*/ private $all_vars = []; /** * @var array */ private $var_branch_points = []; /** * Possibly undefined variables should be initialised if we're altering code * * @var array|null */ private $vars_to_initialize; /** * @var array */ private $function_analyzers = []; /** * @var array */ private $unused_var_locations = []; /** * @var ?array */ public $byref_uses; /** * @var ParsedDocblock|null */ private $parsed_docblock; /** * @var ?string */ private $fake_this_class; /** @var NodeDataProvider */ public $node_data; /** @var ?DataFlowGraph */ public $data_flow_graph; /** * Locations of foreach values * * Used to discern ordinary UnusedVariables from UnusedForeachValues * * @var array> * @psalm-internal Psalm\Internal\Analyzer */ public $foreach_var_locations = []; public function __construct(SourceAnalyzer $source, NodeDataProvider $node_data) { $this->source = $source; $this->file_analyzer = $source->getFileAnalyzer(); $this->codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $this->node_data = $node_data; if ($this->codebase->taint_flow_graph) { $this->data_flow_graph = new TaintFlowGraph(); } elseif ($this->codebase->find_unused_variables) { $this->data_flow_graph = new VariableUseGraph(); } } /** * Checks an array of statements for validity * * @param array $stmts * * @return null|false */ public function analyze( array $stmts, Context $context, ?Context $global_context = null, bool $root_scope = false ): ?bool { if (!$stmts) { return null; } // hoist functions to the top $this->hoistFunctions($stmts, $context); $project_analyzer = $this->getFileAnalyzer()->project_analyzer; $codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase(); if ($codebase->config->hoist_constants) { self::hoistConstants($this, $stmts, $context); } foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if (self::analyzeStatement($this, $stmt, $context, $global_context) === false) { return false; } } if ($root_scope && !$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && $codebase->find_unused_variables && $context->check_variables ) { //var_dump($this->data_flow_graph); $this->checkUnreferencedVars($stmts, $context); } if ($codebase->alter_code && $root_scope && $this->vars_to_initialize) { $file_contents = $codebase->getFileContents($this->getFilePath()); foreach ($this->vars_to_initialize as $var_id => $branch_point) { $newline_pos = (int)strrpos($file_contents, "\n", $branch_point - strlen($file_contents)) + 1; $indentation = substr($file_contents, $newline_pos, $branch_point - $newline_pos); FileManipulationBuffer::add($this->getFilePath(), [ new FileManipulation($branch_point, $branch_point, $var_id . ' = null;' . "\n" . $indentation), ]); } } if ($root_scope && $this->data_flow_graph instanceof TaintFlowGraph && $this->codebase->taint_flow_graph && $codebase->config->trackTaintsInPath($this->getFilePath()) ) { $this->codebase->taint_flow_graph->addGraph($this->data_flow_graph); } return null; } /** * @param array $stmts */ private function hoistFunctions(array $stmts, Context $context): void { foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) { $function_name = strtolower($stmt->name->name); if ($ns = $this->getNamespace()) { $fq_function_name = strtolower($ns) . '\\' . $function_name; } else { $fq_function_name = $function_name; } if ($this->data_flow_graph && $this->codebase->find_unused_variables ) { foreach ($stmt->stmts as $function_stmt) { if ($function_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Global_) { foreach ($function_stmt->vars as $var) { if (!$var instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable || !is_string($var->name) ) { continue; } $var_id = '$' . $var->name; if ($var_id !== '$argv' && $var_id !== '$argc') { $context->byref_constraints[$var_id] = new ReferenceConstraint(); } } } } } try { $function_analyzer = new FunctionAnalyzer($stmt, $this->source); $this->function_analyzers[$fq_function_name] = $function_analyzer; } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { // do nothing } } } } /** * @param array $stmts */ private static function hoistConstants( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $stmts, Context $context ): void { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_) { foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) { ConstFetchAnalyzer::setConstType( $statements_analyzer, $const->name->name, SimpleTypeInferer::infer( $codebase, $statements_analyzer->node_data, $const->value, $statements_analyzer->getAliases(), $statements_analyzer ) ?? Type::getMixed(), $context ); } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression && $stmt->expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall && $stmt->expr->name instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name && $stmt->expr->name->parts === ['define'] && isset($stmt->expr->getArgs()[1]) ) { $const_name = ConstFetchAnalyzer::getConstName( $stmt->expr->getArgs()[0]->value, $statements_analyzer->node_data, $codebase, $statements_analyzer->getAliases() ); if ($const_name !== null) { ConstFetchAnalyzer::setConstType( $statements_analyzer, $const_name, SimpleTypeInferer::infer( $codebase, $statements_analyzer->node_data, $stmt->expr->getArgs()[1]->value, $statements_analyzer->getAliases(), $statements_analyzer ) ?? Type::getMixed(), $context ); } } } } /** * @return false|null */ private static function analyzeStatement( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, PhpParser\Node\Stmt $stmt, Context $context, ?Context $global_context ): ?bool { $ignore_variable_property = false; $ignore_variable_method = false; $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if ($context->has_returned && !$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Trait_) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler) ) { if ($codebase->find_unused_variables) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnevaluatedCode( 'Expressions after return/throw/continue', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->source, $stmt) ), $statements_analyzer->source->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return null; } } return null; } if ($statements_analyzer->getProjectAnalyzer()->debug_lines) { fwrite(STDERR, $statements_analyzer->getFilePath() . ':' . $stmt->getLine() . "\n"); } /* if (isset($context->vars_in_scope['$array']) && !$stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) { var_dump($stmt->getLine(), $context->vars_in_scope['$array']); } */ $new_issues = null; $traced_variables = []; if ($docblock = $stmt->getDocComment()) { $statements_analyzer->parseStatementDocblock($docblock, $stmt, $context); if (isset($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-trace'])) { foreach ($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-trace'] as $traced_variable_line) { $possible_traced_variable_names = preg_split( '/(?:\s*,\s*|\s+)/', $traced_variable_line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); if ($possible_traced_variable_names) { $traced_variables = array_merge($traced_variables, $possible_traced_variable_names); } } } if (isset($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-ignore-variable-method'])) { $context->ignore_variable_method = $ignore_variable_method = true; } if (isset($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-ignore-variable-property'])) { $context->ignore_variable_property = $ignore_variable_property = true; } if (isset($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-suppress'])) { $suppressed = $statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->tags['psalm-suppress']; if ($suppressed) { $new_issues = []; foreach ($suppressed as $offset => $suppress_entry) { foreach (DocComment::parseSuppressList($suppress_entry) as $issue_offset => $issue_type) { $new_issues[$issue_offset + $offset] = $issue_type; } } if ($codebase->track_unused_suppressions && ( (count($new_issues) === 1) // UnusedPsalmSuppress by itself should be marked as unused || !in_array("UnusedPsalmSuppress", $new_issues) ) ) { foreach ($new_issues as $offset => $issue_type) { if ($issue_type === 'InaccessibleMethod') { continue; } IssueBuffer::addUnusedSuppression( $statements_analyzer->getFilePath(), $offset, $issue_type ); } } $statements_analyzer->addSuppressedIssues($new_issues); } } if (isset($statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock->combined_tags['var']) && !($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression && $stmt->expr instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign) && !$stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Foreach_ && !$stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_ ) { $file_path = $statements_analyzer->getRootFilePath(); $file_storage_provider = $codebase->file_storage_provider; $file_storage = $file_storage_provider->get($file_path); $template_type_map = $statements_analyzer->getTemplateTypeMap(); $var_comments = []; try { $var_comments = CommentAnalyzer::arrayToDocblocks( $docblock, $statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock, $statements_analyzer->getSource(), $statements_analyzer->getAliases(), $template_type_map, $file_storage->type_aliases ); } catch (IncorrectDocblockException $e) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new MissingDocblockType( $e->getMessage(), new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $stmt) ) ); } catch (DocblockParseException $e) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidDocblock( $e->getMessage(), new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $stmt) ) ); } foreach ($var_comments as $var_comment) { AssignmentAnalyzer::assignTypeFromVarDocblock( $statements_analyzer, $stmt, $var_comment, $context ); if ($var_comment->var_id === '$this' && $var_comment->type && $codebase->classExists((string)$var_comment->type) ) { $statements_analyzer->setFQCLN((string)$var_comment->type); } } } } else { $statements_analyzer->parsed_docblock = null; } if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_) { if (IfElseAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TryCatch) { if (TryAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\For_) { if (ForAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Foreach_) { if (ForeachAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\While_) { if (WhileAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_) { if (DoAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_) { ConstFetchAnalyzer::analyzeConstAssignment($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Unset_) { UnsetAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_) { ReturnAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); $context->has_returned = true; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Throw_) { ThrowAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); $context->has_returned = true; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Switch_) { SwitchAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Break_) { BreakAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Continue_) { ContinueAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_) { StaticAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_) { if (EchoAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) { FunctionAnalyzer::analyzeStatement($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression) { if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $stmt->expr, $context, false, $global_context, true ) === false) { return false; } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Global_) { GlobalAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context, $global_context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property) { InstancePropertyAssignmentAnalyzer::analyzeStatement($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst) { ClassConstFetchAnalyzer::analyzeClassConstAssignment($statements_analyzer, $stmt, $context); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) { try { $class_analyzer = new ClassAnalyzer( $stmt, $statements_analyzer->source, $stmt->name->name ?? null ); $class_analyzer->analyze(null, $global_context); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { // disregard this exception, we'll likely see it elsewhere in the form // of an issue } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Goto_) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Label) { // do nothing } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Declare_) { foreach ($stmt->declares as $declaration) { if ((string) $declaration->key === 'strict_types' && $declaration->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber && $declaration->value->value === 1 ) { $context->strict_types = true; } } } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler) { $context->has_returned = true; } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnrecognizedStatement( 'Psalm does not understand ' . get_class($stmt), new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->source, $stmt) ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { return false; } } $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); $event = new AfterStatementAnalysisEvent( $stmt, $context, $statements_analyzer, $codebase, [] ); if ($codebase->config->eventDispatcher->dispatchAfterStatementAnalysis($event) === false) { return false; } $file_manipulations = $event->getFileReplacements(); if ($file_manipulations) { FileManipulationBuffer::add($statements_analyzer->getFilePath(), $file_manipulations); } if ($new_issues) { $statements_analyzer->removeSuppressedIssues($new_issues); } if ($ignore_variable_property) { $context->ignore_variable_property = false; } if ($ignore_variable_method) { $context->ignore_variable_method = false; } foreach ($traced_variables as $traced_variable) { if (isset($context->vars_in_scope[$traced_variable])) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new Trace( $traced_variable . ': ' . $context->vars_in_scope[$traced_variable]->getId(), new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->source, $stmt) ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ); } else { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new UndefinedTrace( 'Attempt to trace undefined variable ' . $traced_variable, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->source, $stmt) ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() ); } } return null; } private function parseStatementDocblock( PhpParser\Comment\Doc $docblock, PhpParser\Node\Stmt $stmt, Context $context ): void { $codebase = $this->getCodebase(); try { $this->parsed_docblock = DocComment::parsePreservingLength($docblock); } catch (DocblockParseException $e) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidDocblock( $e->getMessage(), new CodeLocation($this->getSource(), $stmt, null, true) ) ); $this->parsed_docblock = null; } $comments = $this->parsed_docblock; if (isset($comments->tags['psalm-scope-this'])) { $trimmed = trim(reset($comments->tags['psalm-scope-this'])); if (!$codebase->classExists($trimmed)) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new UndefinedDocblockClass( 'Scope class ' . $trimmed . ' does not exist', new CodeLocation($this->getSource(), $stmt, null, true), $trimmed ) ); } else { $this_type = Type::parseString($trimmed); $context->self = $trimmed; $context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = $this_type; $this->setFQCLN($trimmed); } } } /** * @param array $stmts */ public function checkUnreferencedVars(array $stmts, Context $context): void { $source = $this->getSource(); $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $function_storage = $source instanceof FunctionLikeAnalyzer ? $source->getFunctionLikeStorage($this) : null; $var_list = array_column($this->unused_var_locations, 0); $loc_list = array_column($this->unused_var_locations, 1); $project_analyzer = $this->getProjectAnalyzer(); $unused_var_remover = new UnusedAssignmentRemover(); if ($this->data_flow_graph instanceof VariableUseGraph && $codebase->config->limit_method_complexity && $source instanceof FunctionLikeAnalyzer && !$source instanceof ClosureAnalyzer && $function_storage && $function_storage->location ) { [$count, , $unique_destinations, $mean] = $this->data_flow_graph->getEdgeStats(); $average_destination_branches_converging = $unique_destinations > 0 ? $count / $unique_destinations : 0; if ($count > $codebase->config->max_graph_size && $mean > $codebase->config->max_avg_path_length && $average_destination_branches_converging > 1.1 ) { if ($source instanceof FunctionAnalyzer) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new ComplexFunction( 'This function’s complexity is greater than the project limit' . ' (method graph size = ' . $count .', average path length = ' . round($mean). ')', $function_storage->location ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() ); } elseif ($source instanceof MethodAnalyzer) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new ComplexMethod( 'This method’s complexity is greater than the project limit' . ' (method graph size = ' . $count .', average path length = ' . round($mean) . ')', $function_storage->location ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() ); } } } foreach ($this->unused_var_locations as [$var_id, $original_location]) { if (strpos($var_id, '$_') === 0) { continue; } if ($function_storage) { $param_index = array_search(substr($var_id, 1), array_keys($function_storage->param_lookup)); if ($param_index !== false) { $param = $function_storage->params[$param_index]; if ($param->location && ($original_location->raw_file_end === $param->location->raw_file_end || $param->by_ref) ) { continue; } } } $assignment_node = DataFlowNode::getForAssignment($var_id, $original_location); if (!isset($this->byref_uses[$var_id]) && !isset($context->vars_from_global[$var_id]) && !VariableFetchAnalyzer::isSuperGlobal($var_id) && $this->data_flow_graph instanceof VariableUseGraph && !$this->data_flow_graph->isVariableUsed($assignment_node) ) { $is_foreach_var = false; if (isset($this->foreach_var_locations[$var_id])) { foreach ($this->foreach_var_locations[$var_id] as $location) { if ($location->raw_file_start === $original_location->raw_file_start) { $is_foreach_var = true; break; } } } if ($is_foreach_var) { $issue = new UnusedForeachValue( $var_id . ' is never referenced or the value is not used', $original_location ); } else { $issue = new UnusedVariable( $var_id . ' is never referenced or the value is not used', $original_location ); } if ($codebase->alter_code && $issue instanceof UnusedVariable && !$unused_var_remover->checkIfVarRemoved($var_id, $original_location) && isset($project_analyzer->getIssuesToFix()['UnusedVariable']) && !IssueBuffer::isSuppressed($issue, $this->getSuppressedIssues()) ) { $unused_var_remover->findUnusedAssignment( $this->getCodebase(), $stmts, array_combine($var_list, $loc_list), $var_id, $original_location ); } IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( $issue, $this->getSuppressedIssues(), $issue instanceof UnusedVariable ); } } } public function hasVariable(string $var_name): bool { return isset($this->all_vars[$var_name]); } public function registerVariable(string $var_id, CodeLocation $location, ?int $branch_point): void { $this->all_vars[$var_id] = $location; if ($branch_point) { $this->var_branch_points[$var_id] = $branch_point; } $this->registerVariableAssignment($var_id, $location); } public function registerVariableAssignment(string $var_id, CodeLocation $location): void { $this->unused_var_locations[$location->getHash()] = [$var_id, $location]; } /** * @return array */ public function getUnusedVarLocations(): array { return $this->unused_var_locations; } public function registerPossiblyUndefinedVariable( string $undefined_var_id, PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable $stmt ): void { if (!$this->data_flow_graph) { return; } $use_location = new CodeLocation($this->getSource(), $stmt); $use_node = DataFlowNode::getForAssignment($undefined_var_id, $use_location); $stmt_type = $this->node_data->getType($stmt); if ($stmt_type) { $stmt_type->parent_nodes[$use_node->id] = $use_node; } foreach ($this->unused_var_locations as [$var_id, $original_location]) { if ($var_id === $undefined_var_id) { $parent_node = DataFlowNode::getForAssignment($var_id, $original_location); $this->data_flow_graph->addPath($parent_node, $use_node, '='); } } } /** * @return array */ public function getParentNodesForPossiblyUndefinedVariable(string $undefined_var_id): array { if (!$this->data_flow_graph) { return []; } $parent_nodes = []; foreach ($this->unused_var_locations as [$var_id, $original_location]) { if ($var_id === $undefined_var_id) { $assignment_node = DataFlowNode::getForAssignment($var_id, $original_location); $parent_nodes[$assignment_node->id] = $assignment_node; } } return $parent_nodes; } /** * The first appearance of the variable in this set of statements being evaluated */ public function getFirstAppearance(string $var_id): ?CodeLocation { return $this->all_vars[$var_id] ?? null; } public function getBranchPoint(string $var_id): ?int { return $this->var_branch_points[$var_id] ?? null; } public function addVariableInitialization(string $var_id, int $branch_point): void { $this->vars_to_initialize[$var_id] = $branch_point; } public function getFileAnalyzer(): FileAnalyzer { return $this->file_analyzer; } public function getCodebase(): Codebase { return $this->codebase; } /** * @return array */ public function getFunctionAnalyzers(): array { return $this->function_analyzers; } /** * @param array $byref_uses */ public function setByRefUses(array $byref_uses): void { $this->byref_uses = $byref_uses; } /** * @return array> */ public function getUncaughtThrows(Context $context): array { $uncaught_throws = []; if ($context->collect_exceptions) { if ($context->possibly_thrown_exceptions) { $config = $this->codebase->config; $ignored_exceptions = array_change_key_case( $context->is_global ? $config->ignored_exceptions_in_global_scope : $config->ignored_exceptions ); $ignored_exceptions_and_descendants = array_change_key_case( $context->is_global ? $config->ignored_exceptions_and_descendants_in_global_scope : $config->ignored_exceptions_and_descendants ); foreach ($context->possibly_thrown_exceptions as $possibly_thrown_exception => $codelocations) { if (isset($ignored_exceptions[strtolower($possibly_thrown_exception)])) { continue; } $is_expected = false; foreach ($ignored_exceptions_and_descendants as $expected_exception => $_) { try { if ($expected_exception === strtolower($possibly_thrown_exception) || $this->codebase->classExtends($possibly_thrown_exception, $expected_exception) || $this->codebase->interfaceExtends($possibly_thrown_exception, $expected_exception) ) { $is_expected = true; break; } } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $is_expected = true; break; } } if (!$is_expected) { $uncaught_throws[$possibly_thrown_exception] = $codelocations; } } } } return $uncaught_throws; } public function getFunctionAnalyzer(string $function_id): ?FunctionAnalyzer { return $this->function_analyzers[$function_id] ?? null; } public function getParsedDocblock(): ?ParsedDocblock { return $this->parsed_docblock; } public function getFQCLN(): ?string { if ($this->fake_this_class) { return $this->fake_this_class; } return parent::getFQCLN(); } public function setFQCLN(string $fake_this_class): void { $this->fake_this_class = $fake_this_class; } /** * @return NodeDataProvider */ public function getNodeTypeProvider(): NodeTypeProvider { return $this->node_data; } }