'int', 'string' => 'string', 'float' => 'float', 'bool' => 'bool', 'false' => 'false', 'object' => 'object', 'empty' => 'empty', 'callable' => 'callable', 'array' => 'array', 'iterable' => 'iterable', 'null' => 'null', 'mixed' => 'mixed', ]; public const GETTYPE_TYPES = [ 'boolean' => true, 'integer' => true, 'double' => true, 'string' => true, 'array' => true, 'object' => true, 'resource' => true, 'resource (closed)' => true, 'NULL' => true, 'unknown type' => true, ]; /** * @var PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike */ protected $class; /** @var FileAnalyzer */ public $file_analyzer; /** * @var string */ protected $fq_class_name; /** * The parent class * * @var string|null */ protected $parent_fq_class_name; /** * @var PhpParser\Node\Stmt[] */ protected $leftover_stmts = []; /** @var ClassLikeStorage */ protected $storage; public function __construct(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike $class, SourceAnalyzer $source, string $fq_class_name) { $this->class = $class; $this->source = $source; $this->file_analyzer = $source->getFileAnalyzer(); $this->fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $this->storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->source); unset($this->file_analyzer); } public function getMethodMutations( string $method_name, Context $context ): void { $project_analyzer = $this->getFileAnalyzer()->project_analyzer; $codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase(); foreach ($this->class->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod && strtolower($stmt->name->name) === strtolower($method_name) ) { $method_analyzer = new MethodAnalyzer($stmt, $this); $method_analyzer->analyze($context, new NodeDataProvider(), null, true); $context->clauses = []; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUse) { foreach ($stmt->traits as $trait) { $fq_trait_name = self::getFQCLNFromNameObject( $trait, $this->source->getAliases() ); $trait_file_analyzer = $project_analyzer->getFileAnalyzerForClassLike($fq_trait_name); $trait_node = $codebase->classlikes->getTraitNode($fq_trait_name); $trait_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_trait_name); $trait_aliases = $trait_storage->aliases; if ($trait_aliases === null) { continue; } $trait_analyzer = new TraitAnalyzer( $trait_node, $trait_file_analyzer, $fq_trait_name, $trait_aliases ); foreach ($trait_node->stmts as $trait_stmt) { if ($trait_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod && strtolower($trait_stmt->name->name) === strtolower($method_name) ) { $method_analyzer = new MethodAnalyzer($trait_stmt, $trait_analyzer); $actual_method_id = $method_analyzer->getMethodId(); if ($context->self && $context->self !== $this->fq_class_name) { $analyzed_method_id = $method_analyzer->getMethodId($context->self); $declaring_method_id = $codebase->methods->getDeclaringMethodId($analyzed_method_id); if ((string) $actual_method_id !== (string) $declaring_method_id) { break; } } $method_analyzer->analyze( $context, new NodeDataProvider(), null, true ); } } $trait_file_analyzer->clearSourceBeforeDestruction(); } } } } public function getFunctionLikeAnalyzer(string $method_name): ?MethodAnalyzer { foreach ($this->class->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod && strtolower($stmt->name->name) === strtolower($method_name) ) { return new MethodAnalyzer($stmt, $this); } } return null; } /** * @param array $suppressed_issues */ public static function checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( StatementsSource $statements_source, string $fq_class_name, CodeLocation $code_location, ?string $calling_fq_class_name, ?string $calling_method_id, array $suppressed_issues, ?ClassLikeNameOptions $options = null ): ?bool { if ($options === null) { $options = new ClassLikeNameOptions(); } $codebase = $statements_source->getCodebase(); if ($fq_class_name === '') { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedClass( 'Class or interface does not exist', $code_location, 'empty string' ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } $fq_class_name = preg_replace('/^\\\/', '', $fq_class_name); if (in_array($fq_class_name, ['callable', 'iterable', 'self', 'static', 'parent'], true)) { return true; } if (preg_match( '/(^|\\\)(int|float|bool|string|void|null|false|true|object|mixed)$/i', $fq_class_name ) || strtolower($fq_class_name) === 'resource' ) { $class_name_parts = explode('\\', $fq_class_name); $class_name = array_pop($class_name_parts); IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new ReservedWord( $class_name . ' is a reserved word', $code_location, $class_name ), $suppressed_issues ); return null; } $class_exists = $codebase->classlikes->classExists( $fq_class_name, !$options->inferred ? $code_location : null, $calling_fq_class_name, $calling_method_id ); $interface_exists = $codebase->classlikes->interfaceExists( $fq_class_name, !$options->inferred ? $code_location : null, $calling_fq_class_name, $calling_method_id ); $enum_exists = $codebase->classlikes->enumExists( $fq_class_name, !$options->inferred ? $code_location : null, $calling_fq_class_name, $calling_method_id ); if (!$class_exists && !($interface_exists && $options->allow_interface) && !($enum_exists && $options->allow_enum) ) { if (!$options->allow_trait || !$codebase->classlikes->traitExists($fq_class_name, $code_location)) { if ($options->from_docblock) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedDocblockClass( 'Docblock-defined class, interface or enum named ' . $fq_class_name . ' does not exist', $code_location, $fq_class_name ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } elseif ($options->from_attribute) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedAttributeClass( 'Attribute class ' . $fq_class_name . ' does not exist', $code_location, $fq_class_name ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedClass( 'Class, interface or enum named ' . $fq_class_name . ' does not exist', $code_location, $fq_class_name ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } return null; } $aliased_name = $codebase->classlikes->getUnAliasedName( $fq_class_name ); try { $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($aliased_name); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { if (!$options->inferred) { throw $e; } return null; } foreach ($class_storage->invalid_dependencies as $dependency_class_name) { // if the implemented/extended class is stubbed, it may not yet have // been hydrated if ($codebase->classlike_storage_provider->has($dependency_class_name)) { continue; } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingDependency( $fq_class_name . ' depends on class or interface ' . $dependency_class_name . ' that does not exist', $code_location, $fq_class_name ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } if (!$options->inferred) { if (($class_exists && !$codebase->classHasCorrectCasing($fq_class_name)) || ($interface_exists && !$codebase->interfaceHasCorrectCasing($fq_class_name)) || ($enum_exists && !$codebase->classlikes->enumHasCorrectCasing($fq_class_name)) ) { if ($codebase->classlikes->isUserDefined(strtolower($aliased_name))) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidClass( 'Class, interface or enum ' . $fq_class_name . ' has wrong casing', $code_location, $fq_class_name ), $suppressed_issues ); } } } if (!$options->inferred) { $event = new AfterClassLikeExistenceCheckEvent( $fq_class_name, $code_location, $statements_source, $codebase, [] ); $codebase->config->eventDispatcher->dispatchAfterClassLikeExistenceCheck($event); $file_manipulations = $event->getFileReplacements(); if ($file_manipulations) { FileManipulationBuffer::add($code_location->file_path, $file_manipulations); } } return true; } /** * Gets the fully-qualified class name from a Name object * * */ public static function getFQCLNFromNameObject( PhpParser\Node\Name $class_name, Aliases $aliases ): string { /** @var string|null */ $resolved_name = $class_name->getAttribute('resolvedName'); if ($resolved_name) { return $resolved_name; } if ($class_name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified) { return implode('\\', $class_name->parts); } if (in_array($class_name->parts[0], ['self', 'static', 'parent'], true)) { return $class_name->parts[0]; } return Type::getFQCLNFromString( implode('\\', $class_name->parts), $aliases ); } /** * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlipped(): array { if ($this->source instanceof NamespaceAnalyzer || $this->source instanceof FileAnalyzer) { return $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(); } return []; } /** * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlippedReplaceable(): array { if ($this->source instanceof NamespaceAnalyzer || $this->source instanceof FileAnalyzer) { return $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlippedReplaceable(); } return []; } public function getFQCLN(): string { return $this->fq_class_name; } public function getClassName(): ?string { return $this->class->name->name ?? null; } /** * @return array>|null */ public function getTemplateTypeMap(): ?array { return $this->storage->template_types; } public function getParentFQCLN(): ?string { return $this->parent_fq_class_name; } public function isStatic(): bool { return false; } /** * Gets the Psalm type from a particular value * * @param mixed $value * */ public static function getTypeFromValue($value): Type\Union { switch (gettype($value)) { case 'boolean': if ($value) { return Type::getTrue(); } return Type::getFalse(); case 'integer': return Type::getInt(false, $value); case 'double': return Type::getFloat($value); case 'string': return Type::getString($value); case 'array': return Type::getArray(); case 'NULL': return Type::getNull(); default: return Type::getMixed(); } } /** * @param string[] $suppressed_issues */ public static function checkPropertyVisibility( string $property_id, Context $context, SourceAnalyzer $source, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues, bool $emit_issues = true ): ?bool { [$fq_class_name, $property_name] = explode('::$', $property_id); $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); if ($codebase->properties->property_visibility_provider->has($fq_class_name)) { $property_visible = $codebase->properties->property_visibility_provider->isPropertyVisible( $source, $fq_class_name, $property_name, true, $context, $code_location ); if ($property_visible !== null) { return $property_visible; } } $declaring_property_class = $codebase->properties->getDeclaringClassForProperty( $property_id, true ); $appearing_property_class = $codebase->properties->getAppearingClassForProperty( $property_id, true ); if (!$declaring_property_class || !$appearing_property_class) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Appearing/Declaring classes are not defined for ' . $property_id ); } // if the calling class is the same, we know the property exists, so it must be visible if ($appearing_property_class === $context->self) { return $emit_issues ? null : true; } if ($source->getSource() instanceof TraitAnalyzer && strtolower($declaring_property_class) === strtolower((string) $source->getFQCLN()) ) { return $emit_issues ? null : true; } $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($declaring_property_class); if (!isset($class_storage->properties[$property_name])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null for ' . $property_id); } $storage = $class_storage->properties[$property_name]; switch ($storage->visibility) { case self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: return $emit_issues ? null : true; case self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE: if ($emit_issues && IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleProperty( 'Cannot access private property ' . $property_id . ' from context ' . $context->self, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } return null; case self::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED: if (!$context->self) { if ($emit_issues && IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleProperty( 'Cannot access protected property ' . $property_id, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } return null; } if ($codebase->classExtends($appearing_property_class, $context->self)) { return $emit_issues ? null : true; } if (!$codebase->classExtends($context->self, $appearing_property_class)) { if ($emit_issues && IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleProperty( 'Cannot access protected property ' . $property_id . ' from context ' . $context->self, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } return null; } } return $emit_issues ? null : true; } /** * @return array */ public static function getClassesForFile(Codebase $codebase, string $file_path): array { try { return $codebase->file_storage_provider->get($file_path)->classlikes_in_file; } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { return []; } } public function getFileAnalyzer(): FileAnalyzer { return $this->file_analyzer; } }