$suppressed_issues * @param 1|2|4|8|16|32 $target */ public static function analyze( SourceAnalyzer $source, AttributeStorage $attribute, array $suppressed_issues, int $target, ?ClassLikeStorage $classlike_storage = null ): void { if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $source, $attribute->fq_class_name, $attribute->location, null, null, $suppressed_issues, new ClassLikeNameOptions( false, false, false, false, false, true ) ) === false) { return; } $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); if (!$codebase->classlikes->classExists($attribute->fq_class_name)) { return; } if ($attribute->fq_class_name === 'Attribute' && $classlike_storage) { if ($classlike_storage->is_trait) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'Traits cannot act as attribute classes', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } elseif ($classlike_storage->is_interface) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'Interfaces cannot act as attribute classes', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } elseif ($classlike_storage->abstract) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'Abstract classes cannot act as attribute classes', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } elseif (isset($classlike_storage->methods['__construct']) && $classlike_storage->methods['__construct']->visibility !== ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC ) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'Classes with protected/private constructors cannot act as attribute classes', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } elseif ($classlike_storage->is_enum) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'Enums cannot act as attribute classes', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } } self::checkAttributeTargets($source, $attribute, $target); $node_args = []; foreach ($attribute->args as $storage_arg) { $type = $storage_arg->type; if ($type instanceof UnresolvedConstantComponent) { $type = new Union([ ConstantTypeResolver::resolve( $codebase->classlikes, $type, $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer ? $source : null ) ]); } if ($type->isMixed()) { return; } $type_expr = StubsGenerator::getExpressionFromType( $type ); $arg_attributes = [ 'startFilePos' => $storage_arg->location->raw_file_start, 'endFilePos' => $storage_arg->location->raw_file_end, 'startLine' => $storage_arg->location->raw_line_number ]; $type_expr->setAttributes($arg_attributes); $node_args[] = new VirtualArg( $type_expr, false, false, $arg_attributes, $storage_arg->name ? new VirtualIdentifier( $storage_arg->name, $arg_attributes ) : null ); } $new_stmt = new VirtualNew( new VirtualFullyQualified( $attribute->fq_class_name, [ 'startFilePos' => $attribute->name_location->raw_file_start, 'endFilePos' => $attribute->name_location->raw_file_end, 'startLine' => $attribute->name_location->raw_line_number ] ), $node_args, [ 'startFilePos' => $attribute->location->raw_file_start, 'endFilePos' => $attribute->location->raw_file_end, 'startLine' => $attribute->location->raw_line_number ] ); $statements_analyzer = new StatementsAnalyzer( $source, new NodeDataProvider() ); $statements_analyzer->analyze( [new VirtualExpression($new_stmt)], new Context() ); } /** * @param 1|2|4|8|16|32 $target */ private static function checkAttributeTargets( SourceAnalyzer $source, AttributeStorage $attribute, int $target ): void { $codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $attribute_class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($attribute->fq_class_name); $has_attribute_attribute = $attribute->fq_class_name === 'Attribute'; foreach ($attribute_class_storage->attributes as $attribute_attribute) { if ($attribute_attribute->fq_class_name === 'Attribute') { $has_attribute_attribute = true; if (!$attribute_attribute->args) { return; } $first_arg = reset($attribute_attribute->args); $first_arg_type = $first_arg->type; if ($first_arg_type instanceof UnresolvedConstantComponent) { $first_arg_type = new Union([ ConstantTypeResolver::resolve( $codebase->classlikes, $first_arg_type, $source instanceof StatementsAnalyzer ? $source : null ) ]); } if (!$first_arg_type->isSingleIntLiteral()) { return; } $acceptable_mask = $first_arg_type->getSingleIntLiteral()->value; if (($acceptable_mask & $target) !== $target) { $target_map = [ 1 => 'class', 2 => 'function', 4 => 'method', 8 => 'property', 16 => 'class constant', 32 => 'function/method parameter' ]; IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'This attribute can not be used on a ' . $target_map[$target], $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } } } if (!$has_attribute_attribute) { IssueBuffer::maybeAdd( new InvalidAttribute( 'The class ' . $attribute->fq_class_name . ' doesn’t have the Attribute attribute', $attribute->name_location ), $source->getSuppressedIssues() ); } } }