# Issue types ### AbstractInstantiation Emitted when an attempt is made to instatiate an abstract class: ```php abstract class A {} new A(); ``` ### AssignmentToVoid Emitted when assigning from a function that returns `void`: ```php function foo() : void {} $a = foo(); ``` ### ContinueOutsideLoop Emitted when encountering a `continue` statement outside a loop context. ### DeprecatedClass Emitted when creating a new instance of a deprecated class: ```php /** @deprecated */ class A {} new A(); ``` ### DeprecatedMethod Emitted when calling a deprecated method on a given class: ```php class A { /** @deprecated */ public function foo() : void {} } (new A())->foo(); ``` ### DeprecatedProperty Emitted when getting/setting a deprecated property of a given class ```php class A { /** * @deprecated * @var ?string */ public $foo; } (new A())->foo = 5; ``` ### DuplicateClass Emitted when a class is defined twice ```php class A {} class A {} ``` ### DuplicateParam Emitted when a class param is defined twice ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $foo; /** @var ?string */ public $foo; } ``` ### EmptyArrayAccess Emitted when attempting to access a value on an empty array ```php $a = []; $b = $a[0]; ``` ### ForbiddenCode Emitted when Psalm encounters a var_dump, exec or similar expression that may make your code more vulnerable ```php var_dump($foo); ``` ### ImplementedReturnTypeMismatch Emitted when a class that inherits another, or implements an interface, has docblock return type that's entirely different to the parent. Subclasses of the parent return type are permitted, in docblocks. ```php class A { /** @return bool */ public function foo() { return true; } } class B extends A { /** @return string */ public function foo() { return true; } } ``` ### ImplicitToStringCast Emitted when implictly converting an object with a `__toString` method to a string ```php class A { public function __toString() { return "foo"; } } function takesString(string $s) : void {} takesString(new A); ``` ### InaccessibleClassConstant Emitted when a public/private class constant is not accessible from the calling context ```php class A { protected const FOO = 'FOO'; } echo A::FOO; ``` ### InaccessibleMethod Emitted when attempting to access a protected/private method from outside its available scope ```php class A { protected function foo() : void {} } echo (new A)->foo(); ``` ### InaccessibleProperty Emitted when attempting to access a protected/private property from outside its available scope ```php class A { /** @return string */ protected $foo; } echo (new A)->foo; ``` ### InvalidArgument Emitted when a supplied function/method argument is incompatible with the method signature or docblock one. ```php class A {} function foo(A $a) : void {} foo("hello"); ``` ### InvalidArrayAccess Emitted when attempting to access an array offset on a value that does not permit it ```php $arr = 5; echo $arr[0]; ``` ### InvalidArrayAssignment Emitted when attempting to assign a value on a non-array ```php $arr = 5; $arr[0] = 3; ``` ### InvalidArrayOffset Emitted when when attempting to access an array using a value that's not a valid offet for that array ```php $a = [5, 20, 18]; echo $a["hello"]; ``` ### InvalidCast Emitted when attempting to cast a value that's not castable ```php class A {} $a = new A(); $b = (string)$a; ``` ### InvalidClass Emitted when referencing a class with the wrong casing ```php class Foo {} (new foo()); ``` ### InvalidClone Emitted when trying to clone a value that's not cloneable ```php $a = "hello"; $b = clone $a; ``` ### InvalidDocblock Emitted when there's an error in a docblock type ```php /** @var array() */ $a = []; ``` ### InvalidFunctionCall Emitted when calling a function on a non-callable variable ```php $a = 5; $b = $a(); ``` ### InvalidGlobal Emitted when there's a reference to the global keyword where it's not expected ```php global $e; ``` ### InvalidIterator Emitted when trying to iterate over a value that's not iterable ```php $a = 5; foreach ($a as $b) {} ``` ### InvalidMethodCall Emitted when attempting to call a method on a non-object ```php $a = 5; $a->foo(); ``` ### InvalidOperand Emitted when using something as an operand that is unexected ```php class A {} echo (new A) . ' '; ``` ### InvalidParamDefault Emitted when a function parameter default clashes with the type Psalm expects the param to be ```php function foo(int $i = false) : void {} ``` ### InvalidPassByReference Emitted when passing a non-variable to a function that expects a by-ref variable ```php function foo(array &$arr) : void {} foo([0, 1, 2]); ``` ### InvalidPropertyAssignment Emitted when attempting to assign a property to a non-object ```php $a = "foo"; $a->bar = "bar"; ``` ### InvalidPropertyFetch Emitted when attempting to get a property from a non-object ```php $a = "foo"; echo $a->bar; ``` ### InvalidReturnStatement Emitted when a function return statement is incorrect ```php function foo() : string { return 5; // emitted here } ``` ### InvalidReturnType Emitted when a function’s return type is incorrect (often emitted with `InvalidReturnStatement`) ```php function foo() : string { if (rand(0, 1)) { return "foo"; } } ``` ### InvalidScalarArgument Emitted when a scalar value is passed to a method that expected another scalar type ```php function foo(int $i) : void {} function bar(string $s) : void { if (is_numeric($s)) { foo($s); } } ``` ### InvalidScope Emitted when referring to `$this` outside a class ```php echo $this; ``` ### InvalidStaticInvocation Emitted when trying to call an instance function statically ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $foo; public function bar() : void { echo $this->foo; } } A::bar(); ``` ### InvalidToString Emitted when a `__toString` method does not always return a `string` ```php class A { public function __toString() { return true; } } ``` ### LessSpecificReturnStatement Emitted when a return statement is more general than the return type given for the function ```php class A {} class B extends A {} function foo() : B { return new A(); // emitted here } ``` ### LessSpecificReturnType Emitted when a return type covers more possibilities than the function itself ```php function foo() : ?int { return 5; } ``` ### LoopInvalidation Emitted when logic inside a loop invalidates one of the conditionals of the loop ```php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $i = 5; } ``` ### MethodSignatureMismatch Emitted when a method parameter differs from a parent method parameter, or if there are fewer parameters than the parent method ```php class A { public function foo(int $i) : void {} } class B extends A { public function foo(string $s) : void {} } ``` ### MisplacedRequiredParam Emitted when a required param is before a param that is not required. Included in Psalm because it is an E_WARNING in PHP ```php function foo(int $i = 5, string $j) : void {} ``` ### MissingClosureReturnType Emitted when a closure lacks a return type ```php $a = function() { return "foo"; }; ``` ### MissingConstructor Emitted when non-null properties without default values are defined in a class without a `__construct` method ```php class A { /** @var string */ public $foo; } ``` ### MissingDocblockType Emitted when a docblock is present, but the type is missing or badly formatted ```php /** @var $a */ $a = []; ``` ### MissingFile Emitted when using `include` or `require` on a file that does not exist ```php require("nonexistent.php"); ``` ### MissingPropertyType Emitted when a property is defined on a class without a type ```php class A { public $foo; } ``` ### MissingReturnType Emitted when a function doesn't have a return type defined ```php function foo() { return "foo"; } ``` ### MixedArgument Emitted when Psalm cannot determine the type of an argument ```php function takesInt(int $i) : void {} takesInt($_GET['foo']); ``` ### MixedArrayAccess Emitted when trying to access an array offset on a value whose type Psalm cannot determine ```php echo $_GET['foo'][0]; ``` ### MixedArrayAssignment Emitted when trying to assign a value to an array offset on a value whose type Psalm cannot determine ```php $_GET['foo'][0] = "5"; ``` ### MixedArrayOffset Emitted when attempting to access an array offset where Psalm cannot determine the offset type ```php echo [1, 2, 3][$_GET['foo']]; ``` ### MixedAssignment Emitted when assigning a variable to a value for which Psalm cannot infer a type ```php $a = $_GET['foo']; ``` ### MixedInferredReturnType Emitted when Psalm cannot determine a function's return type ```php function foo() : int { return $_GET['foo']; } ``` ### MixedMethodCall Emitted when calling a method on a value that Psalm cannot infer a type for ```php /** @param mixed $a */ function foo($a) : void { $a->foo(); } ``` ### MixedOperand Emitted when Psalm cannot infer a type for an operand in any calculated expression ```php echo $_GET['foo'] + "hello"; ``` ### MixedPropertyAssignment Emitted when assigning a property to a value for which Psalm cannot infer a type ```php /** @param mixed $a */ function foo($a) : void { $a->foo = "bar"; } ``` ### MixedPropertyFetch Emitted when retrieving a property on a value for which Psalm cannot infer a type ```php /** @param mixed $a */ function foo($a) : void { echo $a->foo; } ``` ### MixedStringOffsetAssignment Emitted when assigning a value on a string using a value for which Psalm cannot infer a type ```php "hello"[$_GET['foo']] = "h"; ``` ### MixedTypeCoercion Emitted when Psalm cannot be sure that part of an array/iterabble argument's type constraints can be fulfilled ```php function foo(array $a) : void { takesStringArray($a); } /** @param string[] $a */ function takesStringArray(array $a) : void {} ``` ### MoreSpecificImplementedReturnType Emitted when a class implements an interface method but its return type is less specific than the interface method return type ```php class A {} class B extends A {} interface I { /** @return B[] */ public function foo(); } class D implements I { /** @return A[] */ public function foo() { return [new A, new A]; } } ``` ### MoreSpecificReturnType Emitted when the declared return type for a method is more specific than the inferred one (emitted in the same methods that `LessSpecificReturnStatement` is) ```php class A {} class B extends A {} function foo() : B { /** @psalm-suppress LessSpecificReturnStatement */ return new A(); } ``` ### NoInterfaceProperties Emitted when trying to fetch a property on an interface as interfaces, by definition, do not have definitions for properties. ```php interface I {} class A implements I { /** @var ?string */ public $foo; } function bar(I $i) : void { if ($i->foo) {} } ``` ### NonStaticSelfCall Emitted when ```php ``` ### NullArgument Emitted when calling a function with a null value argument when the function does not expect it ```php function foo(string $s) : void {} foo(null); ``` ### NullArrayAccess Emitted when trying to access an array value on `null` ```php $arr = null; echo $arr[0]; ``` ### NullArrayOffset Emitted when trying to access an array offset with `null` ```php $arr = ['' => 5, 'foo' => 1]; echo $arr[null]; ``` ### NullFunctionCall Emitted when trying to use `null` as a `callable` ```php $arr = null; echo $arr(); ``` ### NullIterator Emitted when iterating over `null` ```php foreach (null as $a) {} ``` ### NullOperand Emitted when using `null` as part of an operation (e.g. `+`, `.`, `^` etc.`) ```php echo null . 'hello'; ``` ### NullPropertyAssignment Emitted when trying to set a property on `null` ```php $a = null; $a->foo = "bar"; ``` ### NullPropertyFetch Emitted when trying to fetch a property on a `null` value ```php $a = null; echo $a->foo; ``` ### NullReference Emitted when attempting to call a method on `null` ```php $a = null; $a->foo(); ``` ### OverriddenMethodAccess Emitted when a method is less accessible than its parent ```php class A { public function foo() : void {} } class B extends A { protected function foo() : void {} } ``` ### ParadoxicalCondition Emitted when a paradox is encountered in your programs logic that could not be caught by `RedundantCondition` ```php function foo(?string $a) : ?string { if ($a) return $a; if ($a) echo "cannot happen"; } ``` ### ParentNotFound Emitted when using `parent::` in a class without a parent class. ```php class A { public function foo() : void { parent::foo(); } } ``` ### PossiblyFalseArgument Emitted when a function argument is possibly `false`, but the function doesn’t expect `false`. This is distinct from a function argument is possibly `bool`, which results in `PossiblyInvalidArgument`. ```php function foo(string $s) : void { $a_pos = strpos($s, "a"); echo substr($s, $a_pos); } ``` ### PossiblyFalseReference Emitted when making a method call on a value than might be `false` ```php class A { public function bar() : void {} } /** @return A|false */ function foo() { return rand(0, 1) ? new A : false; } foo()->bar(); ``` ### PossiblyInvalidArgument Emitted when ```php /** @return string|int */ function foo() { return rand(0, 1) ? 5 : "i"; } function bar(int $i) : void {} bar(foo()); ``` ### PossiblyInvalidArrayAccess Emitted when attempting to access an array offset on a value that may not be an array ```php $arr = rand(0, 1) ? 5 : [4, 3, 2, 1]; echo $arr[0]; ``` ### PossiblyInvalidArrayAssignment Emitted when attempting to assign an array offset on a value that may not be an array ```php $arr = rand(0, 1) ? 5 : [4, 3, 2, 1]; $arr[0] = "hello"; ``` ### PossiblyInvalidArrayOffset Emitted when it’s possible that the array offset is not applicable to the value you’re trying to access. ```php $arr = rand(0, 5) > 2 ? ["a" => 5] : "hello"; echo $arr[0]; ``` ### PossiblyInvalidMethodCall Emitted when trying to call a method on a value that may not be an object ```php class A { public function bar() : void {} } /** @return A|int */ function foo() { return rand(0, 1) ? new A : 5; } foo()->bar(); ``` ### PossiblyInvalidPropertyAssignment Emitted when trying to assign a property on a value that may not be an object or may be an object that doesn’t have the desired property. ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $bar; } /** @return A|int */ function foo() { return rand(0, 1) ? new A : 5; } $a = foo(); $a->bar = "5"; ``` ### PossiblyInvalidPropertyFetch Emitted when trying to fetch a property on a value that may not be an object or may be an object that doesn’t have the desired property. ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $bar; } /** @return A|int */ function foo() { return rand(0, 1) ? new A : 5; } $a = foo(); echo $a->bar; ``` ### PossiblyNullArgument Emitted when calling a function with a value that’s possibly null when the function does not expect it ```php function foo(string $s) : void {} foo(rand(0, 1) ? "hello" : null); ``` ### PossiblyNullArrayAccess Emitted when trying to access an array offset on a possibly null value ```php public function foo(?array $a) : void { echo $a[0]; } ``` ### PossiblyNullArrayAssignment Emitted when trying to set a value on a possibly null array ```php public function foo(?array $a) : void { $a[0] = "5"; } ``` ### PossiblyNullArrayOffset Emitted when trying to access a value on an array using a possibly null offset ```php public function foo(?int $a) : void { echo [1, 2, 3, 4][$a]; } ``` ### PossiblyNullFunctionCall Emitted when trying to call a function on a value that may be null ```php public function foo(?callable $a) : void { $a(); } ``` ### PossiblyNullIterator Emitted when trying to iterate over a value that may be null ```php public function foo(?array $arr) : void { foreach ($arr as $a) {} } ``` ### PossiblyNullOperand Emitted when using a possibly `null` value as part of an operation (e.g. `+`, `.`, `^` etc.`) ```php public function foo(?int $a) : void { echo $a + 5; } ``` ### PossiblyNullPropertyAssignment Emitted when trying to assign a property to a possibly null object ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $foo; } function foo(?A $a) : void { $a->foo = "bar"; } ``` ### PossiblyNullPropertyFetch Emitted when trying to fetch a property on a possibly null object ```php class A { /** @var ?string */ public $foo; } function foo(?A $a) : void { echo $a->foo; } ``` ### PossiblyNullReference Emitted when trying to call a method on a possibly null value ```php class A { public function bar() : void {} } function foo(?A $a) : void { $a->bar(); } ``` ### PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable Emitted when trying to access a variable in the global scope that may not be defined ```php if (rand(0, 1)) { $a = 5; } echo $a; ``` ### PossiblyUndefinedMethod Emitted when trying to access a method that may not be defined on the object ```php class A { public function bar() : void {} } class B {} $a = rand(0, 1) ? new A : new B; $a->bar(); ``` ### PossiblyUndefinedVariable Emitted when trying to access a variable in function scope that may not be defined ```php function foo() : void { if (rand(0, 1)) { $a = 5; } echo $a; } ``` ### PossiblyUnusedMethod Emitted when `--find-dead-code` is turned on and Psalm cannot find any calls to a given class method ```php class A { public function foo() : void {} public function bar() : void {} } (new A)->foo(); ``` ### PossiblyUnusedVariable Emitted when `--find-dead-code` is turned on and Psalm cannot find any references to a variable, once instantiated ```php function foo() : void { $a = 5; $b = 4; echo $b; } ``` ### PropertyNotSetInConstructor Emitted when a non-null property without a default value is declared but not set in the class’s constructor ```php class A { /** @var string */ public $foo; public function __construct() {} } ``` ### RawObjectIteration Emitted when iterating over an object’s properties. This issue exists because it may be undesired behaviour (e.g. you may have meant to iterate over an array) ```php class A { /** @var string */ public $foo; /** @var string */ public $bar; } function takesA(A $a) { foreach ($a as $property) {} } ``` ### RedundantCondition Emitted when conditional is redundant given previous assertions ```php class A {} function foo(?A $a) : ?A { if ($a) return $a; if ($a) echo "cannot happen"; } ``` ### ReferenceConstraintViolation Emitted when changing the type of a pass-by-reference variable ```php function foo(string &$a) { $a = 5; } ``` ### ReservedWord Emitted when using a reserved word as a class name ```php function foo(resource $res) : void {} ``` ### TooFewArguments Emitted when calling a function with fewer arguments than the function has parameters ```php function foo(string $a) : void {} foo(); ``` ### TooManyArguments Emitted when calling a function with more arguments than the function has parameters ```php function foo(string $a) : void {} foo("hello", 4); ``` ### TypeCoercion Emitted when calling a function with an argument which has a less specific type than the function expects ```php class A {} class B extends A {} function takesA(A $a) : void { takesB($a); } function takesB(B $b) : void {} ``` ### TypeDoesNotContainNull Emitted when checking a non-nullable type for `null` ```php $a = "hello"; if ($a === null) {} ``` ### TypeDoesNotContainType Emitted checking whether one value has a type or value that is impossible given its currently-known type ```php $a = "hello"; if ($a === 5) {} ``` ### UndefinedClass Emitted when referencing a class that doesn’t exist ```php $a = new A(); ``` ### UndefinedConstant Emitted when referencing a constant that doesn’t exist ```php echo FOO_BAR; ``` ### UndefinedFunction Emitted when referencing a function that doesn't exist ```php foo(); ``` ### UndefinedGlobalVariable Emitted when referencing a variable that doesn't exist ```php echo $a; ``` ### UndefinedMethod Emitted when calling a method that doesn’t exist ```php class A {} A::foo(); ``` ### UndefinedPropertyAssignment Emitted when ```php ``` ### UndefinedPropertyFetch Emitted when ```php ``` ### UndefinedThisPropertyAssignment Emitted when ```php ``` ### UndefinedThisPropertyFetch Emitted when ```php ``` ### UndefinedTrait Emitted when ```php ``` ### UndefinedVariable Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnevaluatedCode Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnimplementedAbstractMethod Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnimplementedInterfaceMethod Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnrecognizedExpression Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnrecognizedStatement Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnresolvableInclude Emitted when ```php ``` ### UntypedParam Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnusedClass Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnusedMethod Emitted when ```php ``` ### UnusedVariable Emitted when ```php ```