fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; $this->method_name = $method_name; } /** * Takes any valid reference to a method id and converts * it into a MethodIdentifier * * @param string|MethodIdentifier $method_id * @psalm-pure */ public static function wrap($method_id): self { return is_string($method_id) ? static::fromMethodIdReference($method_id) : $method_id; } /** * @psalm-pure */ public static function isValidMethodIdReference(string $method_id): bool { return strpos($method_id, '::') !== false; } /** * @psalm-pure */ public static function fromMethodIdReference(string $method_id): self { if (!static::isValidMethodIdReference($method_id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid method id reference provided: ' . $method_id); } // remove leading backslash if it exists $method_id = ltrim($method_id, '\\'); $method_id_parts = explode('::', $method_id); return new self($method_id_parts[0], strtolower($method_id_parts[1])); } /** @return non-empty-string */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->fq_class_name . '::' . $this->method_name; } }