_issues = []; } CliUtils::initPhpVersion($options, $config, $project_analyzer); if (isset($options['codeowner'])) { $codeowner_files = self::loadCodeowners($providers); $desired_codeowners = is_array($options['codeowner']) ? $options['codeowner'] : [$options['codeowner']]; $files_for_codeowners = self::loadCodeownersFiles($desired_codeowners, $codeowner_files); $paths_to_check = is_array($paths_to_check) ? array_merge($paths_to_check, $files_for_codeowners) : $files_for_codeowners; } if (isset($options['allow-backwards-incompatible-changes'])) { $allow_backwards_incompatible_changes = filter_var( $options['allow-backwards-incompatible-changes'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, ['flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] ); if ($allow_backwards_incompatible_changes === null) { die('--allow-backwards-incompatible-changes expects a boolean value [true|false|1|0]' . PHP_EOL); } $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->allow_backwards_incompatible_changes = $allow_backwards_incompatible_changes; } if (isset($options['add-newline-between-docblock-annotations'])) { $doc_block_add_new_line_before_return = filter_var( $options['add-newline-between-docblock-annotations'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, ['flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] ); if ($doc_block_add_new_line_before_return === null) { die('--add-newline-between-docblock-annotations expects a boolean value [true|false|1|0]' . PHP_EOL); } ParsedDocblock::addNewLineBetweenAnnotations($doc_block_add_new_line_before_return); } $plugins = []; if (isset($options['plugin'])) { $plugins = $options['plugin']; if (!is_array($plugins)) { $plugins = [$plugins]; } } /** @var string $plugin_path */ foreach ($plugins as $plugin_path) { Config::getInstance()->addPluginPath($current_dir . $plugin_path); } $find_unused_code = array_key_exists('find-unused-code', $options); foreach ($keyed_issues as $issue_name => $_) { // MissingParamType requires the scanning of all files to inform possible params if (strpos($issue_name, 'Unused') !== false || $issue_name === 'MissingParamType' || $issue_name === 'UnnecessaryVarAnnotation' || $issue_name === 'all' ) { $find_unused_code = true; break; } } if ($find_unused_code) { $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->reportUnusedCode(); } $project_analyzer->alterCodeAfterCompletion( array_key_exists('dry-run', $options), array_key_exists('safe-types', $options) ); if ($keyed_issues === ['all' => true]) { $project_analyzer->setAllIssuesToFix(); } else { try { $project_analyzer->setIssuesToFix($keyed_issues); } catch (UnsupportedIssueToFixException $e) { fwrite(STDERR, $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } $start_time = microtime(true); if ($paths_to_check === null || count($paths_to_check) > 1 || $find_unused_code) { if ($paths_to_check) { $files_to_update = []; foreach ($paths_to_check as $path_to_check) { if (!is_dir($path_to_check)) { $files_to_update[] = (string) realpath($path_to_check); } else { foreach ($providers->file_provider->getFilesInDir($path_to_check, ['php']) as $php_file_path) { $files_to_update[] = $php_file_path; } } } $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->analyzer->setFilesToUpdate($files_to_update); } $project_analyzer->check($current_dir); } elseif ($paths_to_check) { foreach ($paths_to_check as $path_to_check) { if (is_dir($path_to_check)) { $project_analyzer->checkDir($path_to_check); } else { $project_analyzer->checkFile($path_to_check); } } } IssueBuffer::finish($project_analyzer, false, $start_time); } private static function setMemoryLimit(): void { $memLimit = CliUtils::getMemoryLimitInBytes(); // Magic number is 4096M in bytes if ($memLimit > 0 && $memLimit < 8 * 1_024 * 1_024 * 1_024) { ini_set('memory_limit', (string) (8 * 1_024 * 1_024 * 1_024)); } } /** @param array $args */ private static function validateCliArguments(array $args): void { array_map( function (string $arg): void { if (strpos($arg, '--') === 0 && $arg !== '--') { $arg_name = preg_replace('/=.*$/', '', substr($arg, 2)); if ($arg_name === 'alter') { // valid option for psalm, ignored by psalter return; } if (!in_array($arg_name, self::LONG_OPTIONS) && !in_array($arg_name . ':', self::LONG_OPTIONS) && !in_array($arg_name . '::', self::LONG_OPTIONS) ) { fwrite( STDERR, 'Unrecognised argument "--' . $arg_name . '"' . PHP_EOL . 'Type --help to see a list of supported arguments'. PHP_EOL ); exit(1); } } }, $args ); } /** * @param array|string> $options * @param-out array|string> $options */ private static function syncShortOptions(array &$options): void { if (array_key_exists('help', $options)) { $options['h'] = false; } if (array_key_exists('monochrome', $options)) { $options['m'] = false; } if (isset($options['config'])) { $options['c'] = $options['config']; } if (isset($options['root'])) { $options['r'] = $options['root']; } } /** @return array> */ private static function loadCodeowners(Providers $providers): array { if (file_exists('CODEOWNERS')) { $codeowners_file_path = realpath('CODEOWNERS'); } elseif (file_exists('.github/CODEOWNERS')) { $codeowners_file_path = realpath('.github/CODEOWNERS'); } elseif (file_exists('docs/CODEOWNERS')) { $codeowners_file_path = realpath('docs/CODEOWNERS'); } else { die('Cannot use --codeowner without a CODEOWNERS file' . PHP_EOL); } $codeowners_file = file_get_contents($codeowners_file_path); $codeowner_lines = array_map( function (string $line): array { $line_parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); $file_selector = substr(array_shift($line_parts), 1); return [$file_selector, $line_parts]; }, array_filter( explode("\n", $codeowners_file), function (string $line): bool { $line = trim($line); // currently we don’t match wildcard files or files that could appear anywhere // in the repo return $line && $line[0] === '/' && strpos($line, '*') === false; } ) ); $codeowner_files = []; foreach ($codeowner_lines as [$path, $owners]) { if (!file_exists($path)) { continue; } foreach ($owners as $i => $owner) { $owners[$i] = strtolower($owner); } if (!is_dir($path)) { if (pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') { $codeowner_files[$path] = $owners; } } else { foreach ($providers->file_provider->getFilesInDir($path, ['php']) as $php_file_path) { $codeowner_files[$php_file_path] = $owners; } } } if (!$codeowner_files) { die('Could not find any available entries in CODEOWNERS' . PHP_EOL); } return $codeowner_files; } /** * @param array> $codeowner_files * @return list */ private static function loadCodeownersFiles(array $desired_codeowners, array $codeowner_files): array { $paths_to_check = []; /** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ foreach ($desired_codeowners as $desired_codeowner) { if (!is_string($desired_codeowner)) { die('Invalid --codeowner ' . (string)$desired_codeowner . PHP_EOL); } if ($desired_codeowner[0] !== '@') { die('--codeowner option must start with @' . PHP_EOL); } $matched_file = false; foreach ($codeowner_files as $file_path => $owners) { if (in_array(strtolower($desired_codeowner), $owners)) { $paths_to_check[] = $file_path; $matched_file = true; } } if (!$matched_file) { die('User/group ' . $desired_codeowner . ' does not own any PHP files' . PHP_EOL); } } return $paths_to_check; } }